A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 251 The king’s obsession with gems

Legolas lifted Thorin, Aaron and Bilbo out of their cells and took them to meet his father, King Thranduil of the Woodlands.

In front of the throne, Thorin stood expressionless.

Aaron and Bilbo kept giving him winks, trying to make him understand the situation, but he completely turned a blind eye.

Thranduil stood up slowly. He had long silver hair and was as handsome as the other elves, but there was a hint of indifference hidden deep in his eyes.

"Some believe it will be a sacred journey to slay the dragon and regain their homeland.

But I suspect that the real motive is not so noble, stealing treasure, or some other attempt.

You have found a secret passage in an attempt to retrieve the jewel that gives you the right to rule, the King's Stone, the Arken Stone. "

Thorin's expression changed slightly, but he quickly adjusted.

"So, the Arken gem is what you want us to find?" Aaron said thoughtfully, "What we are looking for is not a gem, but a throne!"

"That's right, with that gem and Turin's bloodline, maybe we can really unite the power of the dwarf tribe." Thranduil smiled contemptuously, "For you, its value is inestimable. I understand.

There is also the jewelry I want in the lonely mountain, white stones, as pure as starlight.

I will provide you with help. "

"That's great." Bilbo said happily, "You let us go first, and we will give you the white stone after the adventure is over."

"Ha!" Thorin shook his head inappropriately, "I won't agree."

"Thorin." Aaron said a little tiredly, "The white gem is nothing to you, and it doesn't hurt to give it to the King of the Woodland, right?"

"Don't you know the grudges between the dwarves and the wood elves?"

"Yes, we all know.

But the right way is to show your beauty and eliminate your long-cherished wishes, and to smile away your grudges..."

Before Aaron could finish speaking, he was directly interrupted by Thorin, "I'm not that generous."

"Okay." Aaron pursed his lips and forced a smile, "Then I'll change to a more realistic one.

We have no choice but to cooperate. "

"Smart man, Thorin Oakenshield, you really should learn from both of them." Thranduil said lightly, "I promise you in the name of the king that as long as my things are returned to me, I will let you go immediately. leave.

In addition, I will provide you with enough help, weapons, food, and even ensure that you have unhindered access before reaching Gushan. "

Hearing this, Bilbo and Aaron's hearts beat unfavorably.

This journey has been so painful, either being hunted or on the way to being hunted. It would be great if I could relax a little bit.

"It sounds good, very exciting." Thorin smiled, then his voice changed and his face became heavy, "But I don't believe you, Thranduil.

A great king will keep his promise, even if the end comes. "

"You," Thorin shouted at Thranduil, "have no credibility."

Legolas immediately pulled out his beast-biting sword and placed it on Thorin's neck. "Watch your tone, dwarf."

"Legolas." Thranduil waved his hand. Legolas glared at Thorin fiercely and put his sword back.

"I witnessed you betraying your allies with my own eyes. We were hungry and displaced and asked for your help, but you turned away.

It was you who abandoned the suffering of my people and allowed them to be devoured by destruction. Thorin cursed fiercely, "May you die in the flames." "

"Don't mention dragon flame to me." Thranduil suddenly walked up to Thorin, bent down and looked directly into his eyes, "I know its destructive power."

After the words fell, half of Thranduil's face became dry and ulcerated, without any blood.

Gulu! ×3.

"Father, you..." Legolas said in disbelief.

"I have faced the dragon in the north, and this is the price." Thranduil's face returned to normal, "I warned your grandfather of the consequences of his greed.

But he refused to listen, and only knew how to guard his treasure, very stubbornly believing that the rule of the dwarves was indestructible.

You are exactly like him. "

Thranduil waved his hand, and several elven guards came over to escort them back to the cell.

“Stay here until you rot if you like!

For elves, a hundred years is just a blink of an eye.

I am patient and I can wait. "

"Wait." Aaron slapped away the hand holding his arm, and looked at Thranduil awkwardly but politely, "His stubbornness is his business, and it has nothing to do with us, humans and hobbits. There is no grudge against the elves.”

"Yes, that's it." Bilbo added hurriedly, "We will try our best to convince Thorin."

"Go ahead." Thranduil said impatiently, "I'm waiting for Oakenshield to change his mind."

"Wait a minute." Aaron said again, "How about we change the deal?

Let us go and I'll help you heal half of your face. "

"Are you serious?" Legolas was a little moved. He naturally wanted his father to regain his appearance.

Thranduil looked at Aaron deeply, "Why should I believe you?

The damage caused by dragon flames cannot be healed. I have called many people but nothing can be done, and you are just a child. "

"But not an ordinary child, Legolas should have spoken about me."

"so what?

Wizards may not know as many spells as elves, and it’s not like I haven’t looked for wizards before. "

"There is a difference between wizards and witches. Just because they can't do it doesn't mean I can't do it." Aaron said meaningfully, "Just tell me whether you agree with this deal or not."

Thranduil pondered for a moment, "If it is true as you said, it is not impossible to let you go..."

Aaron just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the word 'but', and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

"But what?" Aaron asked anxiously.

"But I can only let you and this hobbit go." Thranduil sneered and touched his face, "If it were before, I would have eagerly agreed to your terms.

But after so long, I have become accustomed to this face, and the appearance is far inferior to the elf's treasure to me. "

Aaron smiled coquettishly, "I understand, I'll think about it."

The elf guards escorted the three of them back into the cell, but they were much more polite to Aaron and Bilbo. After all, these two might become the king's benefactors, and it was not shameful for them to be polite.


The cell door was closed again, and nothing seemed to have changed.

"Did he make any conditions with you?" Bahrain asked eagerly.

"Yes," Thorin said. "I will make him wait until I spit on his grave."

"Pull you down." Aaron said speechlessly, "The elf can live longer than you. Even if a towering tree grows from your grave, or even a forest, he won't have a single wrinkle.

I'm not telling you, do you know what it means to be stronger than others? Can't you put down your damn pride once in a while? "

"You are absolutely right." Bilbo agreed, "Thorin, we are prisoners now."

"Don't you?" Thorin sneered. "There are other ways for humans and hobbits to escape this cage, aren't there?"

Bilbo was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Aaron, "Do you really have a way to heal his face?"

Aaron sighed heavily and nodded slowly.

He had two bottles of magic potion in his hand that were extremely effective. Whether it was the Moon Drop or the Resurrection Potion, they could heal Thranduil's face.

However, using the latter is a shameful waste. If part of the bottle of medicine is consumed, it can only be used as a life potion.

It would be better to use the Moon Drops to relieve the sequelae left by the Dragon Flame, and then combine it with some magic potions to create a long-term course of treatment.

"I advise you not to do that?" Thorin said, "Or you have to be prepared for him not to keep his promise."

"I am measured, because my trading partner is not Thranduil." Aaron yawned and leaned against the wall in boredom, "If I guessed correctly, someone will come to me soon. "

"Legolas?" Bilbo suddenly thought of something, "If it were his words, it might work."

Thorin heard this and remained silent.

He didn't have any trust in Thranduil, but he had a little confidence in his son, although not much.

"But even so, he may not let us all go."

"We will go find Gandalf," Bilbo promised. "He may negotiate with the King of the Woodland and let you go."

"Thinking too much." Aaron curled his lips, "Thrandil may give Gandalf face, but as long as the stubborn dwarf does not agree to hand over the white gem, he will never think of leaving."

Bilbo glanced at Thorin through the cell door, and then sighed, "Is there no other way to make him let Thorin go?"

"Of course."

"What?" Bilbo opened his mouth in shock. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Aaron making a silencing gesture and immediately closed his mouth.

Legolas slowly walked down the stairs and came to Aaron.

"You could really heal my father's face."

"It is possible, but the extent to which it can be cured depends on your sincerity." Aaron looked at the other cells, and his meaning was quite obvious.

Although it was somewhat unkind to manipulate others' filial piety, there was nothing he could do about the situation.

"No." Legolas shook his head slightly, "I know what you are thinking, but you should also understand my difficulties.

Our king's desire for the white gem is deep, and I cannot let the dwarf out without my permission. "

Aaron rolled his eyes. Although he guessed the result, he was still a little disappointed.

"Okay! Then give me my wand back."

"This won't work either." Legolas chuckled and took out two wands, one black and one white, from his back. "Do you think I would be stupid enough to give you the power to escape from prison?"

"Well...if you can, could you give me my sword back?" Bilbo interjected.

"Do you think he will return the weapon to the prisoner?" Aaron said with a wry smile, "It's impossible."

"This is fine." Legolas threw Stinging directly into the cell.

"Thank you." Bilbo drew out his dagger and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

This is his first and only weapon. It has been with him for a long time and is of great significance.

Aaron was dumbfounded immediately, what do you mean? Slap me in the face?

Seemingly sensing the resentment in Aaron's eyes, Legolas explained: "He is very weak, so it doesn't matter if you give him the sword."


Although this is true, can you please not say it in front of me? It hurts your self-esteem too much.

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