A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 606 This is not about money, the relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald (1/2)

Chapter 606 This is not about money, the relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald

Aaron activated his detection ability, confirmed that there were no customers inside the Pig Head Bar, and walked in.

"Who's here?" The bar owner looked towards the door and wiped the glass on his hand. "It's a good stealth method. If this wasn't my territory, I might not be able to find it."

"Aberforth Dumbledore?"

The bar owner put down his cup, a look of solemnity flashed in his blue eyes, "Who are you? Who asked you to come?"

Aaron removed the magic from his body and revealed his true appearance, "I think you should remember me."

"I have the impression that you had a meeting with a group of students at my place two years ago." Aberforth said, "What is the purpose of your coming to me?

Don't tell me you're here to drink. There are a lot of Death Eaters in Hogsmeade, and you probably can't leave Hogwarts now. "

"They can't stop me if I want to leave school." Aaron said with high spirits.

"I can tell."

“As for the purpose…I’m here to find you.

That old bastard Dumbledore said you would guide Harry when necessary, and I want to know exactly how. "

"Didn't Albus tell you?" Aberforth asked meaningfully.


"Then there's no need for me to tell you."

"It doesn't matter, I don't have to know. Maybe there will be some surprises." Aaron waved his hand indifferently, and then transformed into the image of Gandalf, "I will join as this person next. Go to Harry's team, if you have the means to spy on them and see this person, please don't get me wrong."

Aberforth raised his eyebrows, amazed by Aaron's transformation skills, "Are you the Grand Magister?"

"Junior Grand Magister, the girl who is acting with Harry is my girlfriend."

Aberforth nodded thoughtfully, "You will be formidable in life.

But this shouldn’t be the only purpose of your coming here, right? "

"There are two more." Aaron said bluntly, "I wonder if you have seen Fox."

"That phoenix?" Aberforth seemed to have figured something out, "I'm sorry to disappoint you.

The phoenix will indeed protect Dumbledore's bloodline, but I...I don't really want to see it. Do you understand what I'm saying? "

"It's hard to tell, isn't it?"

Aaron looked considerate on the surface, but secretly scolded Aberforth for his ignorance.

That's a phoenix, an ultra-rare species that can't be found in the entire magical world. You don't want it, I want it!

Although he raised a holy dragon, which was dozens of times more powerful than the Phoenix, it did not mean that the Phoenix was worthless. Fox's tears were worth more than Abe's healing magic.

But Aberforth rejected Phoenix, which meant that he had to meet Grindelwald.

"Why do I feel like you are scolding me?"

"Nothing, it's just that you're overthinking it." Aaron said seriously, "Since Phoenix is ​​not here, let's talk about one last thing!

I believe you also know the current situation in the wizarding world. To fight against Voldemort, Harry Potter alone is not enough. In addition to prophecies, we also need powerful power. "

"So?" Aberforth looked at Aaron playfully, "You don't want me, an old man who has lived for more than a hundred years, to fight the Dark Lord, do you?"

"If you can." Aaron licked his face and smiled.

"No." Aberforth refused flatly, "You are very good-looking, but your thoughts are too beautiful."

"I'm not asking you to duel with the Dark Lord, you can't beat him either.

But you are Aberforth Dumbledore, the biological brother of Albus Dumbledore. With this identity, our morale will be greatly improved as long as you come forward. "

Aberforth was stunned for a moment, and looked at Aaron with a bit of surprise, "Who do you think I am? Do I look like I'm advertising?"

"Well...the price is negotiable."

"Do you think I lack the money?"

"Otherwise...?" Aaron's lips twitched slightly and he looked up and down at the dilapidated bar.

It's small, dirty, messy, with a faint smell of mutton in the air, and the sun can't even come in. What's even more outrageous is that this bar only offers two drinks, butterbeer and firewhiskey.

If he had enough funds, the first thing he would do would be to hire someone to come over and clean it, no, tear the place down and rebuild it.

"Ha! Haha! You are really interesting!" Aberforth said with a smile, "It sounds like I'm not at a loss."

"Of course it's not a loss, just show up." Aaron said seriously. Once the war starts, as long as he dares to show up, he will be coerced into joining the battle. The weight of a great mage is not small!

"I've had this bar for a long time," Aberforth said meaningfully. "It's always been like this."

"Indeed." Aaron looked at the thick dirt on the wall and floor. "It's quite troublesome to clean up, but it's enough for me to pay a thousand Galleons."

"It's not about money."

"Two thousand galleons?"

"Don't you understand people?"

"Add ten more sheep. I heard you like goats." Aaron remained patient enough, but seeing Aberforth blowing his beard and staring, his confidence gradually weakened.

"This price is really not low. You can't be greedy!"

"I won't help you no matter how much money you pay." Aberforth cursed angrily, "I warned Dumbledore more than ten years ago, but he insisted on believing that prophecy and dragged out the disaster. Now.

Besides, my relationship with him is not very good, and helping him guide Harry Potter is the limit of what I can do. "

"Well..." Aaron smacked his lips, "Past experience tells me that the price I offered doesn't seem to satisfy you."

"Hmph! Even if you talk about it, I won't take action.

Dumbledore believed in prophecies and believed that Harry Potter could kill the Dark Lord. As a younger brother, why not believe in Dumbledore? "

“To be honest, I don’t think prophecies are very reliable.

But some things are indeed inextricably related to Harry Potter, and Dumbledore chose to believe in the prophecy after repeated verifications. "

“That’s fine then.

Since the outcome is already determined, why should I intervene? "

"But since I decided to join in, the prophecy should change."

Aaron sighed helplessly. The contract between him and Voldemort destined that a war would be inevitable, so he had to find a way to turn the siege into a melee, so as to make it easier to fish in troubled waters.

"Aberforth, that prophecy said that one of Harry and Voldemort would die at the hands of the other, but this was only the ending, not the process."

"What's the meaning?"

"Is this the prophecy? We all joined forces and beat Voldemort to his last breath. At this time, Harry Potter stepped forward and gave him the final blow."

Aberforth Dumbledore: ...

"Where did you come from? You have such a rich imagination."

"This is the plan I prepared." Aaron shrugged, "It's not imagination.

Only by following this plan can my safety be maximized. "

"Your safety, your..." Aberforth's expression changed from disdain to seriousness, "What does this have to do with your safety?"

"It's a big deal. It's all because of your brother who is tired of living." Aaron looked at Aberforth aggrievedly and briefly told him about the contract between him and Voldemort, as well as the death of Dumbledore. What happened after falling from the tower.

As soon as he finished speaking, Aaron felt like his hair was rising.

Aberforth was staring at him, his blue eyes almost turning green.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Aaron took half a step back nervously, "I'm not interested in men, and I'm even less interested in bad old men. Don't come over here!"

"You said you have a potion that can revive people, right?" Aberforth asked seriously.

"My magic potion can only resurrect people who have been dead for less than an hour."

Aberforth's expression darkened, "Give it to me, and I can promise to help."

"Oh?" Aaron raised his eyebrows, and suddenly I felt like he had an advantage, "You're not worth the price!"

"I still have a vault in Gringotts. All my savings over the years..."

"It's not about money."

Aaron happily returned what Aberforth had just said.

"I don't want to say this, but it's impossible for me to give you the resurrection potion. It's the last layer of protection for my life.

And it won't be of any use to you, the people you care about would have turned into dust long ago. "

"I know, but, but..." Aberforth hesitated, with a trace of pain on his expression, and he couldn't say the words.

"It can be seen that that person is very important to you, and you are not willing to give up even this slim hope."

"She is Ariana Dumbledore, my sister." Aberforth raised his arm heavily and pointed to a magic portrait hanging on the mantelpiece, "That's what she looked like before she died."

"Very cute." Aaron looked at the teenage blond girl in a blue dress in the portrait, "But she's not pretty, and she's much worse than my girlfriend."

Aberforth glared at Aaron hard, and was so angry that he wanted to curse.

"Rita Skeeter said in the Daily Prophet that Dumbledore had something to do with Ariana's death."

"Damn reporters." Aberforth said disdainfully, "But she was right. If Dumbledore hadn't brought that bastard Grindelwald back, maybe she wouldn't have died."

"Does this have something to do with Grindelwald?" Aaron asked with some guilt. After all, his next stop was Nurmengard, and it would not hurt him to know more about the Dark Lord of the previous generation.

"It's all his fault," Aberforth said rudely, "Dumbledore was also involved, and so was I...it's ridiculous, any one of us could be the murderer."

"Can you be more specific?" As Aaron spoke, he took out a bottle of vodka and two brand-new glasses from his backpack.

He poured two glasses of wine, picked up one for himself, and handed the other to Aberforth, "This is not the first time that I have heard someone talk. Some things will make me feel better if I tell them."

Aberforth looked at Aaron deeply, picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"When my sister was six years old, she had a magical riot. At that time, she was seen by three Muggle boys. They bullied her as a monster.

This destroyed Ariana. She began to fear and suppress her magic, but she couldn't get rid of it, which led her to..."

"Oscurus? She became an Obscurus." Aaron was a little surprised. "That is a very dangerous dark magic. When it gets out of control, it will cause huge damage to the surroundings, and the Obscurus rarely lives beyond the age of ten."

"I can take care of her, and her mood can remain stable with me." Aberforth said excitedly. "I can coax her to eat, sleep, calm down and feed the sheep with me. This is what Albus can do." Arrived.

At that time, Albus didn't want to worry about her. He was addicted to all kinds of vanity and awards and couldn't extricate himself. "

"Young and frivolous! It's understandable."

"But I can't forgive." Aberforth said coldly, "I took care of her until she was fourteen, but one day when I was not around, she lost control and killed her mother."

"Well... to a certain extent, the Ministry of Magic's control over the Obscurials makes sense."

Aberforth did not refute and continued: "The news of my mother's death told Albus to go home and see me. He asked me to finish my studies and stay here to take care of Ariana on my mother's behalf."

"That sounds like there's nothing wrong with it. If you hadn't graduated yet, you might not be able to control the Obscurial."

"That's what he used to convince me, and I believed him, even though he didn't pay much attention to his sister in the past few years.

He did well at first, but a few weeks later, that person came..." Aberforth's expression became dangerous, and he drank all the wine in the glass.

Aaron very discerningly gave him a refill, knowing that he had finally come to the important part that he cared about.

"Grindelwald." Aberforth took another sip of strong wine and said through gritted teeth, "After Grindelwald came, taking care of his sister became the second priority. Two genius wizards are brewing a great plan for the greater good. What does the mood of a little girl matter to our plan?"

"and after?"

"Then I had enough and I went to argue with him before Hogwarts started.

They want to change the order of the magical world, and go to various places to give speeches to incite people's hearts, recruit followers, and make Muggles behave themselves and wizards no longer hide.

It sounds great, right, but he shouldn't take his sister away with him. "


Aaron spit out a sip of vodka, "Albus was definitely crazy at the time. Did he let an Obscurial follow them to give speeches all over the world? Was it because she didn't die quickly enough?"

"So I couldn't stand it, but Grindelwald was very unhappy. He felt that I had become a stumbling block between him and Dumbledore."

"Then you started fighting, right?"

"I was more restrained, but he was the first to use the Cruciatus Curse against me.

Albus tried to stop the two of us, but the sound of the fighting and the light of the spell attracted Ariana. She probably wanted to help, but she..."

"But she couldn't control her magic power, so that's how the tragedy happened." Aaron told him what happened next.

Aberforth choked up, avoided the bottle in Aaron's hand, and drank in despair.

"Now you know my relationship with them!

After Ariana died, Grindelwald ran away, Albus got rid of a burdensome sister, and I had nothing. "

"Maybe..." Aaron carefully took care of Aberforth's mood, "Dumbledore is not what you think."

Frankly speaking, I don't like Dumbledore very much, but his character is still worthy of respect. He has always regretted, blamed himself, and even suffered from this matter. "

"Haha! Do you understand him as well as I do?" Aberforth said contemptuously.

"I definitely don't understand him as well as you do." Aaron admitted bluntly, "Albus doesn't care about Ariana as much as you do, but he will never treat his family as a burden.

You know this very well, otherwise you wouldn't agree to his help for Harry Potter. It's just that your sister's death has always made you feel grudge against him. "

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