"Don't be afraid, I'm here to collect the bounty." Bo Jin explained his intention. He had already paid five thousand galleons in advance and hoped to receive the reward as soon as possible.

"The wanted thief?" Susan raised her eyebrows and looked Bo Jin up and down.

"Yes, it's him! It took me a lot of effort to catch that guy. Please contact Mr. Rogge quickly. After all, that guy is a very cunning thief. I am worried that he will find an opportunity to escape." Bo Jin There was a bit of flattery in his tone, which made Sophie feel much more relaxed.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll contact Roger right now." Sophie picked up the antique phone on the table and touched the warm brass decorative pattern with her fingers.

This is a new alchemy product that Rogge sent a few days ago, a magic phone. However, the machine was unstable and far inferior to a Muggle wired telephone, but it could connect directly to a villa on the Thames.

"What is this? Miss, I think it will be faster through the Floo network." Bo Jin looked at the machine in front of him in puzzlement. It was decorated with smooth and beautiful patterns. The earpiece was connected to the fuselage through a transparent cable. Like a graceful swan neck.

"Haha!" Sophie imitated Rogge's tone and gave Bo Jin a roll of her eyes.

"Really, it's not as reliable as the Muggle phone from decades ago." Sophie complained, turning the dial again and pausing from time to time.

"Hey, Roger, can you hear me?" Sophie yelled into the phone, and a tingling sound came from the receiver.

"What? What did you say?" She raised her voice, but she still couldn't hear the voice on the phone clearly.

"Okay, I understand. I'll ask him to wait a moment." Sophie nodded and hung up the phone back to its original place.

"Rogge has to go to the Financial City and won't be here for half an hour. You can rest there for a while first." Sophie pointed to the corner of the room, where there is a comfortable and soft velvet sofa, which is larger than most wizards' beds. All comfortable.

"Thank you. What kind of magic item is this?" Bo Jin maintained a passionate curiosity, and he was keenly aware of the unlimited business opportunities hidden behind the phone.

"Muggles have had telephones decades ago." Sophie thought for a moment, "It was probably invented more than a hundred years ago."

"But this is the magic version. Except for the outer shell of the machine, which is Muggle, the inside has been changed beyond recognition by Rogge using alchemy. Although it can make calls remotely, the connection is not stable and often disconnected."

"Magic telephone?" Bo Jin's eyes flashed with gold, and he couldn't help but want to reach out and touch it.

"I think it must be much more convenient than owls and paper airplanes. Can you let me have a look?"

"No!" Sophie refused sternly, fearing that Bo Jin might do something to the machine, so she put it away as if to guard against thieves.

"Please go sit down first and I will prepare tea for you." Sophie stared at Bojin suspiciously and warned: "There is a very strict alarm spell in the store. Mr. Bojin, please be careful."

Bo Jin raised his lips unnaturally. He was a serious businessman, not a thief. You, how can you look at me like this?

"Oh, the little girls nowadays are all based on their appearance..." Bo Jin sat on the sofa and thought of his wife, the daughter of the former principal, wasn't she also with him for love?

"Have I lost my charm now?" He said to himself, stroking his shiny hair, feeling that he was still very charming.

He greedily looked at the expensive products in the room, feeling more and more that his business was high-risk, low-profit, and he had to guard against inspections by Aurors.

He couldn't help but think of the magic telephone just now, which was definitely a revolutionary invention. Who needs the ancient, slow owl when you can reach people far away in an instant?

"Thank you, Mr. Borgin." Rogge and Auror Lux came out of the fireplace and greeted Borgin with a sad face.

"I'm sorry, I came here late." Rogge explained while patting his robe: "The house in Ireland is almost in ruins, and I have to look at the design drawings. Now that the plan has finally been finalized, I still have to be busy looking for it. construction crews and building material suppliers.”

"Alas, the wizard construction team is too expensive, I can't afford it." Rogge shook his head and sighed, "And those building materials, it took three years to get them from Italy!"

After Rogge finished complaining, he introduced the wizard next to him: "This is Mr. Senior Auror Lux."

Rogge noticed Bo Jin's frozen face and signaled him not to be nervous.

"Delix, what I said is right. The wizards in Knockturn Alley are also very useful. They can always give you what you need in urgent need." Rogge meant something.

"You're right, I didn't expect to catch Fletcher so quickly. But if Mr. Borgin is to provide services, Galleon must take care of him enough." Delis joked, and Borgin quickly laughed.

"Everyone hates the thief, whether in Diagon Alley or Knockturn Alley. Catching him is something everyone shares the same hatred. You two, he is in my store, do you think?" Bo Jin thought of the poison hidden in the basement. , black magic props... He was trembling in his heart, and his voice was involuntarily nervous.

"Bojin, please bring Fletcher here." Rogge saw this and gave Bojin a step down.

"If an Auror as famous as Delux shows up in Knockturn Alley, it will definitely cause turmoil."

"Roger, you're flattered, I can only catch a few dark wizards." Delis said nonchalantly, lying comfortably on the sofa.

In a short time, Borgin threw the sack containing Fletcher into the room. Rogge waved his magic wand, the sign at the door changed to CLOSED, and the glass became one-way transparent.

"First let's see if our supplier of rare treasures is awake." Rogge untied the rope and took off Fletcher's hood.

He had just woken up and was struggling to free himself from the rope. But Bo Jin was an old man, and his tying skills were excellent, and the harder he struggled, the tighter he became.

"Oh, Mr. Fletch, long time no see." Roger threw the hood aside, and Fletch looked at them in horror.

"Roger... no, no, no, Master Travis, I have given you all the books I stole. Please let me go."

"Mr. Fletcher, I'm sorry for you to say that." Rogge showed a sad expression and said regretfully: "I am not a dark wizard who abuses his private business."

He smiled, stepped aside and asked Delis to come out.

"Auror?" Fletcher's face turned pale.

"Of course, I am a wizard who abides by the law. The crime you committed will naturally be handed over to the Ministry of Magic for trial. As for the outcome, it depends on the crime you confessed under the veritaserum."

"Spit... Veritaserum..." Fletcher's voice trembled, no one could resist that kind of thing.

"Let's go, our treasure thief." Delis picked up Fletcher, "The Ministry of Magic has been trying to catch you for a long time."

"Roger, do you want to come together?"

"It's what I asked for." Rogge nodded and threw the money bag to the eager Bo Jin.

Bo Jin quickly counted the money and found that it was exactly the same. He stooped and thanked respectfully: "Young Master Travis, it is such a pleasure to work with you."

"When I went back just now, I thought of the construction problem you mentioned." Bo Jin said tentatively, "I have an idea, I don't know if it will be helpful to you."

"Oh, tell me?" Rogge was a little surprised. Merlin, Bo Jin, who is greedy for money, is so generous in giving away free information.

"The wizard construction team essentially uses magic to build a house. In this case, other magical creatures can be used instead of expensive wizards."

Borgin offered his own suggestion: "Like, house elves."

"If you want to build a manor, you will need a lot of elves. At least dozens, or even hundreds."

This is not a big problem, even the wealthy Malfoy family only has two house elves.

"As for building materials, you can ask them!" Bojin pointed to Gringotts across the street. "Those goblins dug underground all day long and mined a lot of gems. There must be a lot of building materials piled up as scraps. .”

"Mr. Bojin, your suggestion is great! It really helped me solve a big trouble. I don't know how to thank you!" Rogge looked at Bojin meaningfully, waiting for the other party to make a request.

"We are partners and friends, this little favor is nothing!" Bo Jin seemed extremely humble, generous and helpful, and turned around and left the Flash Golem House without making any demands.

"He seems to have other purposes." Delis muttered to the side, reminding Rogge to be careful.

"Well, I'll pay attention." Rogge nodded, Bo Jin was not such a generous person.

Being so focused on interests, there must be a plan or even a conspiracy behind him making such an abnormal move.

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