A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 351 The Unforgivable Curse, Lupine and Snape will be very happy

"Then let's look at the spell first?" Moody raised a smile on his lips and looked at Ron with his eyes, one big and one small. "Weasley, tell me something."

Ron stood up in a panic and said cautiously: "My father did say one thing, the Imperius Curse."

"Yes, of course your father knows. This spell caused a lot of trouble for the ministry a few years ago." Moody admired it, then walked to a glass bottle and grabbed a spider out of it.

"Hello, cute little beauty."

Moody opened his palm, first used the Expansion Curse to enlarge it so that every student could see it clearly, and then cast the Imperius Curse on it.

"The soul is out of body!"

Under Moody's control, the spider jumped on the students' arms, arms, heads, and faces, but it did not hurt anyone. It seemed to be just a prank and made many people laugh.

"Isn't it very capable?" Moody laughed, but his face darkened the next moment, "What will it do next? Jump out of the window? Or drown?"

As the words fell, the spider jumped to the window, and then jumped to the top of the bucket, but it seemed not to realize how close death was to it.

Seeing this scene, the laughter in the classroom almost disappeared instantly.

This spell can control people at will. If anyone needs to cast it, they will die without knowing how.

"There are many male and female magicians who claim that the reason why they obey the mysterious man's words is because they are under the Imperius Curse, but the question is how to know who is lying?"

"Professor." Aaron raised his arm and asked, "Is there any way to resist the Imperius Curse?"

"Yes, of course." Moody took the spider back, then walked to Aaron with a smile, "As long as your personality is strong enough, you can resist it.

How about it? Want to try it? "

Aaron frowned slightly, always feeling as if Moody was deliberately targeting him.

He is somewhat confident in resisting the Soul-Seizing Curse, because he has a group of immortal ancestors, and he has also added BUFFs to his mind, will and soul several times.

"The soul is out of body!"

Moody suddenly waved his wand, and Aaron instinctively made a dodge action.

But before he could turn sideways, a white shadow quickly blocked in front of him.


Aaron looked at Abe, who was sitting on the desk, and the flames of anger ignited unconsciously in his eyes.

The holy dragon's magic resistance is much stronger than that of ordinary dragons, and the Soul-Tampering Curse has almost no effect on it, and will only make it confused for a while.

But whether it works or not is one thing; whether it works or not is another matter.

Abe has been following him since he hatched from the egg. Unexpectedly, he was bullied in front of him today. It is really unbearable.

"Professor Moody." Aaron gritted his teeth and said, "You really went too far..."

"Aaron, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive!" Hermione reminded hurriedly. She also knew the importance of Abe to Aaron, and was afraid that he would fight with the professor in anger.

Alastor Moody was an Auror, and he was responsible for combat power among professors. Snape had to go around him when he saw him.

If you fight, you are very likely to lose, and the consequences are not easy to bear.

Draco held onto Aaron's arm, and Harry and Ron shook their heads at him.

Aaron took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and then looked at Moody with a smile, "Professor, you just wanted to test the Imperius Curse on me, right?"

"Yes, if you want to resist the Imperius Curse, it's best to try it yourself." Moody said without hesitation, "It's not just you, every one of you has to experience it."

"Now...please continue."

Moody's magic eyes turned around a few times, and the arrogance on his face calmed down a bit, "The soul left the body."

In an instant, Aaron felt that he had lost a lot of weight and had a feeling of elation.

But the next moment the mind-hiding technique came into play, and the soul-stealing curse was perfectly resisted.

Moody's eyes widened in astonishment, and before he could react, he saw a flash of purple in Aaron's pupils, and his hand involuntarily loosened his grip.


Moody murmured in confusion. He was about to say something when the sound of the wand falling was brought back to reality.

"You...how did you do it?

You are only fourteen years old. Your magic power cannot be stronger than mine. Do you have experience in resisting the Imperius Curse? "

"Perhaps my personality is strong enough!" Aaron smiled contemptuously, then picked up the wand on the ground, "Professor, your wand."

Moody's mouth twitched, "Professor Lupine will be very pleased to have a student like you."

"He'd better pray not to see me, otherwise I'll definitely give him a slap in the face." Aaron said meaningfully.

Moody: ...

"Not everyone can resist the soul-destroying curse. The best way is not to be hit by this spell and to stay vigilant at all times.

So now can anyone tell me about the second unforgivable curse? "

Many people raised their hands this time, but the most surprising one was Neville. He had never been so proactive, even though his right hand was shaking slightly.

"You are Longbottom! Stand up.

Professor Sprout told me that you have a talent for herbalism. "

Neville nodded and said, "There is also a spell called the Cruciatus Curse."

"Correct, come here." Moody placed the spider on the podium and let Neville see it up close. "It is very dangerous and a torturous spell."

He pointed his wand at the enlarged spider, "Cruciatus Curse, Crucio."

The spider twitched continuously and emitted a painful scream, a hundred times more piercing than the sound of a cat's claws scratching the glass.

Everyone's expressions became extremely unnatural, and they couldn't bear to look at them. Neville, who was closest to them, had an even more distorted expression, his face turned pale, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Close your ears and listen."

Aaron recited the spell, and a buzzing sound appeared in everyone's ears instead of the spider's scream.

Moody stopped using the Cruciatus Curse on the spider, sent Neville back to his seat and looked at Aaron deeply, "Snape will be very pleased."


"Then...Mr. Gaius, please tell me the final Unforgivable Curse."

"The death curse is also called the killing curse." Aaron said lightly. The moment his words fell, several people around him seemed a little frightened.

"Exactly." Moody walked up to Aaron with the spider and put it on the desk. "I don't dare to experiment with this spell on people."

"Avada Kedavra."

A burst of green light flashed, and the spider had no scars on its body, but it stopped breathing.

Aaron frowned slightly, then turned his face away.

This wasn't fear, after all, the death curse wasn't meant for him.

But a big spider died on my desk, which made me feel unlucky no matter how I thought about it.

"The death curse is an unbreakable spell and there is no way to resist it.

As far as anyone knows, only one person has escaped the spell, and he's here. "Moody looked at Harry meaningfully, and everyone else in the classroom also looked at him.

Harry Potter defeated Voldemort, which is well known in the wizarding world, but when the professor emphasized it again, it felt different immediately.

Harry thought of the green light he saw when he was attacked by dementors, and had a clearer understanding of the death of his parents.

"Avada Kedavra requires very powerful magical power as its foundation. You can all take out your wand, point it at me, and recite this spell."

"Professor, do you want us to be imprisoned in Azkaban?" Aaron asked with a chuckle. Although he has separated the missing body, his magical power is far beyond that of his peers. If someone accidentally puts Mu What should I do if Di is sent away?

"Uh...forget it." Moody said helplessly, "Others will only leave me with a little nosebleed at most, but you might cripple me."

Hearing this, the corners of Aaron's mouth twitched.

You are already half disabled, how dare you say this?

In the remaining time, Moody introduced the three unforgivable curses to the students in detail and asked everyone to take notes.

Although this class was a little scary, it was full of useful information, and many people found it very rewarding.

After the get out of class bell rang, the students left one after another. They talked a lot, and their awe of Alastor Moody skyrocketed.

After lunch, Aaron took Abe to the library.

In a remote corner, he placed Abe on the table, gave it a very rigorous inspection, and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there were no residual effects from the Imperius Curse.

"Stand still and relax." Aaron looked at Abe's big watery eyes and said seriously: "Don't do this next time, do you understand?

Your master, I am not so weak that I need you to help me block the spell. "

A trace of confusion flashed across Abe's innocent and clear eyes, "Master, do you want me to watch helplessly?"

Aaron was amused, rubbed its faucet and said: "Loyalty is good, keep it up.

It's definitely not okay to just watch. Without my order, you can do whatever you want when there's a sneak attack or when I'm unable to resist. "


Aaron nodded with satisfaction and took out Wihter's magic notes from his pocket, preparing to improve his proficiency in ultimate elemental magic and study other applications of elemental magic.

But after he drew a few pictures, a shadow appeared on the desk.

Looking up, she saw Hermione pouting, looking angry, helpless and nervous.

"Did you...who offended you?"

Hermione sat directly opposite Aaron and placed a box on the table. When she opened it, she found badges of various colors with the word SPEW printed on them.

"Pick one!"

"You have to tell me what this is first?"

"Can't you see?" Hermione said with some regret, "This is the House Elf Rights Promotion Association, which I just founded."

Aaron seemed to understand something and asked tentatively: "Illegal assembly?"

"No, it's just an ordinary club." Hermione explained with a blush, "You should have a house elf at home, right?"

"How many are there? Why do you ask?"

"Do they get paid? Do they get sick leave, allowances, etc.?"

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