A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 519 Sending Gandalf to collect the debt, Sirius’s arrangements before his death (1/2)

Chapter 519 Sending Gandalf to collect the debt, Sirius’s arrangements before his death

Under the witness of Phineas, Sirius signed a formal and effective property transfer agreement.

Aaron put away the agreement with satisfaction, and then skillfully took out a piece of parchment, "Here, sign this confidentiality contract. You cannot reveal anything that happens here to anyone in any way, and you will have to do it for the next two years. Provide me with information about Dumbledore's itinerary from time to time."

Phineas struggled for a moment, "How to sign?

I have neither body nor soul now. Are you trying to make things difficult for me by signing this contract? "

"This is easy." Aaron placed the parchment on the portrait nonchalantly, and then the contract was slowly swallowed by the portrait.

Phineas looked at the contract that appeared in his hand, smiled awkwardly, then picked up the quill and wrote his name, "Are you satisfied?"

"It's okay, just give it a try!"

"Then I'll leave first."

"Wait a minute." Aaron said hurriedly, "I almost forgot just now. I will make a new blank portrait for you to serve as a contact point. As for this portrait, I will find an opportunity to put it back.

So...don't be surprised if you feel another door appear soon. "

"Got it," Phineas said, walking towards the border.

Sirius chuckled and shook his head, "I really don't know if Dumbledore was right or wrong in dragging you down. You are more capable than we thought, but your ability is too high."

"Uh... Thanks for the compliment, but this is just a helpless counterattack." Aaron said a little tiredly.

"How do you plan to transfer the Black family's wealth?" Sirius asked, "Logically speaking, just hand over this agreement to the goblins of Gringotts. They will take the initiative to handle it all, as long as you pay a certain amount of compensation, but I I don’t think you would do such a thing yourself, right?”

"That's natural." The missing body walked in and turned into a tall, kind-hearted old man with a long beard as he took a step. The white wand also turned into a long staff.

"This transformation..." Sirius swallowed, "It's a bit exaggerated!"

"This is Gandalf, a good friend I made a few years ago." Aaron introduced with some nostalgia, "He and Dumbledore are the same kind of people, and they both like to cheat their teammates.

But I can guarantee that not many people in the Order of the Phoenix, the Death Eaters, or even the entire wizarding world know about him, and he..."

"And I will pretend to be Sirius's best friend, go to Gringotts to complete the property transfer, and take back the gold and silver antiques at No. 12 Grimmauld Place. Of course, I will not touch the necessary things that should be left behind.

I have already thought of the reasons. You came to me before returning to Grimmauld Street and begged me to do something for you after your death, something very, very important to Harry Potter, but Can't tell anyone. "

"Resurrection of Sirius Black?" Sirius said with some heartache.

"Yes, this matter requires a lot of money." Old God Aaron said thoughtfully, "As for whether anyone will doubt it afterwards?

The image of Gandalf can definitely lower anyone's vigilance, and Voldemort will not give them time to doubt. The most important thing is that they can't find me. "

"Hiss!" Sirius gasped, "You, you are really dark!"

"It's far behind compared to you." Aaron curled his lips.

The most he can do is calculate some money. This is still a fair transaction. 90% of the wealth is exchanged for a life. No one will refuse.

But the Order of the Phoenix just tricked him into it without considering whether he was willing or not.

In comparison, Aaron was almost touched by his own kindness. There is probably no one more caring than him in the entire magical world.


Worried about the long nights and many dreams, Aaron sent out his missing body the next day.

With the property transfer agreement, he successfully obtained 90% of the wealth accumulated by the Black family for generations from the goblins of Gringotts in the image of 'Gandalf'. After that, he went to No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

The people who stayed at the headquarters at that time were Lupine, Moody and a member of the Order of the Phoenix named Mundungus. They were shocked when they saw 'Gandalf', because the Order of the Phoenix was bewitched and no one could enter under normal circumstances. Come, how could they not feel uneasy when they were suddenly intruded by a strange old man.

The three of them pulled out their wands as quickly as possible, but before they could use their magic, 'Gandalf' raised the wand first, and the white light stopped the movements of the three of them for a moment.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not your enemy." The missing body of 'Gandalf' holding the cigarette rod took a puff of cigarette and blew out a smoke ring happily.

"Who are you?" Moody asked warily, "How do you know this place?"

"Sirius asked me to come." A little sadness appeared on 'Gandalf's face, "Of course it was during his lifetime. As for the certificate..."

He hesitated for a moment and handed the transfer agreement to Moody, "Let's take a look! I know you are an Auror, so you will understand it.

If you don't believe it, you can go to Phineas for confirmation. He and I have some friendship. "

Moody's face was gloomy and uncertain, and his magic eye kept looking at Gandalf, but he couldn't see any flaws.

'Gandalf' gave him a kind smile, but he sneered in his heart.

Illusion, transformation, plus the light element magic circle that weakened the effect of the magic eye just now, as well as the ancient runes on the wizard's robe, four layers of BUFF added together, if Moody can see all this, he will be in vain. .

"What is this?" Lupine asked.

"Property transfer agreement." Moody said hesitantly, "Sirius made an agreement with him before his death."

"Gandalf, my name is Gandalf." The missing body said without blushing and breathlessly.

"If he unfortunately dies, Mr. Gandalf has the right to dispose of 90% of the Black family's property, as well as all valuable items in 12 Grimmauld Place except the mansion."

"What?" Before Lupine asked, Mundungus couldn't help it, "Does this mean that all the gold and silver vessels and magic tools in the headquarters belong to him?

No, I can't accept it.

If these things were sold, I, no, we would definitely make a fortune. "

'Gandalf''s mouth twitched slightly. He never expected that the Order of the Phoenix still had such a talent.

Damn it! Fortunately, I came early, otherwise the money might have slipped through my fingertips.

Moody and Lupine both frowned and looked at Mundungus with some contempt, but they didn't say anything. This companion still had some skills, he just liked to take advantage of him.

"That's the fact. You have to accept it even if you don't want to." 'Gandalf' said lightly, "Sirius Black asked me to do something for Harry Potter, and the deadline is within two years after his death.

However, this matter is difficult to handle and requires a lot of financial support. "

"Is it true, Alastor?" Lupine asked.

“This agreement is genuine and is guaranteed by Phineas.

The most important thing is that in this agreement, Black emphasized that Mr. Gandalf was as trustworthy as Dumbledore. "Moody said in a deep voice, then looked at 'Gandalf' seriously, "What did he ask you to do? "

"No comment, but as long as you live to see it in two years, you will know.

All I can say is that he made a lot of money from this deal. "Gandalf" said, pointing to Lupin, "You and Harry Potter will be very grateful to me then." "

"How do we know if you are making it up?" Mundungus said unhappily. He was about to steal something and sell it, but suddenly a guy came to compete with him for money. It would be strange to be happy.

"I'm just doing things as agreed." 'Gandalf' took a puff of cigarette helplessly, "I also know that you don't quite trust me, a stranger, so... it's up to you to collect the property.

I only want gold and silver that can be exchanged at Gringotts. As for other daily necessities, such as pots and pans, you can decide for yourself.

But my time is limited and I can only give you one hour. "

"I'll go right away." Mundungus said immediately. He also understood that with this agreement, it was impossible for him to fight for it, but it would be okay to miss a few things when packing up!

"I'm sorry, I don't believe you." 'Gandalf' shook his head and took out a gray cloth bag and handed it to Lupin, "This is a storage bag with the traceless stretching spell added. Please help me, an old man, with this." how?

He made it very clear when he came to me that Moony Face would definitely believe and understand Padfoot. "

Lupine was still hesitant at first, but when he heard the nicknames 'Moon Face' and 'Padfoot', all his doubts were swept away.

The fact that Sirius can tell these two nicknames to 'Gandalf' is enough to show that he can absolutely be trusted.

In other words, this is the last task that Sirius assigned him before his death. As a close friend, he must complete it with all his heart.

"Sir, please wait a moment, I will finish it soon." Lu Ping said, then turned and left.

Mundungus watched gold and silver utensils being put into bags by Lupine, and his heart bled with pain, "Uh... I'll go help him."

'Gandalf' looked at him meaningfully, his suspicious eyes made Mundungus feel guilty, and he immediately added: "I just went to take a look, and I have no other meaning to help you estimate the price. After all... I won’t see it anymore.”

"Okay! But before that, can you take me to Harry Potter's room?"

"Okay, no problem." Mundungus said, patting his chest. Just a few steps away would give you a chance to enrich your own pockets. It's a sure profit!

"Wait." Moody looked at 'Gandalf' warily, "Why are you going to Harry Potter's room?"

"Just out of curiosity." 'Gandalf' pretended to be inscrutable and said nonsense seriously: "A person's room can reflect a person's personality from the side. I want to know what Harry Potter is like. Someone who can make the last member of the Black family shamelessly ask me to help him.”

Moody's mouth twitched slightly, "Is this really true?"

"If you don't believe me, you can go and have a look with me. If you still suspect that I will be harmful to Harry Potter, you can change his residence."

Hearing this, Moody no longer doubted, "Maybe I'm overly worried."

"I'll take you there."

Mundungus smiled and then led the way.

The two came to the third floor, and Mundungus took the missing body to the second room, "This is it."

'Gandalf' smiled slightly, a purple light flashed in his eyes, and Mundungus was hypnotized without even noticing.

The moment he opened the door, he arranged another layer of illusion cover. To Mundungus, the room was no different from the original one, and he introduced the few pieces of furniture in the room with gusto.

"Is that blank portrait of Phineas?" 'Gandalf' said, pointing to the blank wall.

Mundungus then pointed out to him the location where the frame had originally been placed. "That's where Phineas occasionally sent us messages through this painting."

The missing body immediately took out Phineas's photo frame and hung the photo frame openly in front of Mundungus at the position pointed by him, and then quietly removed the hypnosis and illusion.

"Okay, I've seen it, we can go."

"Is this the end?"

"Is there anything interesting about this room?"

"Uh...there really isn't." Mundungus said nonchalantly. Even with his professional eyes, he couldn't tell that there was anything valuable in this room.

'Gandalf' came to the living room on the second floor with his staff and sat on the sofa very consciously, putting himself in Moody's sight.

Mundungus winked at Moody and quickly rushed up the stairs to help Lupine sort out the belongings in the house, while leaving two not too precious collections for himself.

"Let me give you a piece of advice!" 'Gandalf' smacked his cigarette holder, "The person who sent me upstairs just now is not reliable."

"What did you say?"

"Your career is very dangerous, and if you are not careful, you may be in jeopardy.

He can do some trivial things, such as logistics, intelligence, and delivering messages, but major matters cannot be entrusted to him, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable. "

Moody paused and nodded silently.

Time passed by, and in less than an hour, Lupine and Mundungus came over with storage bags.

"All the valuable gold and silver vessels we can find are here, and some of them are protected by house elves. It's hard for us to snatch them away." Mundungus said with some annoyance. What they got was just Common items and some items of great commemorative value are all in Kreacher's place.

"It doesn't matter, it's better to be more kind to house elves." 'Gandalf' slowly stood up after taking the storage bag, "This is another piece of advice. The strength of house elves is no worse than that of wizards, and their talents are You can do things that even wizards can't do."

After saying that, 'Gandalf' turned and left, "No need to send it away, and don't follow me. You can't find me if I don't want to."

The three of them watched him leave. After the door closed, Lupine and Mundungus looked at Moody, "Maybe I shouldn't ask, but what other advice did 'Gandalf' give?"

Moody: ...

Should I say it? You said it would affect unity!

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