A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 801: The candidate for the monster path, the oppression of the Hulk (12)

"The vampires are about to invade tonight, master, please be prepared."


Aaron closed the prophecy book and then showed a contemptuous smile.

"The greed of human nature! If nothing else, it should be Shou Hehui's temptation!"

"Master, the old woman really doesn't want to give up, does she?" Abe asked nonchalantly.

"It should be! But I can't be 100% sure."

"What does the master want to do?"

"If it really has something to do with Shouhehui, then we can't just let it go, but for now we still have to deal with the attack at night first."

"I'll just burn them to death."

"Don't be so rude, you are a well-behaved dragon." Aaron knocked on Abe's forehead, "It's better to inform them! You can't let me, the leader, do this kind of garbage cleaning job!"


In the evening, Frank walked in carrying a bag, and soon Bruce Banner also walked into the store.

"You two, this is our first time meeting each other, why don't you get to know each other first?" Aaron said with a smile.

"Frank Custer." Frank stretched out his right hand, "Just call me Frank, you can also call me the Punisher."

"I've heard of it." Banner shook his hand friendly, "Bruce Banner is also..."

"Hulk," Frank said, "I have known you for a long time, and even now you are very famous."


"The Hulk won't appear out of nowhere!"

"No, he and I have become friends." Banner said with a relaxed smile, "How about I ask him to come out and say hello to you?"

"That's not necessary." Frank said bitterly. Although he became an extraordinary person, he had only taken the first step. Hulk could kill him with one slap.

Banner shrugged, then looked at Aaron, "What do you want from us?"

"According to the prophecy, vampires will attack me tonight." Aaron said lightly, "I need you two to kill them all."

Banner blinked and was stunned for several seconds before coming back to his senses.

"I'm not good at fighting, and Hulk will probably tear this store apart if he comes out."

"It can't be demolished, but Hulk just needs to hold the door and don't let them escape. The main thing is to see Frank's performance."

"Just guarding the door? Isn't this a bit of a fuss!" Banner looked at Aaron with some confusion, "I don't think it is necessary to call both of us over for such a trivial matter.

It's just a vampire, can't you just move your fingers and get it done? "

"During a war, it's usually the soldiers who fight, and the generals usually command and dispatch from behind." Frank disagreed, and even thought Aaron's actions were natural.

"heard it.

This will happen more often in the future, Dr. Banner, you have to learn to adapt. "

Banner smiled awkwardly and nodded, knowing that he was just a humble worker in front of Aaron.

"By the way, it's time to give this to you." Aaron took out a bottle of magic potion from the ring and placed it in front of Banner. "This is my gift to you."

Frank raised his eyebrows slightly, "It doesn't feel the same as mine."

"Of course it's different. I chose the Judge path for you, while I chose the Destiny path for Dr. Banner.

Sequence nine to sequence zero of the path of destiny are monster-machine-lucky man-bishop of disaster-winner-mage of doom-chaos walker-prophet-mercury snake-wheel of fortune.

Dr. Banner, what is in front of you now is the monster potion of sequence nine. Drink it and you will have extremely high inspiration. You can hear sounds that others cannot hear and see things that others cannot. With this keen intuitive premonition, one can even occasionally glimpse the future. "

"Monster." Banner murmured and asked hesitantly, "Can I refuse?"

"I'm afraid not." Aaron shook his head slightly, "You are my carefully selected favorite, and you must at least become a demigod to be qualified to follow me in the future.

And you may be overthinking. The path of destiny has little to do with monsters. This sequence can make you a winner in life with great luck. "

"You can ask Frank how he feels after taking the magic potion. He is now the Sequence Nine Arbiter of the Judge path."

"That feels great." Frank patted his shoulder seriously, "Believe me, you won't regret it."

"I don't have the right to regret, do I?" Banner sighed softly, but hearing Frank say this, he felt a lot more relaxed.

Hesitantly picking up the potion, Banner looked at the faint blue-white mist emerging from the mouth of the bottle, took a deep breath, and drank it all in one breath.

Gulu! Gulu!

The cool feeling spread from head to toe, and Bennefu felt that his whole person was different.

"This..." Banner opened his mouth in surprise. He did feel the ability of the 'monster', but he didn't expect that such an ability was given by a bottle of magic potion, which was even better than Steve's Super Soldier Serum. exaggerate.

"How do you feel?" Frank asked curiously.

Banner was just about to say something when he realized that the Frank in his sight was slightly different from ordinary people. There seemed to be some strange colors in his body.

"His! It's so magical!

I don’t know how to put it, but I seem to be able to distinguish something special.

If you put Steve Rogers and an ordinary person who looks exactly like Steve next to each other, I can easily tell who is Captain America.

Is this a monster? A monster in the eyes of others? Banner said in surprise, then looked at Aaron tentatively, "Huh?" Why do you seem to me to be no different from ordinary people? "

"Because your ability was given by me." Aaron said inscrutably, "And I can hide my power. You can't see it unless I let you see it.

But you'd better control this ability. Some of the overly powerful gods and demons in the universe won't like to be spied on. Unless your sequence is high enough, if you look at them, if they are lucky, they will just go blind. If they are unlucky, they will go crazy. Or death is not impossible. "

Banner nodded angrily and inadvertently saw Abe sitting next to Aaron.

"Waltfalk!" Banner stood up in shock, rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and withdrew his gaze in fear, "It, it, is it really a cat?

No, it's definitely not a cat, at least not a normal cat. "

"It's cute," Frank said. "My family would love it if they were still alive."

"Cute?" Banner said incoherently, "You use cute to describe it?

Do you know what I saw? The light on it is at least a hundred times stronger than yours.

To put it bluntly, he can easily crush you to death. "

"What? Are you sure you're not joking?"

"Uh...he really wasn't joking." Aaron picked up Abe, raised his right paw and shook it at the two of them, "Let me introduce you solemnly, Abe is a dragon. He has been with me since he was 18 years old.”

"You should have seen the Chitauri giant ship before!

Abe is not that big, but its real size is more than fifty meters, and it can fly, breathe fire, heal, and control the sky.

There's nothing wrong with what Frank just said, my family loves it.

But more importantly, it is Sequence 8 of the Visionary Path. Mind readers, it can roughly tell what you are thinking. "

Frank and Banner looked at each other, "Unbelievable, right?"


"Master, that's not what they think." Abe suddenly spoke out. "Frank doesn't think master will waste a divine path on me, and Banner thinks I can't read minds."

Frank: ...


"Now they have changed their minds." Abe continued, with a look of contempt that made the two of them look away in embarrassment.

"Don't be shy." Aaron rolled his eyes at it angrily, "After all, they are also one of my few favored ones."

"So... it's really a dragon?" Banner pursed his lips in surprise, "You just keep it at home openly like this? Or do you keep it as a pet?"

"Is there any problem?" Aaron asked playfully, "I even raised a phoenix! But you guys are not very lucky. You probably won't have a chance to see it today."

"Okay, I have to prepare dinner.

Frank, could you please introduce to Dr. Banner what the Path of God is? "

Aaron took Abe into the kitchen, took out a puffer whale from the safe, skillfully sliced ​​it and stewed it.

And Frank also carefully explained to Banner what the potion they drank meant, starting from sequence nine and being promoted step by step, low sequence, medium sequence, high sequence demigod, angel, and even true god. He was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Yes, I just feel that a mysterious door to a new world has opened.


As the night progresses, other lights in the neighborhood slowly go out.

Aaron and Abe sat behind a desk with great interest, quietly waiting for the next good show.

Perhaps because he thought it was boring to wait, Aaron specially placed a fruit plate and several plates of snacks on the table, and made a pot of tea.


The store door was suddenly blown open by a strong wind, and a dark figure rushed in, screaming and rushing toward Aaron.

He is fast and has a clear goal.

However, before he could get closer, a silver bullet hit his heart, and the entire vampire was instantly reduced to ashes.

"Cannon fodder." Frank said concisely.

"It's a boring temptation." Aaron put a grape into his mouth, "Remember to spare the life of the leader later, I have something to ask clearly."

"As commanded."

After a while, a dense crowd of vampires entered the store grandly, dozens of them.

They looked at the three of them with joking expressions on their faces, but they did not take action immediately, but consciously gave way to the road.

Two well-dressed vampires walked in from the middle passage, showing their aristocratic status. They were the two vampire barons, Lesser and Bauer.

"It's you."

When Lesser saw Frank, his expression suddenly froze, and the newborn's arm ached faintly.

He didn't expect to see him here. They were really enemies!

However, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he didn't find the strong black man.

This time he came with the elite, and he also had the help of Viscount Bauer, who was no weaker than him. Apart from the Punisher, one of the other two people on the opposite side was obedient and looked like an honest person who was easy to bully, and the other was His target this time has a good face, but he looks too young.

"I know this one." Frank said calmly, "Last time, he was lucky enough to save his life, but this time it seems that he has to be spared."

"You..." Lesser was furious, "You can enjoy your life now! Later I will twist off your head with my own hands and make it into a wine glass to drink your blood."

"Leather." Ball swallowed his saliva with a serious expression, "Something seems to be wrong. I feel a little uneasy."

"There's nothing to worry about. Our two viscounts are accompanied by dozens of elite guards. We can even break into the military base."

"Something's wrong, it's really wrong."

At this time, Banner stood up stiffly and smiled at them embarrassedly.


Ball was shocked and his pupils trembled violently.

He is different from Leather, a vampire who relies on relationships to eat and wait for death. He has risen step by step from the lowest blood servant. He often pays attention to major events happening in the outside world. Naturally, he knows what kind of monster is hidden in Banner's body.

"Retreat, quickly."

Ball gave the order without thinking, but was pulled back by Leather before he could run.

"Don't retreat."

Leather shouted, and the vampires under his command stopped one after another.

They are all viscounts, but Leather is backed by the great elder, and his orders are obviously more important.

"Don't stop me if you don't run!" Ball wanted to kick Leather out, but he really didn't dare.

"We haven't taken action yet, and you want to retreat. Where did you throw the pride of the blood clan?" Leather accused righteously. This is his chance to be promoted to earl. How could he be willing to give up before trying it?

Moreover, Ball's strength is not weaker than his. It is more certain to leave him to deal with the Punisher. He really has no confidence to fight alone.

"You... you idiot."

"What did you say?" Leather widened his eyes. Just as he was about to say something, he felt a chill on his back, and an indescribable sense of oppression surged from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

He turned around subconsciously, and then saw the scene of Banner turning into Hulk.


Leather swallowed his saliva, and his pale face turned pale in an instant.

"Now you know why I ordered a retreat?" Ball said bitterly.

Leather nodded blankly. If he could go back a few seconds ago, he would definitely slap himself hard.

Uncle Shia clearly told you to follow Bob's instructions, why didn't you listen? Even if they were added together, they wouldn't be enough for him to slap.


"Hulk, guard the door." Hulk ran to the door in a few steps and directly blocked the vampires' retreat.

"What should we do now?" Leather asked with a trembling voice.

Bauer rolled his eyes at him with contempt, "If he can guard the door, can he also guard the window?"

"Yes, the window, the window." Leather seemed to have grasped the last straw, and said "stop them" and rushed to the glass window at the fastest speed in his life.

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