A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 275 Negotiation Technology and Sincerity

"What are you talking about?" Bud frowned, feeling that fate and the people of Changhu had played a huge joke.

After finally escaping from the evil dragon's flames, although he had nothing, he could at least get a lot of wealth from Erub, and rebuilding a happy and beautiful home would not be a problem.

But now you tell me that the orcs are out in force and a catastrophe is about to befall them. Isn’t this a disturbing mentality?

"You don't know wizards very well yet." Thranduil said lightly, "They are like thunder in the cold winter, rolling over from a long distance and exploding with a bang, but you never see it rain."

"Not this time." Gandalf blew his beard and glared, "The Orc army has been dispatched. They have been on the battlefield for a long time and are all natural killers. Our enemies have used all their strength."

"Why are they sending troops now?" Thranduil asked contemptuously.

"Because the situation forced it, and because Thorin Oakenshield and his men set out to reclaim their lost home."

"More than that." Aaron said solemnly, "Smaug also said when Bilbo and I were looking for the Arken Stone that as long as the Necromancer doesn't touch Irubor's treasure, it will not prevent them from entering the lonely world. Mountain.

This is a different kind of alliance. The half-orcs don't have to worry about the evil dragon harming them, and can occupy Erub unimpeded. "

"This is the only good news. At least Lonely Mountain is not in the hands of our enemies now." Gandalf breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "Asog's master tried to control Lonely Mountain not just for wealth, but also because of its Location.

It is a strategic location and the only way to restore the old country of Angmar in the north. If that evil country comes back, Rivendell, Lorien, Shire and even Gondor will be destroyed. "

"The Shire?" Bilbo's eyes widened in astonishment, and he asked uneasily: "Gandalf, you mean the Shire? Are you sure you're not joking?"

"It's a pity, Bilbo." Gandalf shook his head and said, "If the orcs cannot be prevented from occupying the Lonely Mountain, your hometown of Shire will not be spared, and the peace-loving halflings will probably be slaughtered to death."


"Those Orc armies you mentioned, Mithlandar." Thranduil looked at Gandalf, "Where are they?"

Hearing this, Gandalf's face turned blue with anger and his body trembled a little.

Even though he said this, Thranduil still didn't believe him.

"Since when did my mediation lose its meaning?" Gandalf smiled mockingly, "What do you doubt about me?"

"I suspect you want to save your dwarf friends, and I admire your loyalty to them, but that doesn't change my plans.

You started this matter, please don't mind if I end it. "

"King Thranduil." Bilbo looked at him anxiously and said incoherently: "This is absolutely true. Smaug said it himself. Sauron's vanguard will set off soon. The Lonely Mountain is theirs. first stop.

The two of us are here specifically to stop this war, in addition to fulfilling Thorin's promise.

Whether elves, dwarves or humans, we now have a common enemy, the orcs. "

Thranduil was silent for a moment, poured himself a glass of wine, and sat down calmly on his seat.

"You are the halfling who stole the dungeon key right under the nose of my guard!"

"Yes." Bilbo admitted sheepishly.

"That's right." Thranduil said, "You gave up the chance to escape alone and rescued this young wizard and a group of dwarves.

Your loyalty to Thorin is no less than Mithranda's, and you may have cooperated with Mithranda in weaving this lie because you wanted to save your dwarf friends. "


Just as Aaron was about to speak, Thranduil put his eyes on him, "I don't trust you either, just like I don't trust the two of them."

"...King Thranduil." Aaron took a deep breath, "Please allow me to say that there are some things that I would rather believe than not.

You don’t have to trust us, but what if? "

"I don't believe in the unlikely event." Thranduil sneered, and then walked outside the tent, "Archers, are you ready?"

"Okay, Your Highness." An elf said.

"Pass my order, as long as there is anyone moving on that mountain, shoot them without mercy."

"Wait a minute." Aaron said helplessly, "You want the white gemstone, right?"

"What do you want to say?" Thranduil asked meaningfully.

"I can help you convince Thorin, but I need some time." Aaron said solemnly.

"Why should I trust you?"

"I come here alone to negotiate with you, and I give one-fifteenth of my share to the people of Changhu."

"Not enough." Thranduil shook his head slightly, "That is a deal between you and humans, but it has nothing to do with elves."

"Sometimes I really don't understand why I have to worry about you. No matter how chaotic the world is, I have nothing to do with it." Aaron smiled bitterly, shook his head, and then used Phantom to move around.

When he appeared again, he was already behind Thranduil, but Thranduil reacted quickly and did not turn around, but the sword in his hand was already pressed against Aaron's abdomen.

"Very good magic, I've never seen it before." Thranduil said in admiration, and it was only at this moment that he looked squarely at this young wizard.

"Thank you for the compliment. This is called phantom movement. It is a kind of teleportation magic." Aaron said lightly, "I was lucky enough to learn it last year."

Gandalf's face twitched slightly, his eyes looking at Aaron full of envy and longing.

He is so greedy for this magic. If he can teleport, he won't have to ride a horse every time he travels far away.

"What is this? A demonstration or a threat?"

"None of them." Aaron slowly retreated to where he was. "I never thought that my meager spells could threaten an Elf King. I just want to demonstrate my abilities to you."

"Ahem!" Gandalf coughed, "Gaius, who taught you this...Apparition?"

"It was passed down from his ancestors," Bilbo said speechlessly.

Aaron raised his eyebrows and then gave a thumbs up, "Those who know me are hobbits."

"Don't be ridiculous, okay?

Whenever you don't want to answer a question, you always pull out your ancestors and take the blame. Isn't it interesting? "

"Interesting." Aaron said directly.

Gandalf also shut his mouth wisely. He could naturally see that Aaron didn't want to talk about his magic.

"Your Majesty the King." Aaron said with a smile, "If you must send troops, I can't stop you, but I will take all the white gems in Irubon... and run away."

Hearing this, the corners of Thranduil's mouth twitched violently, and the others also looked at Aaron in shock.

Good guy, not a threat, but better than a threat.

Thranduil went to war just to take back the national treasure of the woodland elves. If there was no white gem in the Lonely Mountain, it would be meaningless even if he captured the city.

"It's a good idea." Thranduil suppressed the anger in his heart and said calmly: "If this is the case, I really can't help it, but you can't take away your dwarf friends, let alone a dwarf kingdom.

I am very patient and can capture Erub and wait for you to come back to negotiate. "

"But it's not good for both of us, is it?" Aaron spread his hands, "That's why I want to use a gentle method to solve the problem.

King Thranduil, you are more sensible than me and should be able to understand what the right decision is. "

Thranduil frowned slightly and looked at Aaron deeply, "How long do you need?"

Aaron did not answer immediately, but looked at Gandalf, "How long will it take for the orc army to come?"

Gandalf blinked and immediately understood Aaron's plan.

Thranduil didn't have to believe it now, but he had to believe the facts, as long as the elves and dwarves didn't fight before the orcs came.

"Well... When I was rescued, Azog's orc army had already set off from Dol Guldur, but it was definitely not just Azog. Since Sauron decided to attack, it would not be a small fight. , he will summon all the troops he can muster, we..."

Aaron interrupted him impatiently, "Don't tell me those things that are there or not, I don't understand.

You tell me directly, when will the enemy arrive at the latest? "

"Two days."

"Okay." Aaron held out three fingers to Thranduil, "I need three days."


"Listen to what I have to say first." Aaron said sarcastically, "I will hand over the white gemstone within three days, guaranteed in the name of Gaius."

"Hmph!" Thranduil snorted coldly, "I hope you will do what you say."

"This is natural." Aaron nodded and continued to add: "There is something I want to tell you in advance. The army of Iron Hills will arrive in Yirubo soon."

"What?" Gandalf was shocked. "Dane's Ironfoot Army will also come?"

Thranduil could not calm down. He had full confidence in his elven troops, but he did not want to cause fearless casualties. The lives of dwarves were not as valuable as elves.

"This is good news." Aaron said helplessly, "If the orcs really come to attack, we will have a powerful ally."

"What kind of good news is this?"

Thranduil still didn't believe that there would be orcs attacking the Lonely Mountain. If it weren't for the worry that Aaron would really break the pot and run away with their national treasure, he would have wanted to send troops now.

“Your Majesty the King, I don’t have to tell you this news, but I still choose to tell you.

First, to show my sincerity, I told you Thorin’s trump card.

I only need three days, I hope you will not betray my trust.

Secondly, it is to prepare you mentally so that you will not be confused and fight with the dwarf army. "

Thranduil raised a smile and looked at Aaron meaningfully, "I always thought that Thorin was the soul of your team, but now it seems that the significance of your existence is no less than him.

Aaron Gaius, right? He is not young, his ability is not small, and his courage is not small.

I admire you very much. In fact, you don't need to worry about the dwarves at all. You can choose to form an alliance with the elves. The woodland elves will never treat their allies badly. "

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