A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 475: The young dragon inquiring about information, sitting on the ground and raising the pri

Chapter 475: The young dragon who inquires about information sits on the ground and raises the price

Hermione was immediately interested, and Aaron actually asked for help.

"Tell me about it. If it's too difficult, I won't be able to help you."

“It’s so simple, it can even be said to be a piece of cake.

I just want you to help me buy a batch of food, vegetables, fruits, and various meats. "

Hearing this, Hermione's eyes twitched, "I don't understand what you want these for?"

"I have a friend who likes to lock himself in his room when he studies magic. These foods are prepared for him." Aaron said without blushing or out of breath.

Friends are like missing people, he was telling the truth.

"Really?" Hermione asked dubiously.

"It's absolutely true, I promise I'm not lying to you." Aaron said and hugged Abe, "The money he needs is in his pocket, and he can buy as much as he can within a thousand galleons.

After buying it, you can just hand it over. I have upgraded its pocket several times and it can definitely fit it.

In return, you can take it to the hospital to treat Mr. Weasley's injuries, but no one else can see it. "

"This isn't appropriate!" The corners of Hermione's mouth raised unconsciously, and her voice was a little insincere, obviously very supportive of Aaron's decision.

"I'm just healing Mr. Weasley's injuries, it's nothing serious.

But you have to take good care of it for me. You must not starve it, but you must not coddle it. I hope that its weight will not change after the holiday. "

Hermione nodded blankly, then carried Abe to Hogsmeade Station.


After Aaron returned, he told the missing person his plan, and as expected, he received a blank look from the other party.

"Let Abe go find out how you came up with such an unreliable idea."

"It's just a whim!" Aaron poured himself a glass of wine calmly, "The Dark Lord's activities have become more frequent and he has begun to attack members of the Order of the Phoenix.

This is a sign of the beginning of war. In this case, we need enough intelligence to have the capital to stay out of it. "

"That's true, but it's not like Dumbledore doesn't know Abe's identity. Coupled with the dragon language we master, he will definitely be able to guess our purpose."

"But he won't stop us, right?" Aaron said meaningfully, "On the contrary, as long as he wants to drag us into the water, he won't hide anything from us.

Moreover, Abe is already five years old. He cannot stay with us as a baby dragon. Now it is an experience for him to collect intelligence openly.

Besides, we didn’t get this information for nothing, saving Arthur Weasley’s life is considered a fair deal. "

The next day, a Knight Bus stopped at Grimmauld Place.

Hermione staggered down and took a few breaths of fresh air to stop the urge to vomit.

Unlike Muggle cars, magic buses have no other advantages except being fast, and the experience is ten times worse than Portkeys and Apparition.

She took Abe into the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

Mrs. Weasley, Fred, and George were taking care of the injured Arthur at St. Mungo's Hospital. The only ones left at the headquarters were Sirius, Ron, Harry, and Ginny.

Sirius' face flashed with joy when he saw Hermione coming in.

He is still wanted by the Ministry of Magic and cannot go out. He can only stay at the headquarters.

The official members of the Order of the Phoenix are busy completing Dumbledore's tasks. He can't do anything, and he will inevitably feel lonely and depressed over time.

Fortunately, Arthur was injured, and the Weasley family would stay here while he was hospitalized. This made him feel the excitement he had not seen for a long time, and his mood was much brighter.

"Welcome, I thought you were going home for Christmas!"

"I spoke to my parents and they allowed me to come here for Christmas."

"Great." Sirius was overjoyed, but the next moment he noticed Abe squatting next to Hermione, "Does Aaron know you brought it here?"

"He was the one who handed Abe to me."

"That's good." Sirius looked at Abe, who was harmless to humans and animals and behaved extremely well-behaved. He felt a little wary for no reason, but he didn't care too much.

"Is Mr. Weasley still at St. Mungo's?"

"Arthur is seriously injured. You can visit him tomorrow and bring him a Christmas gift. Also..." Sirius paused and lowered his voice: "Harry is not in a good mood. , I didn’t see him coming out during the meal, maybe you can persuade him for me.”

Hearing this, Hermione frowned slightly, "What happened to him?"

"I don't know. I just came back from the hospital with Ron and the others, hiding from people."

"I gonna go see."

Hermione came to the room on the third floor, where Harry's bedroom was arranged.

However, Harry was not there when he opened the door. Brother Ron and Ginny were lying on the bed bored, while the other was flipping through the Daily Prophet carelessly.

"Hermione." Ginny looked at her with some joy, then focused on Abe, and asked in surprise: "Why did you bring it here?"

"Aaron gave it to me. Maybe it can be used to heal Mr. Weasley's injuries."

"That's right! I almost forgot that it also has the ability to heal." Ron reacted and looked at Abe with a bit of expectation.

"Isn't Harry here?"

"He's on the fifth floor, with Buckbeak."

"what is going on?"

"We accidentally overheard something secret yesterday when we went to visit Dad." Ron said hesitantly. "Harry seems to think he is possessed by a mysterious man. He feels like he has turned into the snake that attacked my Dad. .

Now he doesn't want to see anyone, partly because he can't accept it, but partly because he's probably afraid of hurting us! "

"This is nonsense." Hermione said angrily and amusedly.

"We think so too, but he doesn't think so." Ron said helplessly, "If Principal Phineas hadn't sent a message from Dumbledore asking him to stay here, he might have run away secretly. "

"You guys wait a moment, I'll let him come down right now.

He needed a little encouragement, and locking himself in the house wasn't going to do it. "

Hermione said as she went up to the fifth floor and knocked on the door.

"I know you're here, come out and talk, okay?"

After a while, Harry opened the door, looking extremely haggard.

"Why are you here? And brought it?"

"I plan to spend Christmas here, and Abe can heal Mr. Weasley.

We can try it tomorrow, but before that we need to talk about your problem. Hermione said angrily, "You just had a dream. It's not like you haven't had this kind of nightmare before." "

"This time is different." Harry shook his head with a wry smile, "I have never had such a clear feeling, as if I turned into a snake, saw Mr. Weasley through the snake's eyes, and then...bitten him .

If Voldemort used his magic to take me out of the school and transport me to London, then..."

"Then you shouldn't be standing here alive." Hermione gave him a caring look, "I've said more than once that you can't apparate at Hogwarts, and even Voldemort can't take you away. Take it out of the castle.”

"This..." Harry was stunned for a moment, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Hermione said with certainty, "You should go to the third floor now. Ron and Ginny are both worried about you."

Harry felt a little more relaxed and followed Hermione back to the third floor. When he saw Ron and Ginny, he felt awkward.

"Hermione did a good job, you are finally willing to see us." Ron said in a sinister tone.

"You didn't come to see me." Harry said guiltily.

Ron rolled his eyes, not wanting to argue with him on this matter, "Dude, I want to say that you were rolling around in bed before I woke you up, and your worries are completely unnecessary."

"I was also possessed by a mysterious man," Ginny said. "At that time, I had no idea what I was doing, but you can remember everything you did."

"Ah this..."

Harry was speechless, but his heart became extremely relaxed.

Things were not as bad as he thought, and Voldemort would not control him to harm other people.


The next day, they received a bunch of Christmas gifts.

The festive atmosphere was particularly strong in Grimmauld Place. Sirius became very happy because the house was full of people, and he even couldn't help humming a song.

In comparison, Molly Weasley was in a low mood. She prepared Christmas gifts for the children as she did in previous years, and everyone else happily accepted them. Only Percy returned the gifts, and even He didn't even ask about his father's injury, as if he was determined to draw a clear line with them.

After lunch, Harry, Hermione and the Weasley family went to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Maladies, accompanied by Moody and Lupin.

Through an ugly glass case they entered the hospital lobby.

Mrs. Weasley led them up to the second floor, stopping at the second door on the right.

In the ward, Mr. Weasley was leaning on several pillows and reading today's "Daily Prophet" with the leftover turkey meal on his lap. He seemed to be in very good condition.

"You are here." Mr. Weasley saw everyone, and a happy smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Merry Christmas, what gifts have you received?

Harry, the screwdriver and fuse you gave me were wonderful. "

Harry was about to speak when he was interrupted by the angry Mrs. Weasley, "Arthur, why did you change your bandage? Didn't they change it only after explaining?"

"Uh...this, that...

Don't be angry, Molly, it was actually Augustus Pye who came up with the idea. The trainee therapist in this ward has some research on Muggle treatment methods, so..."

"So you tried Muggle methods on yourself." Mrs. Weasley said every word, making Arthur Weasley, who was already seriously injured, shudder.


Mr. Weasley swallowed hard and said, "This is called suturing. The principle is to sew up the wound with thread."

"What? When did you become so stupid?"

"Well..." Hermione said weakly, "Can you let me say a word first?"

"Of course, kid." Mrs. Weasley suddenly changed her smile.

"Sutures are quite effective on non-magical wounds. The snake venom may have melted the threads."

"You heard it, Arthur." Mrs. Weasley said coldly, "I don't need to remind you what non-magical wounds are!"

"So we brought it." Ron said proudly, "It can definitely cure Dad."

"Shut up, Ron, I will never allow you to test any nonsense on your father."

"But, mother..." Ron was about to explain when Harry glared back at him.

This is not Mr. Weasley's exclusive ward. In addition to him, there are two patients, one who was bitten by a werewolf and is depressed, and the other who is a witch who was bitten by an unknown creature.

If they see Abe's ability, something might happen.

This is a hospital after all, and if the therapist knew there was a magical animal with healing powers, they might not even be able to leave today.

"Fred, George." Harry said, "Can you pull up the two curtains? We have to use a special method to treat Mr. Weasley so that no one else can see."

The two brothers, who were gloating about their mother teaching their father a lesson, noticed Harry's serious eyes and immediately clapped their chests and assured, "No problem."

"Wait for us for a moment and be right back."

"No need to bother." Moody took out his wand and created two partitions to divide the ward into three areas.

"Thank you, Professor."

"If you have anything to say, tell me quickly. Although I have blocked the sound here, I don't know when someone will come."

"Wait a moment, what special method?" Mrs. Weasley asked in confusion.

"You will find out later. I assure you that the probability of success is very high. Even if it fails, it will not have any bad impact on Mr. Weasley."

Mrs. Weasley asked no more questions, and Harry looked at Hermione, or to be exact, at Abe in her arms.

"It's up to you." Hermione placed Abe on the hospital bed, "Let's get started!"

However, Abe curled his lips arrogantly and looked at the turkey set on Mr. Weasley's lap with his innocent eyes.

"What... does it mean?" Ginny asked in confusion, "The promised treatment!"

"Obviously." Hermione sighed silently, "Eat first, work later."

"I'm afraid one is not enough." Ron said far-fetchedly, "It has a huge appetite."

Abe nodded solemnly, then raised his right paw, and five silver claws appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Five turkeys?" Hermione couldn't help but smacked her lips, "No, Aaron told me not to let you eat too much. What if you get fat?"

Abe was unmoved. The world is big and the master is the biggest. Besides the master, eating is the biggest.

It finally left the supervision of its owner, and the bad butler Jeans is not here. If it doesn't take this opportunity to satisfy the following appetite, it will be sorry for its stomach.

"No problem, I agreed." Harry said immediately. It was just five turkeys. It was nothing compared to curing Mr. Weasley.

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