A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 586: Terrified Sirius, Mad-Eye suspicious (1/2)

Chapter 586: Scared Sirius, Mad-Eye suspicious

The howling wind lifted up a thick layer of grass and soil on the ground, and mixed with the sky and gravel rushed to the opposite side.

"There are many obstacles!"

"Fade without a trace!"

The Weasleys worked together to build a barrier, while Kingsley and Lupine used the Vanishing Curse to neutralize the hurricane.

Aaron watched this scene calmly, without any change in his expression. He expected that five high-level magisters could so easily block the high-level magic unleashed by his junior great magister.

Just when he was considering whether to use ultimate magic, the sound of breaking glass reached his ears.

Click! Click!

The barrier was completely broken and turned into dust in the air.

Aaron removed the wind magic, and then looked at the slightly dull five people with a smile, "It's time to say goodbye, everyone.

I hope you won’t stop me this time, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences. "

Several people looked at each other and unconsciously put down their wands.

The brief battle made them realize that Aaron's magical energy was not weaker than theirs at all, and might have reached the level of a great mage.

Although strength cannot represent combat power, the gap between the Magister and the Grand Magister is not insurmountable, not to mention that they are 'strong in numbers'.

But it turns out that they have little chance of winning in a fight, unless they fight to injure both sides and forcefully consume more magic power, but this is not a life-and-death battle, and there is really no need for that.

"Wait," Lupine said.

Aaron's face darkened instantly, and he summoned an earth-yellow magic circle with a wave of his hand, from which several chains flew out and wrapped around Lupin.

"Armor protection!"

when! when! when!

The transparent barrier blocked the chains, but the ping-pong-pong-pong banging sound still made people sweat for Lupine.

Aaron apparated to Lupine and grabbed him by the neck.

Crimson flames appeared at his fingertips, and the iron armor curse was instantly crushed to pieces.

All this happened too fast, and before everyone could react, they saw Lupine being lifted up by Aaron's neck, struggling painfully in mid-air.

"Stop, stop, stop," Tonks shouted incoherently.

"No," Hermione shouted.

Aaron took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and threw Lupine to the ground, "If you don't want to live, you can commit suicide. There is no need to challenge my patience."

"Ahem!" Lu Ping coughed for a while before he recovered. "Actually, I just want to say I'm sorry."

"Tsk!" Aaron smacked his lips disdainfully, "Professor Luping, I suddenly regret letting you see that memory."

"I will protect him."

"Protection? Are you sure?" Aaron's mouth twitched slightly. The protection of the Order of the Phoenix was a life-threatening charm for Snape.

Lu Ping also realized that he had said the wrong thing, and immediately changed his words: "I meant to try to keep the Order of the Phoenix out of his way."

"It better be."

Aaron rolled his eyes and took Abe from Hermione's hands, "Protect yourself."

"I will, I..." Hermione said hesitantly, "I will also protect you."

"We'll see." Aaron smiled, then leaned over and kissed her pale lips.


Back in Diagon Alley, Aaron sat on a deck chair and basked in the sun.

"System, open the task panel."

[Find and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes, 1000 magic points will be awarded for each Horcrux found, and 500 magic points will be awarded for each Horcrux destroyed;

Rewards for completing the mission will be distributed directly until all Horcruxes are destroyed; there will be no penalty for mission failure; Accepted]

[Rescue Alastor Moody; 500 magic points will be awarded for completing the mission, and there will be no penalty for mission failure; Completed]

"Receive the mission reward."

"Received successfully, the host received 500 magic points, and the current total magic points is 820."

"That's not enough!" Aaron murmured. His next target was the Pig Talisman, which was still short of 180 magic points. He probably wouldn't be able to get it until school started.

"By the way, system, open Abe's property panel."

[Pet: Abe]

[Race: Dragon (Saint: Unawakened)]

[Magic energy: 4405 (increases a little every day, has endless potential, and is the king among young dragons)]

[Innate abilities: flying, dragon breath, healing,? ? ? 】

"You're still so simple and unpretentious!" Aaron couldn't help pinching Abe's dragon face, "Your growth rate is really slow. There are still six hundred days left before the next evolution!"

"Master can help improve it." Abe said flatteringly.

"Don't worry, what should be left for you will not be left behind." Aaron said with a smile. In addition to awakening new talents when Abe evolves again, his size can be increased to thirty meters, and his combat power will be doubled. His help is self-evident.

But he would just give it a push at the right time. After all, judging from his age, Abe was still just a 'child'.

According to the normal growth rate, its magic power would only reach its current standard when it was twelve years old, but he had to forcefully compress the time by half by "reinforcing the growth" several times.

It is not a good thing to have too much power and not be able to keep up with your IQ and EQ.

After a while, Sirius walked in with lunch.

According to Aaron's request, a vegetable salad and a fried chicken steak were prepared for him and Abe respectively, but the taste was just... ordinary.

Sirius quietly watched the man and the dragon finish their meal, then asked nervously, "How is the matter with the Order of the Phoenix handled?"

"It's confirmed, it's not a misunderstanding." Aaron smiled faintly, "They do suspect that I leaked information to the Death Eaters."

Sirius' mouth twitched slightly, "Nothing unpleasant happened!"

"Don't worry, I've explained it." Aaron took out Moody's magic eye, "You'll put it back on him later."

"But something happened afterwards that made me feel very uncomfortable."

Sirius' heart skipped a beat, "What?"

"Nothing, just discussed various ways to kill Professor Snape in front of me."


This is the rhythm of Dumbledore dying with his eyes open!

"Then do you think I can bear it? Definitely not!" Aaron slammed the table, "Then I took out the memory of the conversation between Dumbledore and Snape that you had seen."

"You showed it to them?" Sirius was in disbelief, "How could you be so confused? The more people know, the more dangerous Snape will be."

"I only showed it to one person, and signed a contract not to leak the secret." Aaron looked at him meaningfully, "Guess who it was?

Friendly reminder, it's not Harry Potter."

Sirius was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted, "It can't be Remus!"

"Smart, guess right at one guess."

"He won't be able to bear it." Sirius smiled bitterly.

"Yes, his glass heart is really hard to accept.

I bet he must have been very ashamed and self-blaming at the time, and even felt a lot of pressure."

"He, he..." Sirius hesitated for a moment, and asked with some concern: "He didn't question you?"


Sirius secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but was shocked by Aaron's next sentence.

"He attacked me from behind, trying to steal the remaining memory.

Such a powerful Stunning Curse, aimed at my back."

"It's not that serious!" Sirius forced a stiff smile on his face. With his understanding of Lupin, he could really do such a thing in a hurry.

"With his ability, he can't hurt me.

You have to thank Hermione. If I hadn't worried about her presence at the scene, I might have directly disabled him."

"Haha, you have to thank me, you have to thank me.

Then you came back?"

"I wanted to, but Professor Lupin's stubbornness touched me." Aaron said unhappily, "He directly opened a barrier and trapped me inside, and also pulled the Weasleys, Kingsley, and Tonks to besiege me together. That scene was really... How embarrassing it was."


Sirius slapped his forehead speechlessly.

Where did they get the courage to duel with Aaron? It can't be that they relied on their numbers!

But there were also many Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries, but they still couldn't take him down, right?

"Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm fine, I'm fine."

"I'm asking if they are okay?"

"Uh... I was very rational, I just taught them a lesson.

The magic used was only the limit of what a magician could achieve, you can think of it as a competition with a larger number of people."

"That's good."

"I'll put this on you and Moody." Aaron said calmly, "You two better be mentally prepared."

Hearing this, Sirius looked like he had no desire to live.

It wasn't them who caused the trouble, why should they take the blame? This is unfair.

After the break, Aaron went to Ollivander's Wand Shop.

First, to test the stability of the teleportation array. He planned to test it before school started to ensure that it was foolproof.

This needs to be discussed with Ollivander so that he can be mentally prepared in advance.

Second, to cultivate feelings with Fleur. Too many things have happened from yesterday to today, and the comfort of the silver-haired beauty can relax his tense nerves.

Some physical contact, hand holding, hugging, kissing, etc. were inevitable during the process. The two had been dating for more than a year and completely ignored an old light bulb.

In the evening, Aaron returned to his shop in a good mood.

There were no extra system tasks at present, and the search for Horcruxes had also fallen into a bottleneck period. All he could do was to sign in obediently to accumulate capital, while increasing the intensity of training and increasing the number of one-time summoning magic circles as much as possible.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was a knock on the door, followed by Sirius's voice.

"That... Mad-Eye has woken up." Aaron was busy drawing the magic circle and didn't open the door. "How is his condition?" "Not bad!" Sirius said unnaturally, "When he saw me, he thought he saw a ghost. It took a lot of effort to make him believe that he was not dead. However, he was deeply suspicious of everything around him, and even felt that he was captured by the Death Eaters, and his spirit and will were imprisoned in a special magic." "Interesting." Aaron laughed, "But he has been an Auror for so many years, so it is understandable that he is so vigilant." No one knows better than Mad-Eye himself how many evil curses he was hit by last night, plus the fall from a high altitude, it is a complete death situation. It is unimaginable to come back to life from the dead, not to mention that he woke up after only one day, and even most of his injuries have healed. According to common sense, this is absolutely impossible.

"I think you should go see him." Sirius said awkwardly.

"No time, it's your job to persuade him to recognize the reality and situation."

"But if he can believe one out of ten of what I say now, it will be good."

"Then I have nothing to do with it." Aaron said confidently, "Your Order of the Phoenix made me unhappy today, and it is reasonable for me to make you unhappy."

"Then lend me Abe and let it demonstrate its healing powers. Maybe it can dispel Mad-Eye's doubts."

"No, my dragon is not that cheap.

By the way, I'll give you half a day. If you still can't convince him after I wake up tomorrow, I will seal him up without ceremony. "

Sirius' face darkened, and he turned and walked towards a makeshift hut.

This time he finally realized what it is like to have a sinister heart, but under the roof, he had to bow his head. No matter how unhappy he was, he could only convince Alastor Moody with this mouthful.


The next day, Aaron was woken up by his alarm clock.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Sirius with a bloodless face and a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! I never thought that a person could be so haggard."

"Don't mention it, hurry up and follow me to see Mad-Eye."

"Did you convince him to trust you?"

"Well...I don't know if he believes it."


"He said he would have to see you with his own eyes before he could be sure." Sirius explained hurriedly, "As a dead person, I am really not very convincing. When I was buried, he was 100% sure that I was dead.

Who would have thought that someone would dig up my body from the grave and use incredible means to resurrect me? "

"Okay!" Aaron nodded and followed Sirius into the hut.

"Good morning, Professor Moody." Aaron looked at Moody, who was tied into a rice dumpling with bandages, and waved hello.

Moody's magic eyes stared at Aaron and turned around a few times, "Did you really save me?"

"I..." Sirius opened his mouth in astonishment and asked unbearably: "You just believe him so much? Why?"

"In my mind you are a dead man, but Aaron Gaius is a living man.

Even ten thousand words spoken by a dead person are not worth one word spoken by a living person. "Moody explained patiently.

"Haha! So you believe me now?"

"Actually, when you almost told me to fall asleep last night, I reluctantly believed you.

If the Death Eaters had really captured me, they would have tortured me to extract information about the Order of the Phoenix, instead of sending someone pretending to be a dead person to persuade me all night long.

But I believe in tangible evidence more than those incredible words. "

"Does that mean that all my work this night has been in vain?" Sirius cursed with a look of grief and anger. If Moody was not injured now, he would definitely give him a slap in the face.

"You can't say that. If you hadn't said it all night, I wouldn't have believed it even if he came over."

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