A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 115 Friendship and Business

"Oh, dear Mr. Rogge, look what you said. In the past, when no one wanted them, they were just broken stones. But if you want them, they need a suitable price."

"Regardless of the white marble from Italy, the obsidian granite from the center of the earth, the limestone from the Brahmaputra River... I guarantee that there is no stone that we fairies can't find."

"There are no guys more greedy than you." Rogge curled his lips. It was because of their greed that he sought cooperation with them. "I need to add security and defensive magic to the manor, at least as safe as Gringotts."

"Oh my God, it's impossible! It took nearly a thousand years for Gringotts to be as safe as it is today." Rocopic did not refuse, but just complained about the difficulties.

"You mean more money?"

"Of course sir, if you add 100,000 more, I will provide you with a full set of services. Whether it is stone, fairy metal, or the defensive magic you need most, I can provide it to you completely. I guarantee you that your new The manor is as safe as Gringotts! It will become the safest place in the entire wizarding world!"

Rocopic's words are very tempting, and most people would agree. However, Rogge was well aware of the security risks of Gringotts and did not agree with the goblin's assessment.

"Oh, did someone blow open the vault door like last year?" Rogge retorted loudly as soon as Rogge finished speaking.

"Rumor! It's a complete rumor! Last year's thief didn't succeed!"

"But the fact that he broke in means that Gringotts' security system is not as good as expected. I heard that it is a three-digit vault."

Rogge took out his vault key and pointed out the number on it to the other party: "Look, I have a four-digit number, so my security risk is higher..."

"150,000 Galleons."



"Deal!" Rogge stretched out his hand, and Rocobic hesitated for a long time and took it.

"Mr. Rogge, you are the first wizard who is willing to shake hands with us." Rocobic felt a little moved. Although the goblins are not the wizard's slaves, they are their appendages.

"As long as everyone is not on the opposite side of each other, I can extend a friendly hand at any time." Rogge said generously, expressing goodwill to Rocopic.

"Of course sir! Hundreds of years have passed since the war between goblins and wizards. We will definitely get along well with each other."

"Yes, we are friendly! I hope our friendship can last forever." Rogge nodded. If Voldemort is destined to make a comeback, he hopes that the goblins will be on his side.

After signing the contract, Rocobic picked up the golden Best from the table and gave it to Rogge with difficulty.

"This is?"

"Mr. Rogge, this is a testimony of our friendship." Rocopic's heart ached, but looking at the little wizard in front of him, he sent it out without hesitation.

"Thank you. It's not easy to receive gifts from you." Rogge nodded. He knew these greedy guys so well that even Nat wanted to break them in half.

He had never heard of any wizard receiving a gift from a goblin. This is a solid gold sculpture inlaid with precious cat's eye gemstones. Whether in the Muggle world or the wizarding world, they are valuable.

"Can my owl be a guest at your place this Christmas?"

"Mr. Rogge... you... you want to give me a Christmas gift?" Rocopic looked at the other party in disbelief. There was actually a wizard who wanted to give the goblin a Christmas gift! It wasn't dreaming, was it?

"Aren't you welcome?"

"Welcome! You must be welcome! But..." Rocopic nodded quickly, and then said: "Sir, you know, our friendship is friendship, and our contract is contract."

"Of course!" Rogge liked the goblin's attitude very much. Friendship cannot affect interests. As long as they agree with this truth, we will be sure to draw them into our own camp in the future.

The weather was not good today, it was dark all the time and a few small pearls fell from time to time. It seems that the next moment, I will cry uncontrollably.

Everything is ready to rebuild the manor, all it needs is the right construction team. In fact, it was all thanks to Bo Jin. If it weren't for him, Rogge would never have thought of hiring an elf for construction.

"Mr. Bojin." Rogge pushed open the store door, and Bojin saw Rogge running over quickly.

"Young Master Travis, are you here? How can I serve you?" Bo Jin's attitude was very humble, even a little flattering.

Rogge looked at himself. His clothes were very ordinary and he didn't look like Kaizi. Bo Jin's humble attitude made him feel strange and uneasy. Could this guy have taken the wrong medicine?

"Bojin, you are too polite. Just call me Roger. It will make me feel closer."

"That's presumptuous, Rogge." Bojin nodded and followed beside him to introduce the new magic items in the store.

Rogge picked up a blood and bone ring and turned to look at Bo Jin: "I went to the Ministry of Magic two days ago and heard that there was going to be a big sweep in the Ministry."

"A big sweep?" Bo Jin's eyes widened. Fudge must have taken the wrong medicine! Now that the magical world is so stable and the mysterious man has disappeared for more than ten years, what is worthy of such an effort.

"I heard they were searching for dark magic items. Mr. Borgin, you can take the opportunity to get some good stuff this time." Rogge put the blood and bone ring back into the box and asked, "Are there any house elves for sale in the magic world?"

"Not too much." Borgin secretly remembered Rogge's reminder and straightened his hair: "You also know that house elves are not only a symbol of status, but also a good helper for wizards. They are quite popular. Once they become slaves , they will serve the wizarding family for generations, and it can be said that they are one of the most valuable assets of the pure-blood family."

Rogge looked at the philistine Bo Jin and suspected that this guy was a goblin in human skin. Inside and outside the words, they all mean to add money.

"Price is not an issue, but I don't like ordinary house elves." Rogge put down a pile of commissions and made his request: "I need some young house elves. The only requirement is loyalty."

"Don't worry Roger, they will be the most loyal. I have never heard of a house elf daring to betray his master." Bo Jin assured him, patting his chest, "But please take the money back."

"Oh?" Rogge looked at Bojin in disbelief, very surprised, "Bojin, if you have any requests, just ask. This is so unlike you, it makes me feel a little uneasy."

"Roger, the magic phone in your store... I wonder when it will be released?"

"Oh, that thing." Rogge leaned on the counter, and Bojin quickly called for a chair and asked him to sit down.

"You want to be a dealer?"

"Dealer?" Bo Jin was stunned, not quite understanding the word.

"Well, I will give you the magic phones in large quantities, and you will sell them to other people."

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean. I don't know if I can become your dealer." Bo Jin looked at Rogge uneasily. The money of that thing was much better than his own black magic props.

"Of course, I'm very open in this regard. We are all partners, making money together. No one can resist the charm of lovely gold galleons."

"You are absolutely right, my Mr. Rogge." Bo Jin nodded quickly and flattered him.

"Only a wizard as smart as you can master the art of alchemy to such an extent. With all due respect, although Nicoléme is known as a great alchemist and a sage who created the magic stone. But that is so important to the magic world. what's the function?

You are different. Your Magic Polaroid brings a new photo-taking experience to the magical world. If it weren't for your generosity, everyone would still be using antiques from the last century. "

"Okay, okay, Borgin, you are exaggerating. You have to worry more about the house elves."

"Roger, please rest assured. Even if I travel all over the magic world, I will still find a suitable elf."

"Loyal, capable, and the appearance is in line with the aesthetics of a wizard. How many elves do you need?"

"How about five?" Rogge thought for a moment. He wanted Paopao to follow him, one in the store and one at home. The Irish manor also needs elves to take care of it, and 6 elves should be enough.

"Help me find a wizard with construction experience. I need someone who can understand Muggle architectural drawings and is not a guy who builds randomly and illegally."

"It's a bit difficult. Wizards always look down upon Muggles. But trust me, I will help you find the wizard you need!" Facing the commission that Rogge pushed over again, Borgin put it in the box with great kindness.

"Please let me know if you receive anything good."

"Don't worry, Rogge. There is no more generous person in the magic world than you. The magic items I receive will definitely be shown to you as soon as possible."

Rogge's face darkened when he heard this, and he seemed to feel like he was being taken advantage of.

Carrying a box full of gold galleons, he came to the Hogwarts campus again. During the school holidays, apart from Dumbledore, only Snape was researching potions in the dungeon.

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