"Teacher, I'm here to see you again!" Roger came out of the fireplace and greeted Snape.

"Are you okay with your time at home? Or do you think I should give you some homework!" Snape's hands shook when he heard the voice, and a stream of gray-black smoke came out of the test tube.

"Ugh, teacher, don't be angry! There is no such thing as summer homework in the British wizarding community." Rogge apologized quickly and cleaned up the workbench for Snape.

"Tell me, what are you doing here again?" Snape waved his sleeves and stared at Rogge.

"I heard that the principal had a quarrel with the school directors, and I was thinking about making a contribution to the school." Rogge opened the box, and 100,000 gold galleons were shining brightly.

"Roger..." Snape stood up in shock and immediately asked him to take the money back with a straight face.

Rogge was worried that Snape was under psychological pressure, so he quickly explained: "Teacher, this is what our family earned this year, not compensation from the Ministry of Magic."

"Earned?" Snape couldn't believe it. In just one year, the Rogge family had earned money that most wizards could not earn in a lifetime.

More importantly, this kid has a heart of gold. He cares about the school and is willing to devote himself to it.

"Roger, take it back. Although the school is a bit difficult, the principal and professors are here, so you don't have to worry." Snape closed the box forcefully, put it into Rogge's hand, and tried to put it away without saying a word. Push back the fireplace and send away.

"Teacher, wait a minute!" Rogge held up the box and shouted loudly, "It's not free! I'm here to discuss business with the principal!"

"Business talk?" Snape was stunned for a moment, what could be worth 100,000 Galleons?

"Don't catch Fox's attention!" Snape shook his head. There were many extremely precious magic items in the principal's office, but they were not for sale.

"No, no, no, teacher, you misunderstood, it's something else. How about you let me finish first?" Rogge explained quickly. If Fox can buy it, let alone 100,000, he will buy it for 1 million.

"Okay, I'll give you three minutes. If you can't convince me, just go back the way you came."

"Understood!" Rogge cleared his throat, "Teacher, don't I want to rebuild the manor? The building materials are all ready, but the price offered by the wizard construction team is too high."

"Hmph~ You don't want to ask the principal to help you build a house, do you?" Snape glared at Roger. If the price is right, it is really possible.

"How dare you? That's my dear principal, the greatest white wizard. I want to rent the elves in our school, they also have magic power." Rogge had thought about it, but considering the secret passages in Hogwarts, he still Discarded this idea.

"I've already gone to find an architect. As long as there are elves, they can become a temporary construction team."

"Teacher, please help me. The wizard construction team is asking for more than 500,000 yuan!" Rogge clasped his hands together and looked at him eagerly.

Snape was stunned for a moment. When could he earn so much by building a house? He had the urge to give up potions and become a wizard architect.

"Okay, come with me!" Snape pondered for a long time and asked him to follow him with the box.

The two of them happened to run into the slut Lockhart at the door of the principal's office. He greeted Snape with a sunny smile.

"Hello, I am Gilderoy Lockhart, who has won the third degree of the Order of Merlin. I am also an honorary member of the Anti-Dark Arts Alliance, and I have won the Daily Prophet's Most Charming Smile Award five times." Lockhart said and smiled. With his brilliant white teeth, he is worthy of being the beloved arsonist in the magical world.

He compared himself with Snape, and obviously felt that his arrival had improved the appearance of Hogwarts by another dimension. But when I saw the little wizard next to me, I had to give myself 99 points.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Snape frowned and looked at Lockhart, where did this weird wizard come from.

"Teacher, he is Lockhart, an internationally renowned figure and a best-selling author." Rogge introduced to Snape that last year's Christmas prize also included a set of his books.

"Ha... I didn't expect there are fans of mine here!" Lockhart happily pulled Roger over and eagerly wanted to give him an autograph.

"Before school starts, I will be at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore to sign the new book: Magical Me!" Lockhart blocked the door and looked like he would not let them go until he finished speaking.

"But compared to my humble work, you will get something more valuable starting from this year." Lockhart cleared his throat and introduced himself with his head held high: "Principal Dumbledore has agreed that starting from September, I will become The new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

"If you've ever read one of my books, like Walking with the Ghouls . . ."

Facing the chattering Lockhart, Rogge rolled his eyes and looked at Snape, as if saying with his eyes: "Teacher, use Avada to finish him off!"

Lockhart's desire to express himself was so strong that he spoke for half an hour before giving up. Looking at the beautiful robe, Snape and Roger looked at each other and realized that the new school year was not going to be easy.

From his eloquent remarks, Snape realized that the other person was a idiot with a mouth stronger than a wand. Talking about some unreliable magic potions and refining techniques in front of him. If it wasn't in front of the headmaster's office, he would have wanted to stuff Lockhart into the sewer.

"Teacher, isn't he a paid professor?" Rogge shook his head, feeling paralyzed by what Lockhart said.

"Paid professor?" Snape didn't quite understand.

"There is a Muggle racing sport called F1. If your family has money, you can buy a driver's seat. I mean, will Lockhart pay for it to become a professor?"

"Impossible, the headmaster would not do such a thing!" Snape said firmly. He felt that instead of hiring a idiot from outside, it would be better for him to serve as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. With just two courses, he was completely stress-free!

Dumbledore had long noticed that there was someone outside, and was secretly relieved when he saw that it was Snape and Rogge. It would give him a big headache if Lockhart came in and talked about it again.

"Roger, shouldn't the little wizard hate school?"

"How can you hate school? The campus is so big, all the students are talented, and the professors are so nice to talk to. I like it very much." Rogge put the box on Dumbledore's desk with a arrogant expression.

"Principal, can you borrow 100,000 galleons from the school's elf for the summer vacation?" Roger opened the box and accidentally knocked it over with his sleeve.

One hundred thousand galleons poured down, pushing Rogge down the steps. Fortunately, Snape grabbed him and prevented him from being pushed down by Garen.

"Ahem..." Dumbledore looked at the golden Galleons on the ground and quickly coughed to relieve his shock.

Snape secretly kicked the boy, obviously knowing that he was careless on purpose.

"Principal, I think you can consider Rogge's proposal. The elf has nothing to do during the holidays, so why not help out and see the outside world." Snape advised Rogge.

"Let me think about it." Dumbledore walked to the perch. Fawkes looked older than when he saw him a while ago. A small part of its feathers had fallen off, and it looked like a dying turkey.

"Yes, but remember to bring them back one week before school starts, otherwise it will be too late to prepare things for you for the new school year."

"Understood, principal." Rogge agreed quickly and left as if he was afraid that Dumbledore would regret it.

"Alas, this child." Dumbledore waved his wand, and Galleon returned to the box.

"He has a heart of gold." Snape's words surprised Dumbledore, who rarely praised others.

"Severus, I have something to tell you." Dumbledore walked to the pensieve and pulled a memory from his temple with his wand and put it into it.

"Fletch is dead. He died in the courtroom of the Ministry of Magic."

"That thief?" Snape frowned and stared at Dumbledore, "You mean his death was related to Rogge?"

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