A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 476 I won’t let you go out to cause harm to others, adding hail to snow (1/2)

Chapter 476 I won’t let you go out to cause harm to others, it will add hail to the snow.

Abe did not start treatment immediately, but looked directly at Hermione and pointed to his pocket meaningfully.

"Okay, okay." Hermione said dumbfounded, "I'll take you to buy some food after the treatment is complete!"

Abe nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and looked at Arthur Weasley lying on the hospital bed.

The white magic circle flashed in front of it, and Arthur's whole body was suddenly enveloped in white light, and a sun-like smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

A warm feeling came from the wounds on his body, and at the same time, red and black blood streaks mixed with venom slowly floated out, but these blood streaks quickly evaporated under the illumination of white light and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After a few minutes, the white light dissipated. Abe yawned tiredly, then took out his exclusive blanket from his pocket, found an empty space on the hospital bed and lay down.

Everyone looked at this scene dumbfounded, and they were silent for a long time before they came back to their senses.

"Oh my God!" Fred couldn't help but sigh, "As a pet, this is a bit too much."

"He is also very self-disciplined." George added, "The action of taking out the blanket is not very skillful. It is not the first time."

"This is definitely not a cat." Moody's magic eyes rolled wildly, "The magic power in it has exceeded that of an average adult wizard, and the quality is not generally high.

Where did Gaius get such magical... magical beasts, even Dumbledore's phoenix may not be as good as them. "

"Fox has been bullied by it not once or twice." Harry said with a forced smile. When Fox saw it, it was like a mouse seeing a cat, and countless hairs were plucked out.

"This is a rare opportunity, why don't we take a look at what's in his pockets?" Fred suggested.

"That's exactly what I meant." George nodded in agreement.

"Absolutely not." Hermione said immediately, "Its pockets are filled with Aaron's things, and it just cured Mr. Weasley and you... this is so shameless."

The two looked at each other and said, "We were just joking."

"Arthur, how are you feeling?"

"It's better than ever before," Mr. Weasley said with great ease. "It's like I stood for a lifetime and then suddenly sat down. Now I even want to embrace the morning sun."

"Who asked you this?" Lupine said speechlessly, "Molly asked about your injury."

Mr. Weasley stretched his limbs and carefully removed a section of the bandage with his wand. The wound inside was completely healed, and the new granulation was clearly visible.

"Haha, call the therapist over, I can be discharged now."


Moody, Lupin, and Molly said in unison.

"The sudden recovery is so incredible, you have to find an excuse to explain it to the therapist first."

"That's what I mean too." Lu Ping said with a serious face, "You must not expose this pet, it will cause trouble for Aaron.

Dumbledore means to maintain a good relationship with Gaius. If he is unhappy, we may lose a potential ally. "


Harry and the others exchanged glances, and they could all see the surprise in each other's eyes.

They were not qualified to join the Order of the Phoenix, but Aaron seemed to be placed on an equal footing, which made them feel somewhat unbalanced.

"This has nothing to do with you for the time being." Mrs. Weasley said, "Arthur, you have to stay in the hospital for a few more days and let the therapist do a comprehensive examination and confirm that there is nothing wrong before you are discharged."


"Hermione, thank you so much." Mrs. Weasley said happily, and then gave her a big hug, "I'm going to prepare five turkeys for Abe first.

I ask you to take good care of it while you are away. This is the great benefactor of our Weasley family. If you need anything, just tell me and I will try my best to prepare it. "

"Well...Aaron told me not to get too used to it."

Mrs. Weasley was stunned for a moment, "Look how tired it is. It should take more supplements."

Hermione's eyes twitched slightly, and she was speechless for a moment.

There was no need to worry about Mr. Weasley's injury, and Harry and the others breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

They originally planned to go to the hospital's tea room for a drink, but when they passed by the fifth floor, they accidentally discovered Neville Longbottom. He and his grandmother were visiting their parents, who were blind and emaciated.

After some understanding, they learned that Neville's parents were tortured by Death Eaters using the Cruciatus Curse and became lunatics. Therefore, they were imprisoned in the psychiatric department of St. Mungo's Hospital for life.


Time flies and the last day of Christmas vacation is quickly coming.

After Aaron finished his dinner, a white figure ran into his arms while walking in the castle.

Abe hugged Aaron's arm and purred, showing deep affection.

"Master, I miss you so much!"

"Be good." Aaron rubbed its faucet, "You are back, which means they are back too.

This is your first time staying at someone else's house. How do you feel? "

"It's not very good." Abe showed aggrieved eyes, "Hermione didn't let me eat enough, Fred and George always stared at my pocket, and Ginny wanted to hug me when she was fine, several times. Almost strangled me to death. Harry and Ron always want to see how big I can get now. Moody, Lupine and others looked at me very strangely. One wanted me to heal the hidden wounds, and the other wanted me to try it. Can you turn him back to a normal person..."

After listening to it, Aaron's forehead had a few more black lines.

To be honest, it was within his expectation that Abe would receive this kind of treatment, but he had obviously gained half a kilogram in weight during the two-week vacation, which did not mean he was having a bad life.

"I'll give you another chance to tell the truth."

Abe was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head weakly, "Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are pretty good to me. They prepared a good recipe for me, the kind that includes chicken drumsticks in the meal."

"Last chance." Aaron said with an unhappy look, "I'm warning you not to evade the easy part. I will go to Harry and the others to confirm it at any time."

There was a flash of embarrassment in Abe's eyes, and he grinned sheepishly.

"Hermione didn't let me have a full meal, but I found a place in the kitchen on the first night and quietly added a midnight snack to the recipe. Fred, George, Ron, and Harry were more troublesome, so I just Complain to Mrs. Weasley, shed a few tears in front of her, and then..."

"Then what happened?"

"Fred, George, and Ron were scolded so hard that they had to stand while eating.

Harry had Sirius intercede and was not punished, but I saved Buckbeak's life two years ago, the hippogriff.

I gave it a look that made it ignore them both for the entire holiday. "

"What about Ginny?"

"The girl just doesn't have to walk when I hold it, and...it's quite comfortable.

As for Moody and Lupin, I directly breathed out a breath of dragon's breath, scaring them away. "


Aaron patted his forehead speechlessly, and then gave it a thumbs up.

As expected of Long, who had been following him for five years, he did a great job.

"Forget it, I won't let you go out to harm others in the future." Aaron said forcefully.

"That's great." Abe smiled heartlessly. He couldn't eat well without his master around these days.

"Have you bought anything back?"

"Bought it back."

Abe nodded and stretched his paws into his pockets.

Aaron hurriedly stopped them. They were in the castle now, and it would be hard to explain if they took out a pile of food.

"Let's go back first."

Aaron took it back to the Slytherin common room, and then entered the Hall of Gods through the secret passage in the dormitory.

When the missing body saw Abe, there was a smile on his face, but after a brief consideration, the smile on his face became weird.

"I'm fat, but it's only been two weeks!"

Aaron shrugged and transferred the memory he had just received to the mind of the missing body.

"This is really..." The corner of Missing Body's mouth twitched slightly, "It doesn't matter, as long as you don't suffer any loss."

"You can take out the things you bought," Aaron said.

"Good master."

Abe flew into the air and opened his pocket.

A lot of fresh fruits and vegetables fell on the floor, followed by rice, noodles, grains and oil, and various packaged meats.

Three hills of different heights are piled together, which still looks very visually impactful.

"Yes, this is enough for us to eat for two and a half years." Aaron said with satisfaction.

"This is the normal situation, but..." The missing body looked at Abe helplessly. The moment the last meat was poured out, it jumped on a ham that was bigger than itself.

A large piece of meat disappears at a speed visible to the naked eye, and occasionally it will be heated with dragon flames when the mood strikes.

"Alas!" The missing body smacked secretly, "It's really not easy to raise a dragon!

Not only has his weight changed during this holiday, but his appetite has also changed. "

"It doesn't matter." Aaron waved his hand, "It doesn't eat here often. I will take it away when I go back, so let's just keep it as normal!"

The missing body nodded slightly, then snapped its fingers.

More than a dozen shadow ninjas stood out from the shadows, divided into three groups and moved the food to the back door of a stone door, which was a storage room with a preservation effect made with a traceless stretching spell.

Aaron picked up Abe and flicked it on the head angrily, "Don't eat it yet."

"Master, I'm... hungry." Abe looked at the piece of ham that had not yet been finished. "They came by knight bus today. I only had breakfast."

"Uh... Then we'll eat it later." Aaron shook his head speechlessly, then placed it on a stone bench, "Tell me what information I got these days."

"Information?" Abe scratched his head blankly, as if he didn't quite understand the meaning of these two words.

"What are they busy with these days?" the missing body reminded, "Where have you followed them? What do they talk about the most?"

"It was a big house with several floors!

But it's much smaller than our home. "

"Nonsense, if the Order of the Phoenix was so public, Voldemort would have killed it long ago.

We are asking about the address. Do you understand the address? "

"Hmm... It seems to be No. 12 Grimmauld Place, yes, it's No. 12." Abbey said with certainty, "As for the one who talks about it the most... it seems to be Harry Potter."

"Oh, tell me more specifically." Aaron suddenly became interested.

He doesn't care about the location of the Order of the Phoenix, and even if he knew it, he would never go there.

But Harry Potter is different. What is related to him is the information it really wants.

"They said the Dark Lord might possess Harry."


"It's true, Harry can read the Dark Lord's mind, but the Dark Lord will realize this sooner or later.

It would not be difficult to use his magic to read Harry's thoughts. "

Aaron and the missing body looked at each other and said solemnly: "Those dreams he had are definitely not coincidences, but I didn't expect the disadvantages to be so big."

"It is certain that the mind will be read in reverse. Unless Occlumency is at its peak, a mage will never be able to defeat a great mage at his peak."

"Yes! You can't believe the dreams he has in the future, whether they are good or bad.

Voldemort is fully capable of weaving an illusory dream to use Harry to deliver wrong information. As long as he succeeds once, it will be a bloody profit.

As for possession...that's a bit exaggerated! "

"It may not be impossible. Don't forget the magic used to resurrect Voldemort. Harry Potter's blood is one of the main ingredients.

The two of us should have the most say. Blood is important but not important, but it is not important, but it doesn't seem to be generally important. "The missing body said and raised his fingers. "Blood is needed to open the secret chamber, blood is needed to forge weapons, and blood is needed to sign a contract. And...in Narnia, the white witch's prerequisite for freedom is a drop of human beings. of blood. "

"That's right!" Aaron sighed slightly, "But I think even if Voldemort has this connection with Harry, he probably won't be able to possess him from a distance.

No wonder Dumbledore asked Harry to stay with members of the Order of the Phoenix during the holidays. With these people protecting Voldemort, it would not be easy to possess him. "

"Is there anything else?" The missing body looked at Abe and asked.

"Also, Snape came here yesterday, and Dumbledore asked him to teach Harry Potter Occlumency."

Aaron raised an eyebrow, then couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm not gloating! It's just that he is really not an ordinary miserable person.

Just one Umbridge made him feel that his life was gloomy. Adding Snape to the mix would not only add insult to injury, it would add hail to snow! "

The missing body also nodded and silently mourned for Harry for a second in his heart. This was definitely the most difficult year since he went to school.

Aaron brought the piece of ham to Abe to let him enjoy today's dinner, and then looked at the missing body, "Dumbledore asked Professor Snape to teach Harry Occlumency. It was obvious that he was starting to get anxious.

But this shows that the storm is coming, and we have to prepare early, prepare for the worst. "

"And Draco." The missing body said with a headache, "We have to prepare for him in advance, and arrange for Crabbe and Goyle by the way."

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