A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 78 The blessing elixir can also blow on the bottle

"Professor, it was just because I was young and ignorant." Aaron handed a cup of tea to Snape very sincerely, "You need to calm down first."

Snape raised his eyebrows, then took the hot tea, satisfied with Aaron's behavior.

What does it mean to respect teachers and respect morality? This is it!

"Then Professor, can you teach me how to make the elixir this time?"


Snape couldn't help but spit out the half-drunk tea, but Aaron seemed to have expected this scene. After passing the tea, he took a small step to the right and avoided it perfectly.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible." Snape said with a serious face, "You just learned to walk and want to run. No, this can no longer be described as running.

Before you even learn to run, you already want to fly.

You'd better give up on this idea and learn to run first! "

"Past life experience tells me that nothing can be achieved without greed." Aaron said confidently, "Besides, I am a Slytherin. Isn't it appropriate for me to have such thoughts?"

"But the span is too big. Do you know how difficult it is to prepare a bottle of Felixir?

Even I can't guarantee 100% success, and your current success rate is less than 10%. "

"What about your guidance?" Aaron asked unwillingly.

After tasting the sweetness of the magical elixir, his desire for this magical potion has increased by several levels.

purchase? It has a price but no market, and almost no one in the magic world would sell this kind of treasure.

Want it from home? There are a few bottles in the treasure house, but I can't bear this look.

Then you can only try to prepare it yourself. It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach them how to fish. Only when you learn it can you make it your own.

"Sometimes I really want to rip your heart out and see if it's that big."

Aaron immediately took a step back, "Don't mess around!"

"Tch! If I configure it alone, I still have a chance of success, but with you, I'm afraid the success rate will be less than 50%.

Your talent is good, but you have practiced it too little. "

"Is it that low?"

"As long as it's low." Snape said speechlessly, "The materials for preparing the elixir are very rare, and even I haven't gathered them together."

"Whatever materials are needed, I'll figure it out."

Snape took a deep look at him, and then reported the materials he needed: unicorn horns, salamander eggs, volcanic snake bird egg shells...

Aaron listened and wrote down the materials with pen and paper.

Half a minute later, he looked at the dense list of orders in his hand, and several black lines appeared on his forehead.

"How do you feel?" Snape asked playfully, "You should still be confident, right?"

Aaron pondered for a few seconds, "There is no problem in getting these materials, but..."

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Snape became a little uneasy.

Over the years, he has also wanted to prepare a bottle of elixir for emergencies, because he is the kind of person who dances on a tightrope.

You can't see it now, but there will be a danger of being shattered to pieces at any time in the future.

Depending on the identity, the role of luck will not be the same.

For ordinary people, good luck is just that, it can maintain a good mood throughout the day.

But it's different for him. A critical moment might change his destiny.

"Can you really get these materials?"

“Yeah, just not much.

There are at least three copies in my warehouse at home. I didn’t know why these things were put together before, but now it seems that they are the materials for preparing the Felixir. "

Snape's mouth twitched, a big family is amazing.

But this is a bit too much! It is impossible for some pure-blood families to have a complete set of materials.

“If I have the materials, it’s not like I can’t prepare a spiritual elixir.

As long as you succeed, you can give me a little reward.

Not much, just one-tenth. "

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Aaron actually felt a hint of earnestness in Snape's voice.

After thinking for a moment, he shook his head, "Professor, I'm afraid this won't work."

"Then let's lower it to half or one-twentieth!"


Professor, you misunderstood.

If it is the finished product, I still have several large bottles in stock at home, and if I blow the bottles, it will be enough for a day. "


Snape slid down from his chair, regardless of how embarrassed he looked, "Do you know what you are talking about?

I admit that there is no shortage of people in the wizarding world who can concoct such potions, and some people also have some stocks.

But blowing on the bottle is a big joke. "

"I also think it's a bit exaggerated, but that's the truth." Aaron spread his hands, "But my father said those lucky potions can only be used when needed."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's talk about the materials first." Snape brought the topic back, patted the dust on his robe, sat on the chair again, and showed his dignity as a teacher.

"That's right, what I want is not the finished product, but the ability to prepare the Spiritual Elixir.

However, my error tolerance rate is only three times, and according to the professor, with your guidance, my current success rate is less than 50%, so I’ll postpone it for a while.

At least when the success rate is above 99%, I will configure it again! "


Isn’t this ‘a period of time’ too abstract?

He may be able to accept it in one and a half years, and he can persist in three to five years. If it takes any longer, he will have to give up on this path. After all, he may not have that much time.

"Ahem! Don't be discouraged. In fact, with your talent, you can make your first attempt within three years."

"Three years?" Aaron was stunned for a moment, "I thought it would take one year?"

"One, one year?" Snape couldn't laugh or cry, "Aaron, I still underestimated your ambition.

But you can’t be too arrogant. It takes at least half a year to prepare the Fuling Elixir. There can be no mistakes in the process, especially some key steps, so..."

Before Snape could finish speaking, Aaron put a small bottle directly on the table, "With this thing, we should be able to skip the so-called critical step!"

"This is..." Snape only looked at it for a second before his eyes widened, "Elixir, where did you get it?"

"That's not important. I didn't buy it anyway."

“Of course I know I didn’t buy it.

What I want to ask is, can you sell it to me? The price is negotiable. "


Without saying a word, Aaron put away the elixir on the table.

Don't even think about it, this thing is not for sale, especially now.

There is also a dark devil in the school who is eyeing him. He no longer has the secret medicine to save his life. Luck cannot be given up.

When Snape saw this scene, a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"Professor, you are a master of potions after all. Don't you have some inventory for yourself?" Aaron asked.

“I used it a long time ago, once and for all.

It works great, but the results are poor. "Snape said sadly, "To be honest, I don't like using Felixir because it's obviously unreliable to leave everything to luck.

But I have a hunch that I will need luck very much in the next period of time.

If you don't talk about this anymore, don't think about the blessing elixir. It's something you can't control now.

It's better to keep it simple because you don't have enough time. "

"How about the tranquilizer?" Aaron chuckled.

"You can go to Madam Pomfrey," Snape said meaningfully, "She should have some stock there."

"This is different. My things belong to me, and the doctor's things belong to the doctor."

Snape nodded, silently placed his cauldron on the stage, and once again began to teach this proud student how to prepare a perfect potion.

A few hours later, Snape handed Aaron a bottle of tranquilizer, but he politely refused, "As agreed, the finished product is yours."

"Take it! This is a reward from the teacher to the student." Snape said, "I would also like to remind you that your current level is only about this, and this bottle of potion is not of the best quality."

Aaron smiled awkwardly, "After all, it's my first time to prepare it, so I'm very satisfied that it was successful."

"If you think so, your preparation of the elixir will be delayed a little longer." Snape sneered.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Aaron was full of confidence. As a cheating person, it would be a failure if he couldn't create even a few miracles.

"By the way, Professor." Before leaving the office, Aaron suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked, "Is Professor Dumbledore still at school?"

"I thought you forgot?

Is it interesting to ask this every day? "

"There's nothing I can do about it. It's mainly due to a lack of security."

Snape rolled his eyes, "Then your question is really timely. There is a letter from the Ministry of Magic. There is an urgent matter that needs to be handled by him.

He set off this morning and has been walking for several hours now. He won't be back until at least tomorrow afternoon. "


After hearing the news, Aaron took a long breath and did not show any panic. He just rubbed his forehead.

The storm is coming! But what is supposed to come will come sooner or later.

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