A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 109 Interrogation Room 6

Fletcher was thrown into a temporary detention room by Delis, where several dark wizards were already imprisoned. They looked at Fletcher with interest.

"Look, isn't this the famous Fletcher?" A wizard with scars on his face sneered, "I heard that you are still a member of the Order of the Phoenix? What? You were arrested too?"

"Hey, he is a thief with a bounty of 10,000 Galleons, how can he be like us." Seeing that Fletcher didn't speak, another wizard teased: "I remember you stole a wizard's vault key 13 years ago. , emptying out other people’s treasury. Is this the case?”

"It's a pity, it's a pity. Now that you have been caught, Fletcher, are your theft skills useless?" The one-eyed dragon wizard wearing an eyepatch sneered.

"Brothers, I just borrowed a few Muggle books, and they paid 10,000 Galleons to arrest me. What do you think?" Fletcher spread his hands and sighed, with a helpless smile on his face.

"Muggle book?" Everyone obviously didn't believe it. They felt that Fletcher was trying to avoid the important things. "Just looking for you in the wizarding world for some waste paper? Fletcher, tell the truth to the brothers, what kind of treasure did you steal?"

"I...what's the use of lying to you? They are just making a fuss out of a molehill and can't even tolerate poor wizards like us..." Fletcher was about to cry without tears. He didn't know the consequences of stealing some Muggle books. serious.

"Fletch, did you steal something from the Malfoy family?" The scar-faced wizard interrupted the other party's excuse and stared at him with burning eyes.

"Malfoy? They hate Muggles so much, how can they have Muggle books." The one-eyed wizard smiled and raised his eyebrows and said, "Either Fletcher lied, or he stole other things. Otherwise...hehe, you just want others to mess with you."

"Fuck me?" Fletcher's heart skipped a beat, it was really possible. But I'm just a wizard thief, so that's not the case.

"Brothers, it really sounds like that when you say it. To be honest, I really only stole Muggle books. But they were from purebloods... from the Travis Manor.

The conscience of heaven and earth, that place has long been abandoned! Brothers, you said I went to pick up some things from the ruins, isn't that illegal? Fletcher looked at everyone and said boldly, "Many of us have been there, why should I be arrested?" "

"Travis? Such a familiar name." The one-eyed dragon wizard was thinking about it, but couldn't remember it for a moment.

The scar-faced wizard stood up and stretched: "The incident in Azkaban last year was related to them. If it weren't for them, I'm afraid we wouldn't have the time to chat."

"That's true. I heard that Azkaban is much better now. At least you won't be afraid of dementors in it. That newly opened store in Diagon Alley belongs to them, right?"

"Yes, it's called the Flash Golem House. Hehe, that makes sense. Fletcher, if you don't want to see people making a lot of money, go ahead and steal it if you feel itchy."

"I..." Fletcher was stunned, he did have this idea.

"No need to explain, everyone can understand. In the past, you stole things because no one cared about you. Now you still steal because you don't take them seriously."

"Fletch, you just have too many good lives. Don't think that if you have a backer, others will not dare to touch you. After taking care of you, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, will other wizards dare to provoke Travis?"

"I..." Fletcher regretted it, why couldn't he control it at that time. It's just a few Muggle books, thrown on the ground and no one wants them, so why am I greedy for everything.

"Don't blame me for my conspiracy, brother. If it's for you, it's fine. If it's for the Order of the Phoenix, tsk tsk..."

The scar-faced wizard's words became more and more frightening as he thought about them. Fletcher's smile froze on his face, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

"No...it can't be. The Order of the Phoenix has been disbanded."

He didn't hesitate for too long. The two Aurors pushed open the cell door and snapped their fingers to let him out.

"Mundungus Fletcher? Let's go to Interrogation Room 6." The Auror said coldly, with a playful expression on his face.

Several inmates waved their hands to send blessings to Fletcher, and cheerful laughter soon came from the detention room. The Aurors unceremoniously pushed Fletcher to the chair and asked him to tell the truth.

"Fletch, the report about you is almost filling the whole room. Please be honest with us and answer whatever we ask you. Don't try to play tricks!" The Auror opened the cabinet next to him, and countless papers fell out like falling leaves. Flying around all the same.

"Dear Aurors, I don't seem to remember doing so many bad things?" Fletcher showed an innocent and pitiful expression.

"Really?" Delis walked in with Rogge holding the medicine bottle.

"It seems that if I don't give you some veritaserum, you won't tell the truth." He put the veritaserum in front of Fletcher and threatened.

"No, no, if you ask, I will definitely say what I want and answer you without reservation." Fletcher quickly surrendered. Seeing that his attitude was quite sincere, Delis withdrew the Veritaserum.

"Fletch, answer me, when did you sneak into Travis Manor and steal?" The Auror next to him continued the interrogation at Derek's signal.

"I really can't remember... You know, I don't have a fixed residence and need to visit various places. It's hard to remember the specific time." Fletcher made a thoughtful gesture and said that he really couldn't remember.

He has gone to Travis Manor too many times, and if he was told everything, he might have to spend his whole life in Azkaban.

"Don't try to fool us! What exactly is your so-called visit? We both know very well that it is theft!" Another Auror slapped the table, telling Fletcher to correct his attitude.

"Don't think that we can't do anything if you don't tell us. Have you seen these files? The earliest records can be traced back to 1974. These alone are enough for you to drink."

"My lords, you already know this, so what's the point of interrogating me? Why don't you just hand me over to the Wizengamot for direct trial." Fletcher continued to quibble.

"Wait a minute." Luo grabbed Delis who was about to use Veritaserum.

"Don't be anxious, just play with him again." He wrote something on the paper. Delis smiled after reading it and handed it to the interrogating Aurors.

The Auror was a little surprised when he saw the note, but he still asked the question: "According to the evidence we have, you were once a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Fletcher, you just mentioned the Wizengamot. Are you hinting at us? Beth Dumbledore ordered you to steal."

"You...you are throwing dirty water! This is slander!" Fletcher struggled excitedly, but he didn't mean it at all.

"Don't get excited." The Auror who asked the question suddenly found a breakthrough.

"When did you join the Order of the Phoenix?"

"What does this have to do with my stealing?" Fletcher was extremely panicked, fearing that the inmate's joke just now would come true.

"Oh, you admitted that you stole. That's good, Mr. Fletch. At least you still have the attitude to plead guilty." Delis nodded. Roger's strategy worked, and Fletch began to panic.

The two Aurors placed a thick pile of report records in front of Fletcher's eyes, which made him tremble with fear.

"You said it had nothing to do with Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix, but our statistics found that during the time you joined the Order, the Ministry of Magic had zero reports on you."

“That’s when I changed my ways!”

"Fletch, don't be naughty. Everyone knows what kind of person you are! Reform your past?" The Auror got a little excited when he said this. He took a deep breath and asked, "Did Dumbledore help cover up your crime? "

September 18th, don’t forget history, let us strengthen ourselves.

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