A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 250 The conflict between dwarves and elves (1/2)

Chapter 250 Conflict between Dwarves and Elves


An arrow suddenly shot out from the woods, but the target was not Aaron, but the wand in his hand.

Hearing the sound of breaking through the air, Aaron's body reacted instantly, dodging sideways while grabbing the arrow with his left hand.

"Who?" Aaron looked at the direction from which the arrow came and asked coldly.

The person in the dark did not come out, but shot the second arrow.

"I gave you face, right!"

Aaron was furious, and threw the arrow in his hand from his left hand to his right hand.

The two arrows collided in mid-air, making a clanging sound. The arrow that Aaron threw out with his strength was shot in half and fell on his left and right sides respectively.

Looking at the arrow that fell less than a few meters in front of him, Aaron couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Master, this is definitely a master.

Now the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light, the situation is quite unfavorable to him.

Legolas in the dark was also secretly surprised that a wizard could actually block the arrow he shot, and in this way.

"Who are you? What's your purpose here?"

The voice came from all directions, making it impossible to tell the location of the owner of the voice.

"I'm just passing by." Aaron smiled awkwardly, "I swear in the name of the Gaius family, I have absolutely no other purpose."

"Gaius?" Legolas frowned slightly, "I don't think I've ever heard of this surname."

"Nobody, not worth mentioning."

"Humph! Nobody can kill more than 20 spiders by himself."

"Luck, pure luck.

To be honest with you, this magic is also the first time I use it, and I didn't expect it to succeed." Aaron said seriously, and his expression revealed two words: honesty.

Legolas didn't believe a word of this argument. If it was an ordinary spell, it could be explained by luck, but it was a super high-level spell, and it couldn't be explained by luck no matter how you look at it.

"Well, I have something else to do, goodbye."

After saying this, Aaron ran away without looking back.

Just kidding, the other party's questioning tone can fully show that he is the native of Mirkwood. A strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. It is not wise to offend an elf in the elf's territory.

In addition, the other party's fearless attitude seems to be sure to suppress him, a wizard who killed more than 20 spiders.

In this case, it is of course the best strategy to run away. If it is too late, there will be no chance to run.

"Legolas." A female elf asked, "Do you want to chase?"

"No, Tariel." Legolas smiled slightly, picked up an arrow and shot it out.

The trajectory of the arrow was a parabola, and it landed just one meter in front of Aaron.

Legolas quickly shot three more arrows, which were lined up with the first arrow, with almost no error in the interval.

Aaron's eyes twitched slightly, and he was amused by the roadblock in front of him.

"What does this mean? Are you demonstrating?"

"I'm just telling you what the consequences will be if you run forward. If you're not afraid, you can continue."

Aaron patted his forehead, "If you have the guts, come out. What kind of hero are you if you hide and hide?"

"As you wish."

Legolas jumped down from the tree and aimed an arrow at Aaron, "Wizard, what are you doing here?"

"I'm really just passing by." Aaron said tiredly. No one believes the truth these days. Most people only believe what they want to believe.

"Really? Where are you going?" Legolas sneered, "Elves can't be fooled by lies."

"Sorry, I can't tell you this." Aaron said.

"Do you think I don't dare to kill you?"

"You definitely dare, but you won't.

After all, I'm only thirteen, no, it's been half a year, I'm fourteen.

Ahem, elves won't kill a fourteen-year-old child."

"It doesn't seem difficult for wizards to change their appearance." Legolas said and pulled the bowstring.

Hearing this, Aaron was numb.

No wonder Flo said before setting off that he had to hide his identity as a wizard. It turned out that it was really inconvenient to be exposed.

"But I'm really just a child, you believe me!"

Legolas was unmoved. He couldn't believe that a teenager's magic and combat power would be so exaggerated.


Aaron took a deep breath, "I don't want to offend the elves. Let me leave here, and everyone will pretend that nothing happened, okay?"

"What if I don't agree?"

"Then there's nothing I can do." Aaron slowly raised his wand, "Guess, is my spell faster or your arrow faster?"

Legolas smiled slightly and shot an arrow decisively.


Legolas took a few steps back, and the bow in his hand was shot down, but the arrow he shot also knocked Aaron's wand away.

The two came to their senses and their bodies reacted instinctively.

They gave up their weapons on the ground and switched to close combat.

Legolas was agile, and Aaron was not much behind. It was just that Legolas gradually gained the upper hand due to the experience accumulated by the elves over a long period of time.

After more than a dozen rounds, Legolas pulled out an arrow from his back and pointed it at Aaron's neck.

"Don't move, we can talk now.

Who are you? Where are you from? What is your purpose here?"

"Please look carefully before asking these questions." Aaron smiled meaningfully.

Legolas paused for a moment, then slowly lowered his head, a white wand pressing against his abdomen.

"You have a second wand?"

"I am insecure and like to be prepared." Aaron shrugged, "How about it? Do you want to try again and see which one is faster, your arrow or my magic spell?"

Legolas' face darkened, and then he sneered: "Do you think you won?"

"Of course not, but sometimes you win if you don't lose." Aaron said, "It's not an option for us to stay in a stalemate like this. How about I count one, two, and three and let go at the same time."


"one two three..."

Legolas let go of the arrow in his hand, but Aaron did not let go of his wand.

"Hmph!" Legolas snorted disdainfully, as if he had expected this, "Cunning human."

Aaron smiled and put away his wand.

Become a villain first, then a gentleman. You can never be too careful until you are unable to determine the character of your enemy.

"I'm sorry, I apologize to you." Aaron said politely, "I judged a gentleman with a villain's heart, but I also hope you can understand. After all, I will not put my life and property in the hands of strangers. "

Legolas raised his eyebrows in surprise. Now he was basically sure that this wizard was not a bad guy, because the bad guy would never let go of the opportunity just now.

"Are you really just passing by?"

"It really can't be true anymore. I just want to walk through this dense forest. I have absolutely no intention of disturbing the elves."

Legolas nodded thoughtfully, "I trust you for now. Do you need me to send someone to take you out?"

"No need." Aaron blurted out.

If he were alone, he would certainly be happy, but the problem was that there were thirteen dwarves and a hobbit.

The hobbits were okay, but the elves here didn't have a good impression of the dwarves. Once they met, they would be like thunder and fire. He couldn't explain it even if he opened his mouth.


"Why?" Aaron's brain was running rapidly and he said righteously: "This is my own journey and I don't need help from others."

Hearing this, Legolas suddenly had some appreciation for the wizard, "My name is Legolas, what's your name?"

“Gaius, Aaron Gaius.

Plus, I'm really only fourteen. "

"Stop joking, okay?"

"No way, the fun of genius is just so... unpretentious and boring."

Legolas opened his mouth and pretended.

"Okay! Have a nice trip."

Aaron breathed a sigh of relief. It was really not easy to send this elf away.

However, at this moment, there was a loud noise not far away, and other members of the expedition team rushed over shouting his name.

Aaron: ...

A generous gift crab! Can you die if you come a minute or two late?

"Dwarf." Legolas' expression changed, and he looked at Aaron with more suspicion. "You seem to have something you haven't told me."

"That...I can explain."

Legolas chuckled lightly, turned over and picked up the bow and arrow on the ground.

Aaron didn't have time to think too much and decisively picked up the first wand.

"Elf." Thorin looked at Legolas coldly as he approached, and directly pulled out the beast's biting sword.

Others also took out their weapons vigilantly, and a battle seemed inevitable.

"Calm down, you must be calm, don't do anything!" Aaron said anxiously, "Thorin, there is no need to be so nervous, put your sword away."

"Tell him to put away his bow and arrows first."

"Impossible," Legolas said. "Don't think that I won't kill you, dwarf. I'll be happy to accompany you."

"Ha! How many arrows do you have, are they enough to kill us?" Thorin said scornfully.

Legolas waved his hand, and more than twenty elves jumped out from all directions, surrounding them, and then the sound of bowstrings being pulled was heard one after another.

"That should be enough now." Legolas smiled, "What do you think?"

"I can explain it." Aaron said weakly.

"Of course, but we have to change the place, what do you think?"

Aaron shook his head speechlessly, and silently put the two wands on the ground, "Put down your weapons! The situation is stronger than the people, and you have to bow your head."

The dwarves were naturally reluctant, but looking at the arrows pointing at them around them, there was nothing they could do no matter how reluctant they were.


The elves confiscated all the weapons and supplies of the expedition, and they didn't care about other things. This made Bilbo lucky enough to keep his ring, although the sword was not saved.

"Lord Legolas, this is the ancient elf sword." An elf handed the beast-biting sword to Legolas.

"This sword comes from Gondolin and was forged by the Noldor elves." Legolas turned to look at Thorin, "Where did you get it?"

"Someone gave it to me as a gift."

"Not just a thief, but a liar."

"What he said is true." Aaron said sincerely, "I saw with my own eyes that King Elrond handed the Beastbiting Sword to him."

"King Elrond?" Legolas was stunned for a moment, "What's the proof?"

"My weapon." Aaron pointed to his elf weapon, "This was given to me by Lind from Rivendell, who is King Elrond's confidant.

I originally had a set of bows and arrows, but I ruined them.

If you don't believe it, you can send someone to Rivendell to verify it. If they are not here, you can also go to Queen Galadriel. I have a relationship with her. "

Legolas frowned, "Take them down first."

The expedition team finally found the road, but sadly they were escorted along and were caught several times along the way.

Unlike Rivendell, the Wood Elf's palace is built in a dense forest. The interior is composed of crisscrossing huge trees and rocks. It is slightly dark, but it still has a glorious atmosphere.

Fifteen people were imprisoned in separate cells, Aaron and Bilbo were imprisoned together, and the dwarves were each in a room.

"This is unfair. Why do they have single rooms?" Aaron was dissatisfied with the elves' discrimination.

"There are not enough cells. Are you satisfied with this reason?" Legolas asked.

"Satisfied, what can I say?"

“You’d better think about what to say for a while, my father is supposed to see you.

You are not dwarves. For the sake of King Elrond and Queen Galadriel, if your explanation satisfies the king or you have a better attitude, you may be able to avoid jail. "


"False." Thorin poured cold water on him, "These elves are not trustworthy and they will not keep their promises."

Legolas snorted coldly. He didn't care what the dwarf thought, but he still believed in his father.

boom! boom! boom!

The cell doors were closed one by one. When it was Kili's turn, he looked at the female elf Tauriel with a smile, "Aren't you going to search me? There may be something hidden in my pants."

"It might be nothing." Tariel looked at him deeply and closed the cell.

"Why is the dwarf staring at you, Tariel?" Legolas asked.

"Who knew? He's pretty tall for a dwarf, what do you think?"

"Taller than average, but just as ugly." Legolas glared at Kili, turned and left.

After all the elves left, Aaron looked at Qili meaningfully and said teasingly: "Brother, you have good judgment! It's just that you are a bit overestimating your abilities."

"What do you mean?" "Listen to my advice and change your goal." Aaron sighed, "Although I admire your spirit of daring to compete with the prince for a woman, your chances are really not slim.

In terms of family background, ability, appearance, and personality, Legolas will completely abuse you. "

"How old are you? What does a fourteen-year-old child know?" Qili said unconvinced, "My mother said that the miracle of love has nothing to do with those things."

Aaron blinked and then gave him a thumbs up, "You have a great mother."

"Boy, is this the time to talk about this?" Bilbo said anxiously, "We are prisoners now, shouldn't we think about how to escape?"

"You're right." Dvalin slammed the door hard, and Fili, Ouyin, and the others followed suit, but the cell door didn't waver at all.

"It's useless." Balin, the eldest, said, "This is not a dungeon built by Oak. This is the palace of the Woodland King. No one can get out without the king's consent.

But luckily we have this opportunity. There is a treasure that the Woodland King desires in the Lonely Mountain. To a certain extent, we have a certain initiative. "

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