A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 67 Kindness and the Virgin are two different things

Everyone looked at Aaron in surprise, and Hagrid was even more excited, "Do you really have a way to save this unicorn?"

"No." Aaron shook his head decisively, denying it very simply.

He does have a bottle of resurrection potion that can revive a life that dies within an hour, but he only has one bottle, and there may not be a second bottle in the future. It is not worth using such a precious thing on a unicorn. .

Magical animals are indeed rare, and unicorns are also very pure, but what does this have to do with him?

There are so many living lives that have died, he can't save every one of them! That's God's job.

"But Ronan said so, the centaur's predictions have never been wrong." Hagrid said with some doubt.

"Who knows if this is slander, and is there any evidence for it?" Aaron replied unconvinced, "Even if it is not slander, who can guarantee that the centaurs will not misread the revelation of the stars."


Hagrid hesitated for a moment and looked at Ronan with questioning eyes, "Can you guarantee it?"

"The prophecies of the centaurs are very accurate, but there have indeed been misunderstandings about the stars of destiny before."

"Look." Aaron spread his hands, "This is a misunderstanding. I don't have the ability to resurrect unicorns."

"That's not necessarily true." Ron suddenly interjected, pointing to Abe at Aaron's feet who kept pulling him back. "If it's fake, Abe shouldn't be so excited."

Everyone else moved their eyes to Aaron's feet and saw Abe stubbornly hugging Aaron's trouser legs. They couldn't help but feel a little more certain about Ronan's prediction.

"Um...Abe is just hungry, I didn't let him eat tonight.

But if it continues like this, I think it is necessary to starve it for three more days. "Aaron explained to everyone while secretly threatening Abeson Claw.

Sure enough, when the words fell, Abe seemed to have heard something terrible and quickly retracted his claws.

Aaron lifted it up unceremoniously, "Am I too nice to you?"

Abe nodded hurriedly, but when he saw Aaron's dull eyes, he changed to shaking his head.

"I'll take care of you when I get back. It won't be a problem if you starve for three days, but you will have to cut back on your next meal."


Abe screamed in grievance, looked at the body of the dead unicorn with some reluctance, and turned his head away cruelly.

It tried its best and even paid the heavy price of cutting back on food, but it had nothing to do if its owner didn't agree.

Abe still has a great affection for this magical creature full of purity, much more than Norbert, who is also a dragon.

Seeing the unicorn die in front of him like this, it can't help but feel a little sad that a rabbit has died, so it wants to try its best to fight for it.

He was very aware of the existence of the resurrection potion, and even almost drank it as a drink once, because his intuition told the dragon that the rich breath of life in it would be of great help to it.

Naturally, he failed and was punished by Aaron.

Most of the food for each meal was deducted for three days. The feeling of transitioning from luxury to frugality was simply torture.

"Let's go!

It's time for us to go back. "

"Wait, Aaron." Hagrid stopped him and said, "If you really have the ability to save it, please..."

"Don't talk nonsense! I don't have this ability."

"I understand, I understand." Hagrid winked and said meaningfully, "If I have this ability, I won't let others know.

But we are all our own people here, can’t you still trust them?

Moreover, what a pity it would be for such a rare creature as the unicorn to die like this! "

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched, this is too natural!

He admitted that the first sentence made sense, but the rest was completely nonsense.

"Hagrid." Aaron looked at him sympathetically, "You may be too sad because Norbert is gone, which leads to some confusion in your brain.

Go back and have a good sleep, don't think about these messy things. "

"No, no, no, I'm not confused. I'm very clear-headed." Hagrid said anxiously.

"Pull him down!" Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly, his eyes swept over Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and finally settled on Hagrid, "Excluding you, I was deceived by four Gryffindors last night. .

Don't tell me you forgot, the giant's memory isn't that bad.

Ask yourself, if you were me, would you trust these four people? "

Hagrid opened his mouth, speechless.

Harry and others also lowered their heads in embarrassment. Being told by Aaron in front of their faces, "I don't trust you," made them feel like they were dead and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"Then we can stay away for a while and wait until you revive the unicorn before calling us," Ron said in a low voice.

"Idiot!" Draco said disdainfully, "Aaron, ignore them.

Let's go back to the Slytherin common room. "

"Okay." Aaron said a little tiredly. At this moment, he couldn't wait to leave this place.

The others subconsciously gave way to Aaron and Draco, and no one had the nerve to stop them.

Hagrid looked at the two people who walked ten meters away, gritted his teeth with some struggle, and shouted: "Are you really not willing to save it?

This unicorn is still young, and its parents are still waiting for it to come home in the group! "


Aaron stopped, looked up and took a deep breath. It usually only takes one second to go from speechless to angry.

After he put Abe on the ground, he turned back and stared at Hagrid fiercely, "Are you sick? You must stare at me to death, right?

I have emphasized again and again that I don't have the ability to save it. Do you have to be so stubborn?"

"But the centaur's horoscope and Abe's abnormality both show that you can save it." Hagrid said seriously, "One will make a mistake, but it's impossible for both to make a mistake!"

"Maybe it's just a coincidence?" Aaron gritted his teeth and said, "I know your feelings for magical animals, and I sympathize with this little guy.

But you have to face the reality!"

"I know, I know." Hagrid's face was full of tears, and his beard was wet. He looked like a child weighing hundreds of pounds who had lost a loved one.

"Don't cry, you are such a big giant, can't you control your tear glands?" Aaron's mouth twitched a little. He had seen more tears in the past two days than in his first eleven years of life.

Hagrid picked up a leaf and wiped his nose. "I know I'm too fanciful, but when I think of this young unicorn and its family, I can't help but feel sad. If you really don't have a solution, then forget it. But if you do, and I don't insist, then I'll have given up the chance to save it. This feeling is very uncomfortable, you won't understand."

Snap! Snap! Snap!

"Beautiful! Well said." Aaron clapped his hands, "I understand why the school asked you to guard the Forbidden Forest. With your compassionate attitude, you definitely treat every magical animal as your own child.

I am embarrassed to lie to you, even though I emphasized it several times, you didn't believe it.

I won't pretend anymore. To be honest, I do have something that can save the unicorn, but I don't plan to save it."

"Why?" Harry asked puzzled, "You are not the kind of person who will watch someone die without saving him!"

"Yes, you are really good at judging people.

You may not find a wizard as kind as me even if you search all over Hogwarts.

But, Harry Potter, kindness and sainthood are two different things."

"What do you mean?"

Aaron sighed and took out a bottle of emerald green solution from his pocket.

He opened the bottle, and a faint breath of life floated in the air. Some dead grass on the ground turned green almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Aaron saw this and quickly covered the lid. If too much evaporated, the effect of this bottle of medicine would decrease.

As the bottle was sealed, the nourished plants suddenly lost their nutrition and became sluggish again.

"You all saw that this thing can bring creatures back to life as long as you drink it."

"Then hurry up!" Hagrid said anxiously.

"Why hurry!" Aaron cleared his throat and said seriously, "This is a secret medicine passed down from generation to generation in the Gaius family. I have the last one in my hand.

In other words, it is used to save lives at critical moments. It is a truly priceless treasure.

Now you want me to use it to revive a unicorn that I have no intersection with.

Hagrid, do you think it is appropriate? Is it reasonable?"

Hagrid stopped talking. He was too shameless to let others use heirlooms to revive an unrelated magical animal.

Aaron said disdainfully, and then looked at Harry Potter, "If you were asked to donate all your wealth to rescue a homeless person you don't even know, would you agree?"

Harry shook his head helplessly. If it weren't for his parents' inheritance, he might not even be able to support himself.

Donate? How is that possible?

"That's it. It's easy to say that you are generous to others, but if you put yourself in their shoes, I'm afraid you will refuse more decisively than me."

"But that's a unicorn." Ron murmured in a low voice.

"Eh? Which brother said that?" Aaron said sarcastically, "Are unicorns superior to others? It's ridiculous."

Draco understood instantly and laughed contemptuously, "Who else can it be except Weasley, the idiot?"

"Malfoy, you..."

"What? Are you not convinced?

The value of this bottle of medicine is beyond the imagination of all of us. We can't afford it even if we sell your Weasley family.

Unicorns are precious, but there are more precious ones than them. You are not qualified to decide who is more worthy of being saved on behalf of Aaron."

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