"Roger, with all due respect. I doubt the protective magic used by the goblins." Sarah reminded her without concealing her attitude, "Those loan shark goblins will definitely destroy Travis Manor. Treat it as your own property.”

"Uh, no, right?" Rogge was confused, but he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Through communicating with Rocopic these days, I discovered that goblins are just a group of misers and vampires. As long as you can make money, let alone your loved ones, relatives and friends, you can even sell yourself.

Now every brick, stone, and floor in the manor is a building material provided by them, not to mention using goblin metal to reinforce every part of the manor.

They do make the manor stronger and make it easier to apply magic later. But at the same time, the entire manor was marked by the goblins.

According to their trading logic, everything sold can be taken back after the customer dies. Things given away for free... Rogge was a little unsure about paying attention.

Seeing Rogge deep in thought, Sarah quickly spoke ill of the goblins: "Don't underestimate those goblins, their lower limit is far lower than you think."

"Give me 30,000 Galleons and I will help you get rid of all the spells."

"30,000?" Rogge shook his head, "The price is too high, why not come in person."

Rogge thought for a moment and rejected Sarah's proposal. Doing it yourself can also prevent others from leaving a back door.

"Ah?" Sarah looked at Rogge in surprise and reminded him: "This is a large manor. Let's not talk about the traceless expansion spell and protective magic. Just the life spell, you can't personally give every teapot, every Charm the broom."

"Also, elves can do some rough work. But they don't have magic wands, so delicate work like decoration has to be left to wizards."

"I'm cheaper. Pay me 10,000 Galleons, and I'll take care of all the magic of life and decoration of the manor. I know a few very experienced wizards who are good at various decoration styles."

"Is it reliable?" Rogge nodded. There is really no need to do magic in life by yourself.

"That's my sister, of course she's reliable..." Sara realized she had slipped her words and smiled coquettishly.

"Then I'll leave it to you and the decoration master you recommended." Rogge didn't care. As long as he can do a good job, it doesn't matter who he is.

"You have to pay a 30% deposit first, and after you accept it, you can pay the rest. But as agreed, the balance must be paid in full, and there can be no discounts!"

"No problem!" After sending Sara away, Roger lay on the sofa and started thinking. Where did Golden Feather take him? Bowman's Alchemy Workshop?

He tied it with a rope, made it into a necklace and wore it around his neck. It shouldn't be difficult to find such a huge swamp.

Summoning a copy of "Three Island Travels" from the bookshelf, Roger lay on the sofa and searched for the corresponding swamp.

"Quiddy Swamp?"

Soon, Roger found out what the place was called, and the name was related to Quidditch. He quickly looked up the history of the development of Quidditch, and sure enough, the world-famous Quidditch movement originated in Quidditch Swamp.

In the early days, a few wizards rode broomsticks and played ball over Quidditch Swamp. Later, the sport spread from Ireland to all over the world.

At that time, the wizard would release a Golden Snidget at the beginning of the game, and killing it would earn 150 Galleons.

As Quidditch became more popular, there were fewer and fewer Gold Snidgets. Later, Bowman Wright produced The Snitch, which replaced Snitch. The early 150 galleons has become the current 150 points.

To this day, the Golden Snidget is extinct. Rogge touched the Feather Necklace, thinking that this feather might belong to Jin Feixia.

"Want to fly there on a broomstick? Let's buy a magic carpet." Roger thought again and decided to prepare both.

Where there are wizards, there is usually a floo network, and even if that doesn't work, you can reach your destination by apparating. However, there are no such conditions in the wild, and we can only rely on various means of transportation, such as Yeqi carriages.

Magic carpets are contraband in the British wizarding community. According to the Ministry of Magic, they are so similar to Muggle carpets that they have to be recorded on the Prohibited Magical Items Register.

"You're such a big-headed guy, flying broomsticks originally came from Muggle families." Rogge held the Nimbus 2000 and chatted with Bo Jin.

"Roger, the broomstick company must have donated enough money to the Ministry of Magic. The magic carpet is much cheaper than the broomstick." Borgin spread out the magic carpet and introduced it to Rogge.

"My good friend Bashir brought it back from Turkey, a first-class magic carpet."

"You see, it's mixed with gold thread and unicorn hair. It feels like lying on a cloud when you sit on it. It's soft and comfortable. It's not slow either, it can reach 150 miles per hour, and it can also carry 200 pounds of weight.

For only 500 Galleons, this precious collectible is yours! This price is only one-tenth of the price of Nimbus 2000. "

"It's too expensive. I just bought it for fun. It's 5 Galleons. If you agree, I'll pay for it." Rogge shook his head and zeroed it out, but he didn't cut it in half.

"No, the price is too low!" Bo Jin was frightened by Rogge's dragon-slaying knife and shook his head desperately.

"It came across the ocean and escaped the inspection of the Ministry of Magic. Don't you know that Bashir was almost caught by Weasley. The minimum is 100 Galleons, and you can't sell it any lower?"

"50, one penny more and I'll leave."

"Hey, okay. Who do you think we are friends? If it were someone else, I would definitely not sell it to him." Bock nodded awkwardly and put away the galleons.

Recently, the Ministry of Magic has started searching everywhere, and many illegal items have been sold to the underground market in large quantities. For example, this fine magic carpet only cost 3 Galleons when Borgin received it.

"What flying tools are there in the Far East?"

"I'm not sure. Hong Kong uses broomsticks." Bo Jin thought for a while and said uncertainly: "There seem to be flying swords and bamboo dragonflies over there."

"Flying sword!" Rogge's eyes lit up, how cool it was to fly with a sword. As for bamboo dragonflies, 80% of them are used for footbaths.

"If you need it, I can order some through smuggling in Hong Kong." Bo Jin quickly recommended himself, "I heard that the branch there will be withdrawn in a few years, and the channels will not be as smooth as they are now."

Borgin sells anxiety, hoping to get some more galleons out of Rogue.

"Next time." Rogge smiled, he didn't want to be taken advantage of.

"Sitting on my beloved little magic carpet, it will never be stuck in traffic, it can serve hot pot and coke, and it can make me sing happily... beep beep beep beep..." Rogge came to Quidditch Swamp again and sat on the magic carpet. , eating hot pot and singing songs.

The hot pot was steaming in the sky, and Rogge put tripe and beef slices in it from time to time to cook. Put it in your mouth and chew it, it will be so spicy!

"It's so spicy!" Rogge burst into tears and quickly took a sip of milk. There is no chili here, and it is really unbearable to eat it suddenly.

"Boss, who is this? Isn't magic carpet banned in the UK? Why is there still white steam coming out of it?" In the reeds, several masked wizards in black stared at the magic carpet floating above their heads.

"Look at me." Karl, who was wearing a dome hat, smiled. He waved his hand, and the wand with a gold-inlaid handle flew into his hand.

The tip of the wand fired a beam of light and BAM! boom! boom! ...Six magic spells came out one after another.

Rogge, who was eating hot pot, was startled when he heard the explosion, and then colorful fireworks exploded around the magic carpet. He quickly threw away his chopsticks, put on his armor to protect himself and looked down warily.

"Boss, we missed." Rex looked up at the flying magic carpet and looked at Karl in confusion.

The boss's spells are always accurate and fast. Not even the hippogriff can escape. Why did he make a mistake today?

"Don't worry, let the fireworks light up for a while." Karl leaned back confidently, lit up a cigarette and took a deep breath.

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