A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 278 The bravery of dwarves and the pride of elves

"Since the king has spoken, I will definitely give him this face." Dann said cheerfully, and immediately ordered the Iron Foot Army to march towards the city gate.

Aaron breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and the phantom moved to the city wall.

Although the process was a bit exciting, the result was pretty good, at least there was no fighting.

Thorin immediately ordered the dwarves around him to open the city gate and prepare to welcome the Ironfoot Army into the city.

But at this moment, there was a violent sound on the hillside in the distance, and the deafening sound attracted everyone's attention.

"They look like earth snakes." Gandalf's expression changed dramatically, "They must be cooperating with the orcs."

The next moment, several huge and ferocious sandworms suddenly emerged from the hole in the ground, and the densely packed fangs in their mouthparts bit the hard boulder into pieces.

But they did not launch an attack. They appeared briefly and then retreated, leaving several huge caves on the mountain.

"Gandalf, please don't tell me that our next enemies will all be of this size." Aaron couldn't help but swallowed. If Gandalf dared to say 'yes', he promised to run away immediately without saying a word. road.

"There must be huge enemies, but not too many. The main force of the enemy is still the orcs." Gandalf looked at the huge holes and murmured: "And they are already here."

"You mean the orcs will come out of those caves?" Aaron looked at those caves in disbelief, and was a little shocked by Azog's tactics, actually digging the tunnel directly to the edge of the lonely mountain.

He was a little lucky. Fortunately, the elves, humans and dwarves did not fight. Otherwise, if the orcs took the opportunity, they would definitely inflict heavy damage on all three parties.

At the same time, he also had some doubts about Asog's IQ. In this scene, the elves and dwarves could kill each other with just a little trickery. Could it be that the bloody nature of the orcs did not allow them to reap the benefits?

"Advance! My army."

At the same time, on Raven Ridge in the distance, Azog the Destroyer loudly summoned the army. They wanted to annihilate humans, dwarves and elves in one fell swoop.

The huge command flag was unfurled, and the loud horn sounded, and countless orc legions rushed out from the tunnel dug by the earth snake,

"The devil is coming to fight us, fight, fight, sons of Turin."

Dann immediately changed direction and led the Iron Foot Army to meet the enemy. Although he disliked the elves very much, he knew better that the orcs were the real enemies.

The Iron Foot Army was far outnumbered by the Orcs, but they were fearless and built a shield wall in the shortest possible time. Their spears penetrated through the gaps in the shield wall and stood ready.

"I want to join the battle, who will come with me?" Fili said.

"Okay! Let's go," Dwalin shouted loudly, and the other dwarves also agreed.

"No one is allowed to go," Thorin said suddenly.

"What? Are we going to stand by and watch?" Groyin asked in astonishment.

"I told you not to go," Thorin insisted.

The dwarves were shocked when they heard this. They couldn't believe that Thorin would give such an order.

"Do you want the gold?" Aaron looked at him meaningfully, "Even if you watch your compatriots die in battle, you don't want to go over and help?"

Thorin was stunned for a moment, did not answer, and walked down the city wall on his own.

"How did he become like this?" Balin had the illusion that his faith had collapsed. He had always believed that Thorin would become a qualified king and revive the dwarves, but now Thorin's performance made him heartbroken.

"He is better than his grandfather, and gold cannot fool him."

"It's not that I don't believe him, but why now?" Bahrain said bitterly, "Our compatriots are fighting bloody battles, but we have to stand by and watch."

"There is no time more appropriate than now." Aaron patted his shoulder, "If it were peacetime, he would be devoured by gold and be confused for a long time.

But now the dwarves are facing a huge crisis, and as long as he has a little conscience, he can't completely turn a blind eye. "

"But it takes time." Bahrain looked at the Iron Foot Army below in embarrassment, "What we... lack most is time."

"Then let the time be shorter." Aaron said meaningfully, "Take advantage of this time to organize some in-depth lines, go over and scold him severely, and try to wake him up."

"Is this possible?" Fili asked, "Thorin is not stubborn."

"There is a saying in Gaius' ancestral motto: Language is the most destructive weapon in the world." Aaron said meaningfully, "As long as you are sharp-tongued and coupled with acting skills that make it look real, you can add additional words when necessary. A few tears that can fully express your emotions can make the gods scold you for being autistic.”

"We'll talk about that kind of unrealistic stuff later." Bilbo interrupted Aaron anxiously, "Elves, they don't seem to be planning to fight."

Everyone looked intently, and saw that the allied forces of elves and humans maintained a wait-and-see attitude in front of River Valley City and stood still.

"Thranduil." Gandalf shouted angrily, "You can't do this."

"I'll go!" Aaron spread his hands, "We just have to work hard!"

The black and white space vortex swept Aaron into it, and he was in front of the elf formation in the blink of an eye.

"Thrandil, you can't do this." Aaron said in the same tone as Gandalf, "I know that you are backed by River Valley City and have a chance to retreat, but you will not keep retreating.

Gandalf made it very clear yesterday. I don’t know what the old country of Angmar in the north is, but I know that after the orcs revive that country, humans, elves, and dwarves will all face catastrophe. "

"The brave dwarves do not allow themselves to rush forward second." Thranduil said with some displeasure, "But the pride of the elves will not let them hide behind the dwarves."

Aaron was stunned for a moment and saluted Thranduil respectfully.

Then he wisely stepped aside and made way for the elf.

Bud on the side saw this and wanted to bring someone over to help.

"You have to stay here." Aaron stopped him.


"No, there are too many orcs, and you people can't even make waves if you join in.

Although I hate to say it, we need a way out in case both the dwarves and elves lose. Aaron said with a solemn expression, "This is not pessimism, this is a fact, and there should be many old people and children in the city." "

Bud nodded blankly, then looked at Aaron, "Can you help us?"

"I can only say that I will try my best." Aaron did not finish his words. He is now just a high-level magician. He can protect himself on such a battlefield, but he cannot affect the trend of a war at all.

After saying this, Aaron phantom moved to the city wall of Erub.

"What did you say to Thranduil?" Gandalf asked.

"It's nothing." Aaron looked at the elven army rushing towards the dwarf army and couldn't help but sigh, "Thrandil is much wiser than I thought.

Although his personality is a little cold and domineering, which makes people dislike him, there is no doubt that he is a qualified king. "

"Of course he is a qualified king." Gandalf said matter-of-factly, "Thrandil has protected the people under his command for several epochs."

"Amazing." Aaron raised the black wand, pointed at the sky in the distance and waved his arms continuously.

"What are you doing?" asked Gandalf.

"Asking knowingly." Aaron curled his lips disdainfully, "I am a wizard, so of course I use magic to fight."

Gandalf: ...

This is embarrassing.

He is also a wizard, and his magic power is just as strong as Aaron's, but his combat power is a real flaw.

On the battlefield, just when the Orc Legion was about to confront the Iron Foot Army, the Elf troops jumped out from above the dwarves' heads and came to the front of the formation to fight with the Orcs.

Not to be outdone, the Iron Foot Army took up their spears and charged into the enemy's army resolutely.

The two races that originally disliked each other turned into enemies at this moment, fighting side by side against the Orc Legion, and the three forces fought together.

"Send out the war beast."

Azog gave the order calmly, and the war beasts several meters tall slowly walked out of the huge cave. They rampaged across the battlefield with their huge bodies, causing huge casualties to both elves and dwarves.

Upon seeing this, Thranduil immediately ordered the elven archers to attack.

A round of golden arrows was like a downpour, and several giant war beasts and dozens of orcs were killed instantly.

At the same time, the dwarves also sent chariots into the battlefield. The wheels were extremely lethal and destroyed a large number of orcs at once.

But the chariot was quickly targeted by the giant beasts. They used their bodies as human shields to block the goats pulling the chariot, and then overturned the chariot from the side.

Without the chariot, the chariot and cavalry instantly fell into an absolute disadvantage and were submerged in the enemy's formation in the blink of an eye.

"They cannot fight on two fronts." Azog saw on Raven Ridge that River Valley Town was a place that neither dwarves nor elves could take care of, and immediately issued a military order, "Start taking action now to attack River Valley City."

Hearing the sound of the horn, a group of orcs who were recharging their strength saw the flag and immediately changed direction and marched toward River Valley Town in a mighty manner.

Once River Valley Town is lost, the dwarves, elves and humans will have no way out. Facing the huge orc army, they will only die.

"His uncle." Aaron said angrily, "I knew Asog would definitely arrange it like this."

"Bard and the others won't last long." Gandalf said worriedly, "Humans don't have many warriors at all."

"But we have to fight to the death. Before that, I will help them reduce the combat power of the orc army."

As the words fell, a giant magic array formed in the sky, and dark purple light shone on the ground.


Purple electric arcs flashed in the air. The Orcs marching towards River Valley Town felt the huge crisis and couldn't help but stop.


The next moment, violent purple thunder and lightning fell from the magic circle.

Purple thunder flowers bloomed in the orc army, and the surrounding sky was painted with a layer of purple, but this gorgeous color contained the power to destroy everything.


Huge screams came one after another, and one-tenth of the orc army that attacked River Valley City fell to the ground under the baptism of thunder.

Their bodies were scorched black, and the black smoke emitted from the corpses was even more disgusting.

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