A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 6 This dragon is really not picky about food

In front of a long dining table, Aaron looked at hundreds of plates and felt inexplicably sad.

It can be seen that Jeans has put a lot of effort into this breakfast, flying in the sky, swimming in the water, running on the ground, everything.

In addition, there are various fruits, vegetables, drinks, and even snacks, as long as he can get a portion of each.

But the problem is that this young master has never encountered this kind of treatment in his whole life, and the first meal in the little guy's life is a "Manchu-Han banquet".

As an owner, his life is worse than that of his pet. Is there any justice? Is there any family law?

"Ahem! Uncle Jeans, is this too extravagant?" Aaron asked unhappily.

Genes was stunned for a moment, and naturally heard the sourness in Aaron's tone, and smiled: "I know what the young master is going to say, but this pet of yours is really extraordinary. There has never even been a dragon of this kind in history. .

So if you want to take good care of it, it is crucial to figure out its eating habits.

You don’t want to have to worry about figuring out what it eats and what it doesn’t eat after you start school!

This breakfast table is both a celebration of its birth and a simple survey.

All common food types are included, and special investigators are responsible for recording. They will give a perfect analysis report before noon, so that you can raise it much more easily in the future. "

Aaron then turned his attention to the two people behind Genes and nodded silently.

"Go ahead, little one.

This is related to your future recipes. You only have one chance, so take advantage of it. "As he said that, Aaron put it on the dining table and let it play freely.

Genes raised his eyebrows slightly, "Master, now that it has been born, isn't it time to give it a name?

We can't always call it the little guy! "

"I've thought about this, but I really don't have any good ideas when it comes to choosing a name." Aaron smiled awkwardly. The little guy's name in the movie is 'Ab', but obviously he can't be called that in this world. , especially him, the new student at Hogwarts.

You must know that the principal's name is Albus Dumbledore. If his name was Albus, a teacher would probably talk to him on the first day of school.

Hearing what Aaron said, Genes suddenly straightened his back and said confidently: "Master, what do you think of 'Miko'?"

"Miko?" Aaron murmured thoughtfully.

The name sounds pretty good, and it's Genes's heartfelt wish. The most important thing is that he doesn't have any personal ideas, so why not just use it?

No matter what, it's better than the 'little guy'!

"Is this name..."

Before Aaron could finish his words, the little guy flew over, shook his head at him, and glared at Jeans fiercely.

"It's up for debate. Yes, this name is still up for debate." Aaron declined politely.

"Okay!" Genes said with some regret. The name is quite good, but the little guy is not satisfied.

At this time, the little guy grabbed Aaron's hand and put it on his head, with a pair of dragon eyes smiling like a crescent moon.

Aaron understood instantly and said with a wry smile: "You want me to give you a name?"

The little guy nodded and glanced at Jeans a little arrogantly.

Jeans: ...

It turns out that it’s not that I chose the wrong name, but that the person who named it was wrong!

But this is also a good thing. At least the relationship between the young dragon and the young master is much closer than he thought.

After a few seconds, Aaron gritted his teeth and said, "How about you call me Abe!"

"Master, isn't this name a bit low-key?" Genes said.

But the little guy didn't think so. On the contrary, he was extremely excited. He flew around Aaron several times before returning to the dining table. He was obviously very satisfied with his name.

"Uncle Genes, what did you just say?" Aaron asked playfully.

"No, I didn't say anything. Master, you heard wrong."

The little guy who got the name was very happy and landed on the dining table again. He proudly raised his chin and walked towards the nearest plate with his head held high.

The chefs of the Gaius family are also professional elites, and every dish they cook is extremely delicious.

Abe was unwilling to miss every dish, but his belly was so big. He sniffed some dishes and hesitated for a moment before walking away, while he stayed on some dishes for a short while and stuck out his tongue to lick them. , after taking one or two bites, only a few dishes could excite it. It stretched out its small hands to several investigators and gestured wildly with its eyes.

In half an hour, the feast that Jeans had worked so hard to prepare was not in vain, and he finally figured out the little guy's recipe.

Several investigators looked at each other and handed over the reports in their hands with some hesitation.

After Aaron looked at it carefully, a smile appeared on his face, and he said meaningfully: "Abe is much easier to raise than I thought!"

Jeans also nodded. It seems that there is no need to prepare meals in the future.

All food categories on the report have at least one check mark, which means that Abbey is not picky at all, and those who have two check marks are more likely to like snacks such as biscuits, fruits, and chocolates. I like the three hooks very much, chicken legs and milk in this series.

Aaron stepped forward and picked up Abe, who had gained several kilograms, and placed the report in front of him. "See if there are any problems? If there are no problems, I will rely on it to decide your recipes in the future."

After Abe looked at it, he whined a few times, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Aaron was relieved. Abe's intelligence was not low. Since there was no objection, it meant that the report was still advisable.

"But..." Jeans hesitated for a few seconds, then pondered: "Abe is a dragon after all, it shouldn't be able to eat people, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a chill on his back. Aaron and Abe were staring at him, seemingly dissatisfied with him for having this doubt.

"Haha! I was just joking.

Abe looks like a dragon at first glance, how could he eat people? "

In the next few days, Aaron went to Diagon Alley to sign in every morning, and Abe was also taken there.

It can drink milk tea, milk, whatever you want.

But one rule must be followed and you are not allowed to leave the boss's room.

After all, I haven’t received the official “dragon skating license” yet! He wouldn't dare take it on the street openly until he was 100% sure there was no risk.

Now the reason why Abe can leave Gaius Castle is because he wears a blue dress to cover his wings and a white hat on his head to cover his ears.

It's obviously a dragon with unlimited potential, but with this set of equipment, it's just a cute kitten.

In the room, Aaron was lying on the rocking chair with his eyes closed, but his consciousness was immersed in the system mall.

[Magic category: @Transfiguration (1000 magic points, including Animagus); @Water Resistance Spell (100 magic points, can breathe freely underwater); @Levitation Spell (10 magic points ); @Patronus Charm (200 magic points); @Phantom Movement (800 magic points). 】

[Material category: @Phoenix feathers (30 magic points); @Dragon blood (20 magic points); @Mandrake (5 magic points); @Bezoar (1 magic point); @Rhino horn (3 magic points). 】

[Item Category: @Magic Carpet (200 magic points, 3 meters long and 2 meters wide); @Magic Crystal (100 magic points, has powerful magic power, can power the magic circle); @Fu Ling Potion (500 magic points); @Invisibility Potion (100 magic points, you can become invisible for three hours after drinking it); @Collector's Edition Quaffle (30 magic points, for those who like Quidditch A priceless treasure in human eyes)]

"Alas!" Aaron sighed slightly. What he wanted was very expensive, but he couldn't afford it. Let's buy something he could afford! It's useless.

Now it seems that the plan cannot be changed, and collecting magic points is the main business.

Then there was a ringing of bells on the wall.

Abe happily jumped to Aaron's side. He knew that this was a signal to go home, and it was also a signal that dinner was about to begin.

As a newborn baby dragon, it attaches great importance to its own food.

"Don't think about it so much, let's go home." Aaron said, then picked up Abe and walked towards the fireplace.

"Master, please go first." Genes smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

"I know, it's not just once or twice. You don't need to remind me." Aaron rolled his eyes and then used Floo powder.

As a group of green flames rose, Jeans subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. This time he did not follow back to the castle, but used phantom movement to leave the place.

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