A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 68 Our ancestors still have such glorious deeds

The resurrection potion was Aaron's personal property, and it was unique. They had no right to ask him to give it up.

Hagrid looked deeply at the unicorn lying on the ground, wiped his tears unwillingly, and murmured, "Sorry."

"Hagrid!" Ronan asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'll leave it to you next." Hagrid waved his hand and walked weakly towards the outside of the Forbidden Forest.

The remaining few people looked at each other, but still followed his pace.

"Wait, this... little wizard." Ronan called Aaron and looked at the pet beside him a little embarrassedly, "Can I see your pet?"

"Haha! No.

Abe is my personal property. Someone kidnapped it yesterday."

"Who is it?" The centaur Ronan was rarely angry, "Who dares to kidnap such a sacred creature? This crime is the same as slaughtering unicorns."

Ron's heart skipped a beat and he said bitterly, "We won't be cursed, will we?"

"It should be... no!" Harry was a little unconfident. After all, from last night to tonight, they had been in agony and almost dared not see anyone.

Although this may be inseparable from the huge amount of points deducted from them by Professor McGonagall, people with guilty consciences may associate this with some kind of curse in their hearts.

Hermione swallowed her saliva. Her experience tonight made her feel that she must have been cursed, otherwise she would not be so unlucky and almost lost her life.

"Humph!" Malfoy said gloatingly, "If I had known this, I wouldn't have done it in the first place."

"You guys?" Ronan seemed to understand something. This was probably a prank between children, but he still put on a cold face, "It's not a curse, but you'd better not do it.

Otherwise... you will be punished."

Ronan simply threatened, but the three of them looked at the silly and cute Abe tacitly, and decided to be nicer to this magical animal in the future, and strive to lift this unwarranted "curse" as soon as possible.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go." Hagrid urged.

"I'll be there soon."

"Wait, wizard."

Just as Aaron was about to leave, Ronan spoke again, "Can you tell me your name?"

"That's fine, Gaius, Aaron Gaius."

"Gaius? Are you from the Gaius family?" Ronan was a little surprised, and then asked, "What generation are you from?"

"This... I really didn't pay much attention?" Aaron scratched his head awkwardly.

He had also seen the genealogy of Gaius's family, but his genealogy was very different from that of other families. It was completely composed of several mind maps, the kind that would make people want to sleep after just one look.

Aaron only saw his name on the last page and didn't pay much attention to it.

Who likes to study the names of ancestors for nothing? No matter how idle you are, you won't spend your time with the genealogy, right?

"Wait, you know my family?" Aaron asked curiously, "How did you know?"

"Are you surprised?" Ronan smiled faintly, "In fact, many centaurs know the existence of Gaius's family. A long time ago, there was a war. At that time, one of your ancestors fought side by side with the centaurs. He was one of the few humans who could ride on the back of a centaur."


Damn! Our ancestors also have such glorious deeds?

Ronan looked at Aaron who was a little dazed, "Don't you know this history?"

"Ahem! I'm only a twelve-year-old child, how can I know so much."

Ronan seemed to have figured out something, "It's normal for you to know less. Being low-key is almost a label for your families.

In short, Gaius, protect the little guy in your arms.

Its potential is much greater than you think, and it will become your right-hand man in the future."

Aaron nodded. Do you need to tell me? Doesn't he know what this dragon cub is like?

After leaving the Forbidden Forest, Aaron solemnly warned others not to tell others that he had the resurrection potion, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

Several people naturally nodded in agreement, but Hagrid's eyes were a little evasive.

Aaron didn't care, just thought he was blaming himself for not saving the unicorn.


Gryffindor common room.

Harry didn't rush to sleep, but called Ron and Hermione to the stove and told them his guess.

"The one in the Forbidden Forest must be Voldemort, Ronan told me.

He is using unicorn blood to maintain his life..."

"Don't say that name." Ron whispered, as if he was worried that the Dark Lord could hear their voices.

"You mean the mysterious man is in the Forbidden Forest?" Hermione couldn't help but feel that she had survived a disaster. She actually saved her life from Voldemort's hands.

"Yes, that's it.

Hermione, you have had close contact with him. How is his condition?"

"Uh... I don't know how to say it.

The black-robed man gave people a strong sense of oppression, just like a monster. I was so scared that my legs went weak.

If Aaron hadn't saved me, you might not have seen me." Hermione trembled when she recalled the scene of the black-robed man sucking unicorn blood. She subconsciously lowered her head and hugged the pillow in her arms tightly.

But when she thought of other things, she unconsciously showed a happy smile on her face. It turned out that fairy tales are not all made up.

"Hermione, Hermione." Harry waved his hand in front of her eyes, thinking she was scared.

"It's nothing." Hermione came back to her senses, her smile instantly fading, "The mysterious man must be in very bad condition, very weak, otherwise he wouldn't be able to drink unicorn blood to survive.

But his strength is still very strong, I guess he will not be weaker than the professors in the school. "

Harry couldn't deny it, "I guess Voldemort..."

"Can you please stop saying that name?" Ron said again, "He is in Hogwarts now!"

"Okay." Harry said helplessly, "Okay, Mysterious Man. I really don't understand why so many people are afraid of this name."

"Not everyone survives the disaster like you. The shadow of the mysterious man has been shrouding the entire magical world before his accident. Almost no one dares to confront him."

"No, Aaron can do it." Hermione smiled, "He cast two spells on the man in black robe today, and the screams hurt me."

"Ha! Not everyone has a potion that can bring people back to life like him.

With that thing, who is afraid of death? "

"Ron." Hermione glared at him, "Not everyone has the courage to face the mysterious man."

“Let’s not talk about this for now.

Fu...ahem! The mysterious man's goal must be the Philosopher's Stone.

We were wrong. Snape's purpose was not to use the Philosopher's Stone to make a fortune. He was not doing it for himself at all.

His purpose in stealing the Philosopher's Stone was to use the elixir of immortality to restore Voldemort's strength and allow him to make a comeback. "

"Harry, if the mysterious man comes back, will he kill you?" Ron asked worriedly.

"Who knows." Harry slumped on the sofa weakly and said nothing.

But they all knew that if Voldemort came back, Harry would be the first target of revenge, and his life would definitely be in danger.

"Harry, actually things may not be that bad." Hermione comforted, "Don't forget, there is a powerful magician in Hogwarts!

Dumbledore, our Headmaster, and You-Know-Who in his heyday didn't dare stand up to him.

As long as Dumbledore is around, he won't dare to take action, and you will be safe. "

Hearing this, the haze in Harry's heart was dispelled a lot, and he felt much more relaxed.


the next day.

In the Potions classroom, Gryffindor and Slytherin students were carefully preparing a hair growth potion, a potion that can restore hair volume within a week.

Of course, the effect is temporary and will gradually return to its original state after a week.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Aaron always felt that Snape looked at him in a strange way.

He could read various emotions such as excitement, anxiety, uneasiness, and embarrassment from this look. Those who didn't know it thought Snape was going to borrow money from him!

More than half an hour later, Aaron finished mixing the potion. He glanced at Snape inadvertently, and unexpectedly read a hint of flattery in his eyes, which made him shudder. .

A professor who was unsmiling and dignified suddenly became like this, which really made him uncomfortable.

Could it be that you want him to rejoin the academy team?

This is not possible. If you have that training time, you might as well take a bath and have a nice sleep!

After class, Aaron picked up his pet and was about to leave, but as soon as he stood up, he was stopped by Snape.

"Gaius, come to my office this afternoon."

"Um...can you tell me why?

It was agreed at the beginning that I would only participate in Quidditch once.

And I made this promise in front of everyone on the academy team, and I am not someone who goes back on my word. "

Snape's old face darkened. Since the academy team lost Aaron as a seeker, its strength has been greatly reduced. After a few games, it was overpowered by Gryffindor.

Snape regretted it at that time, but he also promised Aaron that he would only play one game, and he could not let him rejoin and restore the prestige of the Slytherin team. He could only watch Gryffindor looking for the ball. Harry Potter steals the show.

But thinking of what he was going to do next, Snape still forced a stiff smile and said, "I'm looking for you to talk about something else that has nothing to do with the academy team.

So, make no mistake and definitely come. "

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