A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 7 Cute pets have to meet their parents after all

Aaron and Abe came out of the fireplace, and their clothes were cleaned by Jobi's magic.

But this time there was no Genes following them, which made them all a little confused.

"Jobbi, is there anything going on at home today? Why don't you see the butler?" Aaron asked. In his impression, Genes has always been a dog-skin plaster that can't be shaken off.

But this time, she was uncharacteristically not following him. Is there anything more important than protecting him as a young master?

"Jobbi doesn't know, but Lord Jeans seems to be very happy.

By the way, Lord Jeans seemed to have said that he was going to the airport. "

"Airport?" Aaron murmured, a look of realization soon appeared on his face, and he hugged Abe excitedly, "The Gaius couple are coming back, and soon we can go out and play openly.

However, your identity must be kept as secret as possible. After all, we are too weak now and you are so rare. If the desperate dark wizard wants to capture you again, we don't even have the ability to protect ourselves. "

After hearing the previous sentence, Abe jumped up happily, his wings threatening to burst his clothes.

But after hearing the next sentence, he reluctantly retracted his wings. Although there was still a smile on his face, he was not as cheerful as he was at the beginning.

Today's dinner was extremely sumptuous, and Abe's mouth watered when he saw it.

There are chicken legs that it likes to eat very much, and a fruit platter.

Ever since it was born, it has been eating with Aaron. Although the food is not bad, it is not satisfied every time.

Jean specially asked someone to prepare a special recipe for it, and strictly followed it. It couldn't eat anything even if it was greedy, and even called it "for the good of the dragon".

This is simply bullying Long. After Long Sheng's first meal, he experienced a 'Manchu-Han banquet', who would care about a few dishes?

After watching it for a while, Abe felt a little worried and cautiously stretched out his little paw.

But just in the middle of the process, Aaron pulled him back unceremoniously, "We're not all here yet! Please calm down first."

"Ugh!" Abe suddenly showed a wronged expression.

But this time-tested skill of being cute didn't work unexpectedly today. Aaron looked at it and said seriously: "This is for your own good. My parents are very rule-abiding."

Normally you can be more casual, but today you are welcoming them home, so you still have to be polite.

You don’t want the first impression you leave on them to be naughty! "

Abe was obviously stunned for a moment, then silently sat on the pet seat next to Aaron, and returned to his original state, staring at the food and drooling.

Aaron watched this scene and quietly placed a small cup under its chin.

The saliva of the holy dragon! Maybe it’s some rare material!

After all, this is a magical world, and magical creatures are full of treasures. Blood, scales, bones, venom and even hair are all versatile and valuable.

A few minutes later, three figures suddenly appeared in front of the dining table.

This is Phantom Movement, a magic that can teleport, but he doesn't know it yet.

One of them is naturally Genes. At this moment, he is standing respectfully behind the two of them without any overstep.

The other two are Aaron's parents, Vico Gaius and Lisanna Gaius.

"I just said that our precious son will be waiting here." Lisanna said happily, walking quickly to Aaron and giving him a loving hug.

The same goes for Vico, but his performance is not as exaggerated as Lisanna's.

"Is it because I don't go to school that you won't come back?" Aaron asked with some complaints, "Sometimes I really wonder if I was adopted."

"How can you say that? We have always put you in the most important position.

No matter how busy we are, our love for you never diminishes. "Vico said confidently. He also knew that his son had some resentment towards them, but he was not worried because it was just a joke between family members.

Aaron has shown maturity beyond his peers since he was a child, and with Genes taking care of him, the two of them were willing to carry out the plan they had set when they were young, which was to travel around the world.

Of course, this is not a simple tour. During the process, some things related to the magical world will occasionally be dealt with, but Aaron does not know this.


"Of course it's true." Lisanna said immediately, "We brought you some gifts when we came back this time."

Then, she took out an hourglass in front of Aaron. The hourglass was made up of two white bases and three white pillars. In the middle was a "gourd" composed of two drop-shaped transparent glass covers, with a yellow inside. The grains of sand look particularly...ordinary.

Aaron took it and looked at it carefully for a few seconds but found nothing unusual about it. Then he set his sights on Vico, hoping that he could give an explanation.

"Um...can you not say it?" Vico hesitated.

Aaron smiled and said, "Dad, I like this gift very much. After all, I don't have this thing in my room.

But this is a gift you gave me, and it contains a lot of family affection. I have to know which roadside stall I bought it from! "

"Did you see it?" Vico said awkwardly.

"Isn't this nonsense? I'm not blind." Aaron rolled his eyes. This thing can be sold in any market, and the price will never exceed one Galleung.

“Although it’s an ordinary hourglass, the sand is different.

This is a souvenir specially prepared by your mother and I when we traveled to Egypt. It is the sand under the pyramids. "

Aaron: ...

It's hard to accept that he suddenly said it so solemnly, but in any case, its essence is no different from the wholesale goods outside.

"Forget it, let's start dinner! The little guy is a little hungry too."


The Gaius couple were stunned for a moment and began to look around, but they did not see their son's pet.

"where is it?

Jeans' previous letter still spoke highly of Abe. Where did you hide it? Lisanna asked, somewhat impatient to see her son's pet dragon.

"Madam, there." Genes pointed to a white pet next to Aaron and said a little embarrassedly.

Lisanna looked in the direction of the finger, feeling amazed but also a little embarrassed.

It's not that she didn't see it, but this cute and overly cute pet seemed to be asleep and motionless.

There was even glistening saliva hanging from the corner of her mouth, and the drops falling one after another made her misunderstand that this was her son's new timer.

"Can you wake it up?" Vico said softly, he was still very interested in this new species of dragon.

"Of course, no problem." Aaron flicked Abe's head gently, and he opened his eyes in a daze.

A pair of big black eyes looked at the two strangers who suddenly appeared on the dining table, and couldn't help but feel a little confused. These must be the owner's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Gaius looked at this cute little dragon and their hearts melted.

This is definitely the cutest creature they have ever seen, bar none, and the unicorn cub is a bit less interesting compared to it.

"Son, can I touch it?" Lisanna asked.

"Yes, yes, but Abe likes to eat chicken legs." Aaron said meaningfully, glancing slightly at the dining table.

Lisanna understood instantly and gave Aaron a satisfied look.

This is to let her feed! She really likes feeding cute pets and stuff.

Without hesitation, she pushed a whole plate of chicken legs in front of Abe, "Eat it! It's all for you."

"And fruit."

"Take it."

Another plate was pushed to Abe.

Abe's face was filled with joy, but he still turned to look at Aaron, as if to ask for his opinion, but the saliva at the corner of his mouth proved that he couldn't wait any longer.

"Oh! Go ahead! But you don't need to teach me what to do before that?"

Abe nodded, spread his wings and flew up. A few seconds later, he landed in Lisanna's arms, allowing her to experience the feeling of masturbating a dragon first.

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