A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 355: Goblet of Fire, a Difficult Request

Adrian smiled, raised his eyebrows at Aaron, and walked to the stage calmly.

Barty Crouch stood up, cleared his throat and said: "Let me introduce to you, Adrian Klein, the last referee of the Triwizard Tournament and the most special referee.

Miss Klein is jointly recommended by the Magic Council and the International Magic Federation. She is not responsible for scoring the participating warriors, but will record the competition process to ensure that the competition is fair and just. "

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

There was extremely warm applause in the auditorium.

“This year’s Warriors’ three competition events have been carefully reviewed, taking place at different times throughout the school year.

Mr. Crouch, Mr. Bagman, and Miss Klein made the necessary arrangements for each project, which tests the warrior's magical talent, courage, reasoning ability, and ability to overcome danger. "

"Professor Dumbledore, can you bring up the Goblet of Fire?"

"Of course, Miss Klein." Dumbledore smiled slightly, then looked at Filch who was standing in the corner, "Mr. Filch, please bring up the box!"

Filch nodded and asked several people to place a large golden tower-shaped wooden box inlaid with jewels in the center of the platform.

Dumbledore tapped his wand, and the golden wooden box turned and melted, revealing a roughly carved wooden goblet.

The cup was more than one meter tall and looked ordinary, but it was burning with blue-white flames.

"Goblet of Fire." Dumbledore looked at the goblet and sighed for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Students who sign up for the competition, please write their names on parchment and throw them into this goblet.

The goblet is placed in the foyer. All students who are willing to register can access it. The registration period is twenty-four hours. Tomorrow night, the Goblet of Fire will select the names of students who are qualified to participate.

In addition, in order to prevent wizards who are not old enough to withstand the temptation, I will set an age line that no one under the age of fourteen can cross.

Next, I would like to ask Miss Klein to give you some other explanations. "

Adrian walked up to the Goblet of Fire and gave Aaron a meaningful smile, which made him feel guilty and reminded him of his divination on the crystal ball.

Although I don’t know what will happen next, it will definitely not be very friendly to him.

“The Triwizard Tournament, a competition between three schools, aims at friendly exchanges between young wizards.

The age of fourteen is only a condition for registration, but there are only a few who are truly qualified to be selected. Adrian said, looking at everyone in the audience, his eyes full of amusement, "There may be many of you eager to pursue this eternal glory."

You may think you are capable of completing the challenge, but even if you fail, it doesn't matter because your life will not be in danger.

However, I would like to remind everyone that the absence of life-threatening danger does not mean the absence of danger. Klein will ensure that the contestants will not die during the competition, but this can only be achieved.

Missing arms and legs, confusion, and permanent coma are all within the acceptable range... For the most serious ones, maybe you can refer to the Dementor's Kiss. "

As soon as the words fell, the wizard who had originally intended to sign up suddenly gave up most of them.

There is no danger to life, but life is worse than death and more terrible than death.

Dumbledore showed a satisfied smile. He knew the students of Hogwarts very well. They might not take his warning as the principal to heart, but Adrian Klein's few words were enough to make many people Intimidated.

In fact, this was indeed the case. The three Harrys looked at each other, and they could all see a hint of fear in each other's eyes.

Draco's face turned pale slightly, and he hesitated in his determination to sign up.

But some students who had originally planned to sign up were unmoved. A few words could not shake their confidence. The Weasley twins even showed provocative smiles.

“Finally, the Goblet of Fire is a magical contract, and the chosen one has no right to give it up.

So... I warn you to sign up carefully. "

As the dinner came to an end, the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang returned to the carriages and ships under the leadership of the principal, and the students from Hogwarts also left one after another.

Aaron didn't move because he knew someone was definitely coming to find him.

Sure enough, Adrian walked over slowly after exchanging a few words with Barty Crouch and Ludo Bagman from the Ministry of Magic.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Are you impressed?" Adrian sat down opposite Aaron and couldn't help but laugh out loud when he saw him sitting upright. "I put down the work at hand and came to Hogwarts specifically to host this event. Why do you, the younger brother, seem so unhappy during the Triwizard Tournament?"

"It's nothing. I was naturally surprised when the eldest sister arrived. I was both unexpected and touched." Aaron laughed sarcastically, and then asked tentatively: "I would like to ask, can I not participate in the Triwizard Tournament?"

"What do you think?"

Aaron's face twitched slightly, and he closed his eyes in pain, "I knew it, but why?"

"Because of Klea." Adrian said very directly, "As I said before, it depends on your performance. If you perform well, I will help you buy more time, but if you perform poorly, I will not hesitate. Be on her side.

So just think it's for yourself, don't let me down! "

"Haha!" Aaron patted his forehead helplessly, "But aren't you worried about what if your brother and I fall into trouble?"

"You won't. You are no weaker than those senior wizards now."

"In case, I mean just in case."

"There's no need to worry about that," Adrian said confidently, "Klein was also involved in the production of the Goblet of Fire.

The descendants of the Klein family can modify the contract to a certain extent to protect the immortality of the contestants' souls.

And as long as your soul is still there, Uncle Jeans can definitely save you. "

"That's really thoughtful." Aaron sighed, picked up Abe and stood up from his seat, "I will participate. I hope you don't forget your promise, eldest sister."

"Wait a minute." Adrian stopped Aaron, "It would be pointless to just sign up!"

Aaron's heart skipped a beat, and an ominous premonition suddenly arose, and he hurriedly said: "I will win the championship."

"I don't doubt your ability, but an answer you already know is a bit boring."


Aaron couldn't help but swallowed, "Sister, what do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple." Adrian snapped his fingers. "There are three events in the Triwizard Tournament. You can pass each event at the end. If you can win the championship in this case..."

"Wait, isn't this forcing someone to do something difficult?

I was at the bottom of every level, so it would be strange to have a high score. "

"That's your business." Adrian patted Aaron's shoulder, "As the most outstanding bloodline of Gaius in the past century, you can definitely do this.

In addition, there is an additional condition.

This is my first time hosting such a grand event. I don’t want any big surprises to happen, understand? "

Aaron's mouth twitched slightly and he nodded blankly.

After walking out of the auditorium and returning to the common room, Aaron sat on the sofa in a daze.

"System, open the task panel."

[Participate in the Triwizard Tournament;

The reward for completing the task is 2000 magic points. There is no penalty for failure of the task. Does the host accept it? 】

"Accept." Aaron said bitterly. At this time, he had no other choice.

"Gaius." Naylor took the lead and walked over. Behind him were several senior Slytherins, both men and women.

"I'm in a bad mood. If you have anything to say, please tell me."

"Uh...um...isn't your sister one of the referees?" Naylor scratched his head in embarrassment, "If possible, can you reveal some inside information?"

Aaron was stunned for a moment, and looked at the expectant people and understood that they all wanted to sign up for the Triwizard Tournament.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Adrian didn't tell me anything."

"No way! You are her brother." A sixth grade girl said suspiciously.

"Senior, please make it clear before you speak." Aaron rolled his eyes and said, "I am Gaius and she is Klein. In other words, I am not her biological brother."

"Is that so?" Naylor continued thoughtfully, "If there is any inside information..."

"I'll tell you."

"Thank you."

Naylor sent away several senior wizards, and after hesitating for a while, he asked: "Aaron, is your sister currently single?"


Aaron couldn't help but spit out the half-drunk drink.

"Are you interested in her?"

Naylor blushed and nodded, "Not just me, many people are interested in her, but she has so much aura, she is like a queen, and none of us have the courage to contact her directly."

"Understood, understood." Aaron nodded solemnly, and then looked at him with a slightly sympathetic look, "For the sake of prefect, you have taken care of us all these years, I will give you a piece of advice, give up!"

"Give me a reason." Naylor said unconvinced.

Aaron looked at his face and hesitated for a moment, "I don't want to hurt you, but with all due respect, your face doesn't meet her aesthetic standards at all."

Hearing this, Naylor felt like his heart was stabbed hard.

He still has a very clear understanding of himself. Although it is not bad, it is not as handsome as a jade tree facing the wind.

"Adrien shouldn't look that superficial!"

"That's true. For my sister, appearance is just a bonus. The most important thing is strength."

"Then I..."

"It's still impossible for you." Aaron said bluntly, "You can't beat her."

Naylor: ...

"You have so little confidence in me?"

"It's not that you don't have confidence, it's a fact." Aaron shrugged, "You can't beat me, and I can't beat her."

What he said was not against his will at all. Without taking back his missing body, Aaron would probably be able to fight her with all his trump cards and lose both sides.

"Is it really that exaggerated?"

"Haha! My sister's talent is the highest among us, and her combat experience is not exaggerated. If the magic power level is the same, she will definitely win.

So don't think too much, at least there shouldn't be anyone who can match her in these three magic schools. "

Naylor: ...

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