A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 584 Don’t be too cautious! Unacceptable Lupine (1/2)

Chapter 584 Don’t be too cautious! Unacceptable Lupin

"Dumbledore's memory?" Harry looked at Aaron in surprise, and the others' expressions also became exciting.

None of them from the Order of the Phoenix knew that the leader of the Order of the Phoenix had actually left behind a backup plan, and had not yet handed it over to the Order of the Phoenix.


"Of course it was before Dumbledore died." Aaron said seriously. This was not a lie. After all, Dumbledore was still alive and well when he got this memory.

"But I saw with my own eyes that he was hit by the killing curse and fell from the top of the tower."

Aaron blinked. Harry wouldn't misunderstand that this was what Dumbledore had given him before he died, right? This is really... wonderful!

"Haha! You were in a hurry to fight those Death Eaters, but I went to check on his situation under the tower. What should I say?" Aaron pretended to be thoughtful, "A person who is about to enter the realm of a holy magician, His life may be a little tougher than you think."

"You mean he..."

Harry's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt a lot more self-blame.

He was wrapped in anger and hatred, completely unaware that Dumbledore, who cared about him most, was not dead yet, and he missed the last chance to listen to the teachings.

"Don't think too much. He only had half a breath left at that time and only had time to tell me a few words."

"What did he say to you?" Hermione asked.

"What else can I say? It's nothing more than prophecies and things about Hogwarts, but that's not important. What's important is these two memory bottles." Aaron raised the red and green bottles in his hand meaningfully, "Green Inside the bottle were some of his arrangements. My first reaction after reading it was that Voldemort was finished, and I met such a wily guy.

The red memory bottle contained what he wanted to say to someone, involving personal privacy and secrets related to Voldemort. I didn't read it, and would only hand it over to someone when the time was right. "

Aaron emphasized the pronunciation of 'someone' and glanced at Harry meaningfully.

The unconcealed look made Harry pause, and he couldn't help but swallow, "Now is the right time, right?"

"What good things are you thinking about?" Aaron said disdainfully.

"I'll be an adult in a few days, right?" Harry said anxiously.

"I think you may have misunderstood something. The so-called 'appropriate time' does not mean when you become an adult, but when I think it is appropriate.

In addition, the secrets hidden in this memory are much more important than those in the green bottle, and they are not only reserved for you. "

"Then why did you take it out..." Mr. Weasley asked with some confusion.

"Nothing, just showing off, why am I not in a good mood today!"


"Stop joking, okay?" Hermione nudged Aaron with her arm.

"Let's liven up the atmosphere!" Aaron shrugged, and then looked at everyone, "The memories in the red bottle haven't been revealed to you yet, but you can see part of the memories in the green bottle."

"Wait a minute." Lu Pingping was surprised, "Can we only see part of it?"

"Yes, you may not be able to accept the other part."

"A part of it is fine!" Hagrid smiled heartily, "It's better than not knowing anything at all."

"Arthur, do you have a pensieve at home?" Kingsley asked.

"That's funny. Do you think our family is the kind of family that can afford that kind of pot?"

"I have."

Aaron snapped his fingers, and a white magic circle appeared on the ground.

As the magic circle slowly rose, a stone platform appeared, and on the stone platform was a round basin engraved with runes.

Aaron put away the red bottle and divided the silver memory in the green bottle into two parts. One part remained in the bottle and the other part was put into the pensieve.

Everyone looked at the memories melting away in the pensieve and couldn't help but move forward.

This is Dumbledore's plan, and its value to the Order of the Phoenix is ​​undoubtedly huge.

"Why are you all so close?" Aaron said angrily, "My pensieve is only so big, but it can't accommodate so many people."

Hagrid took a step back consciously, "We'll just line up."

"This is not a matter of queuing up. I only plan to show it to one person, and after viewing it, I need to keep it secret."

After the words fell, everyone looked at Harry subconsciously.

If there was anyone among them who was most qualified to know Dumbledore's plans, it was Harry Potter.

"This isn't appropriate!" Harry scratched his head in embarrassment.

"It's okay, you read it first." Ron waved his hand generously. Harry might hide it from others after reading it, but he would never hide it from him and Hermione.

"You can't." Aaron poured a basin of cold water on it, "It's a very important matter, I can't let you know."


"Because I have seen the content of the memory." Yaren said confidently, "This memory will not help you. On the contrary, it will make you feel the cruelty of the struggle."

"You think I'm afraid of this?" Harry said disdainfully.

He has encountered all kinds of misfortunes over the years, and this life was due to the prophecy that Voldemort was keeping an eye on. If he was not careful, he would be doomed. What else should he be afraid of in this situation?

"But I'm afraid." Aaron said straightforwardly, "In my opinion, you have never been a reliable person. Emotion is far greater than rationality. This is your greatest strength, but it is also your greatest weakness."

"Then everyone else can do it!" Ron asked.

"You can't do it either, and you too." Aaron looked at Hermione and said seriously: "The more you know, the more dangerous it is. You know what you are going to do next, so you can't think wildly."


"The only suitable ones left are..." Bill thought thoughtfully, his eyes moving back and forth between Lupin, Kingsley and Mr. Weasley.

"I quit." Kingsley said after a moment of silence, "The Ministry of Magic has now been infiltrated by Death Eaters. Although Scrimgeour is trying his best to resist, I don't know how long I can hold on. Knowing too many secrets is not good for me. "

"Then I'll quit too." Mr. Weasley said, "I have too many people in my family, and I'm afraid I won't be able to keep any secrets."

"Thank you!" Lupine nodded to the two of them, and then walked up to Aaron with the encouragement in Tonks's eyes, "I should be able to view these memories!"

"Of course, maybe you are the best person to see this memory.

Be mentally prepared. Aaron smiled meaningfully, then took out his wand and wrote a contract in mid-air.

The content is very simple. Viewers are not allowed to disclose the content in any way without the permission of Aaron Gaius. If they violate it, they will be burned in flames.

"Be a villain first, then a gentleman. Don't be too cautious!"

"It's not too much." Lupine waved his wand and left his name at the end of the contract, and the red text suddenly turned into light spots and disappeared.

"Please!" Aaron made a gesture of invitation.

Lupine took a deep breath and plunged his head into the pensieve.

"You must kill me yourself, Severus.

This is the only way, only then will the Dark Lord completely believe you. "


"You must tell Voldemort the exact date that Harry left his aunt and uncle's house. Voldemort thinks that you are very well-informed and if you don't do this, he will arouse suspicion.

But you have to instill the idea of ​​using a double into others. I think that should keep Harry safe. Try using the Confusion Charm on Mundungus.

If you have to participate in the chase, you must do so convincingly. I count on you to continue to gain Voldemort's trust, otherwise Hogwarts will be at the mercy of the Carrow brothers. "

call! call! call!

Lupine's breathing was rapid, and because he was too excited, his slightly pale face had an unhealthy rosiness.

"Impossible, how could this happen?"

"Calm down, Professor Lupin."

"How do you want me to calm down? This, this..." Lupine pointed at the pensieve, his fingers trembling constantly, "Is this true?"

Others looked at this scene without knowing why, and couldn't help but look at each other.

This was the first time for them to see such an excited Lupine, and this memory made it so difficult for him to accept.

Tonks quickly held Lupin's arm, "I think you need a rest."

Lupine was completely unmoved, just looked at Aaron quietly, waiting for his answer.

"I really want to tell you that it's fake, but it's true." Aaron spread his hands indifferently, "You also know in your heart that this is true, you just don't want to believe it."

"I..." Lu Ping clenched his fists and his eyes were bloodshot.

Aaron ignored him and said to himself: "Dumbledore is so brilliant! He is so brilliant.

Not many people can imagine this kind of start, and I am ashamed of this kind of courage.

I always thought that Voldemort was a madman, but Dumbledore was not much different, but his madness was more rational.

He was obviously still at the card table, holding a lot of chips in his hand. Although he didn't have an advantage, he could at least compete with the Death Eaters. Who would have thought that he would actually stud? "

"Don't use bad words." Hermione rolled her eyes at him, "Be more respectful to Dumbledore."

"I respect him so much, he..." Aaron said, feeling aggrieved. Although he didn't like Dumbledore, a thoughtful old man, he still admired him.

But that was before, and Aaron's admiration for him had been in quotation marks ever since he fell from the tower.

The Grand Magus at his peak may not be able to do anything about the curse on his arm, but he has already broken through to the Holy Magister, which is on the same level as the four founders of Hogwarts, and the next step is the God of Magic.

Even if the Holy Magister couldn't completely remove the curse, suppressing the curse would definitely not be a problem, but the old immortal actually gave up, and he gave up confidently.

He died comfortably and happily, and even made plans for his death, dying with a clear conscience.

But this made Aaron suffer. A big shield was gone. Even because he signed a contract with Voldemort, he was forced to rush to the shelves and had to help Harry Potter from the side.

"Originally I didn't want you to know this memory, at least for the time being." Aaron said to Lupine, "But your determination just now really touched me.

I need a member of the Order of the Phoenix who can speak well to know this part of the secret, so that some people will not live depressed and die unjustly. "

Lu Ping looked dazed and nodded unconsciously.

If a must-kill list were made for the Order of the Phoenix, Voldemort would surely be number one, and Snape, the traitor who killed Dumbledore, would be the well-deserved number two.

If there is a chance that Snape is alone in the future, they will never show mercy. If no one knows the inside story and comes forward to explain or cover up, he may die in the hands of their own people.

"What exactly is Dumbledore's arrangement?" Hermione asked curiously.

"I won't hide it from you when the time comes." Aaron said patiently, and then used the wand to withdraw the silver memory in the pensieve into the green glass bottle.

"Professor Luping, take care." Aaron looked at him with a smile, "Compared to others, this memory may have a greater psychological impact on you, but I believe you can recover."

"What do you mean?" Tonks asked nervously, "Is there something wrong with your memory?"

"No problem, just a heartfelt blessing.

I can guarantee that this memory is not bad news. On the contrary, it is great news for the Order of the Phoenix, and it can explain the truth of many things. "

"Yes! The truth." Lupine looked at the green memory bottle, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, "It's just that the truth is too... painful."

"Now that I feel sorry for others, why did I go there so early?" Aaron curled his lips disdainfully, and then said meaningfully: "I hope you won't let me down. Now that you have read this memory, you have shouldered some responsibilities.

If one day you let me know that you are unwilling to save someone, or are adding fuel to the fire behind your back, I will kill you. "

There was a hint of murderous intent in Aaron's calm tone, and Tonks subconsciously protected Lupine behind her.

"Don't be nervous, I have confidence in Professor Lupin's character. This kind of thing will most likely not happen." Aaron smiled, then turned around and kissed Hermione on the forehead, "I should go, remember that later Contact me anytime if you have any questions, it will make you sick if you hold it in your heart.”

"I know." Hermione nodded with a blush.

"Goodbye, everyone." Aaron put the pensieve away, and then seemed to have thought of something, and added: "By the way, I hope everyone is still rotting in your stomach about what happened this morning.

I believe many people are interested in Dumbledore's arrangement, but I don't want to cause trouble for myself. "

Everyone looked at each other, and Harry wanted to say something, but was persuaded back by a look from Mr. Weasley.

Hagrid also shook his head at him. They were a little itchy about Dumbledore's memory, but they could still distinguish the importance.

Aaron turned around and left, but the next moment a picture came to his mind. A white light came from behind him and hit his back.

"Fuck! Sneak attack?"

Aaron cursed secretly and immediately shifted to the left.



A white magic spell flew past Aaron's right side, making a pit in the lawn.

"What are you doing?" Hermione pulled out her wand, stood in front of Aaron and shouted harshly. The others also looked at Lupin who was holding the wand in shock.

In their impression, Lupine was amiable and approachable, and he had never been so 'crazy'.

If his identity had not been confirmed last night and he had not been staying with them, they would have suspected that he was an impostor who had used Polyjuice Potion instead.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!"

Aaron smacked his lips and turned to look at Lupin.

At some point, there was a layer of sweat on his forehead, his arms were shaking slightly, but his eyes were unexpectedly firm.

"Professor Lupin, you really impress me!" Aaron couldn't help but applaud him. He had never used precognition magic since he learned it.

Lupine is amazing! He was actually the first to trigger his passive skill.

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