A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 552 The precious antidote, the most heart-warming promise (1/2)

Chapter 552 The precious antidote, the most heart-warming promise

Slughorn opened the medicine box, chopped the herbs very quickly, and added them to a crystal bottle, making a glass of clear liquid in less than two minutes.

"Okay, big boy, drink this."

"What is this?" Ron asked foolishly.

"Well...it will help you to be brave enough to keep you awake when she comes."

Ron's current IQ was not even half of its usual level. He couldn't wait to pick up the cup and drank it all in one breath.

Soon, the silly smile on his face disappeared, replaced by confusion, confusion and panic.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Ecstasy," Harry said, suppressing a smile.

"It's still strong," Slughorn added, "but it seems you're back to normal now."

"Thank you, Professor."

"You're welcome, kid.

You should drink something refreshing, I have butterbeer, wine, and aged oak mead.

It was originally used for other purposes, but now the situation is special. Slughorn said, taking out a wine bottle from the wine cabinet and pouring three glasses of wine.

He handed one glass to Ron very generously, and the other glass to Harry, "Here's to life."

But before he could start drinking, Ron fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, shaking all over, and his eyes bulging out a bit.

"Ron." Harry was shocked, "Professor, think of a solution quickly."

But this scene caught Slughorn by surprise, and his mind went blank for a moment, not knowing what to do.

Harry couldn't care less and took out a finger-sized vial from his pocket, poured a white pill from it and stuffed it into Ron's mouth.

After a violent tremor, Ron collapsed on the ground, no longer twitching, and his breathing gradually became calmer.


Ron reluctantly sat up, "Those girls are going to kill me!"

"Maybe it's not those girls." Harry breathed a sigh of relief, "Professor, your wine may have been poisoned."

"But...this..." Slughorn held the wine glass with a frown on his face, "I don't understand, even if someone wants to harm me, they wouldn't use this method!"

He was a master of potions and carried various antidotes with him. The success rate of poisoning him was not even 1%.

"We'll talk about this later. Let's take Ron to the school hospital first!"

"Yes, we have to send Welby to Madam Pomfrey." Slughorn nodded repeatedly and helped Ron up.

"Thank you again, Professor." Ron said sincerely, "But my name is Weasley, Ron Weasley, and I am not half a galleon related to the one named Welby."

Slughorn said absentmindedly, "Hmm", and helped him walk towards the school hospital. As for the oak mead, he didn't leave behind either.

The news that Ron had been poisoned spread quickly. Not long after he was lying on the hospital bed, Ginny and Hermione ran over, followed closely by Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape.

Aaron and Klea also hurried over. Originally, he didn't want to come over, but he couldn't sit still after guessing that this matter might have something to do with Draco.

"What's going on, Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

Harry explained to everyone, from the time Ron accidentally took the love potion, to sending him to Slughorn's office to prepare the antidote, to the bottle of poisonous oak mead... and finally, when everyone came together Juxue Hospital.

"All in all, Ron had a pretty bad adult birthday."

"Yes, fortunately you have a bottle of antidote." Professor Snape said in a strange tone, "Mr. Potter, I have to remind you that it is very irresponsible to give medicine to patients without knowing its effect. Performance."

"That's Aaron's Christmas gift to me, Professor." Harry said calmly.

"Is that so?" Professor Snape paused, "That's no problem. Mr. Gaius' potion skills are no worse than mine."


That's not what you just said.

"However, I have a small question." Professor Snape continued to ask, "Since you have a bottle of antidote, why don't you detoxify Ron directly in the dormitory?"

"Ah..." Harry's heart skipped a beat. He didn't dare to make Slughorn suspicious, otherwise all his efforts during this period would be in vain.

At this moment, his brain was spinning so fast that his CPU almost burned out before he came up with a reason, "Professor, you just said that you can't give medicine to patients without knowing its effect, right?

Of course, I'm not doubting the level of your protégé, but I have to be careful about this kind of thing! "

After hearing this, Professor Snape turned blue and felt as if he had eaten a dead fly, but he still managed not to have an attack.

He cast his gaze on Aaron, "Do you have anything to say?"

"Professor." Aaron scratched his head in embarrassment, "I want him to live as long as possible. I have antidotes and other things, so I have to be prepared, right?"

"What's the reason?" Hermione frowned, feeling that there was something in Aaron's words, but she couldn't ask more questions at this time.

"Potter, can I see the bottle of antidote?" Dumbledore asked.

"This..." Harry looked at Aaron awkwardly, as if asking for his opinion.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Aaron rolled his eyes angrily, and the principal even spoke, "Can I refuse this?"

Harry smiled and handed the bottle of antidote to Dumbledore.

He opened the bottle and stared at the pills inside with his blue eyes. Snape and Slughorn also came over in tacit understanding.

After a while, Slughorn couldn't help but widen his eyes and couldn't believe it: "This is really..."

"It's really expensive." Professor Snape said with a dark face, "Bezoar, rhinoceros horn powder, snowdrops, and... phoenix tears.

You are so willing! This bottle of medicine is enough to cure 90% of the poisons in the world. "

"Thank you for your generosity to your friends." Dumbledore smiled and returned the bottle to Harry.

"You're welcome, Professor, if you think it's necessary, ask Fox to give me more raw materials."

"This... we'll talk about it later."

"The question now is why did this happen?" Professor McGonagall said, bringing the topic back.

"Yes, why?" Dumbledore took the bottle from Slughorn's hand, "This wine looks like a gift, Horace, do you remember who gave it to you?

In addition, if this wine had not been poisoned, the fragrance of licorice and cherry would still be quite attractive. "

"Actually, I originally planned to give this away." Slughorn said weakly.

"Can I ask who it's for?"

Slughorn hesitated for a moment, "For you, Headmaster."

"Killing with a borrowed knife!" Aaron curled his lips disdainfully, "But the effect is average."

The corners of Dumbledore's eyes twitched slightly. It hurt to stand and talk. It was not you who was assassinated.

But having said that, this method is indeed quite crude.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside, and Lavender Brown hurried over, "Where is my little Enen? Did he yell to see me?"

"Uh..." Aaron distanced himself a little bit from her in disgust, "I don't think so. He might have forgotten."


"Actually, we arrived relatively late," Clea said. "Weasley might have called your name before. You can ask Harry Potter."

Lavender Brown immediately looked at Harry, and he gave Ron a confused look: Tell the truth, or is it a white lie?

Ron pretended not to see anything and stared blankly at the ceiling above his head.

I was poisoned, I was sick, my head was still buzzing, it was reasonable to know nothing.

"I think we should leave space to this couple now..." Aaron said meaningfully, "No, I mean the love partner."

Everyone looked at each other, cast a playful look at Ron, and left one after another.

After leaving the school hospital, Hermione walked with Aaron and Clea and said casually: "Sometimes I envy Ron. Lavender can be so anxious for him, unlike some people... .”

"Some people?" Aaron shook his head funny, "I hope you're not talking about me."

"Then who do you think I'm talking about?" Hermione rolled her eyes and stopped him halfway. "How long has this been going on? Can you give us a decent attitude?"

"I didn't mean it." Aaron said awkwardly, "But I really need some time."

"Another excuse, when?" Hermione asked dissatisfiedly, "Seventeen years old, isn't it enough that we are all adults?"

"I haven't yet," Klea interjected, "Don't forget me."

Hermione was stunned for a moment, "Do you mean I have to wait another year?"

"Yeah!" Klea nodded solemnly, "I can share everything else with you, but I can never be behind anyone on this matter."

Hearing this, Hermione was angry and helpless.

She also understood Klea well. If she really competed, she wouldn't have the slightest advantage, but she would inevitably feel a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, I can keep waiting, but what about in a year?"

"I can't guarantee it." Klea interrupted crisply, "I'm not going to lie to you, I take this very seriously."

Hermione forced out a stiff forced smile with some annoyance, looked at Aaron seriously and said, "I also want to give you time, but waiting is really uncomfortable, especially when you have a good friend showing off in front of you all day long.

I'm not from Slytherin House, and unlike Clea, who can be with you all the time, do you understand this feeling? "

Aaron nodded silently. It was okay to deceive oneself, but there should be a limit.

Facing a girl who loves him wholeheartedly, he cannot do anything that might hurt her, including cheating.

"Then tell me what exactly do you think?"


"Oh! I'll do it!" Clea sighed deeply, grabbed Aaron's and Hermione's right hands respectively, and put them together, "Hold on, don't let go.

If you miss this time, I won't help you even if you beg me. "

She directly took out her wand and pointed the tip on their hands, "Aaron, do you like the girl opposite you?"

Aaron looked at the nervous Hermione and smiled helplessly, "I like it, although I don't even know when it started."

A red line extended from the tip of the wand, intertwining their right hands.

"Can you promise that you really need the time?"

"I promise." Aaron said seriously.

A second red line appeared and connected with the first one. Their right hands seemed to be wrapped in red chains.

Hermione realized what they were doing at this time, her eyes turned red involuntarily, and guilt spread in her heart instantly, "Yes, I'm sorry, I really..."

"Can you guarantee that if the other person loves you deeply, you will do anything to protect her, including your own life?"


Hermione's expression changed instantly, and she anxiously let go of her right hand.


A third magic line stretched out from the wand, but it turned into sparks and dissipated before it could wrap around their hands.

"Who wants this kind of guarantee from you?" Hermione was moved and cried, "Do you know what you are doing?"

"You should know it!" Aaron smiled gently, "Maybe I'm too selfish, so selfish that even a proud girl like you doesn't have much sense of security.

But I really don’t have time for love at the moment. It’s hard to explain. If I can make someone happy with a decent promise...well..."

Two thin lips directly blocked his words. The two hugged each other tightly in the evening breeze, kissing passionately and passionately. Time and language seemed pale and feeble at this moment.


Ten seconds later, a cough interrupted their movements.

Aaron and Hermione both had a blush on their faces. They couldn't help it just now, and they almost forgot that there was another person here.

"Uh...Clea, listen to me explain to you." Hermione said sheepishly.

"You said it, I'm listening!"


"Haha!" Klea laughed, "Okay, I won't embarrass you, but you don't need to envy other people now, right?"

Faced with the other party's teasing, Hermione lowered her head and smiled without saying a word.

To hell with envy! With an unbreakable oath as a promise, her current sweetness index is definitely among the best in the wizarding world, and can never be compared to those dog men and women who only know how to spread dog food.

"And you." Klea turned to point at Aaron and said angrily: "You have never kissed me for such a long time."

"No?" Hermione asked with interest. She thought she could be close to everyone in the same college, but now it seemed that she was overthinking it.

"No, normally I wouldn't bother him.

From school to now, there are only two times, and each time it is just a glimpse of the water. "

"That's almost enough." Aaron interrupted speechlessly, "I still have something to do, so I'll go back first. If you have nothing to do, don't disturb me, okay?"

"I know." Hermione nodded weakly, her voice as thin as a gossamer.

"Hermione, come here with me." Clea gave Aaron a playful look, "Do you mind if I talk to her?"

Aaron: ...

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