A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 362 Never been so high-profile, a reporter from the Daily Prophet

After delivering a box of magical animal feathers to the Hall of Divine Sound, Aaron left directly and handed over time and space to the missing body.

On the one hand, he doesn't have enough magic points. He still needs to sign in for a few days before he can buy the special mineral in the mall. Before that, he can't make special bullets.

On the other hand, it was still more than half a month before the first project of the Triwizard Tournament started. The missing body needed a quiet space to improve itself, and he also had to learn some new spells or practice drawing the ultimate magic circle.

In other words, before the start of the game, except for receiving the unobtained piece of Youjing, Aaron and the Missing Body should not meet again.

In the next few days, Aaron studied and lived as usual, but the change in identity still caused some trouble for him.

The warrior of the Triwizard Tournament seemed to be enveloped in a huge halo, and he was the focus of everyone's attention wherever he went.

He didn't care about the gossip, but it was really embarrassing when juniors, juniors, and even seniors came over to ask for autographs.

What's even more terrible is that in the Potions class more than a week later, all the Slytherins were wearing exactly the same badges, and Aaron's face was added to the snake yard's logo.

"Who asked you to do this?" Aaron asked angrily and helplessly as he looked at the three Dracos who were handing out badges.

"Don't say anything if you are moved." Draco patted Aaron's shoulder proudly, "This is a spontaneous organization of all Slytherins, and everyone uses this way to show their support for you.

Gryffindor and Hufflepuff shamelessly stole our ideas, and now supporters of Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter wear similar badges.

But it's not without good news. Naylor spent a lot of effort and even agreed to give Ravenclaw fifty points in next year's Quidditch Cup before reaching an agreement with the Eagle Academy to let most Ravenclaws Support you.

Now in the entire Hogwarts, you definitely have the most supporters. "

Hearing this, the corners of Aaron's mouth twitched violently, and he felt like his whole body was cracking.

Damn it! He hasn't been so high-profile in more than a decade.

After the bell rang, Professor Snape walked into the classroom.

He glanced at the students in the classroom and found that all Slytherins were wearing green badges, and he couldn't help but smile.

Yes, Slytherin is still very united!

Then he turned his attention to Gryffindor and found that Hermione, Ron and a few others were wearing S.P.E.W badges. This made him a little confused, but he didn't care much.

However, the red badges that most people wore to support Harry Potter made his face look a little ugly.

His least favorite student is Harry Potter, and now someone actually dares to openly support Harry Potter in his class. This is simply challenging his dignity as a teacher.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to teach Harry Potter, Gryffindor's supporter, there was a knock on the door.

Colin Creevey, a third-year Gryffindor, walked into the classroom and said, "Sorry, sir, Mr. Bagman wants me to take the two warriors of the Triwizard Tournament upstairs."

"Gaius, you go with him."


Aaron stood up quickly, packed his schoolbag neatly, and picked up Abe from the table.

"What about Harry Potter?" Colin asked nervously.

"Potter's skill in preparing potions is incomparable to Gaius's. He needs to delay for an hour."

"But Professor, the warriors from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be there. Mr. Bagman is talking about all the warriors."

"Okay!" Snape said impatiently, "Potter, take your schoolbag and disappear from my sight."

When Harry walked out of the classroom, he still felt a little unrealistic. For the first time, he felt that Colin, an idiot, was so pleasing to the eye that he could actually save him from Snape's clutches.

"You are really amazing!" Colin said in admiration, "Two fourth-year wizards can actually keep up with three seventh-year wizards."

Aaron smiled forcefully, "What does Mr. Bagman want from us?"

"They seem to be taking pictures." Colin said thoughtfully, "I saw reporters from the Daily Prophet coming, and their cameras are much better than mine."

"Beautiful, I will further embarrass myself." Harry said depressedly.

Aaron's heart skipped a beat, "Harry, I hope your crow's mouth won't work this time!"

"What's the meaning?"

"What I mean is to pray for Merlin's blessing now. The Daily Prophet must not interview you." Aaron said solemnly, "Rita Skeeter is the reporter with the most unprofessional ethics. Arthur Weiss Alastor Moody suffered losses at her hands.

Being targeted by her would be more than an ordinary embarrassment. Unfortunately, you, the wizard who defeated the mysterious man, are worth interviewing more than anyone else. "

When Harry heard this, his face turned slightly pale, and he felt inexplicably uneasy.

"It can't be so unlucky!"

"I hope not." Aaron shrugged.

"We're here." Colin took them outside a room, "I wish you good luck."

The two looked at each other, knocked on the door, and walked in.

This is a medium-sized classroom. Most of the tables and chairs have been cleared away, leaving only five chairs in the middle and a row of long tables and empty seats in front of the podium. At first glance, it looks like an interview site.

Viktor Krum, Cedric Diggory, and Fleur Delacour arrived here first. Viktor had a gloomy face and exuded the aura of keeping strangers away, while Cedric Ke and Furong were talking happily.

In addition to the three, there is Ludo Bagman, a paunchy photographer, and a witch in a red robe.

"Harry, did you pray just now?" Aaron said half-jokingly.

"Did not have time."

"That's it." Aaron sighed, "She's Rita Skeeter."


Harry looked at the witch who was wearing jewel-encrusted glasses and dressed up in a fancy dress, feeling uneasy in his heart.

At this moment, he just wanted to reduce his sense of existence. It was tragic enough to be framed to participate in the extremely dangerous Triwizard Tournament, but he didn't want to experience a social death before participating.

"Here they come," Bagman said to Rita Skeeter, "the fourth and fifth warriors."

"Mr. Bagman." Aaron said directly, "I still have some things to do, so..."

"Understood, I won't waste much of your time.

It was the ritual of testing the wand, and the other referees would soon arrive. "

"Just testing the wand?" Aaron looked at the photographer and Rita Skeeter, expressing serious doubts about Bagman's words.

"Uh... I still need you five warriors to take some photos.

This is Rita Skeeter, writing an article about the Contest for the Daily Prophet. "

Rita Skeeter looked at the five people with a smile, her eyes skipping Cedric, Krum, and Fleur. She hesitated between Aaron and Harry for a few seconds, and finally locked the eyes on Harry Potter's head. scar.

"Ludo, could I have a few words with Harry before we start testing the wand?

You know, his identity can add a lot of color to the article. "

"No problem." Bagman said loudly, "It's just... I wonder if Harry objects?"

"Objection." Aaron said immediately, "Mr. Bagman and Ms. Skeeter, Harry is not in particularly good condition today, so..."

"Yes." Harry responded and cooperated, "I have a cold. Madam Pomfrey asked me to take a good rest this morning."

"Is that so?" A flash of displeasure flashed in Rita Skeeter's eyes, and then she turned her attention to Aaron, "Then I wonder if Mr. Gaius is free?"

"Uh... it should be..."

"That's great." Rita Skeeter didn't give Aaron a chance to object, and grabbed Aaron's arm directly, clawing hard with her two-inch-long red nails.

But something embarrassing happened the next moment. No matter how hard she pulled, Aaron wouldn't budge.

"So strong! Mr. Gaius." Rita Skeeter let go of her hand slightly embarrassed.

"Just do it!" Aaron showed a harmless smile. His physical fitness could be said to be at the peak of human beings, and Rita Skeeter's strength could not defeat him at all.

"Haha! If possible, can you go out and talk to me?"

“Sorry, I’m afraid this won’t work.

Dumbledore warned me not to give any interviews. Aaron said seriously, "You know, he is the principal, and you still need to listen to his words." "

Rita Skeeter gritted her teeth, then reluctantly turned her eyes to Digory, "The oldest and most competitive warrior in Hogwarts, you should..."

Before he finished speaking, the door opened again, and Albus Dumbledore was the first to walk in, followed closely by Barty Crouch, Professor Karkaroff, Ms. Maxim and Adrian K. Ryan, and finally Garrick Ollivander.

After the six people arrived, they spontaneously sat on the referee's seat in front of the podium, and Ludo Bagman naturally joined them.

"You guys get busy first." Rita Skeeter said very wisely, and then stepped aside with the photographer.

"Please allow me to introduce Mr. Ollivander." Dumbledore said after sitting down. "He is the famous master wand maker. He will check your wands to make sure they are in good condition before the competition."

"Aaron, you go first!" Ollivander smiled kindly.

"Okay, uncle."

"Uncle, is this your uncle?" Fleur looked at Aaron in surprise, Cedric and Kurum also looked a little unnatural, and even Maxim and Karkaroff's eyes twitched slightly.

It doesn't matter that my sister is a referee, but my uncle is actually a prosecutor. This relationship is somewhat outrageous.

"He is my grandnephew." Ollivander explained, "But Ollivander's rules will not change based on one's identity.

All I'm responsible for is checking that the wand is in good condition, and I don't care about the rest. "


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