A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 279 The great gray-robed wizard met his end in disguise

The thunderstorm came and went quickly, but the huge movement left an indelible impression on everyone.

Whether they were elves, dwarves, humans or orcs, they were all looking at the walls of Erub in shock at this moment, because in their understanding, only powerful wizards could use this kind of magic, and there happened to be one there.

At the same time, on the wall of Erub, Bilbo and more than a dozen dwarves looked at Aaron blankly, with a hint of strangeness and indescribable awe in their eyes.

But more than anything, he was thankful that Gandalf had a keen eye for talents and pulled him into the expedition team. Being a snitch with this ability was definitely an injustice.

Aaron's heart skipped a beat when he noticed the looks in other people's eyes.

He reacted instantly and looked at Gandalf with admiration.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Gandalf asked in confusion, but an ominous premonition lingered in his mind.

The next moment, Aaron grabbed Gandalf's right hand holding the staff and shouted to the battlefield below: "Long live Gandalf, long live the gray wizard."

While shouting, he also used a sound amplification spell to ensure that his voice could reach everyone's ears.

The morale of the dwarves and elves soared in an instant, and they did not lose when they were fighting against the many, and even faintly overwhelmed the orc army.

With a powerful mage standing behind to deal damage, they can see some hope even when facing enemies several times their size.

King Dane laughed heartily while riding a wild boar to kill the enemy, "Gandalf the Grey, we have a wizard to help us."

Thranduil frowned slightly as he looked at the city. He still knew how much Gandalf weighed. It was not like he could use such powerful magic.

It's just that now he doesn't have time to satisfy his curiosity, and a morale boost isn't a bad thing.

On the contrary, the Orc Legion felt a little depressed. Originally, they wanted to crush the elves and dwarves with absolute advantage, but now there is an additional disadvantage in their absolute advantage.

Never underestimate the influence of a legendary wizard. It takes time to prepare powerful magic, but no one wants to experience the kind of thunder that destroys the world.

WTF...I'm in a trough...

Gandalf came back to his senses, his face red with anger, his face twitching continuously, and his right hand holding the staff was even shaking violently.

He was still a little happy in his heart. As long as Gaius took action, he would never be able to hide.

Even if he wants to run away midway, the orcs will never let him go in the future. The reward issued by Asog will spread throughout the continent the next day.

But he never expected that he would do this trick. This operation simply blinded his eyes and opened the door to a new world for him.

Gandalf has never been so prosperous in his life, but he doesn't want this kind of scenery at all, because behind this scenery is a huge pot.

It didn't matter that he showed his face in front of his own troops, but the orc army also remembered him. One can imagine what kind of terrifying targets he would face if he left the battlefield.

It would be okay if he won this battle today, but if he lost, his future life would definitely not be stable.

"Gaius, you are really..."

"You don't need to thank me, you really don't need to thank me." Aaron interrupted him hastily, as if he was thinking about you, "From today on, the gray robe wizard will become famous."

"Do I need it?" Gandalf asked with a dark face, "Are you going to trick me like this?"

"As for." Aaron spread his hands, "I need a shield, and no one is more suitable than you.

I am just a little-known wizard, and my intimidation is far inferior to that of the gray-robed wizard. As long as you stand on the city wall, I won't be so conspicuous below. "

Gandalf: ...

But you can’t just say it’s a trap. Can’t you let me be mentally prepared?

"The magic just now..." Gandalf hesitated.

"Ultimate thunder elemental magic." Aaron said seriously.

"No, I'm asking you if you can use it again. If you can, we may not be able to win."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you." Aaron chuckled, "Only a great mage can exert the power of the ultimate magic circle. With my current magic level, if I use this kind of ultimate move, my magic power will be consumed no more than ten times. All."

"That's okay!" Gandalf looked at the battlefield with some joy, "It's enough to eliminate some of the enemies, which can greatly improve our morale and reduce our pressure."

"No." Aaron refused bluntly. "First of all, it's a waste of time. Secondly, I'm not that selfless. At least I will leave myself some power to run away."

Gandalf was stunned, "You are really honest."

"Why don't you use powerful magic?" Aaron asked in confusion.

"Well..." Gandalf said with a slight hesitation, "The wizard's job is more focused on guidance and strategy, so Vera does not allow us to use excessive force, and the magic power is greatly restricted."


The horn sounded suddenly, and Azog on Raven Ridge gave the order again.

“Attack, keep attacking.

The wizard is nothing special. We will win this battle. "

Following his order, the orc army, which was originally shocked by the thunder, quickly adjusted its formation and continued to advance towards River Valley City.

In addition, more than ten giant beasts carrying slings came out of the cave. They bent down at a high place, and the orcs on their backs controlled the slings to launch destructive attacks on the walls of River Valley Town. Attack and clear obstacles for the orc army.

After all, River Valley City has been abandoned for many years and is already dilapidated. Compared with the city gate, the city wall is seriously under-guarded, making it easier to get in.

Upon seeing this, Bader immediately ordered his troops to retreat to the city to protect his family.

"Not good." Gandalf looked solemn, "We have to go to support River Valley City, we must go."

"How can we get there?" Bilbo said anxiously, "There is a battlefield between us!"

"Gaius, can you help us?"

“Okay, but just the two of you won’t make much difference.

And Gandalf, you are now the spiritual support of the coalition, I am sure..."

"That's why I have to go there all the more." Gandalf's tone was unequivocal. "The retreat must be defended. After Asog restrains the elves and dwarves, he will definitely send a large force to occupy River Valley City, which will become the second battlefield."

"Understood, I will help you." Aaron nodded, and then his body emitted a burst of white light, and he used half of his magic power to create a missing body.

Everyone on the city wall was shocked, but Bilbo seemed to have thought of something and looked at Aaron in disbelief, "It was really you who fought Smaug in Lake Town two days ago?"

Aaron spread his hands and said helplessly that he had indeed told the truth at that time, but no one believed him.

The missing body directly stepped forward and grabbed the left and right hands of Gandalf and Bilbo, leading them to teleport to Bard.

"These two are reinforcements for you." Missing Body said to Bud, "They will help you."

"Wait, Gaius..." Gandalf hurriedly stopped the missing body, "You will be needed here."

"I didn't say I wouldn't stay!" the missing body said, and then looked at the city wall to the side. The ferocious orc army was less than a hundred meters away from the city wall.

"Bud, I try to buy time, but it won't last long."

"Thank you." Bard nodded heavily, and then led everyone back to the city. He had to arrange for the old, weak, women and children in the city as soon as possible.

The phantom of the missing body moved to the arrow tower inside the city wall, and concisely greeted the several guards guarding here, "Aaron Gaius, a wizard, Bard asked me to help you.

We can't hold on for long, but we can hold on for as long as we can, and don't force it. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a giant beast speeding up, pointing its head at the city wall and launching a fierce charge.

"A ruthless person, no, a ruthless beast!" The missing body smacked its lips and took a deep breath, "The fire dragon's...roar."


Red flames spurted out from Aaron's mouth, sending the giant beast flying backwards from a distance of dozens of meters.

At the age of seven, he rolled on the ground several times and crushed more than ten orcs to death.

"This is much more powerful than the fire spell, but the consumption of magic power is also staggering, so you still have to use it sparingly." The missing body thought secretly, but looking at the tide of Orc Legion in front of him, he immediately calmed down. .

He is not Smaug. Even if there are so many enemies, he and his body cannot be killed even if they drain all their magic energy.

Thinking of this, the missing body grabbed a piece of gravel and used the transformation technique to turn it into a long sword.

Soon, the orc army came to the city.

Several guards were extremely nervous, and a slightly younger one was even shaking all over, but he still held the bow and arrow tightly in his hand.

They all know very well that orcs are extremely cruel and completely inhumane. Even if they surrender, they will be tortured to death. Fighting to the death is the best and only option.

The missing body was also a little nervous, but there was a hint of excitement in the nervousness. He had only seen the scene of thousands of troops in the movie, but now it was real before his eyes.

Even though he was facing thousands of legions now, he still felt his blood boiling.

I remember that when he was trained by Genes, he was evaluated as being able to barely block a hundred with one, and today was the perfect time to try out his most realistic combat power.

"You guys." The Missing Body looked at the other people, "I will kill you in a while. You use your bows and arrows to cover me, and retreat after shooting the arrows."

"No." The oldest man denied, "Child, you don't know the terror of orcs. Even if you are a wizard, you can't possibly deal with so many people."

Hearing this, the missing body smiled and said, "Maybe I didn't introduce him clearly just now, Aaron Gaius, the primary wizard and the secondary swordsman."

"That won't work either, you're too young.

If we must delay time, my old bones..."

"You do whatever I tell you to do." Aaron said with a forceful wave of the long sword in his hand. The cold sword light flashed and drew a long sword mark on the ground.

"Do you still have any opinions now?"

"No, no more." The old man's eyes twitched slightly. He was not sure if Bard was this powerful, but he was sure that he was definitely not this powerful when he was young.

"I don't mean to disrespect you at all, but don't underestimate me too much." The Missing Body patted the old man's shoulder, then jumped off the city wall several meters high, blocking the front of the orc army alone. .

The missing body took the initiative to attack, waving the long sword in its hand, and rushed into the orc army formation.

Wherever the sword passed, blood gushed out like a fountain, and heads rolled down. In an instant, more than ten orcs were killed, and the clothes on their bodies were stained with a layer of black blood.

At the same time, several guards on the city wall began to shoot arrows rapidly in an attempt to prevent the orcs from approaching, but in the face of massive enemy troops, the effect was destined to be a drop in the bucket.

Since the previous round of boulders had destroyed the city wall, the Missing Body could only attract a small number of enemies, and more orcs chose to enter the city from other directions.

The Missing Body naturally noticed this, but he was only one person, and his frontal struggle was already helping the people of Changhu to share the pressure, and no more would be able to help.

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