A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 525 The construction of spiritual space is most likely for women (1/2)

Chapter 525 The construction of spiritual space is most likely for women

"My suggestion is not to waste too much time on this. It is enough to be able to defend against mental attacks." Flo said seriously, "Unless you can materialize the spiritual space in the future, even if the gods want to do it, It is not easy at all, it is equivalent to creating a whole new world.

For the gods, it takes at most a hundred years to occupy a piece of land and transform it into what they want. This is countless times easier than building it from scratch. "

"I understand this, but ancestor, you seem to have ignored the advantages of spiritual space.

That is a space that is 100% controlled by you. No matter how much others covet it, they will not be able to take it. If you choose the latter and want to keep your legacy, you cannot leave easily. "

"We can train suitable candidates!" Flo said unconcernedly, "The universe is huge and there is no shortage of wandering strong men. It is not difficult to arrange a few guardians.

If you don't have enough time, you can hire a group of mercenaries. They can solve most of the problems. "

Aaron blinked blankly and looked at Flo in surprise, "Ancestor, what you said has a bit of an impact on my worldview!"

"Stop pretending to me." Flo said angrily, "You have been to other worlds, so your vision is not as small as ordinary people!"

"But my vision is not that big. You said it too easily."

"Because I have been around long enough, I have seen every heir of the Gaius family for more than a thousand years, and there are many geniuses better than you.

Their journey to becoming gods is a good reference for future generations. "

"Isn't there a way to build a spiritual space?" Aaron asked disbelievingly.

"Yes! There are two that succeeded." Flo seemed to recall something, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise slightly, "One was built after becoming a god, but he didn't pay much attention to it."

Aaron noticed Flo's expression and asked with interest, "What is the relationship between this and you?"

"My great-grandson." Flo puffed up his chest proudly, "But that's not important. The Gaius clan members who can enter the secret chamber are basically of direct blood."

"Uh...what about the other one?"

"The other one is the founder of the Gaius family. He started building it after he sensed the spiritual space, and he didn't stop until he was sacrificed."

"Then why can't I?"

"My ancestors are chased by God to feed you. You are blessed with soul power. Do you have enough soul power to support you to continue?"

"Maybe I do!" Aaron said weakly.

"Huh?" Flo was stunned for a moment. After thinking for a moment, he looked at Aaron in surprise and said with a meaningful smile: "It seems that you gained a lot from those two trips!"

Aaron smiled sheepishly, neither admitting nor denying.

He doesn't mind a few more misunderstandings like this. As for the power of the spell, it's better not to expose it.

"But even so, constructing the spiritual space will still consume a lot of your energy. Wouldn't it be nice to learn a few more magics if you have the time?"

"Ancestor, I have decided." Aaron said firmly.

What is the function of the missing body clone? He already has twice as much time and energy as others, so he doesn't care about consuming more.

"That being the case...my suggestion is simple. Use the world you know as a reference and eliminate the essentials."

Aaron frowned slightly, "Is there more?"

"You don't fully understand what I mean. I don't just mean buildings, scenery, climate, etc., but also resources, laws, and even life. I guess there should be no living things in your mental space!"

"Ah...it certainly doesn't happen."

"That's right, no matter how beautiful your current spiritual space is, it is essentially just a dead place."

"But I can't create a living thing at all now." Aaron was confused. It's not that he hadn't tried, but every time he created a living thing, it would automatically dissipate soon after.

"Then wait until you become stronger." Flo said nonchalantly, "The world evolves slowly, you can start simple.

In addition, I would like to give you a piece of advice, it is best not to create highly intelligent creatures in your mind space. "

"What does this mean?" Aaron asked in confusion.

“The literal meaning, you may understand it later.

This is my personal immature suggestion, and I don’t know whether it’s right or wrong.

Maybe I'm overthinking it. You kid shouldn't leave any hidden dangers for yourself in the future. "

"Inexplicable." Aaron curled his lips. He seemed to understand what Flo meant, but he didn't seem to understand anything.

"I also find it a bit baffling." Flora shrugged with a smile, "You are obviously just a magister, and I was only a holy magister when I was alive.

A Holy Magister is actually teaching a Magister about issues that even the God of Magic may not think about. There is no one who dares to speak and listen.

All in all, simple problems are often complicated. If you have time, it will be good for you to read more Muggle books, especially those related to science and sociology. "


"Then..." Flo raised an eyebrow at Aaron and said playfully: "Should you tell me why you want to participate in the disputes in the magical world?"

"For justice in the magical world." Aaron said without blushing or out of breath.

"Haha!" Flo rolled his eyes, "Although I have been dead for thousands of years, you don't need to fool me like this!

What kind of justice can allow you, a guy who is good at survival, to stand on the opposite side of the Dark Lord?

I heard that you even had a head-to-head confrontation with him. You are really in a state of disbelief! "

"You can't blame me." Aaron said aggrievedly, "Voldemort knew that the Gaius family had gods and wanted to capture me for research."

"Pull him down! I'm sure you violated the ancestral precepts first, otherwise Voldemort would have no chance or the courage to catch you." Flo patted Aaron on the shoulder, "For the sake of me being your ancestor, say truth."

"Uh...because of impulse."

"I'll give you another chance.

To be honest, I won't laugh at you. "

Aaron lowered his head in silence, and Flo couldn't help laughing when he saw this, "I can guess it even if you don't tell me, it's for a woman, right?"

"Nothing." Aaron immediately looked up, and then met Flo's teasing gaze.

"There is nothing to admit. Similar things have happened many times in the Gaius family for thousands of years.

But history is always surprisingly similar. Eight out of ten are for women, and these ancestors or descendants all unexpectedly married the women they wanted to save. "

"Hahaha..." Aaron laughed awkwardly, "This sounds a bit outrageous.

Besides, ancestor, you think a bit low of me. Why can't I be the remaining two? "

"Are you sure? The remaining two...are for men."

"Not sure." Aaron said immediately, "Speaking of which, does our family still have abnormal sexual orientation... This may be a bit insulting to our ancestors, but..."

"Don't get me wrong." Flo interrupted Aaron's somewhat twisted conjecture, "The remaining two married the sister or sister of the man they saved as expected."

"F*ck!" Aaron couldn't help but cursed and said with a confused look on his face: "What's the difference between that and doing it for a woman?"

"That's why I'm sure you're doing it for women!" Old God Flo said, "But don't worry, I deduced this based on family history. Vico and the others don't know yet, and I won't tell them."

"I'm not doing it for women, I'm doing it for the justice in my heart."

"I understand, I understand." Flo waved his hand impatiently, "This does not conflict with doing it for women."

Aaron rubbed his forehead speechlessly, "No wonder Tepler said you are no longer a fuel-efficient person."

"That's true. After all, whether we are alive or dead, the people we deal with are you outstanding family heirs who are smarter than monkeys.

Even if it is as pure as a white lotus, it will be difficult not to turn black after ten, a hundred, or even a thousand years of wind and rain. "

Aaron was immediately speechless. What Flo said was so reasonable that he could not refute it.

Calling these ancestors old foxes is simply insulting them. They are clearly vixens!

"Who is that girl? What's her personality like? How pretty is she?" Flo's eyes were filled with blazing gossip. "When did you fall in love with her?"

"Ancestor, I think you have misunderstood.

I just simply admire her. "

"Oh? It seems it still needs some time to ferment." Flo smiled, "Tell me carefully about what happened that night."

"Don't you know?" Aaron asked.

"I only know a general idea, but I don't know the specific details."

Facing this ancestor who was famous for seeing through people's hearts, Aaron did not dare to fool him like he fooled ancestor Wicht, and immediately told him everything that happened in the Department of Mysteries that night.

However, his missing body was replaced by a puppet clone, and he didn't dare to talk about its specific abilities.

Flo's performance was similar to that of Wicht, but he only laughed for a few seconds before calming down his expression, and then looked at Aaron with a sympathetic look.

"Ancestor, I don't know if it's my imagination, but I seem to see compassion in your eyes."

"That's pity." Flo sighed slightly, "You are lucky enough to meet such a principal."

"I also feel a little sad. He is a good person, but I have labeled him as 'thick-faced and black-hearted' from the first time I saw him."

"I'm afraid it's not enough." Flo said seriously, "Dumbledore is more complicated than you think.

You are still young, so it is normal for you not to see through it, but I can analyze that he is not only a good person with a thick face but a dark heart, but also a ruthless person who will do whatever it takes. "

Aaron couldn't help but swallowed, "Ancestor, is it an exaggeration to do whatever it takes?"

"It's no exaggeration. In order to achieve justice and justice, this kind of ruthless person can treat everyone as pawns, and even sacrifice himself without hesitation when necessary.

He is great, worthy of admiration, and has indescribable personal charm, but do not be friends with him. This is a job with a high mortality rate. "

Hearing this, Aaron nodded with deep understanding.

The ancestor is worthy of being an ancestor. His analysis is very accurate and hits the nail on the head.

"But now I'm involved!"

"That's why I gave you a look of pity just now." Flo said speechlessly, "You are now standing on the chessboard, and it is a very precious chess piece.

He won't touch you easily, but once he touches you, he will definitely make you do the most dangerous thing. You have to be mentally prepared. "


Billions of grass and mud horses were racing past Aaron's heart, making him want to cry without tears.

"Ancestor, you have to find a way to help me!"

"How can I help you? Your soon-to-be girlfriend has a strong sense of justice. If you take advantage of her, you will take advantage of you."

"She is not my girlfriend." Aaron said stubbornly.

"Not yet. From the moment you risked your life to save her, your relationship has reached the edge of sublimation. If she is in danger, it will be difficult for you to turn a blind eye."

As soon as he finished speaking, Flo's face turned dark.

His eyes slowly lowered, and Aaron was holding his right leg tightly, his eyes full of sincere supplication.

"Let go, let me go.

You are sixteen years old and you still play this trick with me, don't you think it's embarrassing? "

"I am your direct descendant, what is there to be ashamed of?" Aaron said shamelessly and shamelessly: "If you feel dissatisfied, I will kneel down and give you a kiss right now."

"Okay! Just knock me and I'll give you some advice." Flo gritted her teeth.

"Is this true?"

"I keep my word."

Aaron let go decisively, and Flo immediately pulled back.

He will not deceive future generations, but as long as he avoids this prostration, there will naturally be no reason to help him.

But before he was about to take a step, he unexpectedly found that his left leg was held by four white dragon claws, and he couldn't move it no matter how hard he moved.

Looking at Abe's big watery eyes and the hidden red flames at the corners of his mouth, Flo was speechless.

"Forget it, there's no need to kowtow." Flo said angrily, "With your face, which is as good as a city wall, you may not be able to defeat Dumbledore in the future."

Aaron stood up and smiled shyly, "I am confident, but time waits for no one."

"Hmph!" Flo snorted, "It's impossible for you to jump out of the chessboard, and neither the Dark Lord nor the White Lord will allow it.

So before you have enough power to overturn the chessboard, what you have to do is to fight both ways, to put it harshly, to survive in the cracks.

You can't completely fall to one side unless you are ready to be a pawn. "

"I understand the truth, but how to do it?" Aaron asked.

"Judging from the current situation in the magic world, the only one who can fight against the Dark Lord is the White Devil, and only the Dark Lord can deal with the White Devil."

Aaron seemed to have caught something, and suddenly his eyes lit up, but then dimmed quickly.

"Ancestor, I roughly understand what you mean.

You want me to show favor to Voldemort, reduce his hostility towards me, and preferably return to a neutral position. Aaron smiled bitterly, "But it's almost impossible. In his eyes, that's the road to becoming a god!" "

"Painting! Do you still need me to teach you about this?" Flo said confidently, "Give him a promise that seems reliable and easy to achieve, but in fact it will never be achieved, or it will not affect you even if it is achieved. No, that’s fine.”

Aaron: ...

I'm still too young and can't compete with these mature guys.

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