A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 120 Eating hot pot and singing

As soon as he finished speaking, fireworks fell and ignited the magic carpet in the sky. A dozen big holes were burned out of the good blanket in an instant, and the tassels on the edge of the magic carpet also burned quickly, and the fire became more and more intense.

I saw the magic carpet carrying a puff of black smoke, spiraling towards the depression in the distance.

"Ouch~~!" Rex shouted, using Phantom Teleportation to rush towards the place where Rogge fell.

Three guys in similar clothes suddenly appeared where the magic carpet fell, and they searched everywhere for Rogge.

"Boss, he's gone." Rex licked his lips, and the duck he got actually flew away!

"Huh? Ilya, what do you think?" Karl carefully looked around and found no footprints or fallen reeds.

"The person didn't hit the ground. The other person was very alert and left in the air." Ilya put his fingers into the overturned hot pot and licked the red oil on it with his tongue.

"Bah, damn, it's so spicy, it couldn't be from Mexico!"

"The original shape appears." Karl waved his wand, and a wave of magic spread out around him. The surrounding area was empty except for reeds undulating in the wind.

"He can run fast, let's go, we should go find the silver-maned Pegasus." Karl said as the tip of his wand threw out a ball of green fire. The ferocious flames burned the remains of the magic carpet to ashes, and then followed the reeds. Burning out quickly.

The fierce fire turned into a huge fire snake, and the licked reeds ignited quickly like cotton threads, making a crackling sound. The originally lush reeds turned into a sea of ​​​​fire in an instant. The fire jumped on the swamp, and the flames reflected the sky in a poisonous green.

The animals hiding in the swamp quickly boiled, and countless miserable screams came from the mouth of the fire snake, and then quickly disappeared.

A group of silver-maned Pegasus soared in the distance. Carl and the other three's eyes lit up, and they rode their brooms towards the group of Pegasus in the distance.

"Poacher or dark wizard?" Rogge came out of the Disillusionment Curse, waved his wand and directed a stream of water at the fire snake.

Unknowingly, the clear water like a spring has reached level 5. The originally gentle water flow turned into a mighty river, like a water cannon hitting the green fire snake hard.

"Brother, the wizard is out!" Rex stopped suddenly when he heard the movement behind him.

He turned around and saw that clear water like a spring was suppressing Li Huo. When did this basic spell work against dark magic?

"Capture Pegasus first." Karl turned his head and glanced. Under the suppression of several shots of clear water, the fire snake became dying in the surrounding of the water.

It seems that the little wizard is not easy to mess with, and he regrets his behavior just now. Now that the gap has been established, the kid can't be let go.

"Catch Pegasus first, then take care of him later..."

"You go catch the Pegasus, and I'll kill the kid." Rex smiled cruelly, shook the two of them away, turned around and flew towards Rogge.

"Rex!" Carl shouted, and Rex jumped far away in the blink of an eye.

"Brother, he's just a brat. Let's catch the Pegasus first." Ilya smiled, not caring about Rogge in the distance.

"Okay, let's catch them first." Dudley had a bad premonition, but he didn't take it to heart after all.

Rogge saw Rex flying in the distance and took a look at his Nimbus 2000. When the fierce fire on the ground was completely extinguished, the opponent was already 500 meters away, almost in the blink of an eye.

"I hope you can be stronger." Rogge grabbed the Nimbus 2000, and the broom took him out with a swish.

"Damn, damn rich man!" Rex yelled. He didn't expect that kid's broomstick to be a Nimbus series.

His murderous intention towards Rogge became even stronger and he pursued him closely. In the ancient Quidditch Swamp, a chase between flying broomsticks is once again staged, but this time the stakes are not the Golden Snidget or the outcome, but each other's lives.

The broom used by Rex is an old-fashioned Tinder Broom. In addition to being more elastic, its speed is not as fast as Rogge's Nimbus. However, the broom in his hand has been specially modified to enable rapid and continuous explosions in a short period of time.

"Newbie? What a waste of such a good broom." Rex followed closely, clinging to it like a hungry wolf. He found that the kid only knew basic controls and was completely unworthy of the Nimbus.

Whenever Rogge's flight trajectory becomes disrupted, the distance between the two sides will become closer. Fortunately, Rogge understood the air resistance, so he clung to the broom and flew through the wind.

One of them escaped, the other chased...

"A wizard who can only read is destined to be useless." Resker pinched the metal piece on the top of the broom.

Bang bang bang... The fire explosion exploded several times in a row, causing Rex's speed to increase sharply, even faster than Nimbus 2000.

"I'm going, how can I still do this?" Rogge looked back and saw Rex rushing over as if he had eaten a fart candy.

"Avada Kedavra!" Rex took out his wand and shouted at Rogge's back, and the life-threatening green curse came straight towards him.

Rogge used the broom to narrowly avoid it, and his speed slowed down uncontrollably. He quickly accelerated, and another death curse flew from behind. Rogge suddenly turned to the left, and the death curse passed by the hair on his ear.

"Damn it, let's see how you can hide this time!" Rex roared and shot the killing curse again.

"Can't fly in a straight line anymore!" Rogge turned over and hung upside down on the broom, and the death curse passed through the position where he was just now.

He broke into a cold sweat and found that the other party was getting closer and closer. If you continue to fly in a straight line, you will be a target for the opponent, and sooner or later you will be hit by the curse. But he didn't fly in a straight line, and his flying skills were not as good as his opponent's, so he couldn't get rid of Rex at all.

Roger hung upside down on the broomstick, slammed the broomstick to the ground, and Nimbus 2000 suddenly dived towards the ground. As the altitude decreases, the speed lost just now is regained and even becomes faster.

The night is getting darker, and a hazy mist rises from the swamp below. Rex took aim many times, but death was always one step behind Rogge. Seeing that the opponent was about to crash into the swamp, Rex gritted his teeth, grabbed the broom with both hands and pressed down hard.

"I hate flying broomsticks!" Rogge shouted as he approached the ground and pushed the broomstick upwards.

At the last moment when Nimbus 2000 crashed into the ground with him, the broom finally flew out flat. Rogge quickly turned over, rushed into the reeds and disappeared.

Rex, who followed closely behind, also made an emergency adjustment to his flight attitude, but the Pyroblast was too old and its controllability was far inferior to Rogge's. The broom puffed out a stream of black smoke before slamming to the ground.

It was smashed into two pieces, flew into the air and exploded. And its owner didn't fare well either. He was thrown into the reeds and frightened a flock of birds.

"Damn it! My leg is broken!" Rex bared his teeth and roared in pain, and his wand was also broken into two sections.

The relationship between the hunter and the prey was completely reversed. He had to endure the pain and avoid making sounds to reveal his position.

Coo coo coo......

There were several strange bird calls coming from the reeds, and Rex's eyes were filled with panic and fear, like a wounded animal that was lying on the ground motionless.

The night is very dark and the fog is very heavy. As long as you don't make any noise, the other party will definitely not be able to see you! Rex hypnotized himself, completely unaware that his enemy was capable of night vision.

Rogge heard the noise and turned around to see that the other party's broom exploded and disintegrated in the air.

"I never hold grudges!" Rogge breathed a sigh of relief and flew back quietly.

"Because my revenge was avenged on the spot!" Rogge hovered over Rex's head and fainted with a soft curse.

"Awake?" Rogge used a transformation spell to turn the reed into a stool, and tied Reske tightly to it.

"Kid, let me go! Otherwise, I'll kill you!" Rex showed a bloodthirsty expression, hoping to intimidate the other party. After all, a young wizard at this age can only fight.

Rogge didn't waste any time and stabbed his palm with a dagger made from reed, nailing him firmly to the chair.

"Ah!" Rex howled, his voice shrill.

"I ask, you answer." Rogge gave him a slap in the face to tell him to be quiet.

"Name, organization, why did you come to Quidditch Swamp? Why did you attack me?"

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