A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 79 Hagrid is indeed unreliable

After leaving Snape's office, Aaron walked non-stop towards the Forbidden Forest.

Without the slightest surprise, Harry and Ron were here.

Hagrid looked at the two people in the hut in confusion. His ears were calloused these days.

"I emphasize again that I did not tell anyone about the method of passing Maomao."

"That's good." Ron smiled heartlessly, feeling a little relieved.

"Hagrid, keep up this attitude.

No matter who you are or how you ask, don’t tell anyone. "

"It's not your fault." Hagrid rolled his eyes at Harry, "Except for me and Dumbledore, I haven't told anyone else, not even the professors at the college."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Aaron hurried over and stared at Hagrid with a serious face.

Hagrid suddenly felt a little guilty. He didn't feel this way about other people, not even Dumbledore.

But Aaron was different. His conscience felt sorry for the little wizard more than once, especially when Aaron was accompanied by a magical animal that he had always wanted to study.

"Um...are there flowers on my face?"

"No, but...did you really tell me how to get through Maomao?"

"Really not," Ron interjected, "Harry and I reminded him several times a day, and we even stopped him from drinking just in case."

Hagrid's face darkened, and he turned his head and glared at Ron, "Bad guy."

"What a moment!

You just have to endure it for a while, and when the magic stone is completely safe, you can get drunk. "

"It's really optimistic, but the situation is not optimistic."

"What do you mean?" Harry's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and the scar on his forehead burned like fire.

This time it was more severe than ever before, and he grinned in pain.

"Do you feel it?" Aaron said meaningfully, "I need to tell you that Dumbledore has left Hogwarts and will not be back until at least tomorrow afternoon.

In other words, this is the time when the school's defense is at its weakest. What would you do if you were a mysterious person? "

"This opportunity cannot be missed, it will never come back." Harry tried his best to calm down, "The mysterious man will not let go of this opportunity. He will take action at any time before Dumbledore comes back.

By the way, Snape now..."

"Professor Snape is staying well in the office." Aaron said speechlessly, "And you should be concerned about other things now."

Harry nodded and looked at Hagrid with a heavy heart, "Hagrid, if you think about it carefully, did you really not tell others how to pass Momo?"

"How many times do I have to say, no, no."

"Okay! I hope my worries are unnecessary."

Aaron couldn't stand it anymore. It was strange that asking questions in such a straightforward way was useful.

"Hagrid, after the Philosopher's Stone arrived at Hogwarts, have any strangers come to see you?"

When Harry and Ron heard this, their hearts immediately went cold.

They finally realized what they had overlooked.

They didn't know about Nico Flamel's existence until they stayed at school for a long time, and they didn't know that there was a Philosopher's Stone in the school.

The mysterious man probably tried to trick Hagrid after the Sorcerer's Stone arrived at school. He may have already known the way to get through Mao Mao.

However, the two of them still kept a sense of luck. After all, in their opinion, Hagrid was very reliable.

"This..." Hagrid hesitated slightly, "Not at school, but sometimes when I go out to drink, I inevitably meet some strangers."

"Hagrid, did anyone ask you about Hogwarts when you were drinking?"

"Maybe I mentioned it!" Hagrid said nonchalantly, "I often go to that bar to drink, and many people know my identity. Is that okay?"

"Strangers, the important thing is strangers." Aaron reminded, "It is best to be strangers who are sneaky, have evil intentions, and are not good people at first glance."

"Hmm..." Hagrid frowned and recalled for a while, then mused: "There is a person who is wrapped up very tightly, even more tightly than Abe, and I can't even see his face clearly.

But he is really a good person, and he keeps asking the boss to serve me wine. "

Aaron looked at Harry Potter with some sympathy, then put the newly prepared potion in front of him, "Drink it first."

"What's this?"


Ron could take a few sips if he needed to.

At this time, there is no harm in drinking. "

Ron swallowed, waved his hands and said, "I, I don't need it."

Harry smiled bitterly, did not refuse Aaron's kindness, opened the bottle and drank it in one gulp.

He also felt that he needed to calm down, otherwise Hagrid might be angry and vomit blood.

Aaron continued to ask: "Then what? Did he just buy you a drink?"

“I can’t remember what happened next.

By the way, Noble was the one who lost to me. Hagrid said excitedly and proudly, "I have always wanted a fire dragon, and he happened to have a fire dragon egg." "

"Yes!" Harry gritted his teeth, "Now that I think about it, this coincidence was definitely premeditated."

"Harry, you can't think of everyone as a bad person." Hagrid patted him on the shoulder and said patiently, "That person is really not a bad person. He wanted to test whether I had any problems before handing Norbert over to me. The ability to deal with fire dragons, after all, the destructive power of a dragon is huge.

At that time, I told him that I could even handle Maomao, and a fire dragon was nothing. "

Harry took a deep breath and calmed down easily under the influence of the sedative, "Is he very interested in Fluffy?"

"Of course, even magicians rarely have the chance to see a three-headed dog.

I told him then that the trick to dealing with a wild beast is to know how to silence it.

Just like Maomao! Give him some music and he will fall asleep. "After Hagrid finished speaking, his pupils suddenly tightened, "I shouldn't have told you. "

"Yeah! But it's really funny that you told a suspicious stranger." Aaron held his forehead speechlessly, "I knew you were unreliable.

In addition, I don't agree with your tips for dealing with beasts, because some beasts may not like music.

For example, if Abe is asked to choose between music and chicken legs, he will choose the latter without hesitation. "

"Don't discuss this now." Harry suddenly stood up, "We have to act quickly and go to Professor McGonagall first. She is the only one who can help us now."

Ron nodded and ran out with Harry.

But halfway through, he suddenly turned around and said, "Aaron, aren't you coming with us?"

"You go ahead! I'll go to the trap door first.

Without evidence, it's unclear whether Professor McGonagall will believe you. "

Ron was stunned for a moment, said nothing, and continued to run after Harry.

After the two left, Aaron looked at Hagrid playfully, "You must know what you did wrong, right?"

"I know." Hagrid lowered his head with a frustrated look on his face, "I'll go with you to find Professor McGonagall."

"No need." Aaron patted the giant's broad shoulder, "I will convince Professor McGonagall. As for you... there should be a way to notify Dumbledore!"


“It doesn’t matter if you don’t have it.

He went to the Ministry of Magic in London. He must have been gone for a few hours. You are faster than an owl and try to stop him halfway.

I, no, we all need this white devil back as soon as possible, okay? "

"Understood." Hagrid nodded solemnly, and then took out his umbrella from under the table.

A few minutes later, there was a roar outside the hut, and a red motorcycle soared into the sky.

Aaron watched Hagrid disappear into the clouds, sighed, and walked towards the castle.

His destination is the trap door, and no matter what time, this door is always the focus.

Compared to Harry and the others, he was much calmer and did not think Voldemort would do anything during the day. The best time to steal was in the dead of night.

But the hole card can only be used once. Just in case, he has to see it with his own eyes before he can rest assured.


Third floor corridor.

Hermione was holding a pile of books here, pretending to study seriously, but her eyes would glance up from time to time, for fear that someone would sneak into the corridor on the fourth floor while she was not paying attention.

"You look like this, you really don't have three hundred taels of silver here."

Aaron's voice suddenly sounded from behind, startling Hermione.

"Why are you here?"

"There was a slight accident, I think I have to go in and have a look."

"No need! No one is here today.

Besides, there is a three-headed dog in there, which is very scary. "

"Seeing is believing. It may not be useful to guard here." Aaron said meaningfully and walked up the steps.

Hermione didn't have time to stop him and followed him by accident.

A few minutes later, the two came to a door.

"Open the Alaho hole!"

A lock-opening spell was thrown over, and the keyhole opened automatically.

Aaron took a deep breath and opened the door.

As soon as I walked in, I saw a black three-headed dog that occupied almost half of the room and slowly opened its eyes.

"Oh my God! This is so fierce!

Much more powerful than what I saw in the book. "


Abe roared unconvinced.

"Of course." Aaron patted Abe's dragon head, "You will definitely grow bigger than it in the future."

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