A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 524 The artifact that is about to be completed, the marriage that has received rave reviews

Chapter 524 The artifact that is about to be completed and the marriage that has received rave reviews

Night falls.

Aaron was lying on the bed in the bedroom, looking straight at the ceiling.

Ever since he joined the battle in the Department of Mysteries, he had been mentally prepared, but the actual situation still made him almost break through.

Voldemort was more shameless and crazier than he thought. He had been preparing since he got off the train. Not only did he send people to block his Diagon Alley shop, but even Gaius Castle was under surveillance.

If he was kicked out of the house at this time, he would probably be hunted down by Death Eaters not far away.

The arrangement at home is even more outrageous, and one needs to sacrifice appearance to gain safety.

He considers himself not such a superficial person, but who made him agree to Adrian last year? This hurdle is destined to be unavoidable. He can only say that he has to walk the path he has chosen on his knees.

With extremely complicated feelings, Aaron sighed softly and slowly closed his eyes.


the next day.

The sun shone through the window onto Aaron's face.

He got up skillfully, dressed and washed, and then pulled Abe out of his crib.

"Let's go, it's time to eat."

Hearing the word 'eat', Abe suddenly felt no longer sleepy. His blue eyes widened a bit in an instant, and the corners of his mouth let out a sigh of relief.

It’s a good meal! The food at home is much better than that at Hogwarts.

Aaron was speechless when he saw this. He is five years old and still can't control his mouth. When will he be able to make a difference?

One person and one dragon came to the restaurant, where Teppler and the Vicos were sitting here waiting for him. Jeans stood aside while the house elves put the plates on the dining table one by one.

"Here we are, waiting for you." Teppler hurriedly asked Aaron to sit down, "I don't even remember how long it has been since I had dinner with my sweet grandson."

"Yeah!" Aaron nodded expressionlessly and asked while eating: "It's okay that Vico and Lisanna have been running around all these years, but where have you been, grandpa?"

"Well..." Teppler paused, "Normally, I can't tell you until you're an adult, but with your current strength, you're barely qualified to know, but are you sure you're ready?"

"Forget it, past experience tells me that the more you know, the more trouble you have."

"You can't say that, you will know it sooner or later, and it won't have much impact on you." Tepler smiled gently, "This is the responsibility of the Gaius family, and only the patriarch is qualified to do it. "

"But you are different. From the day you were born, your talent has determined that you have more choices than us." Vico said enviously, "You have the right to refuse this responsibility."

Aaron blinked and looked at the two of them doubtfully, "How many responsibilities does our family have to bear?"

"Not much, but very important." Tepler sighed with emotion, "Vico, I, and my father, your great-grandfather, are still performing the duties of Gaius to this day."

"Oh!" Aaron seemed to have thought of something and suddenly realized, "So the two of them often don't go home just to travel around the world?"

"Of course." Lisanna rolled her eyes at her son angrily, "Your father and I are also very busy. You are the most relaxed person in our family right now, and you still don't know how blessed you are."

"Haha! Haha!" Aaron couldn't help but laugh, "My dear mother, if you knew what happened to your son and me when traveling in another world, you wouldn't be so relaxed."

"That's not what I'm talking about." Lisanna explained in a dumbfounded voice, "Although traveling to another world is dangerous, it is also an opportunity for growth that others cannot envy.

But when you inherit the position of patriarch, you have the right to refuse this obligation. There are two main things you need to do.

The first is to improve yourself as much as possible and become a Holy Magister or even the God of Magic as soon as possible, and the second is to marry a wife and have children..."


Aaron spit out a mouthful of rice and looked at his mother in shock, "Are you serious?"

"Nonsense, you are now the only member of Gaius's main line, and inheriting the bloodline is your unshirkable responsibility.

That's why we are very concerned about your life-long events, and we are even more worried about your confrontation with Voldemort. You said that if something happens to you, your dad and I will have to practice trumpets. "

Hearing this, Aaron's face twitched unconsciously.

He seemed to understand why his parents were so keen on giving him a blind date. In addition to worry, not wanting to practice trumpet probably also played a large part in the reason.

This lesson must be learned. In the future, when he steps into the grave of marriage, he still has to learn from Mr. Arthur Weasley and make his family full of children...

Ahem! That's too far.


After breakfast, Aaron talked with three relatives about his usual study and life, and then carried Abe to the family secret room.

For him, not every one of the more than twenty ancestors must be met. He doesn't have that much time, but there are three that he must meet. Alge Gaius, who forges the artifact, and Weihet Gaius, who teaches the magic circle. Si, and the spiritual teacher Flo Gaius.

Genes did not follow. After all, classes were suspended. There was no reason for him, the assistant teacher, to appear in the classroom.

After opening the first secret room, Ancestor Argo was standing in front of the furnace, staring at the sword embryo inside.

Aaron walked closer to observe curiously, and his pupils shrank unconsciously.

The sword embryo is more complete than last year, and exudes colorful light. Countless complex magic circles, rune characters, and alchemists are looming on its surface.

"Ancestor, is this almost complete?"

"It's still a little short of that." Alger sighed, "I have hardly rested this year for your sword, and some of my own treasures were added to it by some strange coincidence."

"Thank you, ancestor." Aaron said immediately, feeling deeply moved in his heart.

"Don't be too quick to thank me." Alger interrupted, "This artifact now has a variety of abilities, including elemental attack, mind protection, healing of injuries, devouring spiritual power, transformation and carrying, long-distance summoning, etc., but it still There are shortcomings.”

"What's missing?"

"The core, in other words, is a sufficient energy supply." Alger explained, "Ordinary magic crystals cannot meet this condition.

I do have some high-quality magic crystals here, but I feel that they are not worthy of this sword and cannot bring out the maximum power of this sword. "

"This..." Aaron frowned slightly, "I'll find a way."

"I believe you will be ready." Alger smiled, "and it is best to find another ore that is hard enough."

"How hard should it be, mithril or heavy silver?"

"It's not enough. What I want is a treasure that can withstand the power of all the magic released instantly on this sword."

Aaron looked at the various runes on the sword embryo and couldn't help but secretly clicked his tongue.

How can he have this? Wait, it seems that there really is one. The Fang of Diroyus can definitely meet this condition.

"I know, I'll get it done as soon as possible."

"It doesn't matter if you can't find it. Even if some of its power is reduced, this sword is still a divine weapon."

"That won't work. I can still imagine the difference between ordinary artifacts and high-grade artifacts.

One year, one year from now I will find the ore. "

"Not just ores, but also energy cores." Alger reminded.


"Ancestor, this time I..."

"Needless to say, you can solve the troubles you cause by yourself.

I'm just a blacksmith, so I can't give you any advice. "

Aaron nodded and immediately walked towards the seventh secret room.

As soon as he entered, countless magic circles were instantly lit up, exuding brilliant colors.

Ancestor Wicht emerged from the magic circle in the center and looked at Aaron with a smile, "How are you doing with your new magic?"

"It's not bad!" Aaron pursed his lips and said, "How about not saying that you are my ancestor? I finally sent two magic books, but they are still elemental magic."

"I'm thinking about you." Weihert said confidently.

"Yes, ancestor, you are right.

At first I thought that nothing could be accomplished without being greedy, but later I discovered that it was better to reach the top in one move than to be knowledgeable but not masterful. Aaron said depressedly, "But I didn't expect that I would face Voldemort so early!" "

“Life is full of surprises, isn’t it?

I originally planned to teach you the magic of light and dark elements this holiday, but now it seems that I have prepared for a rainy day, but it's a pity that I can't teach you step by step. Weihe pointedly pointed out, "Can you tell me what happened that night?" "

Aaron hesitated for a while and told Wicht's ancestors about the battle in the Department of Mysteries. However, his missing body was replaced by a simple clone, and he did not reveal anything about the spiritual space.

"Hahaha..." Wicht burst out laughing after hearing this, with tears streaming down his face. "The mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole is behind it, but behind the oriole there is an eagle, but who would have thought that there is an eagle behind it?" Is there a hunter?

The game between the Dark Lord and the White Devil is interesting, really interesting. I have not heard such an interesting story for hundreds of years.

What role did you play in it? Oriole? I don't see it. "

"Ancestor, don't mock me like this!"

"This is not a sarcasm." Wicht snorted coldly, "Knowing the existence of eagles and hunters, Gaius's best successor in the past century would not be stupid enough to end up as an oriole!

Tell me, why? With how smart you are, no one should be able to make you jump into the trap if you don’t want to! "

"Uh...for the justice in my heart."

"Tch!" Weihert sneered and sneered: "Little Aaron, you have to understand that the days are long!

The 'suspension' is not permanent. Of course, if you are sure that you will defeat me before the 'suspension' ends, just pretend I didn't say it. "

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, and four words suddenly appeared in his mind: settling accounts after the fall.

“Because it’s okay to be impulsive!”

"This reason..." Wicht pondered for a moment, "it makes sense."

"Do you believe this?" Aaron asked with wide eyes.

"I also know you are talking nonsense, but so what?

All I want is a reason. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it convinces me. "

"Then your request is really weird." Aaron said bluntly. In his opinion, impulsiveness is even more unreliable than justice.

"I just died in the heat of the moment."

Aaron understood immediately. He had almost forgotten that this ancestor died after killing seven strong men of the same level on the battlefield. Impulsiveness was really more in line with his temper.

"Let me see your results this year!"

Aaron nodded, then took out his wand and carved the magic circle.

Half a minute later, seven different colors - red, blue, yellow, purple, green, black and white - reflected each other in mid-air, emitting a different kind of color.

"It's all the ultimate magic circle, but..."

"It's just the light and dark elements that didn't meet the standards. As for the other elements, it's just barely enough." Weihert said lightly, then changed the subject, "But it's not easy to do this with your current magic energy, but with the taboo elements Magic is far behind."

"I will try my best to master forbidden magic in the shortest time." Aaron vowed. He had already used it once in the spiritual space and had experience.

"No." Wicht shook his head, "Now that you are on the opposite side of the Dark Lord, there is no time for you to learn forbidden elemental magic.

And even if you learn it, it won't work if your magic power can't keep up.

With your current level, you won't be able to use it a second time, so you'd better put more effort into ultimate elemental magic!

If the seven ultimate elemental magics can be combined perfectly, their power will not be worse than ordinary forbidden magics. "

"I see."

Aaron nodded heavily, but he didn't agree in his heart.

Ancestor Weihet's evaluation criteria are for mid-level magisters, but his true strength now is that of a junior great magister, and it is only a matter of time before he becomes an intermediate-level great magister.

After leaving the seventh secret room, Aaron went directly to the twenty-eighth secret room.

Flo appeared directly and looked at Aaron with a smile, "From the first time I saw you, I knew you would be where you are today, and it was just as I expected!

But I didn't expect you to come back. If I guessed correctly, that boy Tepler has arranged a marriage for you! "

"F*ck!" Aaron almost stopped, "How do you know this?"

"It's not like no one has taken advantage of this kind of loophole before." Flo said matter-of-factly, "It's received rave reviews!"

"Good reviews? How can this be a good review?"

“There are many examples in the history of the Gaius family where they got married first and then fell in love, but the partners chosen by the elders were generally not much different.

It's just that this kind of thing is never recorded in writing. Otherwise, I wouldn't know so much if I lived longer. "

"Living family history? Is that what you mean?"

"That's understandable." Flo raised his eyebrows, "Then why did you come to me?"

"Psychic space." Aaron said straight to the point.

Flo paused for a moment, then quickly came to Aaron's side after reacting, looking at him as if he was sizing up a rare animal, "You want to build your spiritual space?

No, no, you're already building it, right? "

"Yes." Aaron scratched his head guiltily, "I want to ask you for some advice. After all, you are an expert in this field."

“It’s amazing, it’s amazing,” Flo said in admiration, “but almost no one in the history I know would waste time on this.

The weak cannot discover its existence at all, while the strong... will only think that it is useless. Unless the spirit or soul power far exceeds the opponent, no one will stupidly get into the enemy's spiritual world. It is no different from seeking death. "

Voldemort: Are you polite?

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