A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 274 The news brought by the gray-robed wizard

A rope was thrown from the wall of Erub, and Aaron and Bilbo followed it down to the outside of the city.

The two walked along the avenue to River Valley City. Neither humans nor elves stopped them. They were just sorting out their weapons or practicing fighting. Almost everyone in the city was in arms.

Alfred walked out of a dilapidated house and walked over impatiently after seeing the two of them, "You actually have the guts to come here."

"We are here to negotiate with Bard." Bilbo explained his purpose.

Alfred suddenly showed a sarcastic smile, "Do you think you are qualified to negotiate now?

There are only a dozen of you, and you can't hold on to the gold at all. It's better to surrender as soon as possible and let Erub out. "

"I hate cowards." Aaron rolled his eyes, then pulled out his wand and pointed it at Alfred, "I'm only asking once, where is Bud?"

Alfred looked at the wand and took a few steps back guiltily, "I, I will take you there."

"It would have been over if it had been like this." Aaron said disdainfully.

Alfred cursed in his mind, but still took them to a large tent, "Sir, they want to see you."

"Sir?" Aaron raised his eyebrows at Bud, "Is this a promotion?"

"He was elected by everyone, so he took over the task at a critical moment!"

"I understand, but it's better not to use this guy if you can." Aaron pointed at Alfred and said, "He has no other role except to bully others and affect your image."


Bard smiled awkwardly, dismissed Alfred, and then looked at the two of them seriously, "Has Thorin Oakenshield changed his mind?"

"He won't." Thranduil walked into the tent, "Oakshield can't bear to part with the gold."

"It was originally like this." Bilbo nodded, "But we successfully convinced him. Aaron used the reward from his expedition to fulfill the king's promise. One-fifteenth of the treasure was enough to rebuild the Long Lake. Town and even Riverdale.”

"Are you telling the truth?" Bard was excited. If it was not a last resort, he would not start a war. After all, the people of Changhu Town could only piece together a few hundred combat forces and could not withstand any losses.

"This surprises me a lot," Thranduil sat on the chair and asked curiously: "How did you convince a stubborn dwarf?"

"To move with emotion, to understand with reason." Aaron said seriously, but looking at Thranduil's teasing eyes, he couldn't help but add: "The most important thing is... to be sincere."

Hearing this, Thranduil had a few more black lines on his eternally cold face.

If you are perfunctory, let's take a look at the target. Do you really think he doesn't know who Thorin is?

However, the king's restraint still calmed him down. He did not directly curse, but just sneered: "It's unbelievable."

"Dwarves may be stubborn, ignorant, difficult to deal with, and they are also suspicious and secretive." Bilbo shook his head and smiled speechlessly: "They have many bad habits that ordinary people can't imagine, but they are still brave and kind. And a loyal heart.

Gandalf was right, you would like them once you get used to them. "

"Can you tell me why you did this?" Bard looked at Aaron in confusion, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to kill Smaug by myself. You have great kindness to the people of Long Lake and you don't owe us anything. What."

"Actually, I owe you a promise." Aaron spread his hands, "The promise Thorin made was made under my guidance, and I have a certain responsibility to make him fulfill his promise."

"Thank you, really, thank you very much."

"It's too early to say thank you." Thranduil interjected, "How will Thorin give away the gold? Open the city gate?"

“He won’t open the gates.

But I will use magic to bring the gold out. Bud, you just need to bring the carriage and move it. "

"Okay." Bard smiled and nodded, then looked at Thranduil awkwardly, "King Thranduil, I may have to say sorry.

If King Yamashita is willing to keep his promise, there will be no reason for me to lead the people of Changhu to attack the city. "

"No need to say more, I understand." Thranduil waved his hand, "The elves will not give up just because humans give up. You just need to remain neutral."

Bud sighed slightly, inexplicably feeling that he was not very kind.

When the people of Changhu Lake were most in need of food and clothing, the elves provided them with assistance and brought them enough supplies to survive, but now they have withdrawn from the alliance.

Although there is a suitable reason, the relationship is somewhat unjustifiable.

"Aaron, Bilbo." Bard looked at the two of them seriously, "I wonder what price we have to pay in exchange for the white gem?

As long as the King of the Lonely Mountain is willing, we can ask for half the gold. "

Thranduil's pupils opened slightly, and he felt a little relieved.

Humans still know how to repay kindness. Regardless of the outcome, Bard's performance did not disappoint the elves.

Aaron and Bilbo looked at each other. With Thorin's prejudice against the elves, he wouldn't care even if you gave him an extra gold mountain, let alone asking for less gold.

"This... is not difficult, it is quite difficult." Bilbo said, "The elf's unwillingness to save him pierced a deep thorn in Thorin's heart."

"The dwarves were the first to be unkind." Thranduil didn't take it seriously, "They took possession of our country's national treasure and have no intention of returning it.

Now I just want to get my things back. Is it wrong? "

"Yes, it's natural." Aaron said, and then changed the subject, "But the time is not right."

"Really? I don't think there is a more appropriate time than now.

The dwarves have no retreat, and the elves can take back the national treasure at the minimum cost. Thranduil spoke righteously, and then looked at Aaron and Bilbo, "I don't want to use force. This may allow others to take advantage of the loopholes, but I can't miss this opportunity."

You can try to convince Thorin that as long as the white gem is returned to us, I will retreat immediately, and the elves can ally with the dwarves again. "

"King Thranduil." Aaron pursed his lips, "I must admit that you are very sensible, but you may have misunderstood me."

"What did you say?"

"This is the main purpose of our coming here..." Aaron was about to explain when he was interrupted by a voice from outside.

"Pointy hat, what about you!

No slackers, beggars or hooligans allowed to hang around here. We have enough trouble without you.

move! Get on your horse? "

"Who's in charge here?"

Aaron and Bilbo looked at each other, and they could tell that the former sentence was spoken by Alfred in an extremely arrogant tone, while the latter sentence was asked by their old acquaintance.

"Gandalf?" murmured Bilbo, "he is back."

"Haha! He came back in time." Aaron said speechlessly.

When a dozen of them risked their lives to fight Smaug, Gandalf didn't show up and didn't help at all.

Now that the evil dragon has been killed and everything has settled, he knows he can come back to increase his presence.

If he hadn't known that Gandalf's departure from the team midway might be related to the peace of Middle-earth, Aaron would have had every reason to suspect that this was an old bastard who was greedy for life and fearful of death and shamelessly came to share the fruits of victory.

Bilbo smiled bitterly, opened the tent and waved to Gandalf, "Gandalf, we are here."

Seeing Bilbo, Gandalf's expression softened a little, and he threw Alfred away in disgust and walked into the tent.

Aaron originally wanted to scold Gandalf, but when he saw the bloody words on his face, he swallowed it back, "What's the matter with your injuries?"

"It's a long story."

"Then let's make a long story short."

"I went to the tomb of the Witch-King of Angmar. It was dug up and the real clues pointed to Dol Guldur..."

"You mean Dol Guldur?" Aaron interrupted him and asked, "Let me guess, did you see the Necromancer there?"

"Yes!" Gandalf nodded, and then asked in confusion, "How do you know?"

"Smaug told me that the Necromancer was recovering in Dol Guldur." Aaron chuckled, "Don't tell me you went alone?"

Gandalf was stunned for a moment and opened his mouth hesitantly.

"Ha! It seems I guessed it right.

Gandalf, are you an idiot? Or is it that the peace in Middle-earth has lowered your IQ?

Radagast's ability to bring the Morgul Sword out of there is enough to prove that it is a trap, and you just stupidly got into it. "

"It's not that I haven't doubted it, but if you want to find out some things, you have to take risks."

Aaron: ...

"Are you sure you're not a sheep in a tiger's mouth?"

"I just didn't expect that the matter was much more serious than I thought." Gandalf said with lingering fear, "If Saruman, King Elrond and Queen Galadriel hadn't arrived in time, my life might have been lost. It fell right there.”

"That's because you're stupid." Aaron said with disdain, "Do you know what it means to be a gentleman without standing behind a dangerous wall?

If I were you, I would call Saruman, King Elrond, Queen Galadriel, and Radagast. No matter how powerful a necromancer is, he can only run for his life when faced with a righteous attack. "

Gandalf was speechless, and he felt extremely regretful.

I thought that although it would be dangerous to go alone, I could escape unscathed. After all, Radagast successfully escaped. He was stronger than Radagast, so there was no reason why he couldn't escape.

But he never expected that he would encounter hell mode. Sauron, the big boss behind the scenes, would personally deal with him and use him to set up an ambush to lure others to rescue him.

If Queen Galadriel hadn't consumed a huge amount of magic power and used the Ring of Water to repel Sauron, their entire army might have been annihilated.

However, although he suffered a serious crime, it was not without gains. At least he knew Sauron's purpose and his next action plan.

Thinking of this, Gandalf looked at Thranduil seriously, "King Thranduil, your grudges with the dwarves must be put aside first, the war is about to begin.

The orcs of Dol Guldur have been mobilized in full force, and you are facing annihilation. "

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