A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 802 The vampires are humble and obedient, and they are pitted miserably (12)

Lesser quickly rushed to the window, and the night outside made him feel extremely friendly.

Now he doesn't think about anything. The temptation of the earldom is great, but it is far inferior to this life.


Lesser hit the glass window hard, but was bounced back comically.

"How could this happen?" Lesser looked at the thumb-sized spiderweb-like cracks on the window and couldn't believe that the power of a vampire viscount could only cause such wear and tear on the window.

"This noble vampire, I think I need to remind you that the glass here is custom-made by me. It is stronger than bulletproof glass." Aaron looked at him with a half-smile but said, "You can make more After a few bumps, maybe we can get out!"

"You...you are bullying vampires too much."

"Is that too much?" Aaron disagreed, "Don't tell me that you came to my place in the middle of the night for sightseeing."

"Sir, there may be some misunderstanding between you and the vampire." Bauer said far-fetched.

"Do you think I believe it?" Aaron smiled contemptuously, "Now the situation is very obvious. Hulk will not participate in the war. As long as you can defeat the Punisher, you can leave safely.

But it would be embarrassing if I lost.

But I still have some things to figure out, so the leader has a chance of survival.

Let me ask you, who is the leader, you or him? "

"I." Lesser said immediately, "I, I am a viscount, and I am the son of the great elder of the Blood Clan."

Bauer shook his head speechlessly, but did not refute.

He also looked down upon Lesser, but who gave him a good birth!

"Tsk!" Aaron rolled his eyes at him in disgust, "What evil did you great elders do? How could you have such a good-for-nothing son like you?

Wait, did I remember that vampires are sterile? "

"As long as the bloodline is pure enough and coupled with some special ritual magic, the vampires still have a chance to give birth to children, but it will take a little longer."

"I see, but it doesn't matter anymore." Aaron winked at Frank, "I'll save this noble Viscount's life later."

"What about the other viscount?"

"Kill it!" Aaron said casually.

"Understood." Frank grinned and quickly loaded his pistol Xuguang.

"The matter has come to this, we can only fight desperately." Ball took a deep breath, "Everyone, come on."

Upon hearing the order, dozens of vampires swarmed towards the Punisher, trying to swamp him and drown him.

But the sound of gunshots blocked their footsteps. Silver bullets can cause damage to vampires, but enchanted silver bullets are enough to kill vampires.

The power of Xuguang is slightly weaker than other firearms, but its advantages are also quite obvious. The user can consume his own energy to continuously replenish bullets.

Frank himself is a top soldier among the top soldiers, and his physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people. In addition, after taking the arbiter's magic potion, his physique has been further enhanced. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has been reborn.

Vampires are very fast, but Frank can clearly capture the vampire's movement route, and his body can react in time to aim his gun at them.

Although it was a little difficult to deal with the crowd of vampires, it was difficult to take advantage of the large number of people indoors, and he beat them to ashes one after another.

Seeing this scene, Lesser turned pale, thinking that he was lucky to have saved his life that night, but the so-called punisher that day was definitely not as fierce as he is now.

He didn't know that magic potion could be digested. The more it was digested, the stronger it would naturally be.

Frank's identity and behavior as the punisher also unknowingly helped him digest the arbitrator's potion.

Bauer's face was also very ugly. He could tell that the punisher was not an ordinary person, and was only about the same as him.

But even if he faced the siege of dozens of vampires, he could only run away, how could he kill everyone like the Punisher.

Could it be...that gun?

Thinking of the key, Bauer's pupils shrank suddenly.

The Punisher is not weak, but without the bonus of that gun, it would be impossible for him to stop the vampire army.

After pondering for a few seconds, Bauer gritted his teeth, grabbed the stunned Lesser and threw him over.

Hearing the panicked screams, Frank immediately turned his gun and pointed it in the air.

But after seeing Lesser's face clearly, he was stunned for a moment. This vampire couldn't be killed, and he immediately kicked him away with a roundhouse kick.

At this moment, Bauer rushed forward and stabbed Frank's wrist with his fingers together.


In pain, Frank loosened his right hand and the light fell.

Ball immediately picked it up and rolled away from Frank.

"Tsk! It's starting to get interesting."

Aaron raised his lips slightly and looked at Bauer with a hint of approval.

The vampires still have talents! This is not much better than the bloodline of some great elder.

Without his weapon, Frank's advantage in facing the vampires was greatly reduced, but he did not flinch. Instead, he rushed forward and started a fist-to-body fight with these vampires.

Although the efficiency of killing enemies with weapons and without weapons is completely different, the close-quarters combat is also more exciting and exciting.


Ten minutes later, Frank stood up from a pile of vampire corpses, panting.

He was exhausted, with dozens of wounds of various sizes on his body, and he was even a little unsteady on his feet.

"This..." Leather smiled awkwardly and said nervously: "I don't think there is any need to fight anymore!"

Frank remained silent, staring at Ball with bloodthirsty eyes, the meaning was self-evident.

Ball swallowed his saliva and subconsciously tightened the gun in his hand, "That's enough, you will definitely die if you continue to fight."

Frank grinned and took a difficult step towards the vampire viscount.

A sense of oppression arose spontaneously, and Ball took a step back nervously.

He shook his head hurriedly, adjusted his mentality, and aimed the Xuguang at Frank's thigh.

There was no way, the situation was stronger than the person, who knew if he killed him, Hulk would slap him.

"You forced me to do this." Ball cursed fiercely, and then pulled the trigger.

However, without Aaron's authorization, he could not use the Xuguang at all, and could only watch Frank approach and take the gun from him.


The gunshot rang out, and Ball couldn't help but shudder, "How could this happen?"

"This gun recognizes its owner." Frank explained with a chuckle, and then put the muzzle of the gun against Ball's forehead.

"Ahem!" Aaron coughed, "Let this guy live! It's not easy to survive."

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"Yes, sir." Frank let out a long breath, stumbled to the sofa and sat down.

Hulk also turned back into Banner and sat back in his original position embarrassedly.

The gate was unguarded, but the two vampire viscounts did not dare to act rashly.

"You two, you must be much older than you look, so you must be able to recognize the situation!" Aaron smiled meaningfully, "Although my store is not worth much, it is not appropriate for you to mess it up like this!"

"Compensation." Leather immediately stated, "I swear on the reputation of the blood clan viscount, I will pay the price, no, double the compensation, and I will definitely satisfy you with the mental damage compensation."

"Good attitude." Aaron nodded slightly, "It just so happens that I have some other ideas recently. I want to simply modify this store and leave only the pharmacy and divination room.

As for other things, don't close them, just streamline them and no longer open them to customers."

It has been two years since he came to this world, and everything seems to be on the right track. The little money earned from opening the store is no longer a big deal. He simply cuts out some unnecessary functions and saves energy to practice Kamar-Taj's magic.

"We will find a professional designer within the blood clan. It will be done in seven days, no, three days."

"Okay, I'll give you three days.

My Lord Viscount, I'm optimistic about your future!"

"Then answer some questions for me, leave your contact information, and you can leave."

"What's the problem?" Bauer asked.

"Who asked you to trouble me?"

"The Hand and the Society." Leather sold the Hand and the Society without hesitation. If it weren't for them, they wouldn't have been cheated so badly, and they would have kowtowed to humans.

"Sure enough." Aaron sighed lightly, "It seems that Madam Gao made the wrong decision after all!"

"Are you going to deal with the Hand and the Society?" Frank asked a little excitedly. He has always wanted to eradicate this evil organization, but it is difficult to do it alone. But if Aaron is willing to take action, the situation will be very different.

Although he has rarely seen this 'master' take action, he knows without thinking that he must be countless times stronger than himself, a sequence nine.

"Does the Hand and the Society deserve it?" Aaron looked down on them. "I think the two big men of the blood clan should know what to do, right?"

"I know." Leather and Bauer said in unison. Even without Aaron's reminder, they would not easily let this go. The Hand and the Society must pay the price.

"Very good, then the next question.

What price did the Hand and the Society offer you?"

"This..." Bauer looked at Leather, not knowing whether to say it, after all, he himself felt that the price offered by the Hand and the Society was a bit ridiculous.

"Because your last name is Gaius." Leather explained in panic.

Ka Ba! Ka Ba!

Aaron blinked and couldn't help but sneered: "What's wrong with Gaius? Should Gaius die?

You brought so many people to kill me for such a ridiculous reason?"

"The Field family has always offered a reward for Gaius. As long as you can prove that you are the descendant of a big man, you can be promoted to earl."


Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly, and couldn't help complaining in his heart why Horn's ancestor didn't kill all the vampires!

"It's ridiculous. If I'm really the descendant of the big man you say, the first thing I did after I was born is to change my surname, otherwise I'll be hunted down by the blood clan?"

"We just..."

"No need to explain, after all, you are just brainless idiots." Aaron patted his forehead, and then he suddenly thought of something, "The third question, do you know the Volturi family?"

Leather and Bauer looked at each other, not understanding why Aaron asked this, but they still had to answer.

"The Volturi family mainly settled in Italy. They are the leaders of another branch of vampires. Every family member is an elite and almost never trains low-level blood servants.

And they are not afraid of the sun or silverware, but they abide by the rules and laws and will not trespass into other people's territory.

Every hundred years, we organize a meeting that only senior vampires can attend to discuss the next development direction of the vampires. The Volturi family occupies many seats in the meeting. "

Aaron touched his chin, "Last question, Jane Volturi, what is your impression of her?"

"Jane?" Lesser looked confused, "Are you...interested in her?"

"Want to make a friend."

"With all due respect, Jane is a cold beauty. I have thought about making friends with her before, but if Aro, the leader of the Volturi family, hadn't given my father face, I'm afraid she would have tortured me to death."

"You really deserve a beating." Aaron chuckled, "If I must be friends with her, what should I pay attention to?"

"There is only one point, as long as Aro agrees.

However, Aro valued her very much and would not allow her to associate with a human being. "

"You don't have to worry about that.

Okay, leave your contact information and you can go.

When it's time to decorate, I will contact you. Find a designer before then! "

"We will." Bauer bowed solemnly, and then left quickly with Lesser. He didn't want to stay in this place for a moment.

"It's over." Aaron shrugged at Frank, and then placed a bottle of all-purpose potion in front of him, "Well done, I didn't waste my share of the potion."

Frank drank all the almighty potion and felt that his physical strength and injuries had recovered a little. Then he asked tentatively: "You don't really like that vampire from the Volturi family, do you?"

"Don't get me wrong, it's just appreciation." Aaron said meaningfully, "One of the paths to God I have mastered is for vampires, to be precise, it is for female vampires.

After the Battle of New York, I followed the guidance of the prophecy to find the third favored one, and finally identified Jane Volturi. "

"Isn't this a little too hasty?" Banner said hesitantly, "After all, he is a vampire."

"I personally think vampires probably don't kill half as many people as Hulk."

Banner immediately shut his mouth and had no words to refute.

"Dr. Banner, kindness is a good thing, but as you stand higher and higher, you will gradually find that human life is actually as insignificant as ants.

The words don't sound very nice, but this is the bloody truth. From now on, you will know how lucky it is to be my favored one. At least I still respect the lives of ordinary people very much. "

"It seems not easy for you to conquer that vampire!" Frank said.

"Of course it's not easy, but it's not hopeless." Old God Aaron said seriously, and then looked at the two of them solemnly, "Digest the potion as soon as possible! In the future, you will find that vampires are just the weakest among all my enemies. ”

"This is really not good news." Banner said sarcastically.

“It is more cost-effective to know bad news in advance than good news.

By the way, there is also a eulogy I need to tell you.

God of Contract;

An ancient and noble inheritor;

Creator of the mind, Lord of the shadows. Aaron looked at him solemnly and said, "If you encounter troubles that cannot be solved in the future, you can recite this eulogy silently with a pious heart. If I am free and in a good mood, I may help you." "

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