A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 360 Best friends break up, Hagrid’s spring is coming

"How would Dumbledore feel if he knew that his Fawkes would suffer such a fate?" The missing body shook its head silently and continued to add: "The products of some powerful magical animals can add some power to the bullets, if you have time. You can go to Hagrid, or go directly to the Forbidden Forest to find special materials."

"For example... unicorn feathers? Acromantula venom? Werewolf teeth?"

"Those gadgets may be useful in making other items, but the increase in bullets is far less than that of the Thunderbird. It can only be said to be better than nothing."

"In other words, we must take action against that phoenix."

"That's pretty much what it means." The missing body said sarcastically, "Let's get down to business. In addition to the Bana Flower, there is also the Nijia Mask."

"Isn't this appropriate!" Aaron frowned. "After all, the competition is held in public. It would be too shocking to summon the ninja army in front of so many people."

"Just in case," the missing body said meaningfully, "and Voldemort will come back soon, so when you put part of the power into the Nijia mask, you can't really treat it as a decoration!"

Hearing this, Aaron nodded silently.


The next day, early morning.

Aaron took Abe to the auditorium for breakfast as usual.

Since he was chosen to become a Hogwarts warrior, the way others looked at him had changed significantly.

Slytherin became more and more respectful, Gryffindor was a little hostile, Hufflepuff was unhappy and complained, and Ravenclaw seemed a little indifferent.

Aaron didn't care at all about these changes. He should eat and drink when he should. He couldn't change his mind because of other people's eyes and words.

And this novelty will not last long. After a while, everyone will get used to it, and then the situation will return to what it was before the Triwizard Tournament started.


A book was suddenly photographed opposite Aaron, and Hermione came over with an awkward Harry.

"If you want to talk about the House Elf Rights Promotion Association...please don't disturb me." Aaron sighed, then pointed at Ron Weasley ten meters away and said, "Your financial controller is over there. Woolen cloth!"

"It has nothing to do with S.P.E.W.," Hermione explained. "Harry and Ron had a falling out."

"Oh?" Aaron became more interested, "Tell me about it."

"He doesn't believe me." Harry said angrily, "You and Hermione both believe me, but I didn't expect that he actually didn't believe that I didn't put my name into the Goblet of Fire."

"It's not that he doesn't believe you." Hermione frowned, "He's... jealous.

It's always you, Harry Potter, who attracts the attention, which makes him feel like he's just a foil, so... I think he just couldn't stand it this time. "

"It's like I like others to look at my forehead.

This is the Triwizard Tournament! If it were possible, I'd love someone to attend instead of me. "

"Don't even think about the price of breach of contract..."

"I know, your sister said, I don't want to experience the feeling of being burned by magic flames." Harry sat down angrily, "Obviously I was worried because someone framed me, but my best friend didn't Believe me."

"So...why are you looking for me?" Aaron asked in confusion.

"I'm tired of the misunderstanding between them. Is there any way you can resolve the misunderstanding?"

"Yes, it's very simple." Aaron smiled meaningfully, "There should be veritaserum in Professor Snape's office. As long as you add a drop, you can only tell the truth."

"No." Hermione immediately refused, "That kind of potion is usually used to interrogate prisoners."

"Then sign the contract to prove that you are absolutely not lying."

"This..." Harry had a look of embarrassment on his face, "There's no need to make such a fuss!"

"Then I can't help you." Aaron spread his hands, "These two things can directly prove your innocence. If you don't want to, you can only leave it to time."

“Then let’s give it to time!

The cold war between good friends will naturally disappear after a while.

One more thing, we plan to send a message to Sirius to tell him about the Triwizard Tournament. Harry's name was filtered out by the Goblet of Fire, which may be related to the mysterious man's conspiracy..."

"Stop it." Aaron interrupted hurriedly, "I'm tired of it already. Don't tell me this kind of thing."

"But in Harry's dream you were also targeted by a mysterious person." Hermione said anxiously.

"Haha!" Aaron sneered, "Why am I being targeted by him? Do you need me to help you recall your memories?"

"Ah this..."

Hermione was speechless for a moment, it all started from their first solitary confinement.

After that, Aaron had several encounters with Voldemort, and each time he was inextricably linked to the three of them.

"I originally just wanted to go to school safely, but it seems that many things are going against my wishes."

"Sorry." Hermione bit her lip.

"It doesn't matter. If you are targeted, you will be targeted. As long as Harry is not dead, I will be safe." Aaron pretended to be relaxed and said, "But the premise is that I will not be full and look for trouble.

You can come to me for other matters, and I will try my best to help, but I really don’t want to get involved with Voldemort anymore. I have been implicated by you not once or twice. "

Hermione and Harry looked at each other, feeling inexplicably guilty and ashamed.


After leaving the auditorium, Aaron went to Hagrid's hut.

After all, Hagrid has been a forest guard for so many years, and he definitely has a lot of inventory. If there are products of magical animals, Aaron would not mind buying a batch from Hagrid.

Twenty or so snails were walking on the lawn. Just two months later, their size had increased tenfold, and each one was close to one meter.

They have grown a layer of thick and shiny gray-white armor. They are somewhere between giant scorpions and crabs. They are extremely powerful and difficult to control.

Aaron suppressed the disgust in his heart, walked around the snails, and knocked on the door of the hut.

"Hagrid, are you there?"

"The door is not closed." Hagrid's voice came from inside the house.

Aaron opened the door and walked in, but his eyes widened involuntarily the next moment.

Hagrid was seen wearing a brown suit and a patterned tie, and his hair was smoother than usual.

A slightly pungent smell penetrated his nose, and Aaron couldn't help but sneeze, "What kind of perfume do you guys wear?"

"This is cologne. I applied a little too much."

"A little more? You poured it into the bottle, right?" Aaron said speechlessly, "Wait, what's going on with you?

I didn't see you so formal when Fudge and Dumbledore came. "

"That's not important." Hagrid said hesitantly.

Aaron thought for a moment, then there was a hint of amusement in the corner of his mouth, "You are definitely not dressing up so solemnly for men.

A woman, and a woman you think is beautiful.

In today's Hogwarts, there is only one person who meets the conditions..."

"Don't say it," Hagrid said, glaring.

Aaron nodded, but noticed that he still couldn't hold back the blush on his face, and laughed while holding his stomach.

"Pfft! Hahaha...

Hagrid, I have to admit, you really impress me!

He actually set his target on Madame Maxime, the forest guard at Hogwarts and part-time Care of Magical Creatures professor who is pursuing the principal of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Oh my god, if this news gets out, I don’t know how many people will be shocked. "

"Is it funny?"

Aaron suppressed the smile on his face, "I personally support you, but I'm afraid your success rate is low with your appearance."

"This is my first time," Hagrid said sheepishly. "The Beauxbatons carriage is less than two hundred meters away from here. I just want to do my best to behave better."

"Understood, but first you have to wash away the excess smell on your body."

"I'm doing this." Hagrid pointed to the inside of the room, where a large bucket of water was emitting white heat.

"It seems that I disturbed you." Aaron raised his eyebrows, "How about I come back next time."

"If something happens, it's better to deal with it as soon as possible." Hagrid rolled his eyes, then buried his head in the bucket of water, and raised his head after more than ten seconds.

Aaron couldn't stand it anymore, so he took out his wand and waved it at him, and his wet hair and beard dried instantly.

"Thank you!" Hagrid said, "By the way, congratulations on becoming a warrior in the Triwizard Tournament."

"Don't be sarcastic. If it weren't for my sister, I wouldn't have participated in the Triwizard Tournament." Aaron said depressedly, "You have no idea how difficult it is for me to complete those competition events according to her requirements."

"What did you say?"


I came to you this time to ask if you have any magical animal products here, including feathers, scales, blood, teeth, or even bones? "

Hagrid hesitated for a while, then said with a hint of solemnity in his tone: "Why do you want these things?"

Hearing this, Aaron could hardly contain the joy on his face, "You really do."

"Can you answer my question first?"

"Can you not say this?" Aaron hesitated, "It's not that I don't believe you, but that you are easily tricked into talking out of words."

"If you don't explain it clearly, I can't give it to you." Hagrid said firmly, "I regard those animals as my best friends. I have to figure out what you want those things for, right?"

"Okay!" Aaron sighed helplessly, "But you have to promise me to keep it a secret. No one can tell it, not even Dumbledore."

"I promise not to tell anyone." Hagrid said seriously.

Aaron chuckled. He didn't have the slightest confidence in Hagrid's guarantee.

If it weren't for the fact that Hibiscus Flower's existence would be exposed sooner or later, he would definitely not let Hagrid know.

"For the Triwizard Tournament." Aaron said half-truthfully, "My ancestors passed down a powerful magic item, but to enhance its power, we need to use the products of magical animals."

"If that's the reason... I can give you some." Hagrid hesitated for a while and moved out a dusty box.

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