A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 354: Eye-catching Debut, Five Empty Seats

"The carriage with twelve Pegasus horses is much cooler than the carriage at Hogwarts." Aaron said meaningfully. Beauxbatons' way of traveling is very similar to that of second-year wizards and above when they return to school, but the scale is It is much larger, and the visual impact is naturally extraordinary.

The carriage landed at an extremely fast speed, its huge wheels slowing down slowly on the lawn, and stopped just in front of the team.

The carriage is emblazoned with the Beauxbatons school logo - two golden crossed wands, with three stars emerging from each wand.

The door opened, a boy in a light blue robe jumped out of the carriage, and then opened a golden spiral staircase.

A huge black high-heeled shoe stuck out from the carriage, followed closely by a handsome giantess.

"Good boy!" Aaron couldn't help but swallowed.

I thought that Hagrid was already great among giants, and could become the professor of the Care of Magical Creatures class after all, but I didn’t expect that a giant could sneak into the position of principal of a magic school. It was simply unbelievable.

"Is she Maxim?" Draco looked at the brightly dressed giantess with a somewhat unnatural look on his face. "No wonder my parents have never considered sending me to Beauxbatons to go to school. The giant headmaster is better than Dumbledore is even harder to accept."

"You can't say that, this woman should be considered a socialite among the giants.

And being able to become the principal as a giant, her management ability is probably no worse than Dumbledore. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Dumbledore began to applaud, and hundreds of teachers and students also applauded in welcome.

A smile appeared on Maxim's face, and he stretched out a shining hand towards Dumbledore as he walked towards him.

After a simple kiss on the hand, Dumbledore smiled and said: "Dear Ms. Maxim, welcome to Hogwarts."

"Dumbledore, I hope you are well.

Also, these are my students. "

Maxim waved back, and a dozen witches and wizards got off the carriage and followed her.

Most of these students are over seventeen years old, and they are probably candidates to participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

"Is Karkaroff here?"

"It should be there soon. Do you want to wait for him here or go in first to warm up?" Dumbledore asked, because he found that Beauxbatons students wore thin clothes and may not be able to withstand the weather.

“It’s better to go warm up first!

Professor Dumbledore, my horses have traveled a long way and they need care. "

"Don't worry! Madam Maxime." Dumbledore said confidently, "Our Care of Magical Creatures professor Hagrid will take good care of them.

I assure you, he's more than capable of doing the job. "

"Well, please tell Mr. Hagrid that my horse only drinks single malt whiskey."

"I'll take care of it."

Maxime led her students up the stone steps towards Hogwarts Castle.

Not long after they left, a long mast rose from the lake.

There were huge waves on the water, and a large ship floated up from the lake and headed towards the shore.

“Beautiful.” Aaron clapped, “It’s flying in the sky, and everything is swimming in the water.

In comparison, the welcome ceremony on the ground floor of Hogwarts is a bit disappointing. We are no different from Muggles. "

"I can tell, Professor McGonagall's face is not very pretty." Draco was still very curious about this magic school that almost hired him. He stood on tiptoes and watched the ship approach.


A plank of wood hit the shore. The leading middle-aged man walked quickly in a white leather coat. Behind him were a dozen senior students wearing fur cloaks.

There were exclamations in the welcoming team at Hogwarts, because among the dozen Durmstrang students there was a star, Viktor Krum.

He shone in the Quidditch World Cup, and many people are still impressed by him.

"Albus." The middle-aged man gave Dumbledore a familiar hug, "Old man, are you okay?"

"Excellent, Professor Karkaroff."

After a brief courtesy, Dumbledore led them up the steps, with the Hogwarts students following behind them.

"I can't believe it." Draco murmured, "Krum is a member of the national Quidditch team. I didn't expect that he is a student like us."

"Krum, Harry, it's Viktor Krum."

When the two heard Ron's voice, they couldn't help but look at each other.

Turning around, he saw Ron holding Harry's arm, trembling with excitement.

"It's such an embarrassment to purebloods, Weasley." Draco said disdainfully, "It's true that Krum is a star, but you shouldn't act so exaggerated!"

"You know what, he's the best Seeker in the world."

"So...do I need a signature?" Aaron teased.

"Of course." Ron said matter-of-factly, but the next moment his expression fell, "I didn't bring a quill or paper."

"It's such a pity, many people don't bring that thing." Aaron shook his head and immediately gave Abe a wink.

It glared at Ron contemptuously and took out a pen and paper from its pocket.

"Why does it have everything in its pocket?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"Because I will put everything I need in it." Aaron explained casually, "I have a pen and paper, but I don't care whether you can sign or not."

"I can't thank you enough!" Ron took the pen and paper quickly, looking at Krum's back and thinking about how to get an autograph for a while.

"Would you like it?" Aaron looked at Draco. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded with a blushing face.

"Um...if you still have pen and paper, can you give us a copy?" Lee Jordan asked sheepishly. He was followed by the Weasley twins, their eyes full of expectation.

Not only them, but also Harry Potter and several members of the Quidditch Cadet Team joined in.

Aaron's mouth twitched slightly. He had plenty of pens and paper, but how could he give them to him in this situation?

Today is a welcome ceremony, not an autograph session for Viktor Krum.

"I'm sorry that you are late."

"This is ridiculous, he's just a Quidditch player." Hermione said in a low voice.

"Absurd?" Aaron chuckled and shook his head, "I still remember that in my second year, a certain witch worshiped Gilderoy Lockhart even more."

Hearing this, Hermione blushed slightly and stopped making any comments.

The Beauxbatons students sat with the Ravenclaw wizards, while the Durmstrang students chose the Slytherin table.

On a first come first served basis, Draco successfully obtained Krum's signature. Malfoy's status as a pure-blood noble made it easy for him to mingle with these wizards.

Ron, who originally wanted to get an autograph, was so angry that his teeth itched when he saw this scene, but in front of his idol, he could only suppress the discomfort in his heart.

Filch added five chairs to the staff table, and Maxim and Karkaroff sat on either side of Dumbledore.

The banquet started after the guests from the two colleges were seated. However, compared to usual, today's banquet had more foreign features and could better cater to the tastes of the guests.

While enjoying the food, two more people came and sat on the empty seats, namely Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch.

"It seems that there are still some distinguished guests who haven't come!" Draco showed a particularly confident expression in front of the wizards in Durmstrang. "The one who appears at the end must be extraordinary. Maybe he is a veteran of the wizarding world!"

After eating and drinking, the golden tableware was cleaned and packed away.

Dumbledore stood up from his seat, and the atmosphere in the auditorium became quiet.

He looked at everyone with a smile, "The moment has finally arrived, the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin, but before that I have to introduce a few people to you.

This is Mr. Barty Crouch, Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Magic.

This is Mr. Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports at the Ministry of Magic. "

The two stood up one after another, showed their faces in front of everyone, and received some applause.

"The two of them have worked tirelessly over the past few months to arrange the Triwizard Tournament," Dumbledore said. "The two of them will serve as referees along with me, Professor Karkaroff and Madam Maxime. group."

"Ahem!" Barty Crouch suddenly coughed.

"Besides us, there is also a referee." Dumbledore looked meaningfully at the last empty seat. "She was delayed for some things, but she should have arrived now."

After the words fell, the door of the auditorium opened, and a young woman slowly walked in.

She was dressed in beige clothes, with a slender body that was plump and graceful. Her long black hair was draped over her shoulders. She had no makeup on her face. Her jade-like skin showed a little crimson, her eyebrows were like ink paintings, and her black pupils revealed a trace of red. A radiant heroic spirit.

The moment she appeared, she attracted everyone's attention.

The boy swallowed unconsciously, but the girl felt a little ashamed of herself.

None of them expected that the last referee would be so young, but her strong confidence and calmness made people feel like it was natural. She was definitely the most fair referee.

Aaron, on the other hand, stared at the girl who came forward with dumbfounded eyes. He couldn't react for a moment. Fear, doubt, puzzlement, astonishment, confusion and other complex emotions were intertwined in his mind to form one word.


At this moment, it seems that many doubts have been answered silently.

Adrian will come to Hogwarts to serve as the referee for the Triwizard Tournament. This is probably what Jeans is hiding from him.

It's no wonder that Adrian is interested in the Quidditch World Cup. The Triwizard Tournament is as large-scale as the Quidditch World Cup. Watching it in person is also a better way to learn from relevant experience.

When Aaron suddenly realized it, he didn't know how much impact the word he subconsciously said had.

Draco, who was nearest, opened his eyes in astonishment, followed by a dozen Durmstrang students, and then the entire Slytherin table. Finally, everyone's eyes were on him and the visitor. Constantly switching between times.

Harry and others had all seen Adrian at the Quidditch World Cup, but she was wearing half a mask at the time. Her mystery went beyond her sealed appearance, but now what appeared in front of them was her beauty, so that they Neither linked the two together in the first place.

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