A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 526: The feeling of betrayal and alienation, the whole family has been bribed (1/2)

Chapter 526: The feeling of betrayal and separation, the whole family has been bribed

After coming out of the secret room, Aaron felt much more relaxed.

I have to say that Flo really woke up the dreamer with his words, but if you want to negotiate with the Dark Lord, you must have the capital to negotiate, and in addition, you must have the corresponding bargaining chips, otherwise it may be self-defeating.

And he can't reveal his true strength. Once he feels threatened, there will be nothing to talk about.

According to Teppler, he can still stay at home for ten days and a half. As long as he finds a suitable opportunity for negotiation during this period, he can return to a neutral position.

"Master, you're out." Genes couldn't hide his excitement as he looked at Aaron, "Come with me quickly!"

"What's wrong?" Aaron asked in confusion, "Your state today is somewhat abnormal."

"Miss Klea will be here soon."

"What?" Aaron was shocked, "She, didn't she arrive three days later?"

"Today is the third day!

Master, I must remind you that the old master received that letter three days ago. "

Aaron slapped his forehead helplessly, "Uncle Genes, what do you think I should do?

You know me, I don't have that intention at all. "

"But I know it's useless!" Jeans said with a bitter smile, "I'm just an ordinary housekeeper. It's never my turn to make decisions."

"Just give me some advice!" Aaron said anxiously.

"I'm afraid this won't work. If I give you an idea, young master, you will offend the future young lady."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Jeans smiled and said nothing. He had served the Gaius family for decades, and he knew some secrets.

He didn't know about the others, but this young lady was basically a sure thing.

"Butler, I order you to give me an idea." Aaron had a straight face and decided to use his status to pressure people.

"The young master does not have this power now." Genes gloated. "Whether you can continue to stay in Gaius Castle depends on your next choice!"

Aaron: ...

Why didn't I realize you were so snobbish before?

"Ahem! Just now, Ancestor Flo gave me a third choice.

As long as I am well prepared, I will be safe even if I leave Gaius Castle. "

"That's great, I'll wait and see!" Genes said nonchalantly, "But that's for the future. You have to see the people you should see now. You can't hide from them."

"You don't need to remind me." Aaron glared at him fiercely, picked up Abe and walked forward.

Back in the living room, Vico, Lisanna and Tepler gave him a tacit smile.

"I don't care what you think, but don't make Klea unhappy." Vico said seriously, "Don't forget what Adrian's letter said."

"Even if you want to run away, you have to have a good relationship with her for ten days or so." Lisanna added, "It's best to sublimate the relationship so that your dad and I don't have to worry.

Son, you have to believe in your mother, you will fall in love with her. "

Aaron's face twitched, and before he could think of how to reply, Teppler said with a soft smile: "Don't force my grandson, it's better for young people to solve their own problems.

But... for your personal safety, I suggest you think about it carefully. After all, an engagement is not a marriage. If you are not satisfied, you can find an opportunity to cancel in the future. "

Aaron rolled his eyes at them speechlessly, wanting to curse but couldn't.

He could still accept the attitude of Vico and Lisanna, but Tepler really caught him off guard.

After listening to the first half of the sentence, he was very touched. There were still people in his family who cared about him. But when he heard the word 'but', his heart dropped. After hearing the second half of the sentence, he could only complain in his heart: I was touched too early. They are the same species!


Aaron took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down, "When will she arrive?"

Jeans looked at his watch, "Almost ten..."

"Ten minutes, right?"

Genes was startled for a moment, then said nonchalantly: "Eight, seven, six, five..."


Aaron gasped, it was so exciting.

I originally thought that my own father, mother, and grandfather could play enough games, but I didn't expect that the housekeeper was the real master.


Green flames suddenly burst out from the fireplace, and then a figure walked out.

Aaron stared blankly at the visitor, his brain shut down and he refused to work.

He and Klea hadn't seen each other for almost seven years. At that time, she was just a little girl, naughty and cute, and a beauty.

But now a living beauty stood in front of him, and he suddenly felt a little unrealistic, because she was so beautiful, more beautiful than he imagined.

Klea is wearing white short-sleeves and sky blue jeans. She has a graceful figure and her golden hair is as smooth as a waterfall.

The slightly green Guazi has a faint blush on his face, his two green eyes are smiling, and his whole body exudes an elegant temperament.

Abe poked Aaron with his tail in his arms, "Master, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm fine." Aaron responded in a low voice in dragon language.

"But you have a nosebleed."

Aaron's pupils were slightly dilated, and just as he was about to use his healing power to stop the bleeding, Abe gave him a reassurance.

"Master, you can rest assured that I have stopped your bleeding and there is no bleeding."

"Sensible, I'll give you extra food tonight."

"Okay, but Master, why do you have a nosebleed? Is she really my future mistress?"

"Don't jump to conclusions." Aaron poked Abe's faucet hard, "That's just a simple appreciation of beauty. Your master, I'm not that superficial."

Abe nodded in understanding, but his ears clearly heard the sound of a racing heart.

"I came on time, I guess!" Klea said with a smile on her face and a soft voice, "Uncle, aunt, and grandpa, long time no see."

"It's been a long time." Lisanna hurriedly asked her to sit down, and then winked at Aaron, "Why are you standing there blankly? You haven't seen each other for seven or eight years, why don't you catch up on old times?"

"We'll talk about that later." Klea smiled lightly, then opened her backpack and took out five gift boxes.

When the first gift box was opened, it revealed a red polygonal crystal with a very regular shape, but it contained huge but extremely gentle magic power.

"There's nothing unusual about this. It's given to you, Grandpa. It can warm up the wizard's body."

"You're here, why don't you bring any gifts?

But since it’s what you want, I’ll accept it shamelessly. "Tepler smiled happily, and then slowly went upstairs with the gift box.

"This one is for uncle." Klea opened the second gift box, and inside was an extremely delicate bonsai.

Mountains, rivers, glaciers, deserts, forest basins and other landscapes can be seen through it. The traceless stretching spell, enlarging spell, shrinking spell, and transformation spell are all displayed vividly on it.

"I know that uncle, you often travel around the world, so this is for you." Klea glanced at the living room, "I don't know where to put it. After all, I haven't been here for a long time, or..."

"Just put it in my studio." Vico said with satisfaction, "This gift of yours suits me very well. I have wanted to put a bonsai on my desk for a long time, but I never knew what to get. "

"You guys talk first, and I'll set it up first."

Vico went upstairs second, and before leaving, he quietly winked at Lisanna.

Lisanna immediately understood and gave him a reassuring look.

"This is for you, auntie." Klea opened the third gift box. Inside was a square glass bottle with an indigo-blue mud-like substance inside.

"The floral dew collected by natural elves under the moonlight can be applied on the face to maintain youthfulness forever. It can also be used to beautify and nourish the skin by eating it directly."

Lisanna didn't know whether to laugh or cry and patted Klea on the shoulder, "You are so well prepared, I don't even know how to refuse.

I'll go upstairs and try it first, and I'll come down soon. "

Seeing the third person leaving, Aaron didn't say anything, but stared straight at Genes at the end, his eyes full of warning.

"Uncle Genes." Klea walked up to him and opened the fourth gift box, "This is for you, a tranquilizer and a joyful agent. When uncle and the others are not around, you are the one who takes care of the overall situation of the Gaius family. .

You will definitely use these things, and you will definitely be able to get them, so don’t hesitate. "

"I don't mind it, I... thank you, Miss." Jeans said with some emotion, "I suddenly remembered that I still have something to deal with, so first..."

"Don't leave me," Aaron yelled.

"Ah this..."

"Jeans." Vico's head suddenly popped up from the stairs on the second floor, "Go to the wine cellar and get me a bottle of wine."


"Wait." Aaron stopped him hastily, "Jobi."

"Master, you are looking for me." The house elf teleported to Aaron.

“Go get my dad a bottle, no, a case of wine.

Liquor, let him drink it slowly. "

"Okay, Master, I'll go right away." Jobi said excitedly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Such is the case with house elves, they are overjoyed by their master's needs.

"Ahem!" Vico coughed, "Then come over here and help me arrange this bonsai."

Just when Genes was about to speak, Aaron stood up and said, "It's up to me to do this. I still have some experience."

"You don't have to come up. You don't have the expertise of Jeans." Vico said with disgust.

Genes shrugged at Aaron and said there was nothing he could do to help.

Your father is still your father, and the patriarch of the Gaius family will definitely have more power than the younger ones.

The fourth person left, and Aaron sat alone on the sofa, looking pitiful and helpless. Only the baby dragon in his arms could make him feel some warmth in the world.

"Alas!" Aaron let out a long sigh, "You don't have to. You also know that our family doesn't lack these things."

"I know!" Klea sat next to Aaron very familiarly, "But whether they have it or not is their business. Whether I give it away or not is my etiquette.

The effect is still very good, uncle, aunt, grandpa and Mr. Jeans are very cooperative in letting you stay. "

Aaron smiled bitterly, "Is this considered bribery?"

"You can understand it this way, I just want them all to like me.

Although it is a bit unnecessary, there is always nothing wrong with being more prepared. "

Aaron looked directly into the watery, emerald green eyes less than half a meter away from him, and was speechless for a moment.

"Is the fifth gift box prepared for me?"

"Guess." Klea said with a smile, and then opened the last gift box.

The dazzling golden light shone on Aaron's face, and before he could react, he felt that his arms were suddenly empty.

A white shadow suddenly jumped in front of the gift box, looking at the things inside with surprise, his eyes curved into crescents.

In the box was a pure gold statue of Abe, almost as big as a dragon egg. In addition, there were ten pure gold sculptures of different kinds of dragons, which were slightly smaller.

Golden things have a huge temptation to dragons, and Abe is no exception. It was the first time for him to see his own golden statue, and he felt so happy.

At this moment, his favorability towards Klia rose sharply, almost on par with Aaron.

If he had such a mistress, he would definitely have no worries about food and clothing in the future.

Thinking of this, he showed a pitiful look, holding the gold tightly and begging the owner not to reject Klia's kindness.

"I'm embarrassed to say that to you." Aaron covered his face with one hand, "It's not like you haven't seen money before. This is the nth time."

"The gold belongs to the master, and this gold is mine." Abe said confidently. This is his private dragon property, and even the master can't think of it.

"Are you satisfied?" Claire pinched Abe's ear, "I heard my brother and elder sister talk about you, a cute, fierce, smart and loyal dragon. Aaron has not been so lonely in the past few years thanks to your company!

I prepared this set of gifts for you. This is a reward for you. I think you will like it."

"You are really good at looking at dragons." Abe nodded repeatedly, and his two dragon claws were not idle. He carefully put the eleven pieces of gold into his pocket.

"So good." Claire smiled, "I will give you a gift every Christmas in the future."

Abe's ears moved, and then he turned his head to look at Aaron, "Master, I have always wanted a mistress, and I think she is quite suitable."

"Beautiful." Aaron gritted his teeth, "Even you have been bribed."

Abe smiled shyly and squatted beside Aaron obediently, but compared with just now, his net worth has obviously increased countless times.

"Give it!" Claire stretched out her right hand to Aaron.

"What?" Aaron asked puzzled.

"My gift!" Claire said, "Leon visited you two years ago. After returning home, he told me that he would prepare a gift for me when you see me.

My brother will definitely not lie to me, don't tell me you forgot."

Aaron's face showed a trace of embarrassment. He did promise Leon, but Claire's direct request made him a little overwhelmed.

A few seconds later, he opened a red magic circle and took out a beautiful pearl necklace from it, "How could I not prepare it!"

Claire looked at the pure white pearls, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised, "Mermaid's tears, are you sure you want to give it to me?"

Aaron nodded, "Sure."

Claire put the necklace on her neck with satisfaction, "Mermaid's tears represent love, and it is the best gift for a wizard to give to his beloved witch."

Aaron: ???

"Is it too late for me to take this thing back now?"

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