A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 361 Transaction scene, damn related accounts

Hagrid wiped the dust off the box, choking Aaron and making him take a step back.

But after opening the box, he widened his eyes in disbelief.

The wooden box was filled with all kinds of feathers, at least hundreds of them, including unicorns, hippogriffs, and even thestrals.


Aaron swallowed hard.

He knew Hagrid might have some in stock, but he didn't expect there would be so many.

These things could be sold for at least 5,000 Galleons on the black market, which is also the annual expenditure of a middle-class wizard family in the magic world.

The most important thing is that Hagrid put these treasures in a dusty box, as if they were as insignificant as chicken feathers.

Rich, naked rich.

"Is it enough? If not..."

"Enough, enough." Aaron interrupted him hastily. As long as there are enough special minerals, supplemented by the products of these magical animals, it should not be a problem to produce thousands of special bullets.

Without retracting the thought body, if the Higanbana is used to its full power, the magic power in his body will be drained out after ten shots. Thousands of bullets are conservatively estimated to be enough for him to use for several years.

"That's good." Hagrid said with a smile, "Feathers are the easiest to get, but blood, venom and the like may cause damage to the body of magical animals. I usually use them as they are taken, so there is nothing left.

As for teeth and bones, I have them, but I really can't give them to you. I can't take you to dig the graves of magical animals!"

Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, then he closed the box and winked at Abe.

Shenglong strode to the front, opened the pocket on his clothes, and the wooden box was sucked in like a huge whirlpool.

"I really helped a lot this time." Aaron said gratefully, "If you have any problems that you can't solve in the future, you can come to me. I will never refuse if it is within my ability."

"No, really no." Hagrid smiled honestly, "I should be the one to say thank you. Thanks to you, Buckbeak was saved."

Aaron was stunned for a moment, and a few clear black lines gradually appeared on his forehead.

At the beginning, he specifically asked Harry and Hermione not to tell Hagrid, but now it seems that these two are not reliable.

Hagrid saw Aaron fell into silence and immediately explained: "Don't get me wrong, it wasn't Harry and the others who said it."


"It really wasn't them, it was Dumbledore.

He told me that Buckbeak saw a white, cat-sized creature before he was executed."

"Old thing." Aaron gritted his teeth secretly. He asked himself if he had done it secretly enough at the time, but he didn't expect to be discovered.

No wonder Dumbledore was talking about this and that in the hut, and after coming out of the hut, he pulled Fudge to look into the distance. This was probably because he was worried that Abe had not completed the task, and was trying to buy time for him.


Aaron took a deep breath, "Thank you anyway.

I can't take these things for free, otherwise I will feel bad.

I'll give you a sum of Galleons as if I bought it from you. The price is absolutely fair, and I promise you won't suffer any loss."

"No, this is really not possible." Hagrid waved his hand seriously, "I treat those animals as friends and will not exchange them for money."

"Whether you want it or not is your business, but whether I give it or not is my business.

You can use these Galleons to raise more magical animals and make their lives a little better.

And the person you are chasing is the principal of Beauxbatons School of Magic, so you have to change into a decent outfit and buy a high-end and classy gift!"

Hearing this, Hagrid's heart was slightly touched.

He glanced at the blasted skrewts in the pumpkin field outside the window, then looked at his ill-fitting suit, and nodded hesitantly.

Seeing Hagrid make a decision, Aaron raised his lips slightly, turned his head and looked at Abe, "Give me the money!"


Abe immediately responded in dragon language, his face full of reluctance.

Last time, he gave Hermione two Galleons, and two Sickles made it feel painful. This time, it is estimated that it will be at least four digits, which is no different from cutting meat for a dragon who likes to roll in gold coins.

"Take it out, don't think I don't know, you have installed all the working capital in my store.

My income in the past few years, if not ten thousand, there should be eight thousand."

Abe was still unmoved, holding his pocket with his two claws, and refused to let go.


Aaron took the initiative, holding its hind legs with both hands and lifted it in the air.

With a shake, a pile of gold coins slipped out of its pocket, and in the blink of an eye, a pile of gold coins almost as high as the dining table was piled on the floor.

Seeing that the amount was almost enough, Aaron put Abe down.

Seeing its tearful appearance, Aaron patted its dragon head with a smile and said lovingly: "You are all dragons who have seen the gold mountain, why are you reluctant to give up this little gold?

I'll ask Butler Jins to bring you a box as compensation."

Abe then put away the tears in his eyes and buried his head in Aaron's arms aggrievedly.

"About four or five thousand Galleons, slightly lower than the black market, but normally this price is definitely not low."


Hagrid nodded blankly. It's not that he hasn't seen so much money before. He has been to Dumbledore's vault, but this way of withdrawing money is really the first time he has seen it.


At this time, the door suddenly opened, and standing at the door was a pretty girl with silver hair, none other than Beauxbatons' warrior Fleur Curadle.

Aaron and Hagrid turned their heads to look at each other, with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

After all, there was a pile of gold coins between the two of them, and it looked like they were conducting some kind of shady transaction.

"Are you polite?" Aaron suppressed his anger and asked with a dark face, "Don't you know how to knock when you come in?"

"I knocked on the door, but you didn't close the door, okay?" Fleur said unhappily, and then looked at the pile of gold coins in the room with surprised eyes.

After pondering for a moment, a sneer appeared on her lips.

"Am I disturbing you?"

"It's good to know."

"No, don't bother." Hagrid said hurriedly, "Mr. Gaius came to buy something from me, and now the transaction is completed."

"What's the trade? Information about the Triwizard Tournament?" Fleur asked meaningfully, "You are really willing to give up. These galleons are several times the championship reward!

But yes, eternal glory cannot be measured by money. "

Aaron: ...

This girl is poisonous!

There should also be some technical content in brain supplementation!

Hagrid was just an ordinary forest guard. Even if he knew any information, it would be of limited value.

"Misunderstood." Hagrid put on a serious face, "I didn't say a word about the first event of the Triwizard Tournament."

"Do you know about the first project?" Aaron looked at Hagrid in surprise. After a brief surprise, he felt like billions of horses racing past in his heart.

It would be fine if there were only the two of them here, but now that there is an additional warrior from the Triwizard Tournament, it would be difficult not to be misunderstood as buying information.

A look of surprise also flashed in Fleur's eyes. She just said that casually. She didn't expect that Hagrid really knew the content of the competition!

"Well...I really just came here to buy some materials, I don't know anything else." Aaron said far-fetched.

"Haha!" Furong smiled and said nothing.

“Well, that’s really hard to believe.

But believe it or not, this is true. "

"I will believe you if you show me the materials."

"This...is really not convenient."

"Hmph!" Fleur snorted coldly and looked at the door playfully, "It seems that I have to talk to Principal Maxim. I think she and Professor Karkaroff will go to Dumbledore to protest."


Aaron patted his forehead and then gave Abe a wink.

It understood instantly, took out the box and placed it on the floor.

Fleur opened the box and looked at the various feathers inside, her expression became particularly strange.

"Why did you spend so much money on these feathers? Does your family specialize in making wands?"

"Who knows?" Aaron spread his hands, "But these things are for my own use and have nothing to do with wand making."

Fleur raised an eyebrow, "What do you use them for?"

"No comment." Aaron said calmly, "But if I'm not lucky, I might use them on the playing field."

Furong frowned lightly and said disdainfully: "Damn the connections."

"I..." Aaron was about to curse, but he held it back when the words reached his lips.

After all, the other party is a woman, and she is arrogant. There is no need to be familiar with her.

"After the game, I'm waiting for you to apologize to me." Aaron gritted his teeth and said these words before hugging Abe and leaving.

Fleur, Hagrid, and Hagrid's pet Fang were left in the hut, and the atmosphere became a little quiet.

After more than ten seconds, Hagrid was the first to speak, “Although Referee Adrian is indeed Aaron’s sister, it doesn’t mean that he came in through the back door.

On the contrary, I have never seen a better wizard. "

"I'll wait and see." Fleur said nonchalantly.

"Miss Delacour, what do you want from me?"

"Principal Maxim asked me to invite you over." Fleur said calmly, "Our carriage is relatively close to your residence and to the Forbidden Forest. She hopes you can tell us some precautions."

“It should, it should.

Dumbledore also reminded me. Hagrid smoothed his hair as much as possible, "Wait a moment, I'll be there soon." "

"Sir." A bright smile spread across Fleur's face, with a hint of urgency in her tone, "The first event of the Triwizard Tournament..."

"This really can't be said. According to regulations, this is not something you should know now." Hagrid said awkwardly, "And I only know a rough idea. I can't confirm it until the Ministry of Magic transports them.

But I will definitely have to take care of it when the time comes. This job is very interesting, but it is extremely dangerous and cannot be done by ordinary people. "

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