A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 518: Snape stole paintings and never acted as a triple agent? (1/2)

Chapter 518: Snape stole paintings and never acted as a triple agent?

12 Grimmauld Place.

Severus Snape walked into a room on the third floor. He glanced back to make sure no one was there and then closed the door, not daring to make a sound like a thief.

There are two beds, a cupboard, and a blank portrait in the room. There is nothing special about it. It can even be said to be extremely simple.

Snape took a deep breath, took the blank portrait off the wall, put it away carefully, and then left as if nothing had happened.

Ten minutes later, the fireplace in the Potions Professor's office at Hogwarts suddenly lit up with green flames, and Snape walked out with a dark face.

"Welcome back, Professor." Aaron poured him a cup of hot tea eagerly, "You should have got what I asked for, right?"

"Take it." Snape put the blank portrait on the desk angrily, "I really don't understand what you want this painting for?"

"Don't try to trick me, Professor, I want it to naturally serve my purpose.

Now that we have the things, we can talk about what’s next. "

Snape's lips twitched, "What else do you want me to do?"

"Go talk to Professor Dumbledore." Aaron said calmly, "The time is after curfew tonight. I need you to go to his office.

You can make up your own topic. If you really don’t know what to say, just tell him my attitude towards the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that you have to let Phineas come and see this blank portrait. I have some personal matters to talk to him about. "

"This is impossible." Snape shook his head, "After Phineas learned about Sirius's death, his whole person was depressed, and no one could talk to him in a short period of time."

“Others can’t, but you can.

In addition, it is best to speak in a natural tone so as not to arouse Dumbledore's suspicion. "

Hearing this, Snape fell into a brief silence.

After pondering for a while, he looked at Aaron solemnly and said, "Don't tell me you want to arrange an undercover agent with Dumbledore?"

Aaron blinked and then gave Snape a thumbs up, "You can see that."

"I refuse." Snape said righteously, showing great resistance. "You can go to anyone for this kind of thing, but you must not go to me."

"But I can only look for you." Aaron spread his hands helplessly, "Apart from you, the only ones who can enter the principal's office and talk face to face with Dumbledore at any time are Professor McGonagall and Hagrid.

Professor McGonagall will stop talking. She is still lying in St. Mungo's Hospital. Even if she is not injured, with her loyalty to Dumbledore, I don't dare to let her play like this!

As for Hagrid...it's not that I don't trust him, but with his carefree and easy-to-deceive character, he can probably sell me out in less than three sentences. "

"That's enough for you." Snape yelled angrily, "You can't just let me do all the disgusting things, can you?

I have told you the truth about the Department of Mysteries. Both you and Dumbledore think that I am the best person to explain it to you. I admit it, so be embarrassed!

This morning I went to the Order of the Phoenix headquarters to steal paintings. This was the first time in my life that I had done such a shameful thing, but out of guilt for you, I once again put my old face to shame.

But asking me to cooperate with you in setting up an undercover agent is too much, and I will never accept it. "

"Uh...calm down, calm down, professor, it's not too late for you to listen to my explanation before making a decision."

After hearing this, Snape sat down expressionlessly, picked up the teacup on the table and drank slowly, "I want to hear what you have to explain."

"Actually, I understand your feelings and your difficulties." Aaron said slowly, "First he became a Death Eater and worked for Voldemort, but he abandoned the dark side and joined the Order of the Phoenix..."


Snape spat out a mouthful of tea and coughed several times before putting down the tea cup, "Give me..."

"Please listen patiently to what I have to say. If you don't agree, I will get out."

Before Snape could finish his curse words, he was interrupted by Aaron, and he could only express his anger with a murderous look.

"In other words, you are now a double agent." Aaron said with appreciation, "You have done your best to serve the Order of the Phoenix, but you have not fallen behind in providing intelligence to Voldemort.

When Voldemort rushed to the Department of Mysteries, he said that his servant would buy him enough time. This servant should be you, right? "

"That's what Dumbledore meant." Snape said speechlessly, "He asked me to send a message to the Dark Lord and I would try my best to hold back the Order of the Phoenix."

Aaron: ...

“It seems our principal is more shameless than I thought.

But getting back to the subject, both Dumbledore and Voldemort trust you very much.

In a sense, you have carried forward Slytherin's noble quality of self-preservation, and you have understood the spy aspect. "

"Haha! I just thought you were complimenting me."

"You are a double agent, but if you helped me today, you would be a triple agent.

The reason why you refuse is because you feel that I am insulting your self-esteem. "Aaron analyzed patiently, but seeing Snape's face turned terribly dark, he immediately added: "But don't worry, I'm not asking you to be a spy, and I can also guarantee that I will not harm any interests of the Order of the Phoenix.

If you don't believe it, we can make a covenant. "

"Alas!" Snape sighed, held his forehead and shook his head: "Sometimes I really don't know what to say to you."

"Isn't this all forced by you?" Aaron said depressedly, "The moral bottom line of the Order of the Phoenix has opened the door to a new world for me. If I don't want to be tricked, I have to make more preparations."

"Thank you for telling me so much, but..." Snape paused, "I'm sorry, I still can't help you with this."

Aaron wasn't surprised, he just said the name lightly, "Harry Potter."

Snape's expression changed slightly, "What do you want to say?"

"I can try my best to protect him once. Professor, you should know that there are two different things between me voluntarily protecting him and being forced to protect him." Aaron said very relaxedly, "I only need you to help cover up tonight, and you don't need to pass on any information. I It won’t harm any interests of the Order of the Phoenix, it’s a one-and-done deal.”

"One deal?" Snape rolled his eyes at him speechlessly, "You said it quite easily."

"Then let me change the question. Do you think Phineas will betray Dumbledore?"

"Ah this..."

Snape's expression suddenly became extremely wonderful, and he was speechless for a moment.

Will Phineas betray Dumbledore? This is a complete joke and impossible.

The wizards who can be hung up by Dumbledore in the principal's office are all wizards who have dedicated their lives to Hogwarts. They have all sworn allegiance to the current principal of Hogwarts. It can be said that they are much more reliable than the Order of the Phoenix.

"I believe you have the answer, Professor.

A large part of the reason why I'm looking for Phineas is a personal matter. As for planting an undercover agent, it's just because you're overthinking it.

I just want some insignificant information, such as Dumbledore's itinerary and who he met. I believe Phineas knows the importance.

Of course, if you still don't want to, just pretend I haven't been here today. "Aaron said and stood up, turned around and walked towards the door, "I just feel sorry for Harry Potter, I don't know about his ability to cause trouble..."


Aaron immediately turned around, slapped a piece of parchment on Professor Snape's desk, and quickly handed over a quill, "I have prepared the contract, just like the one-shot deal I just said .

Your signature in the lower right corner will take effect immediately. Your mission will be completed when you finish the work tonight. None of the three of us can leak the secret in any way. "

Professor Snape had a few more black lines on his forehead. The hand holding the pen seemed to be as heavy as a thousand stones, and he wrote his name on the parchment tremblingly.

"The contract is made.

Believe me, professor, you will be very happy for your decision in the future. "


Snape gritted his teeth and pointed at the door.

"Uh... the feelings are gone. I haven't finished the tea yet!"

"Get out of here."


Shenming Palace.

Aaron placed the blank portrait in the morgue, facing Sirius's coffin, which was covered by the illusion.

As the night gets darker, an old man appears in the portrait.

"Welcome, Principal Phineas Nigellus Black." Aaron said politely.

"Where is this?" Phineas looked at Aaron suspiciously, "Are you a child of the Gaius family?

Oh, I understand, you want to see me, and Snape is covering for you? "

"Yes, I spent a lot of effort to convince him." Aaron nodded and asked curiously: "I would like to ask, how did Professor Snape convince you in front of Dumbledore? Who painted this portrait?"

"Hmph! He didn't say anything, he was just angry about the death of my great-great-grandson.

There wasn't a single curse word, but the words were so unpleasant that Dumbledore couldn't stop them. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I decided to avoid it. "


Aaron gasped in surprise, he didn't expect Professor Snape to play like this.

"Why did you call me here?" Phineas asked, "Don't the Gaius family always stay out of the affairs of the magical world?"

"Senior, the world has changed, and people's hearts have changed!" Aaron cursed with a look of grief and anger, as if he had been greatly wronged. "You are in the principal's office, and you should also understand what happened to me. Dumbledore is too dark. ”

“I don’t deny that he did not do it kindly in this matter, but I also cannot deny that he is a qualified leader who has a very big picture view.

Also, I'm in a really bad mood, so you'd better say what you have to say. "

"Okay." Aaron calmed down and put forward his conditions directly, "I hope you will be a notary and transfer 90% of the Black family's total assets to my name in three days."

"Are you crazy?" Phineas asked in surprise, "Even if you are obsessed with money, you can't be so greedy!

Wait, you're short of money? Are you kidding me?

Compared to the Gaius family, the Black family's accumulation is probably not even a drop in the bucket! "

“You also said, that’s the Gaius family, not me.

My assets have been frozen since the day before yesterday. I am exaggerating to say that I am penniless now, but I can definitely say that I am penniless.

And I have a lot of money to spend on, including potions, alchemy, magic research, and I also raise a dragon that can be eaten by thieves...

All in all, I have to find a way to get money to deal with the hard days that I don't know when they will end, and the Order of the Phoenix, which pushed me into the deep pit, is undoubtedly the best target. "

"Then you can't choose the Black family!"

"Your family is the richest, and the others are extremely poor.

You can't let me go to the Weasley family to ask for money! I have been to their house, and when beggars come, they have to leave two steel pennies in tears. "

"But... this, this is unreasonable!" Phineas said speechlessly, "Even if the bloodline of the Black family is cut off and there is no one to take care of the wealth, I cannot give it just because you want it!"

"We'll talk about the wealth later." Aaron waved his hand nonchalantly, "There is one more thing you have to help me with. I need you to provide me with Dumbledore's situation from time to time."

"This is impossible."

"I don't want information. I just want to know where he went and who he met. That's all."

"That's not okay. For the sake of your surname Gaius, I'll pretend I've never been here today." Phineas refused sternly, and then turned around and left.

"Wait!" Aaron stopped him hastily.

Just kidding, if he ran away and failed, it would easily arouse Dumbledore's vigilance.

If the Shen Ming Palace is exposed, will he be able to survive?

"Even if you say breaking the sky, there is no need to discuss it."

"What if Sirius hadn't died?"

"What?" Phineas paused and turned to look at Aaron, "My great-great-grandson is still alive? But Dumbledore and Harry Potter both said..."


Aaron snapped his fingers and removed the illusion on the ice coffin.

"What they saw may not be the truth. The moment before he was hit by the killing curse, I pulled his soul out of the body.

In other words, his body was dead, but his soul was not affected at all.

In this situation, there is enough maneuverability. If you spend more time to remove the magic of the life-killing curse, he may not be able to be resurrected. "

As he spoke, Sirius' soul stood next to Aaron, but he didn't want to see his great-great-grandfather at all, "I really didn't expect to meet you in this way."

"I, I didn't expect that either." Phineas said excitedly. Sirius is not dead yet, which means that the blood of the Black family is not broken. Nothing makes him happier than this.

"Phineas, I think we can now discuss the terms I just offered."

"I agree." Phineas said crisply.


"Wait, great-great-grandfather, are you too hasty?" Sirius asked in shock, "I have never seen you care so much about me before!"

"Stupid, who cares about you? What I care about is the blood of the Black family." Phineas said angrily, "If you die, the Black family will be finished. No matter how much wealth you accumulate, it will only make Gringotts cheaper." Those greedy goblins."

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