A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 352 Selling badges and falling into the trap for no reason

"None of them." Aaron shook his head matter-of-factly.

"What?" Hermione's eyes widened, looking very surprised, "Slave labor actually exists in your family."

"Don't dare to say this nonsense." Aaron lowered his voice, "Many wizard families have house elves, and the word slave labor has spread..."

"Will I offend a lot of people?" Hermione said nonchalantly.

“Think too much and you’ll just come across as an idiot.

I don't want to bash you, but no one cares, not even the house elves.

You want to fight for their rights, but what if they don’t want those rights themselves? "

"Isn't this possible? No one doesn't want to live a good life."

"But that's what house elves are like." Aaron said speechlessly, "Providing better services to wizards unconditionally is their biggest pursuit. What you want to fight for them is an outright insult to them. .

Of course, I do not deny that there are one or two weirdos in this ethnic group who may fight for their own trivial rights despite the contempt and indifference of their fellow tribesmen..."

Halfway through his words, Aaron's voice stopped suddenly because a pair of angry eyes appeared on the opposite side.


"That... what I said is true, there is no point in what you do."

Hermione was unmoved and just pushed the box of badges forward a dozen centimeters, "Would you like to join the House-Elf Rights Promotion Association?"

"This will make me look stupid and... cruel." Aaron said with an embarrassed look, "I have thought about giving some preferential treatment to my house elves before, but when I proposed it, they seemed to have died. Mom was equally sad and even thought she had done something wrong and started to punish herself. "

"Then what?" Hermione asked with interest.

“Then I gave up, I can’t force them to accept welfare benefits.

In fact, the house elves in my family are already lucky. At least I and my family will not punish them casually. In addition to not receiving wages, they will still be given the necessary respect. "Aaron said, holding up his fingers, "Clean and decent clothes, a warm room, and three healthy meals a day have never been unfair to them.

To some extent, their treatment is much better than that of the poor. "

Hearing this, Hermione smiled happily and picked a silver badge from the box, "Now I hope you will join the Elf Rights Promotion Association."

Aaron was stunned for a moment, and said with a somewhat unnatural expression: "Wasn't what I just said clear enough?"

"It's very clear, but that's why I want to invite you to join." Hermione said crisply, "I checked specifically and found that the status of elves as slaves can be traced back to centuries ago.

Many wizards have abused house elves so far, but the way Gaius' family treats house elves could be our short-term goal.

The long-term goal is to give elves the right to use wands and make them eligible to work in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. "

"Sorry to interrupt." Aaron waved his hand, "Leave the word 'men' behind and don't take me with you."

Hermione couldn't help but put the badge into Aaron's hand, "Two Sickles, here's the money for the badge."

"Well...if you are short of money, I can lend it to you without interest. There is no need to sell this thing."

"Where are you thinking?" Hermione rolled her eyes, "This is the membership fee, which is used to print and distribute leaflets."

"Sorry, I'm busy." Aaron pushed the badge back and declined politely.

Hermione hesitated, "You are just the Honorary Vice President, you don't have to do anything."

Aaron was speechless and held his forehead, "I have said this, do you not understand, or are you pretending not to understand?"

"You have nothing to lose by joining." Hermione smiled.

"But it's of no benefit." Aaron said very straightforwardly, "Past experience tells me that doing more is worse than doing less. My intuition tells me that this House Elf Rights Promotion Association is meaningless. The twitching right eyelid tells me , This is not a big trouble, I don’t want to get involved in it.”

"Okay!" Hermione sighed slightly, "You guessed it right, I'm actually here to sell badges."


Aaron laughed dumbly and gave her a thumbs up, "You can do it, you really can."

"Buy it or not?" Hermione raised her eyebrows proudly.

"Give me money." Aaron said helplessly.

Abe turned his face away unhappily, rummaged in his pocket with his paws for a while, and took out two silver coins.

"As the vice president..."

"Huh?" Aaron glared at Hermione, I'll give you another chance to reorganize your language.

"Ahem! For the sake of our friendship of more than three years, don't you support me more?"

Aaron rolled his eyes helplessly, and Abbey took out two gold galleons and two silver coins from his pocket and put them together.

If it was money to buy something, it would accept it, but now it feels like it was wasted.

"Thank you very much, you won't regret it in the future."

"Haha! I would like to ask, how many members does this so-called elf rights promotion association have?"

"Two, but there will be four soon." Hermione said confidently, "I plan to let Ron manage the dues and be the treasurer, and Harry will be the secretary and responsible for records."

Aaron's mouth twitched, feeling that he had jumped into a deep pit in a daze.

Just as he was about to say something, Hermione quickly left the library with a few books in her arms, leaving only a silver badge on the table.

"It seems that it may not be so easy to climb out of this pit." Aaron sighed and put away the silver SPEW badge.

Abe squatted in front of Aaron. He could feel his master's helpless mood and wanted to comfort him but didn't know what to say.

"It's okay, Honorary Vice President!

It'll be fine...probably! "

Inexplicably joining a club with no prospects, Aaron was no longer in the mood to practice magic circles, so he returned to the Slytherin common room with Abe in his arms.


In the Hall of Divine Sound, the Missing Body was testing the performance of the flintlock pistol.

As for the target, it was a boulder made with earth element magic, and he also specially carved an advanced defensive magic circle on it.

As magic power continues to be injected into the gun body, the golden patterns on both sides become more and more brilliant.


The bullet was shot from the muzzle, and the round marble hit the boulder in an instant.

A yellow defensive magic circle suddenly appeared, resisting the strong impact of bullets.


Rubbles flew, explosions sounded, the magic circle shattered at an extremely fast speed, and a large gap was created in the boulder.

After penetrating the boulder, the bullet did not stop advancing and hit the wall of Shenming Palace.

A more complex magic circle emerged, but after a moment of stalemate, the round bullet was crushed to pieces by this magic power.

"My shooting skills are still very good." Aaron said proudly.

"This is the highest power this gun can currently achieve, between high-level and ultimate elemental magic. Each gun will consume about one-tenth of my magic energy, but if combined, the consumption will be much smaller.

Ancestor Alger's assessment is spot on, he can injure a dragon, but it is difficult to kill it. "

Abe turned his face away unhappily, as if he was disgusted by his master's comparison with dragons.

“I didn’t talk about you, we were just talking about ordinary dragons.

You are only a juvenile now, and this gun can still break your dragon scales, but when you become an adult, this gun will not pose any threat to you. "

Abe poked at each other with his paws aggrievedly, saying so, but it was still a long time before it reached adulthood.

Its upper limit is far higher than that of ordinary dragons, but its growth rate is extremely slow. Even if its owner "reinforces its growth" from time to time, it is still in the juvenile stage.

Aaron hugged Abe and said, "Don't think too much. The days to come will be long. You will grow much faster with me here."

Abe nodded hastily, without any doubt.

"You have also tried it. Do you have any suggestions for modifications?"

"Hmm... I don't have any revisions. There is no fault in the craftsmanship of ancestor Alger." The missing body thought for a moment and then said, "But there is nothing wrong with the gun, but the bullets are different.

Ordinary bullets can barely be replaced by transformation. After all, we are magic firearms.

But special bullets require special materials and need to be made using special methods, which consumes resources. "

"I will find the bullet materials when I have time." Aaron said, he was not in a hurry for this kind of thing, and he didn't need this gun at this stage.

"That's good, I will devote some of my energy to learning enchanting knowledge and gun maintenance.

But there is a small problem. "The missing body hesitated and smiled, "This gun needs a resounding name. After all, it is our first weapon, so it doesn't even have a name! "

"That's right!" Aaron scratched his head, "The name needs to be carefully considered.

Well, if you think of something more suitable, let me know when the time comes. "

Missing Body's face immediately darkened, "Why do you think I told you this? Isn't it just because the name is hard to come by?

Besides, we have the same personalities and thoughts. Do I need to inform you of the name I think is suitable? "

"Uh... don't be so open-minded, there might be something that makes you feel confused!

It won't be up to me to make the decision then. "

"I still know myself well." The missing body said impatiently, "When you are in trouble, just flip a coin."

"You'd better inform me." Aaron smiled awkwardly, and then asked, "How did you complete the homework assigned by Professor Trelawney?"

"It's done." The missing body said easily and took down a roll of parchment from the shelf nearby.

"How did you do it?"

The missing body did not speak, but pointed at the crystal ball on the table.

Aaron's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly, "As expected of me, using divination to predict the movements of planets that will affect the future.

You didn't divine anything else, did you? Take Goblet of Fire, for example. "

“No, this time it was successful, very successful.

And the divination results show that we will live a very stable month. "

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