A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 585: This is the first time that an honest man is so shameless (1/2)

Chapter 585: This is the first time that an honest man has been so shameless.

"Professor Luping." Aaron raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, "Although your character is more cowardly than others, and I do look down on you a little, I always retain the respect that belongs to a teacher for you."

Hearing this, Lupine's expression turned gloomy, but his right hand holding the wand did not waver at all.

"Can you explain why you attacked from behind? I shouldn't be considered an enemy!"

"Just think of yourself as an honest man who has been pushed into a hurry!" Lu Ping smiled mockingly to himself, and at the same time explained to the others, "I know exactly what I am doing."

"That's not the reason for you to attack Aaron." Hermione cursed angrily.

"I'm sorry. I'm willing to accept any punishment afterwards, but now I have to know the truth."

"The truth?" Aaron shook the green memory bottle in his hand, with a bit of frivolity in his tone, "Are you talking about this? You've seen it, haven't you?"

"That's just part of it, and I'm talking about the whole thing."

"This is not possible." Aaron shook his head seriously, "I am fair. I gave you part of the truth, but you must also bear part of the responsibility."

"I'm willing to take on more." Lupine looked at Aaron pleadingly, "I also want to know more."

"Sorry, the rest of it has to do with Harry Potter.

To be honest, I am doing this for your sake, and your psychological quality may not be able to bear it. "

"Is it related to me?" Harry pointed at himself blankly, "What do you mean?"

"You are the protagonist of the prophecy. Dumbledore's plan naturally revolves around you. This is obvious!"

"He's right, Harry." The corner of Lupine's mouth twitched slightly, "You will never believe what I just saw. It's unbelievable. You may even think that Merlin was joking with you."

"What do you see?"

"I saw..." Lu Ping subconsciously wanted to speak, but then he felt his body temperature soar rapidly, and white steam even appeared on his hair.

"Don't say it," Tonks reminded hurriedly, "You forgot that you just signed a contract."

"I really have foresight." Aaron said with a proud smile.

That contract was unilaterally directed against Lupine. If he dared to reveal the contents of his memory, he would be instantly burned into a pyro.

Lupine said something bitter, his face full of depression and bitterness, "Harry, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but you now know that Dumbledore's plan is not a good thing."

"Boring." Aaron rolled his eyes, "I don't have to worry about what happened just now. I just regard it as a compliment to Professor Luping for your courage, but I'm really in a hurry..."

"Don't leave." Lupine shouted loudly.

"Huh?" Aaron frowned in distress, with a hint of irritation in his tone, "Professor Luping, I don't know where you got the courage, but do you think you can stop me?"

"It might not be possible to stop him at ordinary times." Lu Ping said very directly. His character made him very self-aware, "but it may not be impossible today."

After the words fell, the others' hearts trembled, as if they knew why Lu Ping was so confident.

"Remus." Arthur couldn't bear it anymore, "Can you please stop making trouble?"

"That's right," Hagrid said, "That's not something you can use against your own people."

"Be sensible." Kingsley advised. "At this time, we must pay attention to our attitude towards friendly forces."

"Lupin." Tonks grabbed his arm and shook her head earnestly, "He just saved Mad-Eye last night. Since Dumbledore gave his memory to Aaron, it means trusting him. Why?" The arrangement is his own business.”

"No, you don't understand. If you had seen that memory, you would have made the same decision as me." Lupine said stiffly, "If you don't know more, the pressure from Voldemort and the Death Eaters will fall. on others.

What the Order of the Phoenix can do is too limited, it can't even provide much help, and it might even be a disservice.

That feeling of powerlessness could probably only be felt by Sirius. "

Aaron: ...

That's so true, but Sirius's helplessness may be greater than you think.

"Arthur, I haven't asked you for anything, but you must help me this time."

Ten pairs of eyes all showed shock. Lu Ping's attitude was a bit exaggerated.

"Are you crazy?" Hermione frowned and asked the question that everyone was worried about.

"You will understand me after seeing that memory."

Aaron shrugged, then sneered: "I'm not responsible for satisfying your curiosity. Goodbye."

After saying that, Aaron turned and left.

Seeing this, Lupine decisively thrust his wand into the ground.

A huge barrier was instantly generated, covering the Burrow and hundreds of meters around it.

"Huh?" Aaron was stunned, turned to look at Hermione and asked, "Is this barrier prepared for me?"

Hermione hesitated to speak, not daring to look at him.

"It seems that it is indeed prepared for me."

"Don't get me wrong, it was Kingsley who said it was just in case..."

"I understand, I understand." Aaron interrupted, and then looked at the black Auror in the crowd expressionlessly.

The sharp gaze made Kingsley's hair stand on end, as if he was being stared at by a violent beast.

"I only want the rest of the memory in the green bottle, and I can promise not to tell anyone else.

I will let the Order of the Phoenix cooperate with the person in memory and do its best to ensure his safety. This is the most correct and safe method. "

"Are you done?" Aaron asked impatiently.

"Uh... that's it."

"Then please come and open the barrier.

I'm very busy and don't have time to listen to someone's nonsense. "


Lu Ping subconsciously covered his chest, feeling as if his heart had been stabbed.

Why is he talking nonsense? It’s true that Snape was Dumbledore’s back-up man. Isn’t it natural that he would try his best to protect him?

And he is the only one who knows the contents of the plan, so there is no need to worry about leaks.

Arthur and others exchanged glances. Perhaps they were moved by Lupine's attitude, so they all hesitated and did not take action.

"Beautiful!" Aaron shook his head in disappointment and said sarcastically: "Hermione, the Order of the Phoenix is ​​so united!"

Hermione didn't know how to explain it, and she was also very dissatisfied. The actions of Lupine and others were so unkind.

"Well..." Fred said sheepishly, "The barrier was set up by Mom and Dad, Lupin, Kingsley, and Tonks, and it has nothing to do with us."

"I'd like to let you out if I could," George added, "but we really don't have the ability."

Aaron rolled his eyes and then took out his wand, "Then don't hinder me."

"The flames are blazing!"


A blazing fireball hit the barrier, causing ripples.

"It's useless, this barrier is the result of our one night's work." Lu Ping explained, "The super defensive spell released by five high-level magisters together, even if Voldemort comes, don't even think about breaking in easily. "

"Phew!" Aaron took a deep breath, "My patience is limited."

"I just want to know the truth." Lu Ping said not to be outdone.

"Ignorance." Aaron shook his head, and a flame appeared in his hand.

The flames emitted from the palm of the hand, quickly flew into the sky, and continued to expand as it approached the barrier. It turned from a flame into a fireball, and finally formed a sea of ​​​​fire.

Click! Click!

Some cracks appeared in the barrier under the burning flames, but they were quickly repaired, but the speed of repair was gradually weakened, so that some small gaps were exposed.

"Is this a fire spell?" Hermione sniffed the burnt smell in the air and couldn't help but swallow. "I have never seen anyone use fire to this extent."

"You can think of it as an advanced version of the fire spell." Aaron said modestly, "Releasing flames and controlling flames are something many great magicians in the magic world can do.

The most famous is probably Grindelwald, who almost burned down a city with fire.

My current level is still far behind the previous Dark Lord, but I can still manage to burn down a village. "

"Lupin, it's almost done." Bill said in a low voice, "It will do no good to anyone if we stop him any longer, and this barrier probably won't last long."

Lupine looked at the barrier that was constantly being eroded by the flames, and asked unwillingly: "Arthur, do you think we together can stop him before the barrier disappears?"

"That's enough!"

Mr. Weasley decided to trust Lupine for once, but he wasn't sure.

Aaron is much better than he thought. If they fight a protracted war, they may have a chance of winning, but the success rate of stopping him from leaving may be less than 50%.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kingsley asked doubtfully, "I don't think it is necessary, and it makes us look a bit...dirty."

"Something dirty?" Hagrid cursed, "It's obviously despicable and shameless. If Dumbledore was still alive, he would never allow the Order of the Phoenix to do this."

"Yes! This is the first time in my life that I am so shameless." Lu Ping said without tears, "But the memory in Aaron's hands is too important."

"Say it first! I won't help." Hagrid glared at them and said angrily.

"Neither can we," said George and Fred.

Bill hesitated to speak, but when he was about to speak, he was silenced by Molly's look.

She took out her wand and said, "As Lupine said, you're not married yet, so it's better not to do such a shameless thing."

"Harry, what should we do?" Ron was a little speechless. Several members of the Order of the Phoenix had already made their decisions. It didn't seem to matter whether they joined or not.

"It depends!" Harry looked worried. He was leaning towards Lupin in his heart. After all, it was Dumbledore's memory, and it was related to him. There might be clues to Horcruxes.

But the problem is that he is still a few days away from adulthood. During this period, if he uses magic, he will be discovered by the Ministry of Magic. He is not qualified to help even if he wants to risk it.

"It seems that some of you are thicker-skinned than I thought." Aaron looked at Lu Ping and others standing together and mocked them unceremoniously.

"Uh...I'm very sorry." Mr. Weasley's face turned red and he was so embarrassed that he could dig a castle out of his feet.

"No need, just think it's the price I paid for seeing the wrong person." Aaron said calmly.


Mr. and Mrs. Weasley felt like they had been stabbed in the chest and felt ashamed.

Aaron put Abe down and said, "Take your mistress far away and protect her by the way."

Abe raised his head and looked at the torn barrier, his big eyes full of doubts, "Can't I just fly out from there with my master?"

"I must teach these ungrateful and profit-seeking guys a lesson this time, otherwise they will think that I am easy to bully!" Aaron said it casually, without even using dragon language to avoid using it.

The faces of the people across from him all had dark lines on their faces, but they still had no words to refute.

"Aaron." Hermione pinched his arm and motioned with her eyes to save some face for Lupine and others.

Aaron snorted softly, patted Abe's head, and comforted him in dragon language: "Don't worry, they are not my opponents yet.

Besides, there is a crack on it! We are not forced to that point yet. "

If Dumbledore was still alive, he might still be afraid of the Three Points, but now the Order of the Phoenix has lost its soul. The remaining people may not be low in strength, but in his opinion, they are no different than a piece of loose sand.

"Aren't you going to take action?" Aaron asked.

"You should come first! We..." Tonks sighed in confusion, "It's not suitable."

"Haha! I hope you won't regret it."

The next second, Aaron waved his wand and pointed at the pool not far away.

The not-so-clear water was drawn out, and under the guidance of magic power, a huge wave of more than ten meters high was formed, pressing directly against the five people opposite.

"Stop being stunned."

Seeing the huge waves approaching, Kingsley was the first to react and waved his wand to slow down the huge waves.

This was a large-scale attack. Under normal circumstances, he would have avoided it in time, but now there was the Burrow behind him. If he didn't block this attack, one of the Order's strongholds would probably have to be rebuilt.

Others hurriedly joined in, and almost at the same time four magic spells hit the huge wave, breaking it into four pieces.

"Not bad!" Aaron flicked the wand lightly, and four divided waves were suspended in mid-air, and then turned into water elemental soldiers several meters high.

"Merlin's beard!" Ron looked at this scene in disbelief, "Is this a transformation technique? Why does it feel different from what we learned?"

"I knew this wasn't a good idea. This kind of transformation ability is almost as good as Minerva's." Kingsley cursed while swinging his wand to smash the water elemental soldier into pieces.

The other four people also shot magic spells, and the elemental soldiers were smashed to pieces before they even got close.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Aaron clapped his hands, "I knew this wouldn't stop you."

"If it were bigger, it might take a little more effort." Mr. Weasley said. The soldier just now was similar to the troll, but it was not as thick as the troll at all. It could be done with just one spell.

"I know, this is just a warm-up exercise.

In case you don’t get used to it later. Aaron said nonchalantly, and then summoned a giant green magic circle, followed by the roar of a hurricane in the air.

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