A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 99 How many secret rooms are there in our house?

After dinner, Aaron hugged Abe and followed closely behind his father and housekeeper.

He had walked this road many times, but this was the first time he was so nervous.

Vico stopped in front of a gate, turned around and looked at his son meaningfully, "Are you ready?

Tonight you will learn the secret to the longevity of House Gaius. "

Aaron nodded solemnly. He had been to the treasure house more than once or twice. The things inside were very familiar. Although they were rare, they should not be considered secrets.

"You may be a little confused as to why I brought you here.

In fact, any wizarding family with a certain heritage will have its own secret room, and our family is no exception. "

"It's hidden deep enough!" Aaron exclaimed, "I've been here so many times, but I can't seem to find anything."

"Of course you can't find it, because the important thing is never the treasure trove, but the method."

Vico said and took out a bunch of keys, all of the same style, but made of different materials.

Aaron's mouth couldn't help but twitch. He also had the same key, which was a birthday gift his grandfather gave him before.

"My dear grandson! You have grown up, and it's time for you to know our family's heritage."

He remembered this sentence clearly, and it deeply moved him at the time.

But now that I think about it, it was all a routine.

The iron key was incomparable to the one in Vico's hand. This bunch was obviously more elegant, including gold, silver, copper, wood, and several others that he couldn't even tell. Find out what material it is.

"If a key corresponds to a secret room, then...how many secret rooms do we have in our house?"

“It’s a little more than you think anyway.

When your grandfather brought me here, my expression was exactly the same as yours, but I was fifteen at the time and could bear much more.

I won’t go into too much nonsense, I’ll let you gain some knowledge today. "

Vico said proudly, and then inserted a key into the keyhole.

"Wait, sir, it's not this one." Genes's face changed slightly when he saw that the golden key was inserted into the keyhole, and he hurriedly reminded him, but it was still a step too late.


Dazzling golden light shot out from the crack in the door, almost dazzling the eyes of the three of them.

The door opened, and Aaron walked in full of curiosity. Then his curiosity turned into astonishment, and his pupils even reflected the symbol of money.

Abe's dragon eyes were also widened, and he ran directly out of Aaron's arms and plunged into it, unable to stop him.

This secret room is very large, and its internal structure is exactly the same as that of the treasure house.

It's just that there is a large wooden box as far as the eye can see. The wooden box is full of gold and silver jewelry.

But the more visual impact is the mountains of gold coins piled high. Gold treasures can be seen everywhere here.

"Oh my god!"

Aaron couldn't help but swallowed. He knew that the Gaius family was not short of money, but he didn't expect it to be this much. He finally understood why Jeans always calculated the accounts of his shop. He looked nonchalant.

His family has a mine, so he has a family in the mine, right?

It's amazing that his house is built on a golden mountain.

Aaron grabbed a handful of gold coins, and the heavy feeling made him want to lie down.

It's better to close the shop and so on. This one is enough for him to squander for more than ten years.

“So, this is our family secret?

Have money to spend? "Aaron turned around and looked at his father, still a little overwhelmed, but he soon found a reason for himself.

Yes, that must be the case.

No matter who you are or what you want to do, you cannot do without money.

A few hundred years ago, the assets of the Gaius family would have been enough to support a kingdom in launching a decades-long war.


"No, no need to explain." Aaron waved his hand, "I understand the truth that money can make the world go round. Even the Dark Lord has to bow his head in front of such huge wealth."

"not me..."

"Needless to say, let me first accept the fact that wealth is beyond compare."

Just as Vico was about to explain, there was a splashing sound from the side. The white holy dragon was swimming in the gold coin pool, having a great time.

Dragons all like golden things, and it is no exception.

For Abe, Aaron comes first, food comes second, and the remaining interest is treasure. This place is simply paradise for him.

Aaron rolled his eyes and walked over and pulled it out.

Although I was a little speechless, I felt that it was only natural for dragons, and there was no need to worry about it being sold in the future.

Having seen such great wealth, unless someone can move Gringotts here, it really won't impress him.

"Son, this is our family's treasury."

“It really lives up to its name!

Are the other three families the same? "

"I don't know. The four hidden families are united and help each other, but they also perform their own duties. I really don't know about the financial resources.

But even if it's not as good as ours, it shouldn't be much worse. "

Aaron thought the same thing. After thousands of years of accumulation, it was a bit exaggerated to accumulate a mine, but it was not unacceptable.

"Ahem!" Genes coughed dryly, "Master, is it time for you to get down to business?"

"Yes, I almost forgot." Vico smiled awkwardly but politely, "We came to the wrong place, we have to go to another secret room.

This is just a treasury, and what follows is the real secret of the family. "

Aaron also became serious and became more curious. There seemed to be something more important than this treasure in their home.

Vico led the way to the end of the vault.

He stood there for a while, and then the wall began to shake slowly, and huge amounts of gold coins were scattered to both sides, revealing an identical door, with a familiar keyhole suddenly appearing in the center of the door.

Vico took out the bunch of keys this time, carefully selected the silver key, and inserted it into the keyhole.

"You won't make a mistake this time, right?"

"Certainly not."

There was a creaking sound, and the door was dark, which was much deeper and more mysterious than the grandeur of the vault.

Aaron and Abe looked back reluctantly, as if they were about to say goodbye to this treasure after just one glance.

"Master, these will all be yours from now on." Genes smiled and shook his head, "So don't be reluctant to part with them."

Aaron stepped into the black secret room. As soon as he entered, the door was closed.

Then rows of lights illuminated the darkness. The things in this secret room once again made Aaron's eyes wide open, but Abe obviously couldn't arouse any interest and turned his face away arrogantly.

This secret room is relatively small, and there are no large wooden boxes in it. There are just dozens of shelves filled with all kinds of cold weapons.

Bows and arrows, swords, scimitars, daggers, hammers, shields, and all kinds of armor are available.

Moreover, these weapons are very well maintained, and you can feel the sharp cold light just by getting close to them.

"These are...antiques?"

"You're right, any of the items here have a history of hundreds of years." Vico explained, "It's a little early for you to be exposed to these at the age of twelve, but it's not like there haven't been more geniuses than you before. of.

About seven hundred years ago, there was a member of the family who entered this secret room when he was ten years old. "

"Does it make any difference?"

"Of course there is." Vico said with some reverence, "This ancestor was a high-level magician when he was only ten years old, and his talent is ranked among the top five in the family tree."

"Ten years old? Top five?" Aaron was surprised.

He, the cheater, only reached this level when he was eleven years old. Although he hardly used magic points to improve his magic power, the gap of a whole year can explain the problem.

This ancestor is a true genius, a genius among geniuses. Compared with him, Dumbledore and Voldemort are not even ranked.

"What? Can't you accept that there is someone more powerful than yourself?"

Vico wanted to laugh when he saw his son's surprised look. His own son often teased him because of his talent.

Although he wanted his son to be successful, he was still a little unhappy.

"There is a world outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. Your talent is just to get on the stage."

Aaron curled his lips disdainfully, "I also have self-awareness, and I have never felt that I am number one.

But my talent is only good enough to be on the stage, so father, is your talent just..."

"You dare to make up stories about me." Vico's face darkened, but he quickly calmed down, "But what you said is not bad, so my life will be much easier."

Aaron's heart skipped a beat, and he always felt that there was something in these words, "What do you mean?"

"This is not the time for you to know." Vico changed the topic without leaving any trace, "Do you have any thoughts after seeing these weapons?"

Aaron thought for a while, "They should be quite valuable, no less valuable than gold."

Vico stumbled and almost lost his balance, but thinking that his son had been dazzled by a large vault just before, it was understandable to think this way.

"anything else?

Don’t you have the urge to try it?

These weapons are all excellent and exquisite, extremely sharp, it is not an exaggeration to say that they can cut iron like clay. "

"Not at all." Aaron shook his head lightly and said, "Times have changed a long time ago. Muggles use firearms to fight. Although cold weapons are not obsolete, they are really not very useful."

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