A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 587 Basic standards for followers, the Ministry of Magic is about to fall (1/2)

Chapter 587 Basic standards for followers, the Ministry of Magic is about to fall

Aaron waved his wand and wrote a red contract in mid-air, "Since you believe it, please make your choice!"

"Working hard for a year?" Moody hesitated for a moment, "If I don't sign..."

"I will take your soul and set you free after five years."

"Five years?" Sirius' eyes widened, "Isn't it one year? Isn't this span too big?"

"Because there were five Order members who attacked me yesterday. Do you have any questions?"


"there is none left."

"Was Dumbledore's death part of his plan? Snape never betrayed the Order?"

"Have you even told him this?" Aaron rolled his eyes at Sirius, "It seems that it is right not to let you know the rest of Dumbledore's plan."

Sirius smiled coquettishly, "He signed the contract, so he is one of his own, and it doesn't matter if he knows about Snape.

If he didn't sign the contract, he would be no different from a dead person if he was sealed, unable to do anything. "

"Tch!" Aaron curled his lips and continued: "I can guarantee that it is true."

"Can I see the next steps?" Moody asked.

"No." Aaron refused bluntly, "I won't let anyone know before the time comes."

"Understood." Moody nodded, struggled to lift his bandaged arm and left his name at the end of the contract, "That's it!"

"That's almost it. It's worth my hard work all night." Sirius said with emotion.

"What's the plan next?"

"As you say, take good care of your injuries first!"

"I'm fine and I'll recover soon."

"I know that, but I don't have any plans for the time being." Aaron said lightly, and then pointed at Sirius, "He told you a lot, but certainly not everything."

"You mean I can tell him everything I know?" Sirius asked in surprise, "Including the Hall of Divine Calling, the contract made, and Voldemort's..."

"Including Voldemort's Horcruxes."

"Horcruxes?" Moody's face was filled with shock. "Did Voldemort make Horcruxes?"

"You know about Horcruxes?"

"After all, I have been an Auror for decades, and I have heard about some evil black magic." Moody murmured, "I really didn't expect that he would actually split his own soul."

"Actually, not counting the main soul that controls the body, he has six Horcruxes." Sirius said. At this time, he did not know that Harry Potter was also one of the Horcruxes.

"Six, Horcruxes?" Moody was stunned for a moment, and the shock on his face turned into horror, "He didn't leave any escape route!"

"Because Voldemort has never thought about retreating, he wants to take the road of immortality." Aaron explained with a chuckle, "What a peerless genius, he forcibly invalidated himself, otherwise he may not be able to reach the level of his ancestors." achievements.”

"Even so, six Horcruxes mean that the enemies we face are not as terrifying as usual."

"There is still good news." Sirius comforted the slightly absent-minded Moody. "The diary and the ancestral ring of the Gaunt family in the six Horcruxes have been destroyed. The Ravenclaw diadem is in Aaron's hand. However, destroying too many Horcruxes would alert Voldemort, so he did not destroy them for the time being.

We have found clues about the remaining three Horcruxes and Slytherin's locket. We are just waiting for an opportunity to find it. Hufflepuff's golden cup is definitely in Gringotts. Although it is difficult to find, it is not without a chance. Finally, there is the snake next to Voldemort, which is a living Horcrux. "

Moody nodded thoughtfully, quickly accepting the complex information.

"Voldemort doesn't know this yet. This is our advantage."

“That’s what I say, but the advantage is not big.

You guys talk slowly first, I'll go prepare breakfast first.

By the way, you'd better change into a new set of clothes later. The shape of this mummy is weird. "

After saying that, Aaron left the hut and took out a large piece of defrosted steak from the kitchen.

Cut it into two parts, process the blood, remove the fishy smell, add ingredients, marinate, tie with a rope, and fry over high heat.

"I almost forgot, I seem to be a wizard!" Aaron rubbed his forehead and took out the steak. Various seasonings and a bottle of wine automatically flew out of the cabinet and floated above him.

Then a ball of flame emerged from his hand, and the surface of the beef instantly turned red, and all the freshness and meat quality seemed to be locked inside...

More than ten minutes later, Aaron put two steaming steaks on the dinner plate.


Abe swallowed crazily, and after getting Aaron's permission, he pounced on a piece of steak that could be used as a quilt to cover it and gnawed on it.

Aaron picked up the knife and fork and enjoyed breakfast elegantly.

"What does it smell like?" Sirius shrugged his nose, smelling the aroma that filled the air, "Beef is different from anything I've ever tasted before."

"Didn't he just say that he was going to prepare breakfast?" Moody wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth without leaving a trace, "I should be able to eat it soon. I have been hungry all day."

Sirius saw his embarrassment and resisted striking him.

He knew Aaron fairly well, and he might be able to give them some of the ordinary breakfast, but they would definitely not be able to share the exquisite one.

Sure enough, when he brought Moody, who could barely move, to the kitchen, he saw only Abe, who was holding his belly and looking happy, and Aaron, who had just finished breakfast.

"This..." Moody just arrived and may not have fully understood the situation yet, "What are we going to eat?"

"It depends on him." Aaron raised an eyebrow at Sirius, "What does he do and what do you eat?

Don’t worry, the food he cooked is still edible. "

Moody: ...



In the next few days, everything seemed to calm down.

Moody gradually removed the straps on his body and changed into a clean set of clothes.

He is much more disciplined and calm than Sirius, and does not do unnecessary things, that is, he reads newspapers every day to understand the situation in the magical world.

In addition, he also kept an eye on Sirius and wouldn't let him disturb Aaron if he had nothing to do.

This made Aaron and Abe quite satisfied, and felt that this man's life was not in vain.

"Good morning, body." Aaron, who was lying on the seat and enjoying the scenery in his spiritual space, suddenly heard the voice of the missing body and suddenly opened his eyes.

"What happened?" Moody asked warily.

"Shh! Don't disturb me yet." Aaron made a silent gesture, and then asked in his mind, "What happened?"

"There is a new prophecy in the prophecy book, and I think it is necessary to inform you."

"I understand, it's probably not good news, right?"

"That's right."

Aaron sighed, stretched his hand into the air, and took out the prophecy book from a dark red magic circle.

"Long time no see, dear master.

Your loyal servants congratulate you on gaining another follower. "

"Follower?" Sirius was stunned for a moment, "Make no mistake, I am only temporarily working for him."

"What does 'again' mean?

If it weren't for the Order of the Phoenix, I would have retired long ago, and I wouldn't have time to spend time with young people messing around. "

"You're absolutely right." Aaron nodded with deep approval, "Follow me? Are they the only ones worthy of you?"

Although he is only a great mage now, he still has vision and foresight.

In the future, he will at least be a god of magic, and he will never stop there. There cannot be anyone under his command, and those who follow his footsteps cannot be some crooked melons or jujubes!

Loyalty is a necessary prerequisite, ability and intelligence must account for at least the same amount, appearance is a bonus, and others are ignored for the time being.

But what about Sirius and Moody? One who spends all his time thinking about how to be a good nanny, and one who is old, weak, sick and disabled, and whose strength is not that good, probably can't even withstand his three moves.

Just these two things, if he didn't have anyone on hand now, he wouldn't even take them for free.

"It was my negligence and I forgot about your vision, Master." The prophecy said flatteringly, "It should be that I have added another temporary follower."

Moody and Sirius looked at each other, both feeling that their dignity had been severely hit.

It's okay to be looked down upon by Aaron, but it's really intolerable to be looked down upon by a book.

"What the hell is this?" Moody said in a bad tone.

"Introduce yourself." The human face in the prophecy book said with a smile, "I am the book of prophecy, and I can randomly predict the accurate future.

Everything from your diet and clothing today to the end of the world and the restart of the universe are all within the scope of my predictions. "

"Really?" Moody asked, looking at Sirius.

"It should be true!" Sirius said uncertainly, "To be honest, I still don't know how many magic items he has."

"In short, there are more than you think." Aaron said, then looked at the prophecy book, "Tell me!"

"As you command, dear master.

Today's prediction is that the Ministry of Magic will fall and the Minister of Magic will be killed.

Voldemort's forces will occupy the British Ministry of Magic and become the actual ruler. "

"What?" Moody was shocked and subconsciously pulled out his wand.

"Don't waste your efforts." Aaron held his forehead and shook his head, "You can't do anything by yourself."

"At least notify Kingsley and ask the Order of the Phoenix to evacuate," Sirius said.

"It's useless. Kingsley's studio doesn't have enough time to protect the Muggle Prime Minister."

"Inform Scrimgeour then?"

"It's useless." Aaron said sarcastically, "Screengeour is better than Fudge and dares to face reality.

But he was too arrogant to believe any prophecies, let alone believe that the Ministry of Magic under his rule would be breached by Death Eaters.

What's more important is that I won't let you two pass on information. A dead person, a seriously injured person who can't even get out of the hospital bed. Notifying the Ministry of Magic is just causing trouble for myself. . "

"Then there's nothing you can do, right?" Sirius cursed angrily, "What's the use of knowing the prophecy?"

"You can't say that." The prophecy book teased, "I predicted your death. The master went to the Ministry of Magic after knowing this in advance, and you saved your life.

I predicted Dumbledore's death so that Master can..."

"It goes without saying." Aaron interrupted.

"Okay, Master."

"The important thing now is what can we do?" Moody said calmly, "Things haven't happened yet, there is always something we can do."

"You've got to the point." Aaron praised, and then took out a gold galleung from his pocket.

In his opinion, informing the Ministry of Magic was absolutely idiotic. Voldemort's ability to occupy the Ministry of Magic was definitely not based on a sudden attack, but on working together inside and outside.

The Death Eaters had already secretly infiltrated the Ministry of Magic and controlled a considerable number of important authorities. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for Voldemort to occupy and rule the Ministry of Magic in one day.

In this case, conveying information to the Ministry of Magic is actively handing over the clues to Voldemort.

But informing Hermione was different. If he notified her, he would inform the Order of the Phoenix. As for how the Order of the Phoenix arranged it, he had no control over whether he believed it or not.

Meanwhile, The Burrow.

Hermione was sitting in the attic with Harry and Ron.

She was flipping through a book called "The Tales of Peter the Poet" with a hint of confusion on her brows. Ron held a silver lighter and happily used it to absorb the light and then light it again. , Harry held a Golden Snitch and looked at it carefully, as if he wanted to discover the secret hidden in it.

The things in the hands of the three people are Dumbledore's relics. The Minister of Magic, Scrimgeour, gifted these items to the three of them yesterday, which was Harry's birthday, in accordance with his will.

The reason it took so long was because Scrimgeour felt that Dumbledore's relics contained important information.

You can't blame him for being so suspicious. After all, Dumbledore has been the principal of Hogwarts for so many years and has thousands of students, but only three students have received his inheritance, and among them is the famous savior Harry. ·Potter, this is no coincidence at all.

But the Ministry of Magic has been testing these three items for a long time and has never found anything fishy.

According to the Ministry of Magic's "Justified Confiscation of Materials Act", they can withhold Dumbledore's belongings for up to thirty-one days before returning them to the right person.

It is worth mentioning that Dumbledore's will also mentioned giving Gryffindor's sword to Harry Potter, but Scrimgeour insisted that the sword was the public property of Hogwarts, and they also I couldn't find where the sword was, so I had to leave it alone.

"Why did Dumbledore leave these things to us?" Hermione asked confused. "He must have known that the Ministry of Magic would inspect his relics, but if these things were really so important, why didn't he give them to us when he was alive? What about some hints?”

"Maybe he didn't expect that he would die so suddenly!" Ron said.

"I don't think so." Hermione said with a strange expression, "Dumbledore must have taken everything into consideration when he made his will."

"So? Gave you a storybook, gave Harry an old Snitch, and gave me a Deluminator.

Having said that, this is the first time in my life that I have received an inheritance. Ron said a little embarrassed, because among the three relics

The Deluminator is a rare alchemical product designed by Dumbledore himself. It is unique and of the highest value.

"That's the easiest way. You can use it if you have hands." Hermione rolled her eyes at him speechlessly, "I'm sure this book can be used."

There must be some clues left by Dumbledore, and it will take me some time to find them. "

"What about the Snitch?" Harry said with a frown, "I tried many methods but couldn't open it, even with my teeth."

"Be patient! You may need more time." Hermione comforted. As soon as she finished speaking, she was stunned for a moment and took out the gold Galleons for communication from her pocket.

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