A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 98 Confidence in being independent

"Are those the friends you made, Master?" Genes looked at Draco and asked, "If I remember correctly, they are Malfoy."

"Is there a problem?"

"Well..." Jeans hesitated for a few seconds, "I need to remind the young master that Malfoy is a representative of the pure-blood family, and they despise half-blood and Muggle-born wizards very much.

And as far as I know, Lucius had a certain relationship with the Dark Lord in the past. No one knows whether the contact has been broken off now. "

"I know, but Lucius is Lucius and Draco is Draco.

I have a sense of propriety when making friends, and I don't make mistakes with the wrong people. "

"That's no problem." Genes smiled, "Young master won't only make this one friend, right?"

"How can it be?

But he and I were on good terms in Slytherin House. Aaron curled his lips, then nodded at Harry and others, "Those are Gryffindor's friends." "

"The Weasley family and Harry Potter?" Genes raised his eyebrows. The red hair and scars on their foreheads could fully indicate their identities.

"The young master's communication skills are really good!"


At this time, a chubby figure came into their sight. In terms of width, Hagrid might not be able to match him.

He kept staring at Harry with angry eyes. Behind him stood a thin woman and a fat man.

"It can be seen that Harry Potter's family environment does not seem to be very good, and his family does not seem to welcome him." Genes said, "This is still in public.

It's really sad that celebrities in the wizarding world grew up in such an environment.

But he was lucky. From the moment he entered Hogwarts, his destiny changed, and it would change in the future.

But before that, he still had to live a life of dependence on others. "

"On this point, I agree with you."


Aaron returned to his home, and the house elf moved the suitcase to his bedroom with great skill.

Abe also took off his outer clothes and flapped his wings happily in the hall of the castle.

That is to say, it can act so recklessly at home, and if Aaron doesn't pretend to be disguised outside the house, he will throw it back unceremoniously.

Vico and Lisanna were overjoyed to see their precious son back and gave him a hug.

"I've grown a lot taller." Lisanna looked at Aaron, who was about 1.6 meters tall, her eyes filled with relief.

"How do you feel at school?" Vico coughed, "If you regret it, I will immediately arrange for someone to transfer you to another school."

"There's no need for that!" Aaron said with a smile, "Dad, I'm doing very well in Slytherin."

"Really?" Vico said angrily, "Do you know why we came back?

On the one hand, I miss my son, and on the other hand, your principal wrote to me.

Dumbledore is complimenting you. Your performance is really outstanding. How many lives do you have if you dare to plot against the professor against Voldemort? "

"That's right." Lisanna's expression immediately became serious, "We know you won't do anything you're not sure about, but this time it's really too risky.

Moreover, Abe's identity was also exposed, and both the Black and White Demon King knew of its existence.

You have only been in school for one year, and you have really caused a lot of trouble. "

"That was an accident." Aaron smiled guiltily, but he had already scolded Dumbledore in his heart for actually having the guts to complain.

Dumbledore probably started writing letters after he came out of the principal's office, otherwise his parents wouldn't have come back at such a good time.

"Dumbledore has already read the guarantee letter. He is aware of the influence of our family. I think he may find a way to drag us into the chariot against Voldemort."

"It's not possible, it's certain." Vico said firmly, "The white wizard who has lived for more than a hundred years would not have lived that long if he didn't have some foresight.

Voldemort is not dead. This is the consensus of smart people. How can a dark wizard who is infinitely close to the Holy Magister die so easily? It's a pity that the road has been narrowed, otherwise it would have been possible to go further.

But even so, he is quite dangerous.

It is simply a big joke that such a person dies at the hands of a child.

Dumbledore also knows this. He has ten years to prepare, and I believe he is well prepared.

But he also had no confidence. After all, Voldemort was a strong man of the same level as him and had a large number of followers. It would be a matter of time before he came back.

At this time, a huge wizard family happened to come into his sight. If he didn't have some evil intentions, he wouldn't believe it.

However, he will later discover that his efforts to target our family were completely in vain and brought disgrace upon himself.

Of course, the same goes for the Dark Lord. "

"Are you so confident?" Aaron was a little surprised.

He also has confidence in his family, but this confidence is based on his own potential.

As long as he has time, he can have the power to overturn the pirate ship before Dumbledore completely pulls him onto the pirate ship.

To take a step back, when it is really necessary, as long as a few large magic circles in the castle are activated, the Holy Magister may not be able to attack. This is his confidence.

What does the earth-shaking situation outside have to do with me? I can still live a peaceful life behind closed doors.

Lucius used to be a Death Eater, but after the fall of Voldemort, he used the financial resources and connections of the Malfoy family to escape and became prosperous.

The Gaius family has a stronger foundation than the Malfoy family, so they won't be able to compete with them!

"You should be confident." Vico smiled calmly, "Since the beginning of the Magic Age, there have been countless brilliant talents, and many of them are wizards more powerful than Dumbledore and Riddle.

Many ambitious dark wizards have also thought about gaining the support of hidden families, because compared to pure blood, we have a much greater influence on the magical world.

But without exception, they all gave up in the end.

Four families have been patronized, and the worst ones are all great magisters, one of whom is Salazar Slytherin of Hogwarts.

But we are a little more unlucky. In a few centuries BC, a god of magic came to visit.

His attitude at that time was very tough, surrender or die, not to mention how arrogant he was. "

"Then what?" Aaron asked impatiently.

"Hmph, guess...hiss!"

Vico wanted to whet his son's appetite, but the next moment his wife pinched his arm, and he immediately took a breath of cold air.

"The ancestors of our generation politely invited him into the castle for a cup of tea, and he left dejectedly, promising never to do similar stupid things again in the future."

"What happens next?"

"No more!" Vico spread his hands very naturally, "What else do you want to hear?"

Aaron: ...

"Of course that's the reason. With our defense system, we shouldn't be able to stop the Dharma God!"

"Want to know the reason?" Vico smiled meaningfully, and Lisanna looked at her son teasingly.

When Aaron saw this, he knew that there was no chance. In this family, as long as the Gaius couple stood on the united front, he, the son, would not have any say.

And the reason is also very suitable. His age is a flaw, and he is not suitable for accessing family secrets at the age of twelve.

"Come to me after dinner and I can tell you part of the reason." Vico suddenly said.

Aaron was stunned, surprised but also a little confused, "Are you sure you tell me? Is this a little too early?"

"In the other three families, it may be earlier, but in our family, as long as you have reached the level of strength, you are qualified to understand these things, and you must understand these things." Vic said, putting his eyes on the ring on Aaron's hand, "As expected of me Son, I was considered a genius when I was in school, but I only entered the realm of a senior magician when I was fourteen years old."

"It turns out your son is better than you."

"That's something to be proud of." Lisanna smiled, then waved to the ceiling and held Abe in her arms, "Son, is your pet getting fat?"

"Well... the food at school is not as good as at home, but it can't stand the quantity!"

"It's time to lose weight."

"Don't worry, madam, the diet for weight loss is already being formulated, and it is estimated that it will be ready tomorrow morning." Genes said with a smile.

Abe immediately began to express his dissatisfaction. His four white claws kept kicking back and forth, and his wings kept flipping.

"It's useless to be anxious, I won't be able to carry you if I don't lose weight." Lisanna didn't take it seriously, but looking at Abe's aggrieved eyes, she couldn't help but take a step back, "I'll give you a chicken drumstick tonight. "

Abe was unmoved and continued to increase his efforts in acting cute.

Just as Aaron was about to pull it over, Lisanna couldn't hold it in any longer, "I'll improve the food every three days from now on, and really can't do more."

Abe immediately became quiet, and Aaron could only sigh that it was too late.

During dinner time, Aaron was absent-minded, looking at his father across the table, particularly curious about the family secrets.

Others were eating peacefully, after all, it was really rare for the family to get together.

Only Abe was holding the plate and gnawing wildly, his belly was so bulging that he didn't stop. It made tinkling sounds from time to time, but no one found it objectionable.

They all understood Abe's thoughts. This is a dragon with high intelligence. It knows very well that tonight is one of the few feasts it has during this holiday. From now on, it will have to imitate humans and tighten their belts to live a better life.

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