A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 230 Eliminate the possibility of eating and waiting to die (1/2)

Chapter 230 Eliminate the possibility of eating and waiting to die

Vico looked at Aaron's slightly expectant eyes and was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, "How could you have such an idea?"

"It's only normal to have this idea!" Aaron said half-jokingly, "I am the sole heir of a big family. I can definitely inherit the family property step by step and diligently, and live a happy life without worrying about food and drink.

It can be said that I am born at an end point that others can never reach. With this condition, why should I go to other worlds and take unknown risks? "

"Haha!" Vico laughed angrily, "Unfortunately, son, you may be disappointed. It is Gaius's responsibility to ensure the connection between this world and other worlds.

And you have also received professional training. With the skills taught by your ancestors, you can do well in any world you go to.

The most important thing is that you...have no worries, your mother and I..."

"Stop talking." Aaron took a deep breath, "I will go, give me a day to prepare."

Vico and Lisanna looked at each other and nodded happily.

As long as Aaron can figure it out, they don't need to persuade him earnestly.

They couldn't bear to let their thirteen-year-old son go to other worlds, but this was an opportunity that others could only ask for, and it was also what he had to do as the heir of Gaius.

"How do I get out of here?"

"It's very simple. You can do it anytime you want." Vico said.

Aaron understood instantly, held Abe in his arms, took a few steps forward and saw a door.

He walked out without hesitation.

"Aaron won't have random thoughts, will he?" Lisanna asked worriedly.

"No." Vico said firmly, "His mental endurance is recognized by our ancestors, but it just takes some time to accept this."

After leaving the secret room, Aaron felt a lot exhausted, and his walking speed was half slower than usual due to his worries.

It was not that he had never thought about his mission before, but in his vision, he could contact other races as the heir of the family, maintain good cooperative relations, or help deal with the evil hidden in the magic world. Secrets known to everyone, such as strengthening a certain seal or something.

I thought his imagination was big enough, but compared with the so-called mission, it was a joke.

"Master." Jeans came over at some point and asked knowingly, "You seem to have something on your mind..."

"Don't bother me, you dare to say you don't know where I just went?" Aaron waved his hand impatiently, "I don't want to see anyone from now until tomorrow morning, don't bother me even if it's the end of the world. "

"Uh... I mean, Master, if you need psychological counseling, you can go to Mr. Flo."

Aaron smiled disdainfully, "At this point, it's useless for me to find anyone, no one can help me."

"That's what I say, but Mr. Flo has been through this after all."

Hearing the words 'people who have come here', Aaron suddenly thought of something, and his sluggish spirit instantly recovered.

"Butler, this is the most meaningful sentence you have said in more than ten years."

Aaron immediately turned back, quickly opened the tutorial room, and inserted the key into the twenty-eighth keyhole.


Before the door was fully opened, he couldn't wait to walk in and skillfully summoned Flo's memory.

After Flo appeared, he looked at Aaron meaningfully. When he saw the anxious look on his face, he immediately understood his purpose, "It seems that you already know what you are going to do."

"Ancestor, you are the only one who can help me now."

"I can't help you." Flo shook his head, "Even the God of Magic may not be able to cross the barrier between the two worlds, and I am just a memory now, so I can't help you."

"That's not what I meant. What I want to ask is is there any way not to go?" Aaron asked with some anxiety, "I know this question somewhat goes against the teachings of our ancestors."

"Then you still ask?" Flo said angrily, "Do you know how rare this opportunity is? If the Holy Magister has this opportunity, the chance of breaking through to the God of Law will increase by at least 20%."

"But if I mess up, Vico and the others will have to clean up the mess for me." After Aaron finished speaking, his momentum weakened, and then a wry smile appeared on his face, "Why should they?"

"Understood." Flo applauded. "I was just as angry as you at the time, but I didn't think too much about it because I was still very confident in myself."

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me directly if there is any way.

When I asked Vico, he hesitated for a few seconds, which meant there must be a way. "

"Maybe there really isn't?"

Hearing this, Aaron looked at Flo seriously and hugged his thigh without saying a word.

"Come again, are you finished?"

"I don't care." Aaron said with runny nose and tears, "Everyone is responsible for what they do. I can bear any consequences, but I don't want to implicate them."

"Let go." Flo said with a look of disgust, "Your snot is on my clothes."

"You help me and I'll let you go."

"I'll tell you when you let go."


Aaron let go decisively, then straightened his clothes and looked at him respectfully like a student hungry for knowledge.

"You must have been specially trained in this face-changing technique!"

"No, it's just a matter of familiarity." Aaron said confidently.

"If you don't want to think about it, there are three ways." Flo raised three fingers. "The first one is to become the clan leader, but you don't have to think about it for the time being. You must at least be an adult to inherit the position of clan leader."

Aaron nodded regretfully, "Next."

"Strength reaches the level of the God of Magic." Flo looked at Aaron playfully, "Do you think you can reach this point before you become an adult?"

"It can't be done." Aaron gritted his teeth, "What's the third way?"

"The third one is the simplest, most reliable, and can be done in a short time." Flo said easily, and under Aaron's extremely expectant eyes, he gave him a shocking answer, "Life." child."


Aaron almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, "Are you kidding me?"

"This is no joke." Flo said seriously, "The most important thing that the Gaius family values ​​most, besides responsibilities, is blood.

As long as your bloodline meets the conditions, he will automatically take your place. "

"Please let me take a moment." Aaron held his head, "Bloodline must meet the conditions...

Wait, this is wrong!

If we follow this method, it will be another cycle of death, and I am only thirteen years old, so I am not that beastly.

To put it another way, even if I am really worse than a beast, I will have to complete my mission before the child is born. "

"So you can't escape." Flo patted Aaron's shoulder sympathetically, "Just admit it! This is fate."

"Ancestor, you really amuse me." Aaron rolled his eyes, "Are you interesting?"


In fact, there is no need to be so pessimistic. The probability of failure among successive heirs is less than one tenth, and at least half of these one tenths are voluntary sacrifices.

You are our proud disciple and you will definitely come back safe and sound. "

"Forget it, if you can't hide, you can't hide!" Aaron lowered his head and chose the next best thing, "Then if I die accidentally, is there any way to prevent Vico and the others from getting involved?"

"That's true, but are you so unsure of yourself?"

Aaron remained silent. He had confidence, but facing the unknown, his confidence was somewhat lacking.

"Okay! For the sake of your filial piety." Flo said calmly, "The first one is to commit suicide. Whether it is before or after going, this is the fastest and most effective."

"Be decisive second." Aaron said immediately. It is impossible to commit suicide. He has not lived enough!

"The second one is to have great strength. As long as you are strong enough, you can ignore the rules."

Aaron chuckled, "How strong does it have to be?"

"At least the God of Magic."

"This is also ruled out decisively. If I were that powerful, I wouldn't come here to ask you.

Is there a third way? "

"This... also exists." Flo touched his chin and said deeply, "For example, Wicht, he uses the third method."

"Did Ancestor Weihet really die in another world?" Aaron said in disbelief, "I always thought he died at the end of his life."

"No, he is one of the few who seeks his own death." Flo said with emotion, "The world he went to was full of wars, and all races were at war.

Logically speaking, as long as he grows up, does what he can when the war is over, and leaves Gaius's footprints in that world, he can come back safe and sound.

But he didn't. He joined the army the day after he went to that world and joined the battlefield as a human being. "

"Then he was killed?" Aaron said, "Isn't that too hasty?"

"Uh...you look down upon your ancestors too much!

He was the Holy Magister when he went there, and with his proficiency in attack magic, he single-handedly slaughtered forty-three races and defeated more than one hundred and twenty alien races. "

"Hiss!" Aaron took a deep breath, "This is a bit too exaggerated. Personally, I think Ancestor Wicht is quite kind."

"Hmph! If you go there, you won't be much better than him.

It is recorded in the family history that in that world, human beings were not generally difficult, their status was extremely low, and their living scope was compressed to an outrageous level. "

Hearing this, Aaron almost lost his balance and collapsed on the floor.

He hasn't set off yet. As for scaring people, this is the rhythm of pills!

Seeing Aaron's absent-minded look, Flo curled his lips, "Don't worry, it's relatively safe to go there for the first time, and you won't encounter such bad luck."

"First time?" Aaron quickly grasped the point. "How many times do I have to go?"

“After I come back, there will be a cycle of two to three years. This arrangement is quite humane.

Of course, you can also choose to stay in another world for a longer period of time. It is not impossible to improve for dozens or hundreds of years and then come back. "

Aaron closed his eyes in pain.

There is a cycle of two to three years. It can be said that you have to start after repairing.

As for staying in other worlds, it's even more impossible. The ratio of time flow is too high, and the mentality of waiting for him to come back may be very different!

He obviously has a teenage face, but he has a heart older than Albus Dumbledore. Just thinking about it makes him panic.

"Let's talk about what happens next!"

"After that, he naturally encountered a tough situation. Seven beings who were comparable to the peak of the Holy Wizard joined forces to besiege him and forced him to sacrifice his life. In the end, the limit was changed to seven, which is quite amazing.

If you are lucky enough to go to that world, you will be a king when you land, and even the king will have to treat you with courtesy.

Because Wicht Gaius' status there is almost that of God, his statue has always stood in the center of the world, admired by the world. "

Aaron didn't know what to say, "Do everyone in our family like to be the savior so much?"

"Who knows! I can't rule out that it was because I was full."

"Then what exactly is the third method?"

"I've already said this, you can't guess it, right?" Flo said with a half-smile.

Aaron was stunned for a moment, and there was a hint of bitterness in the corner of his mouth, "You can't be the savior!"

"Absolutely." Flo nodded affirmatively, "Wecht changed the living environment of mankind and created a new order. According to the clan rules, he has the right to decide what happens after his death."

"It's really amazing." Aaron smiled bitterly, "Our ancestors almost killed us by setting these rules."

"It's good to know. You have to grasp this kind of experience well and try to do meaningful things while ensuring that you don't die.

I have to admit that my ancestors were really foresighted and well-informed about their righteousness, which greatly eliminated the possibility of the heirs living in idleness and waiting to die. "

Aaron: ...

Feeling included.

"I roughly understand what I should do." Aaron stood up slowly, "Ancestor Flo, I already know so much, can you give me any other suggestions?

For example, what props should I bring? Is there anything you can't do? "

"You still want to bring props?" Flo had to pour cold water on Aaron, "According to the clan rules, each heir can only bring some traveling expenses when he sets out for the first time, no more than ten gold coins.

Beyond that, nothing that might help is allowed.

After all, we are there to experience, not to enjoy life. "

"Fuck!" Aaron couldn't help but cursed, "You can't even bring a wand!"

"You can cast spells without a wand, do you still care about this?"

"Why don't you care?" Aaron said righteously, "If all the money is spent, selling the wand can at least last a little longer."

Flo: ...

"You are really smart."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Aaron pretended not to hear the sarcasm in his words and accepted his ancestor's praise unceremoniously.

Flo raised his eyebrows, "I'll inform Vico when I get back and change the limit from ten gold coins to no items with a total value of more than ten gold coins."


Aaron was immediately dumbfounded, feeling like he had shot himself in the foot.

"Hahaha, just kidding, I'm not worried about the travel expenses.

Wands are allowed, but other magic props are not.

As for what you can't do..." Flo thought for a while and said seriously: "Try to hide it as deeply as possible and pretend to be an ordinary person.

Also remember not to use magic casually, this is advice and a warning.

Because some worlds regard magic as heresy, and wizards will be executed immediately if caught. "

"Like what's written in the book?" Aaron frowned, "Tie him to a cross and burn him to death?"

“This is just one of those things.

Although Muggle execution methods do not pose a threat to wizards, they are very troublesome. "

Aaron nodded. Fortunately, he had learned a lot. Facing ordinary dangers, he could protect himself even without magic.

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