A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 276 The worst plan, Gandalf’s request

Aaron was a little confused, what happened? Has the Woodland King extended an olive branch to him?

The friendship of the elves was right in front of him, but after hesitating for a moment, Aaron still shook his head, "Thank you for your respect, but Thorin and the others are my friends."

"Legolas can also be your friend." Thranduil smiled. "His character is ten thousand times stronger than the stubborn dwarf. You two will definitely get along."

Aaron: ...

Are you really embarrassed to say this? Who put us in the dungeon with his own hands?


Untimely laughter sounded in the big tent, and Bilbo blinked in embarrassment.

"Well...many people admire him, dwarves, Smaug, humans, and now elves."

"Wait." Gandalf asked unexpectedly, "You mean Smaug?"

"When Smaug was in Irubor, he proposed to cooperate with Aaron. They could create an unprecedented kingdom, but he refused."

After the words fell, the human representatives in the big tent, the Elf King, and the gray-robed wizard all looked at Aaron in astonishment, wondering what magic power this child had to attract the dragon's favor.

"Haha, don't look at me like that, I'm so embarrassed." Aaron said sarcastically, "I'm just an ordinary magician, I just know a little bit about dragon language."

"Who are you?" Bud asked curiously, "Ability and age do not match at all."

"Do you really want to know?"

Bud nodded blankly, and the curiosity of the others was also aroused.

"Okay, since you asked the question sincerely, I will reluctantly tell you." Aaron cleared his throat and said with his head held high, "I am the only heir to the Gaius family and the best in the past century. My father and grandfather all agreed that I would restore the family's glory, and that's exactly what I am doing now."


He seemed to have said something, but he seemed to have said nothing.

"Let's get down to business!" Gandalf broke the inexplicable atmosphere in the tent, "King Thranduil, three days can prove everything."

"But if I don't get what I want, I will have to fight." Thranduil said, "The anger of the elves will not be worse than that of the dwarves. I hope you, especially someone, will not let me down. "

"Definitely not." Gandalf promised, "We have to go to Erub and let Thorin inform Dann that his temper will be even more violent. It will be terrible if he cannot restrain the Ironfoot Army."

"Wait a minute." Aaron stopped him, his face became a little solemn, "I overlooked a question. It will take two days at the latest for the orcs to reach Lonely Mountain. What's the earliest?"

"Then our time is shorter. If we march urgently, the enemy may arrive tomorrow."

"When will it be tomorrow?" Aaron asked, "Morning, noon, or evening?"

Gandalf frowned and said thoughtfully, "If nothing else happens, it should be noon."

"What about an accident?" Aaron looked nervously at the slowly setting sun outside. "This is a war, and intelligence errors can be fatal. We have to prepare for the worst."

Gandalf was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he said slightly panicked, "Dawn, at the earliest tomorrow, the orc army will be at the city gates."

"So fast?" Bilbo said that he couldn't accept it. They didn't even have time to prepare, and the enemy's army was about to come.

"It's so fast." Gandalf said anxiously, "King Thranduil, please organize the army and prepare for war at any time."

Thranduil frowned slightly and said thoughtfully: "The elves will form an array in front of Riverdale City tomorrow morning. You must explain it clearly to Oakenshield. I will not restrain myself if he misunderstands."

"I will definitely try my best to convince him."

"Bud." Aaron said, "You also want the people of Changhu to prepare for battle. It is better to believe that they have something than to believe that they have nothing.

In addition, the gold you want may have to be delayed for a few days until the battle is over. "

Bud nodded and walked out of the tent.

Gandalf also followed Aaron and Bilbo to Erubor.

Arriving under the city wall, Gandalf looked at the hanging rope and felt a hint of malice inexplicably.

Can't we get a hanging basket? Is it really appropriate for him to use a rope to climb the city wall at his age?

"Gandalf." Kili urged from the city, "What are you doing standing still? Grab the rope and we will pull you up."

Gandalf shook his head helplessly, tied the rope around himself, and was pulled up by several dwarves.

"Why do you think his expression is so awkward?" Bilbo frowned.

"It will be even more awkward next time." Aaron tied a knot with the rope for Bilbo. "Thorin is not that easy to persuade."

"That's true, it's troublesome just thinking about it."

Several people climbed onto the city wall, and a group of dwarves immediately surrounded them.

"How did the conversation go?" Balin asked. "What did Bard say?"

"If the money is there, he won't start a fight."

"That's good." Balin breathed a sigh of relief, "We can fight the elves, but there is really no need to fight the humans."

"Gandalf, where have you been?" Bofur looked at him puzzled, "Why are you here?"

"Something's wrong, Bofur.

Where is Thorin? He must know this. "

"Thorin..." Balin paused slightly, "He is sitting on the throne in the hall."

"Oh my God!" Gandalf rolled his eyes, "He is following the same path as his grandfather, but at this time."

"No way!" Bilbo said, "He agreed that we should give part of the gold to the people of Long Lake!"

"That only proves that he could still stay awake before, but it's really hard to say now." Gandalf said a little tiredly, "Don't underestimate the magic power of gold, and it is gold that has been occupied by evil dragons for a long time. Let's go Anyone who enters this mountain will be tainted by the evil breath of the evil dragon."

"Not everyone." Aaron looked at Bilbo and then at the dozen or so dwarves beside him. "Absolutely not. I have confidence in Thorin. He will not become his grandfather."

"I hope so!" Gandalf sighed and walked down the stairs quickly.

Arriving at the hall, the three of them stood among the massive gold coins, looking up at Thorin wearing a crown.

Thorin at this moment made them all feel a little strange, his eyes were dull and almost colorless.

Aaron and Bilbo looked at each other. They had only been away for a long time, and Thorin had changed a bit too much.


"Gandalf, you are back. Are you here to celebrate me?"

"No, I'm here to inform you.

The orc army is on the way forward, and they are preparing to attack Erub. "

"Dane's Ironfoot Army will kill them all, and anyone who tries to steal my gold will die."

Aaron frowned slightly, "What about what was promised to the people of Changhu?"

"This, I, this is different." Thorin struggled for a moment and said hesitantly: "I will give it to them, but isn't one-fifteenth too much?"

Aaron chuckled and shook his head, hoping that Thorin could come out on his own, otherwise he would have to use some unconventional means.

“One-fifteenth is indeed a bit too much, let’s cut it in half!

One-thirtieth is good. "

"Aaron." Thorin smiled happily, "That's right! You don't need to wrong yourself for those irrelevant people.

looking for me? "

"The army of Orcs." Gandalf stressed anxiously, "They will attack Erub at the earliest tomorrow and the day after tomorrow at the latest.

We hope that you and Dan will explain that you should not start a war with the elves first. Facing the powerful enemy together is the most important thing at the moment. "

"I know." Thorin said nonchalantly, "Dan is my cousin. He will listen to what I say, but he doesn't like elves as much as I do."

"There is no problem with Thranduil," Bilbo said. "The elven army will be stationed in the river valley and will not attack Irubor for a while."

"They don't have the ability either." Thorin's eyes flashed with disdain, "You guys have a good rest, put on your armor and weapons tomorrow, and protect our gold."

The three of them looked at each other, but since their goal was achieved, there was no need to waste time.

After leaving the hall, Bilbo went to the city gate to tell the other dwarves about their negotiations in Riverdale City, emphasizing that the orcs might come back to attack Irubor, so that everyone could prepare for battle.

Gandalf found Aaron, "I should say sorry to you. If I guessed correctly, the most difficult job in the team should fall on you!"

"Speak directly." Aaron rolled his eyes, "Although I am young, don't fool me like a child. You can't fool me."

Gandalf was stunned for a moment, "I mean it."

"I'm sincere too." Aaron spread his hands, "So can you be more honest?"

"Okay!" Gandalf hesitated for a while, "I can see that you really don't want to participate in the war, but I still hope that you can make an extra effort for the coalition without reservation."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" Aaron smacked his lips and looked at Gandalf with a half-smile, "Leaving the team midway, Thorin and the others were almost eaten by the giant spider in the dark forest. You were not here, so I risked my life to lure him away. More than twenty spiders saved everyone's lives.

When we were imprisoned in the dungeon by the woodland elves, you were not there. It was me who pried open the cell door and let Bilbo out to find the waterway before barely escaping.

We were chased by Borg all the way. Qili was hit by a Morgul arrow and almost died of poison. You were not here, but it was the medicine I prepared that killed him.

Finally arriving in Turin, Thorin and the others couldn't find the secret door. You weren't here, so I took out the...magic compass and found the keyhole.

The most outrageous thing is that when we were fighting Smaug, you were not here. It was me who spent a lot of magic power and a magic crystal to set up a trap in Lake Town to kill it. "

Several consecutive words of 'You're not here' hit Gandalf hard in the heart, making him so embarrassed that he couldn't even lift his head. The words 'I'm sorry' blurted out. After all, he left in a free and easy way, but most of the pressure was gone. It fell on a young man like Aaron, which was somewhat unkind.

"Although your apology is not sincere, I still reluctantly accepted it.

But what I want to say is that if I can resist beating you, I already respect the elderly and care for the young. Where did you get the face to give me more strength? "

Gandalf: ...

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