A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 553: It takes time, stop it Malfoy (1/2)

Chapter 553: It takes time, stop it Malfoy

Clea took Hermione to the highest point of the tower and admired the scenery for a while before looking at her, "I think you must have a lot of doubts in your heart, right?"

"There are quite a few." Hermione hesitated, "But I won't ask now."

"Let's ask!" Klea shrugged, "The education I received since I was a child tells me that I can't keep doubts in my heart, otherwise my brain will get sick.

Aaron has a lot of secrets that I can’t tell you, but I can pick out some that won’t have much impact and explain them to you, provided..."

"I'll keep it a secret," Hermione said immediately.

"You're smart, no wonder so many people like you." Klea raised her eyebrows and said, "You can ask me some questions, and I will try to give you the most comprehensive answers you want."

Hermione did not ask immediately, but calmed down to think about how to seize this hard-won opportunity.

She has so many doubts that it is almost impossible to get all the answers, but it is possible to maximize the cost-effectiveness.

After being silent for a long time, until the moonlight shone on the tower, she slowly spoke: "Let's talk about what happened just now. You know me. I was just complaining. There is no need to use an unbreakable vow, right?"

"But that would be more effective! No woman can refuse such a confession, right?

Besides, I have given you the premise that he will do everything to protect you only if you love him deeply. Klea said meaningfully, "His answer was within my expectations, and so was your performance." "

"But this is...very abnormal." Hermione said incoherently, "You are being too open-minded to deepen the relationship between me and him in this way!"

"Well..." Klea had a slight smile on her face, "How should I put it? I have liked him since I was a child.

The friendly relationship between our two families has lasted for thousands of years. He and I have also been childhood sweethearts. Logically speaking, even if we decide to have a baby, it is very normal. However, when I mentioned to my mother that I would marry him when I grow up, she never even thought about it. I want to object directly. "

"Huh?" Hermione opened her eyes wide, full of doubts.

"My reaction was the same as yours. I remember my mother said this: 'That guy is not bad looking, and his character and abilities are acceptable, but you don't expect him to be affectionate and dedicated in the future.

Their family is like this. Every few generations there will be a playboy who is extremely talented but dishonest. "Speaking of this, Klea rubbed her brows helplessly, "Actually, I have known this for a long time and was mentally prepared, but it still took a long time to convince my mother. "

"You mean Aaron is the dishonest one?" Hermione said in disbelief, "From what I know about him, he doesn't seem like..."

"Of course he is not." Klea interrupted, "But for a long time he will be pushed forward by fate, and in the process he will inevitably encounter some difficult to let go of feelings.

To give the simplest example, if he chooses between you and me, who will he choose? "

"Ah this..."

Hermione opened her mouth, as if she wanted to understand something.

He will definitely not give up the feelings that are difficult to let go, which means...

"Do you understand now?" Klea said coquettishly, "In a sense, you are his first love, which is unforgettable. I don't want him to have any regrets in the future."

"You are really..." Hermione's mouth twitched slightly and she had to give a thumbs up, "Awesome!"

"Thank you for the compliment."

"But aren't you worried about being self-defeating?" Hermione asked with some confusion, "If I don't have such a heavy weight in his heart, your actions may cause us to break up early."

"No." Klea said confidently, "He doesn't care about other people in the school, but you are different. He is a little too kind to you, isn't he?"

"No way?" Hermione couldn't help but blush as she thought about all the things that had happened in the past, "You're so embarrassed to say that."

"Don't be embarrassed, it's a fact." Klea said with some amusement, "That means he and I haven't seen each other for a long time, otherwise you wouldn't have taken advantage of him."

Hermione blinked, "You don't mind Fleur Delacour, either?"

“She was the first to take action, what should I mind?

Besides, Fleur is very good at taking care of people, which is something neither you nor I can match. "

"Okay! I have nothing to say." Hermione said speechlessly, and then looked at Clea seriously, "Can you tell me why he needs time?"

"Because of you, because of Voldemort, and because of Harry Potter." Klea said bluntly, "Originally Aaron had the absolute initiative, and Voldemort didn't dare to do anything to him with the protection of the Gaius family.

But that night in the Department of Mysteries, he joined a battle for someone that he shouldn't have participated in. If he violated the ancestral precepts, he would be temporarily expelled from the family. He would live or die by his fate. He no longer had the power to protect himself. If it were you, you would be the one to fight. Not in a hurry? "

"Well...I didn't think much about it at all at the time, and I didn't even expect that he would come here in person."

"But things have happened. Voldemort is determined to obtain the secrets of the Gaius family, and even Harry Potter, the son of the prophecy, has to take a back seat.

He did not dare to touch the heir of the Gaius family, but it would be a different matter if the heir was removed from the family. "Klea said, "For this reason, Aaron needs to seize every moment to improve his combat power as much as possible. Only in this way will he not be unable to resist when danger comes. "

"Is that so?" Hermione murmured thoughtfully, "No wonder he's always so anxious.

But what does this have to do with Harry? "

"Are you sure you want to know?" Klea asked meaningfully, "The previous ones are not important, but the answer to this question will put you under a lot of pressure."

Hearing this, Hermione was silent for a while, "I want to know."

"I think so, very few people can give up easily accessible secrets." Klea was not surprised and continued: "During the summer vacation, he made two deals with Voldemort.

One is to use 'Moon Drops' in exchange for the protection of you and Ollivander. Ollivander's Wand Shop can now be opened in Diagon Alley for this reason. As for you... you will know later.

The other is that before Harry Potter and Dumbledore die, Voldemort and his forces cannot do anything adverse to him. The bargaining chip in exchange is the secret that Voldemort wants to make him further on the road to immortality. . "

"What?" Hermione was shocked, "How could he do such a deal?"

"It was a helpless move." Klea explained. "At that time, he was blocked by Voldemort and a large group of dark wizards at the door of his home. He was very lucky to avoid the battle."

"But what's the difference between this and seeking skin from a tiger?"

"There is no difference, but it is better than being killed directly.

Judging from the situation at the time, he had a 20% chance of escaping if he fought hard, but he would face endless pursuit after that.

If Dumbledore hadn't arrived by chance, he might not have even had a chance to choose. "

Hermione opened her mouth, wanting to say something but was speechless.

It was true that Harry had told her what happened last summer, but what he said was far from as thrilling.

"Fortunately, Dumbledore and Harry are still alive and well." Hermione breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief, "As long as they are fine, Aaron is safe, right?"

"Aaron probably thought the same way at the time. Voldemort's desire for immortality even reached a perverted level, but that prophecy was also something he had to deal with, so Aaron was able to temporarily remove him through negotiation, but... ..”

Hermione's heart suddenly pounded and she asked hurriedly: "But what?"

"But there was a little accident." Klea shook her head, "If I guess correctly, three to five years is the shortest time that Aaron hopes Dumbledore and Harry can fight for. As long as he has this time, he will He could face Voldemort head-on, and at least he could escape calmly.

But the problem is that Dumbledore's body has been severely cursed, and it is estimated that he will not live for more than a year. He may die at the end of this semester. "

"What did you say? Dumbledore..." Hermione's face changed drastically, "This is impossible, absolutely impossible."

"Think about what is different about our principal from before?

Friendly reminder, this is a visible difference. "

Suddenly, a withered and disfigured right hand appeared in Hermione's mind.

Her face instantly turned pale, and she said in despair, "Is this true?"

"I have no reason to lie to you. Dumbledore's death is doomed. Aaron can only count on Harry Potter to live for a while longer, but Harry..."

Hermione has not yet recovered from the news of Dumbledore's imminent death, but she also knows that without Dumbledore, Harry's safety cannot be guaranteed by the Order of the Phoenix alone.

"Now you understand?" Klea said with a serious look on her face, "Judging from the prophecy of Harry Potter's savior, between him and Voldemort, you will either die or I will live.

But if he loses, he can die happily, but if Aaron loses, life will be worse than death.

I am not being alarmist. The blood, memory, body and even soul of the descendants of gods are of great value to Voldemort.

You are a Muggle-born, so you should understand what biological research is, right? "

"How could this happen?" Hermione slumped on the cold stone floor at a loss, with almost all the suffering in her heart reflected on her face. "If I had listened to him and not gone to the Department of Mysteries, would he have... ..”

"You won't be you if you don't go." Klea patted her shoulder and comforted her: "Don't think about the past."

"How could you not consider it?" Hermione covered her face and choked with tears. "If he hadn't come to save me at that time, his situation wouldn't be so dangerous."

"To be precise, there is no danger." Klea said seriously, and then changed the subject, "But if he doesn't save you, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

This is the real reason why you want answers and why he needs time. Isn’t it cruel? "

Hermione lowered her head dullly, her voice trembling: "Tell me, what should I do?"

Klea smiled knowingly, "Don't ask him questions he shouldn't ask, and don't doubt him.

He looked more relaxed than anyone else, but in fact he was under more pressure than anyone else.

But don’t worry too much. In the future I see, Voldemort is just a stumbling block in his long life. It’s a bit troublesome, but he can handle it. "


"Of course it's true, otherwise I wouldn't have told you so much." Klea said seriously, "You are one of the people he cares about most. During the period when he needs time, don't add anything to him other than keeping it secret. Any trouble."

"Yeah!" Hermione nodded heavily and then thought of something, "But his current safety is linked to Harry's life and death, and there are some things that must be told to him."

“You can rest assured that he knows as much as you do.

If there is really something missing, I will ask you in time. You... shouldn't hide it from me, right? "

"No." Hermione said with a forced smile, inexplicably feeling that she had the label of 'undercover' on her head, but strictly speaking she was not an undercover.

"That's good."


Meanwhile, in the Slytherin common room.

Aaron sneezed suddenly, and Draco, who was sitting opposite him, was caught off guard and was sprayed.

"Sorry, some pretty girl is probably discussing me."

Draco wiped the saliva from his face angrily, "Speak directly if you have something to say. You don't need to beat around the bush in front of me."

"Okay." Aaron said, and then looked at the sleeping dragon and phoenix chick behind Draco, "The matter I want to talk to him about is relatively big, so you two should stay away for a while."

Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other, and seeing that Malfoy had no objection, they silently distanced themselves from the two and drove several nearby students back to the dormitory.

"Can we talk now?" Draco asked a little cautiously.


Aaron snapped his fingers, and the white magic spread quickly, forming a transparent illusion barrier.

"This barrier can isolate our voices. If you don't enter it, you will only see us communicating normally. You don't have to worry about confidentiality."

"What am I worried about?" Draco didn't know why, but his voice was a little more relaxed than before.

"Maybe we won't use it for the time being, because no lives have been lost yet."

Draco's expression suddenly became extremely strange, "I don't understand what you are talking about?"

"No, you understand." Aaron said meaningfully, "I cast the Imperius Curse on Katie and asked her to give the cursed opal necklace to someone at Hogwarts, but you know that necklace If she couldn't even enter the school gate, she would be searched by Filch, and the professors would naturally help remove the Imperius Curse from her body.

But you didn't expect an accident. The necklace was touched by Katie on the way and almost killed you.

And poisoning Slughorn's wine, haha! I'm embarrassed to say this to you, but Professor Slughorn is a veritable master of potions, and it only takes a matter of minutes for him to detoxify.

Maybe that's why you're not so worried, because Slughorn can bring people back even if they drink poisoned wine.

But something unexpected happened this time. Professor Slughorn opened the bottle of wine in advance. The unfortunate one was Ron Weasley, who is still lying in the school hospital!

So stop it, don’t play with those little tricks, they are useless and can easily hurt innocent people. "


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