A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 229 Everything is arranged to be watertight (1/2)

Chapter 229: Watertight Arrangement

"You heard it, my mother said so." Aaron spread his hands casually, "What does this have to do with our family's mission?"

"Of course." Vicco said solemnly, "The ancestor used everything he had to repair the universe, but it was not completely unconditional. He reached a deal with the will of the universe and obtained enough benefits for future generations, that is, us."

"Oh?" Aaron's pupils dilated slightly, and his memories from childhood to adulthood flashed through his mind quickly, "But I don't seem to find anything special about me."

"First of all, our family is born with top talents, and the innate advantages are not ordinary compared to ordinary people.

In short, the Gaius family has always been linked to the combat power ceiling of each era, even if it is not, it is not much different.

Secondly, Gaius's bloodline can largely avoid malicious laws, which is a power that even gods envy.

Finally, the ancestor's requirement for the will of the universe is that his descendants can travel through other worlds on the premise of meeting the conditions, and are not subject to any suppression or rejection.

This is the greatest opportunity, you will experience the new world in advance."


Aaron took a breath, "I am short-sighted. The sacrifice of our ancestors is really extraordinary."

"That's natural." Vicco said proudly.

"Then father, have you been to other worlds?"

"Uh..." Vicco hesitated for a few seconds, and then saw his son's contemptuous eyes.

"Tsk tsk tsk!

Father, your image in my heart has dropped by half again, and now only one-fourth is left."


Vicco covered his chest, feeling that his heart seemed to be blocked by something, and it was very uncomfortable.

"Do you know why you are the most promising one in the family in the past hundred years?

Because it's not just me who hasn't met that condition, your grandfather hasn't met it either."

Hearing this, Aaron felt a little embarrassed, but he had some doubts in his heart, "What is the basis for our family to determine whether the descendants are qualified?"

"Based on this." Vico pointed to the three crystal balls on the altar that were flashing blue light, "When you were born, the first crystal lit up, which means you are qualified.

The second crystal lit up, which means you have the qualifications to enter the family secret room to study.

When the third crystal lights up, it will urge me, the patriarch, to bring you here. , complete your mission. "

"This is too careless!" Aaron frowned and said, "It's not that I don't believe in these three crystal balls, but even the most accurate predictions can go wrong. You can't decide my future based on the predictions."

"What you said makes sense, but this is a prediction of family bloodline, and there is no possibility of error." Vico said firmly, "And your talent is indeed better than mine and your grandfather, this is an indisputable fact.

In addition, you are more mature than your peers, and running away twice has proved your ability. "

"Okay! I have nothing to say. "

Aaron spread his hands, and the glimmer of luck in his heart was shattered.

I can only say that I am too good, coupled with a completely accurate prediction, I can't find an excuse to escape.

"So, my mission is to travel to other worlds?"

"It's not just a simple trip, you have to do something meaningful." Vico looked at Aaron with a complicated expression, "Leave Gaius' name in that world."

"That's too exaggerated!" Aaron's mouth twitched, "I'm only thirteen years old."

"Age is not an excuse, otherwise your grandfather and I would have been there long ago, how could it be your turn?" Vico said with envy and jealousy, that is, this is his son, otherwise only the God of Magic has the ability to go to other worlds, and it also has to take a lot of risks.

"Okay!" Aaron sighed lightly, "I have a few more small questions."

"You tell me, I will answer you as the patriarch."

"Are there any taboos in other worlds?"

"Only one." Vico raised a finger and knocked Aaron's forehead seriously, "Never, never, never think about conquering or ruling that world.

This is the most stringent rule set by the first generation of ancestors, because that is the source of almost all disasters."


Aaron swallowed his saliva in disgrace, then laughed awkwardly, "I don't want that kind of ambition, it's too tiring."

"It's best to think so, because the consequences of violating this rule are very serious. You will be removed from Gaius's genealogy, and you will also lose those three privileges.

Even if you are my son, I can only choose to kill my relatives for the sake of justice."

"Uh... I understand.

The second question is, how should I come back?

There must be a standard for this!" Aaron said with some worry.

He worked hard in another world, but he didn't know how to come back, which was no different from exile.

If he went to a more developed world, it would be fine, at least he would have no worries about food and drink, but if he went to some wild place, it would be more than ordinary sorrow.

Thinking of this, Aaron suddenly had a scene of him fishing in the river with a group of primitive people in his mind, and he shuddered subconsciously.

"Don't worry about that. The family history book will record all the great things you have done. Once it has turned enough pages, you will naturally have the right to come back." Vico pointed at the history book and said, "Another way is to break through to the level of the God of Magic. Then you will find the exact coordinates of our world in you."

Aaron: ...

"Okay! Very reasonable.

But I am already a Dharma god. What else do I want to do when I come back? "

"Don't you want to come back and see your mother?" Lisanna said sadly, looking at Aaron with resentment in her eyes, "This world has your relatives, your friends, your home..."


Aaron slapped his forehead.

"I was wrong, mother.

I promise you I will definitely be back. "

"That's pretty much it." Lisanna nodded and smiled. She unconsciously increased her strength in holding Abe's arm, and she almost choked the young dragon.

"The third question." Aaron said hesitantly, "In case, I mean just in case!

What if I go away for ten or eight years, or even longer, and don’t come back? "

"You can rest assured that our world is very special. The time ratio is very different from other worlds, and it can even reach an astonishing one to one hundred."

"That means I stayed in another world for ten or eight years, and it may only be less than a year after I come back." Aaron said with some surprise, but he was inexplicably more surprised in his heart.

Time accelerator, this is even more cheating than the missing body, and the efficiency can be increased to an exaggerated one hundred times.

"Wait, that's not right!" Aaron suddenly thought of something and said solemnly: "I will be gray-haired when I come back, and you are in your prime. I, a middle-aged or even old man, call you mom and dad... .Isn’t this too funny?”

"What? You don't want to?" Lisanna glared.

"No, no, of course I do." Aaron said immediately, "You are my mother for one day and you will be my mother for the rest of your life."

"In fact, the flaw you think does not exist at all." Vico said proudly, "The ancestors have arranged everything, and the history books will record your state when you left, what you were like when you left, and what you will be like when you come back. Unless you don’t want to.”

"This is so considerate!" Aaron looked at the huge history book that was constantly turning, and silently gave it 10,000 likes in his heart. This service is not attentive.

"Wait a minute, why is this book... kept being written?

Haven't I left yet? "

"Well...you are on to the right point with this question." Vico snapped his fingers, "Because some ancestors are unwilling to come back, or they have left Gaius's bloodline in other worlds, which is considered a branch of the family.

Coupled with the terrifying comparison of time flow rates, the development speed of the branch veins is not an ordinary exaggeration.

Although they have not lost the permission to travel directly through the world, their talents are not bad, and it is natural for them to produce several Dharma Gods over a long period of time. "

Aaron swallowed in great astonishment, "What kind of family am I?"

He suddenly felt that Voldemort and Dumbledore were minor players. It was no wonder that Vico, Lisanna, and even Jeans didn't take them seriously.

Not to mention the ancestors in the secret room, there are a bunch of Dharma God relatives in their family, and they can be killed by casual attacks.

"Just think that you have a background as big as the sky!" Vico said with a smile, "In addition to the strength of the family, the Gaius family has always been kind to others and has many friends. They will not be stingy when they need help. "

"I understand." The excitement on Aaron's face could hardly be concealed.

When you go out, strength is important, but background is equally important.

And there is a complicated network of relationships behind him, and anyone who dares to deal with him must make careful decisions.

"Don't be too happy too early." Vico directly poured a bucket of cold water on Aaron's head, "The Gaius family has many friends, but there are also many enemies.

The ancestral precepts clearly stipulate that unless there is a critical moment of annihilation of the clan or people, one is not allowed to seek help from others.

And the world you go to is most likely a place Gaius has never set foot in. The so-called background does not exist at all, because no one knows who you are.

Even if you go to a place where a certain ancestor has been, the background is only symbolic. Someone may give you face, but that's it.

When it comes to real interests, they don't care who you are.

In addition, in order to prevent the heir from being unwilling to make progress or taking advantage of his power to bully others, the family's attitude towards the heir is two words: free rein.

In other words, when you return home, you are the heir of Gaius, but when you leave home, you are just an ordinary wizard. Do you understand? "


Bai was excited.

Aaron gritted his teeth.

Sure enough, the only thing you can rely on when you go out is yourself.

"Then you should tell the housekeeper and those guards not to follow me!"

"They are just protecting your safety. This is your basic configuration as an heir.

Unless you actively violate the rules of the Gaius family for thousands of years and participate in the division of power in the magical world, they will protect you to the death until you grow up. "

"Beautiful." Aaron clapped his hands, "I always feel like everything has been arranged perfectly."

"It should be, this is based on thousands of years of experience." Vico shrugged, "If possible, I really hope you can find some loopholes, so that my future grandson can have more insurance."

The corners of Aaron's mouth couldn't stop twitching.

The fiancée hasn't finished her troubles yet, so she's planning on the next generation. It's too much!


Aaron calmed down for a while and took several deep breaths before he suppressed the urge to curse, "Then what if I die?

It is possible! An ancestor once said, "Don't die." "

Hearing this, Vico and Lisanna fell silent for a moment.

"You guys are talking!"

"I said you won't die." Vico pretended to be relaxed and said, "So far, except for people who have died in other worlds, no one has died!"

"Can you tell the truth?"

"This is the truth." Lisanna said, "We will never let you die."

Seeing his parents' confident expressions, Aaron smiled and shook his head, "I hope you can be honest with your sons.

First of all, that ancestor definitely didn't lie to me, because this was the only piece of advice he could give me.

Also, you really shouldn't have given me a class with Flo, he's an expert in psychology.

Although my study time is relatively short, I am not going to lie and I can still analyze it. "

Hearing this, Vico felt a chill down his back just as he was about to say something. He turned around and saw Lisanna's angry gaze.

"Alas, don't look at me like that." Vico said guiltily, "Although I am the patriarch and can arrange my son's class schedule, Flo's class is special and cannot be stopped."

"So what will happen if I die?" Aaron looked at his father with sharp eyes, "Don't lie to me, I can also tell whether what you said is true or false."

Vico was silent for a few seconds and sighed, "If something happens to you in another world, I, as a close relative, am qualified to replace you.

But don't worry, I won't die, I will just stay in that world forever.

Originally, I was the only one, but your mother was worried that I would indulge myself in other worlds, so she insisted on following her, and there was nothing I could do. "

Hearing this answer, Aaron's mood was particularly complicated.

In the past, I only thought that Harry Potter was particularly happy. His mother was willing to use her life to cast a blood protection spell for him, but now it seems that he is not bad either.

He admits that he is sometimes selfish, but he is not selfish enough to let his parents suffer on his behalf.

"No." Aaron slowly raised his head, trying not to shed tears. "This is just an ordinary trial. I have learned so many things and my own strength is not weak. I will be fine."

"We want you to come back smoothly more than anyone, but we also have to prepare for the worst.

It's the clan leader's responsibility to send you here, but it's the father's responsibility to keep you safe. "Vico said with a smile on his face, "You don't have to think too much. With our strength, we can do well even in other worlds.

I have already said hello to your grandfather. When we are away, he will come back to help you handle family affairs until you become a qualified patriarch.

Your mother has also chosen a suitable fiancée for you. Although you may not be able to have a grandchild, we don’t have to worry about your life-long events. "

"That's enough." Aaron shouted loudly, then looked at the two of them with a wry smile, "You guys really have good intentions!

The funeral arrangements have been made in advance. Do you have so little confidence in me? "

"It's not that I don't have confidence, but the situation in some worlds is particularly complex."

"I know." Aaron waved his hand to interrupt Vico, "Last question: Can I not go?"

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