A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 570 I missed a lot this year, it was not easy for Snape (1/2)

Chapter 570 I missed a lot this year, it was not easy for Snape

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched unconsciously. He felt it was particularly unrealistic when he thought about the old and shameless house elf with a bad temper.

"Regulus would give a Horcrux to a house elf? This is too hasty!"

"I'm not sure," said Sirius, "but he is all I can think of.

Kreacher is loyal to the Black family and will carry out his master's orders to the letter. Regulus treats Kreacher just like Harry treats Dobby.

That kind of respect is something a house elf can only ask for. In addition to being loyal to others, Kreacher may also have his own small thoughts, but his loyalty to Regulus is without any impurities. "

"Is that so?" Aaron tapped his chin, "It's more or less a clue."

"No, the possibility is more than 50%." The missing body said, "Regulus must have died in that cave. Either he used a special method to transport the Horcrux out, or he simply let the family raise a child. The elf took him out.

House elves can apparate differently than wizards, and Kreacher might be able to leave the cave with a Horcrux. "

"The problem is that house elves are all one-minded. Kreacher will not tell anyone about his master's last wish. It is not easy to get the words out of him."

"I'll go." Sirius volunteered, "I am the only heir of the Black family. As long as I ask him, he must tell the truth."


Aaron and the Missing Body said in unison.

"Don't forget you can't reveal your identity now." Aaron said angrily.

"I can order him not to tell anyone." Sirius said.

"Haha! You should know Kreacher's attitude toward you. He is loyal, but not pure.

As long as he sees you, he has countless ways to hint to others or even show that you are alive, and I don't dare to take the risk. "

A look of embarrassment flashed across Sirius's face, and there was really no way to refute it.

The main reason why he was killed once was because Kreacher gave Harry false information.

"You can also ask Harry, I'll take Grimmauld Place... as an inheritance.

Anyway, I left him everything I could, including the house elves. "

"Good idea." The missing body clapped his hands, "Let's go find Harry and ask him to call Kreacher out.

Come, tell me, did Regulus give you anything before he died?

What do you think Harry would say? How do you know Regulus? "

"That's right, what's the difference between that and revealing your identity?" Aaron sneered, "I really doubt you did it on purpose."


"Then I have no idea."

"What should I do?" The missing body looked at Aaron and asked, "How about sending someone to capture him and then use a forgetting spell?"

"No, not really." Aaron frowned and thought for a while, "Is there a possibility that Harry will take the initiative to tell me about the locket?"

"What?" Sirius' eyes widened in surprise, "This is a bit taken for granted!"

"That's not necessarily true." The Missing Body said with a smile, "Whenever he can't solve the problem, he will always come to me.

If that doesn't work, Hermione will help. "

"Hermione...help you..." Sirius was stunned for a while, and then he reacted, "How long have I been dead before you fell in love with her?"

"One year is not a short time, not to mention we still have the emotional foundation."

"How could this happen? I thought that girl would become a couple with Harry."

"Thinking too much." Aaron smiled, "Harry is now with Ginny Weasley, and Ron is now paired with Lavender Brown, a Gryffindor in the same grade.

To be honest, you missed a lot this year.

I also heard that Lupine seems to be with Tonks... you know? "

"I don't understand." Sirius yelled, "Nymphadora is my niece. Lupine is so shameless. He dares to go so far without my uncle."

"It was actually Tonks who was chasing after Lupine. He didn't seem to be willing to accept it yet," said the missing body.

"Why? There is nothing about my niece that is worthy of him."

"Beautiful, I have all the nice things to say about you."

"No, I wish Lupine and Tonks could get together, but..." Sirius' face twitched, "Don't you feel awkward being your good brother and your only niece?"

"What qualifications do you, a man who has been single for more than thirty years, have to say this?"

"You..." Sirius felt that he was despised. If it weren't for the fact that he had been squatting in Azkaban for more than ten years, he would be hugged from both sides wherever he went.

Even now, his charm is still the same as before. The reason why he is still alone now is just that he was delayed by the important events of the Order of the Phoenix.

"Wait, wait, you and Hermione got together, what about Clea?" Sirius looked at Aaron meaningfully, "I haven't met her a few times, but I can see her. Like you too."

"You don't have to worry about it anymore." Aaron smiled calmly, "They both know it and get along well."

"Ah?" Sirius blinked in surprise, and then gave Aaron a thumbs up, "You... are amazing."

"Thank you for the compliment. I think I'm pretty awesome too."

"Almost done." The thought body reminded, "It's time to tell him about that."

"Wait a minute!" Aaron snapped his fingers, and a shadow ninja carefully placed three wooden boxes on the table.

The thought body opened the wooden boxes one by one, "Six bottles of Lafite, Mouton, and brandy, all yours, drink as much as you want."

"What do you mean?" Sirius frowned unconsciously, "Why do I feel uneasy?"

"You should feel uneasy." Aaron put two small brown bottles on the side, "Add a bottle of joy potion and a bottle of tranquilizer, it should be enough."

"Why don't you sit down first! You may not be able to accept this news."

"What happened?" Sirius asked nervously after sitting down.

"Dumbledore is dead." The thought body said directly.

"What? What did you say? This is impossible." Sirius said excitedly, his emotions out of control: "Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard in the world, he can't die."

"Do you think I need to joke with you like this?

Why don't you think about why I decided to let you go a year in advance?"

Sirius was stunned for a moment, opened a bottle of wine and poured it into his mouth. The burning sensation in his throat seemed to calm him down a little.

"How do you feel? Not enough, there is more." The thought body said lightly.

Sirius picked up two more bottles of potion and drank a sip, "I'm not as fragile as you think."

Aaron shrugged, "Put down my medicine and I will believe it."

Sirius ignored it and opened another bottle of wine to drink, "Dumbledore...how did he die?"

"Voldemort set up layers of protection for the Horcrux. If you want to get it, you need to drink a full pot of poison that reduces mana. When he came back, his mana had already reached the bottom, and his condition was very bad, just like he was terminally ill.

Coincidentally, when he was at his weakest, he met four Death Eaters, including your sister , and then..."

"Despicable." Sirius cursed, "Taking advantage of someone's misfortune, if it was a normal situation, not to mention four, even forty would not be Dumbledore's opponent."

"How funny, do you still expect the Death Eaters to be righteous?" The thought body sneered, "But at this time, our Slytherin Dean Severus Snape appeared."

"He still has a conscience."

"That's right, in order to prevent our great headmaster Dumbledore from being insulted, Professor Snape reluctantly pulled out his wand and used the Avada Kedavra curse to end Dumbledore's tired life."


Sirius sprayed a mouthful of brandy, and Aaron subconsciously used telekinesis to control it, so that the wine did not spray on himself.

"Ahem!" Sirius wiped his mouth, "What did you say? Snape killed Dumbledore?"

"Uh... calm down, I just explained it very clearly, it was Professor Snape who preserved Dumbledore's last dignity."

"Do you believe what you said?" Sirius said coldly, "I should have thought of it earlier, he is a double agent, lurking in the Order of the Phoenix looking for opportunities.

Now he has killed Dumbledore, this credit is enough for him to occupy an important position among the Death Eaters."

"The facts may be a little different from what you think."

"You don't have to excuse him, Dumbledore trusted him so much, but he didn't expect that he was a despicable villain from beginning to end.

Now you should see him clearly, he doesn't deserve your respect at all."

"I only believe what I see, maybe you should see it too." Aaron winked at the thought body, he hesitated for a moment, and took out a green glass bottle with some silver filaments in the bottle.

"Are you sure you want to show him this?" asked the thought body. "There's nothing we can do about it. Since we've decided to let him go, we have to find a way to avoid accidents!"

"Whose memory is this..." Sirius asked in surprise, "Whose memory is this?"

"This is Dumbledore's plan, or more precisely, a small part of the plan." Aaron said as he opened the bottle cap and extracted the memory with his wand.

"Wait a minute."

The thought body also took out his wand and divided the silver filament into two parts.

One part was thrown into the Pensieve in the middle of the hall, and the other part remained in the glass bottle.

"I almost forgot." Aaron slapped his forehead in annoyance, "There is indeed a part of it that cannot be shown to him."

The memory in the green bottle is definitely not as much as the red bottle, but it contains the content that Harry is Voldemort's Horcrux. If Sirius knew about it, he would definitely collapse.

"Please!" The thought body made a gesture of invitation to Sirius.

Sirius walked to the Pensieve with a desire to obtain, and slowly put his head into the basin.


"You must kill me with your own hands, Severus.

This is the only way. Only in this way can the Dark Lord trust you completely."


"You must tell Voldemort the exact date when Harry left his aunt and uncle's house. Voldemort believes that you are well-informed. If you don't do this, it will arouse suspicion.

But you must instill the idea of ​​using a substitute into others. I think that should ensure Harry's safety. Try to use the Confusion Charm on Mundungus.

If you have to participate in the chase, you must be convincing. I hope you will continue to gain Voldemort's trust, otherwise Hogwarts will be at the mercy of the Carrow brothers and sisters."


The thought body made some deletions to the memory, but just these few words made Sirius' face change drastically.

"This, this, this...how could this happen?" Sirius said incoherently, "How could Dumbledore make such a ridiculous plan."

"Who knows?"

"No, no, you must know." Sirius looked at Aaron firmly, with a little more pleading in his voice, "Tell me?"

"I won't tell you." Aaron flicked the wand, and the memory in the pensieve was put back into the green bottle. "It doesn't matter what Dumbledore thinks. What matters is that you have to take back the insult you just made to Professor Snape." if."

"I...I admit that I was a little impulsive just now, but no one would have thought that the truth would be like this."

“Just a reminder, what you see is not the whole thing, just a small part.

But what's really important is hidden in another bottle, and I won't take it out until Professor Snape is dead. "

"Why are you showing me this?" Sirius asked.

"It's simple, I'm so short of manpower that I have to let you go.

But your character is hard to reassure. I tell you part of the truth to prevent you from impulsively fighting Professor Snape. "

Sirius opened his mouth, speechless, because he could indeed do such a thing.

A few years ago, in order to avenge James and Lily, he dared to sneak into Hogwarts as a wanted criminal to seek revenge on Pettigrew.

"Alas! It's not easy for Professor Snape! A good spy needs to be cautious and cautious.

If you seek revenge against him, it will be great fun.

If you succeed, Dumbledore's plan will fail in advance.

You failed, then why didn't you die? Neither killing you nor letting you go is appropriate. "

"Is there such a possibility?" Sirius said with an unnatural expression, "I failed, but I was lucky enough to escape."

"Then what?" Aaron asked, "will you give up revenge?"

"Definitely not." The missing body looked at Sirius meaningfully, "Whenever you have the chance, you will still find a way to kill Professor Snape, right?"

"Okay! I admit that your worries have some validity.

Should others also see this memory? "

"No need. Only you and Harry Potter can do such stupid things in the Order of the Phoenix. Everyone else can control their emotions."

"What about Harry?" Sirius hesitated.

"Absolutely not." Aaron said very seriously, "Everyone knows that this memory can be used, except Harry Potter.

Don't forget the scar on his head. His Occlumency can barely resist Voldemort's ingestion of spiritual thoughts from a long distance, but that's just barely. It's more like Voldemort and Voldemort peeking into each other's memories.

And you should know how important this memory is. If Harry knows, it means Voldemort may also know. Do you think Professor Snape is not dangerous enough now? "


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