A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 571 Dumbledore’s funeral, the trio prepares to drop out of school (1/2)

Chapter 571 Dumbledore’s funeral, the trio prepares to drop out of school

Because of Dumbledore's death, the atmosphere at Hogwarts became very serious, all classes were suspended, and all exams were postponed.

The news spread quickly. Many parents believed that Hogwarts was no longer safe, so they picked up their children and left the school the next day. Perhaps out of respect, they did not go home immediately, but stayed in Hogwarts. They rented a house in Maud Village and planned to attend Dumbledore's funeral before leaving.

Aaron packed his luggage early in the morning, packed all the necessary props into the dressing room, and packed food, medicine, and money into a backpack that cast a traceless stretching spell.

Sirius looked at it with confusion, and the corners of his mouth gradually twitched, because the things Aaron pretended to be were enough for an ordinary person to live for five years.

"Are you concerned? Taking an early vacation is not an escape."

"It's just a nip in the bud." Aaron held Abe in his arms and stuffed his backpack into its pocket, "The clone can stay in the Hall of Gods to accumulate magic knowledge, but I have to leave the school to find Horcruxes.

The magic world is in chaos. I am going on an adventure and these supplies are necessary. "

"Okay! As long as you're happy.

But since you are looking for Horcruxes, why don't you go with Harry and the others? "

"Order of the Phoenix?" Aaron raised his eyebrows.

"Otherwise?" Sirius said matter-of-factly, "You can temporarily cooperate with the Order of the Phoenix, and they won't refuse."

"Haha! Sorry, this is not negotiable."


"There are many reasons." Aaron raised his fingers solemnly, "I signed a contract with Voldemort. He cannot make a move against me before Harry and Dumbledore die, and I cannot hinder his plan.

And once I cooperate with the Order of the Phoenix, it means breaking the contract. Then I have to pay the price of breaking the contract in advance and send the secret of immortality to Voldemort.

I have not yet prepared myself for the knives and meat for others. "

"Why did you sign such a contract?" Sirius frowned. In his opinion, this was giving the initiative to Voldemort.

"Don't mention it, I almost regretted it to death. At that time, I didn't expect Dumbledore to die so quickly!

And at that time, Voldemort and a group of dark wizards blocked my door. I could only choose a method that was more beneficial to me. "

"Other than this, I can't trust the Order of the Phoenix."

“This, what’s the reason for this?

Lupine, Moody, and the Weasleys are all people worth trusting. "

"Then please explain, how did the Potters die?"

Sirius's face suddenly darkened and he was speechless.

"Look! There may not be traitors in the Order of the Phoenix." Aaron spread his hands, "This is Voldemort's Horcrux. If the news is leaked..."

"Stop talking, I understand."

"It's good to know." Aaron rolled his eyes at him and said, "The other thing is that Harry..."

"Wait a minute, I really can't accept this." Sirius said immediately, "I'm sure Harry has grown a lot this year, and he won't be unreliable."

"I don't doubt this. He has witnessed the death of his only relative and the death of the elders who care about him the most. If transformation cannot happen, then his savior would be too fake.

But that’s not what I want to say. Do you still remember the memory you saw? Aaron asked meaningfully, "Lily Potter's blood protection spell is about to expire. In other words, Voldemort is about to attack Harry."

At this time, you asked me to act with him. You wanted to take the opportunity to kill me and gain freedom a year early! "

Hearing this, Sirius's face twitched and he couldn't help but swallow.

Gan! If this is not explained clearly, it may be sealed in the coffin again.

"I really didn't mean that."

"I'm sorry you don't dare." Aaron hummed softly, "I understand very well how you want me to help Harry, but can you please also understand my difficulties?

Even if I want to help him, I can't do it so openly. Giving him some trivial hints through Hermione is the limit of what I can do. "

"Do you know why I tell you so much?"


“Let you recognize the gap between you and me.

I'm not bragging, I think about things more comprehensively than you do," Aaron sighed helplessly, "I hope you can obey my orders and don't have any selfish motives. If you cooperate well, it will be easier for us. "

"Uh... I understand the truth, but why does it sound weird?"

Aaron rolled his eyes angrily. At this moment, he was extremely envious of Dumbledore, who had such a reliable tool like Professor Snape.

In comparison, Sirius has no self-consciousness that a tool man should have.

But who knows that he is short of manpower? Before manifesting the Dark Spiritual Stone, he can only make do with it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"Have you packed up? Dumbledore's funeral is about to begin." Clea said.

"Come here."

With a wave of one hand, Aaron summoned a red magic circle, which went straight through his casual clothes and turned into a clean and decent dress.

"Wait a minute, can you take me there?" Sirius begged sincerely, "This is Dumbledore's funeral, I must be there."

"This..." Aaron hesitated, because not only the teachers and students of Hogwarts were attending the funeral, the Minister of Magic would definitely bring people over, and many parents of students and wizards who admired Dumbledore would also come to bid him farewell. One journey.

The water in the magic world is still very deep. If one or two great magicians discover that Sirius is still alive, it will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble.

"Can I beg you?"

"Okay! Who can make me relent!"

Aaron took his wand and pointed it at Sirius, transforming him into a palm-sized Welsh green dragon.

"That's too much! Can't you use the Disillusionment Curse?" Sirius flapped his wings dissatisfied, but the sound he made was a weird syllable.

"Shut up, don't forget that you are a dead person now. I don't think the Disappearance Curse can deceive everyone." Aaron said speechlessly, "I am a little worried about turning you into this, but this is what I can think of. The best way.

This will ensure that you are within my sight, and your current language is dragon language. We can communicate in dragon language without worrying about confidentiality. "

"Abe." Aaron solemnly placed the green dragon on Abe's two front paws, "Watch him and don't let him leave you more than half a meter, do you understand?"

Abe nodded in understanding, but a hint of disgust flashed in his innocent big eyes.

"It seems to be mocking me?" Sirius said.

"Be more confident and say "like".

My Holy Dragon can be well-behaved and sensible in front of me and my family, but you are just an ordinary uncle, especially since your Animagus form is still a dog. It is normal for it to look down on you. "



Sirius was still a little angry at first, but Abe's paw slap made him realize the reality.

When people are under the eaves, they have to bow their heads. When you should follow your heart, you definitely don't give in.

Aaron held Abe in his arms and opened the door. The green dragon was stuffed into Abe's pocket, with only a thumb-sized dragon head exposed.

"Why did you come out?" Klea asked. She changed into a black slim-fitting dress, paired with a black top hat, and a necklace modified from Mermaid Tears around her neck, which was very stunning.

"One man insisted on attending Dumbledore's funeral, and I had to spend some extra time."

"Black?" Klea thought thoughtfully, her emerald green eyes inadvertently glanced at Abe's pocket, "Did you turn him into this?"

"After all, it's not time for him to show up yet, and he knows too much."

"That's right!" Klea smiled, took Aaron's hand and walked out of the common room.

All the teachers and students of the school gathered in the foyer, led by the deans of their respective colleges. However, Professor Snape was not present and had to be temporarily replaced by Professor Slughorn.

Professor McGonagall led everyone towards the lake. There were hundreds of chairs placed here, with an aisle in the middle and a marble table at the front.

Half of the seats were already occupied, including parents of students, members of the Order of the Phoenix, staff from the Ministry of Magic, representatives of Sir Merlin, representatives of the International Federation of Magic, in addition to the owners of the Leaky Cauldron, several restaurants in Diagon Alley The manager, the waiter at the Pig Head Bar...

All in all, a mixed bag of fish and dragons, they may not even know each other, but regardless of their status or bloodline, their attitude towards funerals is the same.

Aaron and Clea found a seat and sat down, and soon Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny came over.

"Harry." Sirius couldn't hide his excitement when he saw his godson, and he flapped his wings and was about to fly out of Abe's pocket.

But the next moment, he was held down by a white claw.

"Master, let me watch you." Abe snorted disdainfully, and while stuffing him back, he slapped him with his tail.

"Harry looks very sad. I won't reveal my identity. Can't I just comfort him?" Sirius said a little aggrievedly.

"Nonsense, of course it won't work." Aaron responded angrily in dragon language, "You'd better be honest, otherwise I wouldn't mind using the petrification spell to help you."

Sirius nodded guiltily, not daring to make any unnecessary moves.

Ten minutes later, everyone was seated, the atmosphere gradually became solemn, and some whispers disappeared.

Music sounded, a choir composed of mermaids sang sad songs, telling their grief and sadness, and the centaurs also shot arrows into the sky to express their condolences.

Dumbledore, the headmaster, is undoubtedly very qualified in the eyes of these magical creatures. He has treated them without any discrimination during his decades at Hogwarts, and he even takes good care of them, which is worthy of their respect.

Hagrid walked from the middle aisle with Dumbledore's body in his arms. He seemed to have walked for a long time in just a short distance, and every step was very heavy.

He placed the body on the marble table in front of him. Tears continued to fall from his eyes and fell on his beard, but he persisted and did not cry out.

Not long after Hagrid retreated to the back row, the sad music stopped.

A wizard stood up from his seat. He walked to the body and solemnly recited a eulogy.

how to say? Professional ones are just different.

Compared with Slughorn's eulogy for Aragog the Acromantula, the wizard's eulogy was even more noble, noble spirit, great heart, selfless dedication, extraordinary wisdom, outstanding A series of praises such as achievements were all added to Dumbledore.

"These words are somewhat exaggerated." Aaron whispered, "I feel like even Merlin can't compare to him."

"But he's right, isn't he? A great magician deserves such a comment."

Aaron chuckled. It was not an exaggeration to say that Dumbledore was the Holy Magister. Fortunately, these eulogies did not involve moral character, otherwise he might not be able to accept them.

The wizard finished his eulogy and sat back down.

White flames suddenly emerged, wrapping Dumbledore's body and the long marble table. Fawkes sang a lament and flew out of the flames, straight into the blue sky.

Then the flames disappeared and turned into a marble tomb. People stood up and stared at the tomb. Many people cried silently.

Hermione leaned on Aaron's shoulder, her face covered with tears, "Dumbledore left us forever, and I was not prepared at all."

Aaron gently wiped her tears and led her and Klea towards the castle.

"What are you going to do in the future?" Hermione lowered her voice nervously, "The contract between you and Voldemort is no longer safe."

"I'm mentally prepared and have my own plan." Aaron forced a smile, looked at her thoughtfully and asked, "It's you, what are you going to do?"


Hermione hesitated for a while and still couldn't say anything.

"Let me ask!" Klea shrugged, "Will you still come to Hogwarts next semester?"

"I...I don't know." Hermione bit her lip, "Hogwarts is no longer safe, isn't it?"

"It seems that a decision has been made." Aaron sighed slightly, "No place is ever absolutely safe.

Even if Dumbledore dies, there are several deans at Hogwarts, and security is relatively high. I hope you can continue to stay at Hogwarts next year.

I made two deals with Voldemort. The second one is to protect you. As long as you are willing to stay out of it, the Death Eaters will not dare to do anything to you. "

"You know this is impossible." Hermione smiled bitterly, "Voldemort still has four Horcruxes left. Harry will definitely go find them. He needs help."

"With the Order of the Phoenix, Ron won't let him be alone unless something unexpected happens."

"Then I have to go further. The combination of the two of them is not very reliable."

"Can't we just go?" Aaron said anxiously.

"No." Hermione said firmly, "Find and destroy those Horcruxes sooner, and the prophecy will be fulfilled sooner, so... you will be safe."

"Haha!" Aaron didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Should I say that I am very touched at this time?

Listen, I don't need you to take risks for me. I can better protect you by staying at Hogwarts. "

"You have protected me enough, let's exchange it this time!

With the constraints of that contract, you can't take action easily. If it weren't for me, Harry and the others would probably be caught by the Death Eaters before they could find the Horcruxes. "

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