A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 607 The value of Hades, pulling Aberforth Dumbledore onto the pirate ship (1/2)

Chapter 607: The value of Hades, pulling Aberforth Dumbledore onto the pirate ship

"Do you think I will help you if you say that?" Aberforth sneered, "I am old, but I am not an old fool. I will not join the team against the mysterious man just because of your few words."

"Still not satisfied with the price I offered?"

"The only thing about you that can impress me is the bottle of magic potion, but you obviously won't give it to me."

"It is indeed a bit troublesome." Aaron thought for a while and gritted his teeth hesitantly, "What if I can help you see Ariana?"

Aberforth was stunned for a moment, "Are you kidding? My sister has been dead for almost a century.

I know that your Gaius family has a rich heritage and countless treasures, but resurrecting a person who has been dead for nearly a hundred years is nonsense. "

"It's not resurrection. I don't have that ability, but I can still simply let you meet."

"Are you serious?" Aberforth asked in surprise.

“I have a share of Hades, which is soil from the underworld.

Using special summoning rituals and using the relics or bones of the deceased as a guide, the soul of the deceased can be extradited back to the living world in a short period of time. Aaron patiently explained to Aberforth, "The deceased will not have the troubles or diseases she had during her lifetime. She will just be an ordinary fourteen-year-old witch."

You can talk to her and chat, but she will still return to the underworld when the time is up. "

Aberforth looked at Aaron in surprise, and felt a little moved in his heart.

Ariana has always been a regret in his heart. If he could meet her, he could at least say sorry. A belated apology would be better than no apology at all.

However, he didn't agree immediately. If he persisted, the price might go up.

The contract signed between Aaron and Voldemort made him very thirsty for the strong, and he considered himself not weak in strength. He was considered a master among the Grand Magisters. Even Voldemort could survive more than a dozen rounds.

"Don't you agree?" Aaron frowned slightly, "That's right, almost a century has passed and you must have let it go.

Sorry to bother you, just pretend I haven't been here today! "

"Wait a minute." Aberforth stopped him hastily, "How do I know if you are lying to me?"

The corner of Aaron's mouth curled up, he finally took the bait!

"We can make a contract. The Gaius family's contract is absolutely fair and just. I can guarantee that everything I say is true."

Aberforth hesitated for a moment, "Can I only see one dead person?"

"You are too greedy!" Aaron couldn't help rolling his eyes, "You have lived for more than a hundred years, and there must be many dead people you want to see, such as father, mother, teachers, relatives and friends, etc.

But I only have one share of Hades, and I have to pay a lot of money to get it. At most, I can only let you see one deceased person. "

"I understand." Aberforth took a deep breath, "Let's make a contract!"

Aaron nodded slightly, took out his wand and wrote more than ten lines of scarlet text in mid-air.

Aberforth couldn't help but frowned after reading it.

"I have to obey your orders within a year?"

"Not a year to be exact, but before Voldemort is eliminated.

Just in case, I adjusted the time back a little, and the remaining time after destroying Voldemort will naturally be void.

And I won't let you do anything that makes you feel embarrassed. You have the right not to participate in plans that have nothing to do with fighting Voldemort.

In other words, this is not a master-servant contract, or even a contract of equality. Its value depends on the character of both of us. "

"Won't you suffer from this?" Aberforth said playfully.

"The strong always have privileges." Aaron said bluntly, "A great magister deserves such respect. If you were a magister, I might not be so easy to talk to."

"Quite sincere." Aberforth smiled.

"By the way, I would like to ask you, what level are you among the great magisters?"

"High level." Aberforth said with some pride, "But after all, I am old, and I haven't fought with anyone for a long time, so the combat power I can exert is only slightly better than that of an ordinary mid-level great mage. ”

"Hiss!" Aaron gasped. He thought that Aberforth was at most an intermediate level magister, but he didn't expect to be so secretive. This time he really made a profit.

"Are you surprised?"

"Yes, you are much stronger than I thought."

"Albus Dumbledore is so good, he always attracts everyone's attention. Who would notice his younger siblings in this situation?

I admit that I am not as good as Albus, but I have also fought against Grindelwald several times. If I were really mediocre, I would definitely grow taller than you. "

Aaron: ...

It makes sense, but I am speechless.

Aberforth continued to look at the remaining contents of the contract, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"You will hand over the Underworld to me only after you destroy Voldemort?"

"Pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other, it's very fair!" Yaren said confidently, "The first one is that I gave you the greatest respect, the second one is that I have to leave some protection for myself!

At the same time, this is also pressure on you. Don’t die before Voldemort is eliminated. You can’t find Ariana in the underworld. "

"Little Fox."

"That's ridiculous, compared to Albus Dumbledore, I'm a scumbag." Aaron said shyly, "The last one is the punishment for defaulters, who must endure the Cruciatus Curse for one hour.

Can I sign now? "

Aberforth stretched out his finger, made a few strokes in the air, and left his name.

"The contract is complete." Aaron said with satisfaction, "I will announce the first thing you will do next."

"So impatient?"

"Of course, time is precious." Aaron smiled meaningfully, and then took out a silver-black key from his pocket.

Feeling the looming magic on the key, Aberforth also realized that it was a door key, "Where are you sending me?"

"Hogwarts, my secret base.

It is very safe, with adequate housing and food security.

I left a clone and two tool men who signed the contract there. I hope you won't make a fuss after seeing them. "

Aberforth was silent for a moment, "Tell me what your purpose is?"

"It's simple, protect Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"You can't even protect yourself, but you still have time to care about Hogwarts?"

"As long as you follow my plan, Voldemort will be nothing at all. I am preparing for the future." Aaron said seriously, "I have made a huge contribution to Hogwarts. It will be much easier for me to be the principal in the future."

Hearing this, Aberforth blinked blankly.

"What? Be the principal?" Aberforth looked at Aaron in astonishment, "Are you crazy? You are the only heir to the Gaius family!"

"It doesn't matter, I am a special heir.

As long as I get married and have children, I have the right to choose my children and enjoy life to the fullest. Hogwarts is the nursing home I carefully selected. "

Aberforth looked confused and felt numb all over.

It's incredible that the heir of an ancient wizard family would have such an idea.

But when he thought that he was still hanging around running a bar in Hogsmeade, he had no shame in judging Aaron. At least being a principal was more promising than being a bar owner.

"In Slytherin, you are considered an odd flower."

"I am definitely better than the principal Albus Dumbledore." Aaron said confidently, "Besides, what I just said should be kept confidential and don't tell others."

"I still have this sense of propriety." Aberforth said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry. If he said this, not many people would believe it.

Aaron placed the key in Aberforth's hand. He glanced at his bar and activated the magic on it.

After a while, Aberforth arrived at the center of the Hall of Divine Sound.

"Are you kidding me?" Aberforth's eyes widened in disbelief, "What kind of secret base could be built like this?"

"Of course it's Aaron Gaius' secret base." Si Nian came over and said, "Good afternoon, Mr. Aberforth Dumbledore, I didn't expect that the main body could really invite you here."

"Who are you? How did you get here?"

"It's so funny, I didn't leave here." The missing body lightly shrugged and briefly explained to Aberforth his relationship with the original body.

"Clone, a real and thoughtful clone?" Aberforth's expression twitched, and a feeling of envy, jealousy, and hatred surged into his heart.

Why didn't he know this magic in the first place? If his clone completed his studies and his body took care of Ariana, maybe such a tragedy would not have happened.

"Don't be envious, you are old enough to stop thinking too wildly.

Before I introduce my secret base, I should let you know something first. "The missing body said, and then took out a green memory bottle and extracted part of the silver substance inside into the pensieve.

"Whose memory is this?"

"Professor Snape." The missing body said solemnly, "Albus Dumbledore assigned you the task of helping Harry when necessary, but he certainly did not tell you all the plans.

Counting you down, you are the sixth person to have seen this memory. Besides me and Darwin’s friend Klea, she is also my girlfriend..."

"Besides Granger, do you have other girlfriends?" Aberforth asked, looking at the missing body in astonishment.

"There are three of them now, and they all know it." The Missing Body said a little embarrassed.

"It's amazing, you can ride on three boats." Aberforth said in a sinister tone, "Aren't you afraid of capsizing?"

"Correction, I stick to three boats.

It is impossible to turn over, I have absolute confidence in this. "

"Are all the young people today having so much fun?" Aberforth couldn't help but feel abandoned by the times, "I didn't have the courage like you when I was young."

"I can't help it. This can only be blamed on my damn charm that has nowhere to go." The Missing Body said without blushing and out of breath, "I could have relied on my face to make a living, but I had no choice but to choose my talent.

But later I discovered that there is no conflict between choosing talent and relying on face to make a living. On the contrary, it is more conducive to relying on face to make a living. "

Aberforth: ...

"You are the most thick-skinned I have ever seen in my life."

"Can I understand it as a compliment?" Missing Body said seriously, "The education I received since I was a child tells me that only by being thick-skinned can you survive in society."

"Well... in a sense, the education you received is really correct."

"I've always thought so, but that's not important. What's important is whether you want to read this memory or not?"

"Of course you have to see it." Aberforth walked to the pensieve, slowly plunged his head into the basin, and entered Snape's memory.

The memories he saw were exactly the same as those seen by Sirius, Lupine and Moody, with only two brief conversations, but his behavior after exiting the Pensieve was much calmer.

"Albus and Snape, huh, I didn't expect things to develop like this."

"You don't seem too surprised."

"Do you think my more than 100 years of life have been in vain? My experience is beyond your comparison."

"That's not necessarily true." The missing person curled his lips in disdain. He had been to two different worlds after all. Although the time was shorter, his experiences were definitely no less than Aberforth's.

"Dumbledore has other plans, right?"

"Yes, there is still part of it, but I don't intend to let you know.

You have very complicated feelings about Dumbledore, and knowing that last part before the time comes may have some adverse effects on my plans. "

"I'm not that motivated." Aberforth said dissatisfied.

"I believe it, but I won't bet." Missing her face was expressionless.

Aberforth could hold a grudge against Albus for the rest of his life because of his sister's death. If he knew that Voldemort's plan to kill Harry was also part of his plan, who knows what this powerful wizard would think?

Maybe he would just laugh it off, or maybe he would yell at Albus for being incompetent. It is not impossible to work hard when he is depressed.

"Snape knows this place, right?"

"I took him on a tour a few days ago, and I didn't bind him with a contract."


"Aaron, have you brought someone here again?" Sirius walked out from inside the huge stone statue of Slytherin and looked at Aberforth inexplicably, "It feels a bit familiar!"

"Of course it looks familiar to you." The Missing Body said in a funny voice, "This is Dumbledore, Aberforth Dumbledore, the biological brother of Albus Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore's...brother?" Sirius was stunned for a moment, with a clear look of stupidity in his eyes, "He actually has a younger brother?"

"Is it weird? I didn't know Regulus was your brother a few months ago."

"But this... this is too sudden!" Sirius scratched his head, "Wait, this is a good thing. With Aberforth joining us, we will have a powerful helper."

"I remember you were supposed to be dead? What method did he use to save you?" Aberforth asked curiously.

"Well... I just faked my death, and he brought me back from the brink of death.

In addition to me, he saved Mad-Eye and he's here. "

"It seems you are kinder than I thought."

"Then you really think too much, but I don't mind if you think of me in a good light.

Sirius, please introduce the Temple of Divine Sound to Aberforth and tell him the purpose of this secret base. "

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