The wizards present breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. According to the law, the punishment is to lift it up high and put it down gently. As for the Thunderbirds’ protective umbrella? Hum, if you kill all the Thunderbirds, there will be no protection.

"After this matter is over, I will take the blame and resign."

No one is surprised by James' last words. If such a big thing happened, someone must be responsible.

Otherwise, a group of wizards who were imprisoned will be killed to give an account, or the top leaders of the Congress will take responsibility.

"James, you American goblins can still use magic wands. This matter must be dealt with with a heavy blow." Delis reminded them not to forget.

"Okay!" James nodded and looked at Madison.

"Inform the four families who make wands and either hand over the list of goblins who want to buy wands, or I will come to talk to them in person. Regarding the production and sale of wands, Congress must enact laws as soon as possible."

This is how a global anti-poaching campaign began, all because the Thunderbirds robbed Rogge's eggs in Quidditch Swamp.

When the crime of selling magical creatures was uncovered, even greater crimes surfaced.

The Thunderbirds have been working hard for many years, and their connection with the Magical Congress is too close. For the sake of their own wealth and life, all Congress wizards have only one word: kill!

Some of the wizard's children are still in prison. Taking back the living members of the Thunderbirds at this time will bring trouble to themselves and their colleagues.

They follow the principle of preferring to kill the wrong person rather than let it go. Members of the Thunderbird Party, kill! Poaching wizard, kill! Former Thunderbirds member, kill!

For a time, the prices of potion materials in major magic circles around the world skyrocketed. Everyone is asking what happened. The group of American wizards are chasing poaching organizations everywhere like mad dogs.

As the wind roared, Lucius immediately stopped the North Sea transport ship.

When Rogge left the United States, he still didn't see Elijah. This duelist of the Thunderbirds may have died under the wand of a certain wizard. Perhaps he is still lingering somewhere, feeling uneasy all day long. If he knew that everything was caused by himself, would he regret not committing suicide in Quidditch Swamp like Carl?

"Minerva, little Roger, you should go back to England first." Newt carried the suitcase. He wanted to return these magical animals to their original place of life.

"Mr. Newt, I will hatch the Golden Snidget. Then you can help me build a magical animal breeding house."

"Of course." Newt nodded and waved goodbye to them.

During this time before school started, no one knew where Dumbledore was. Many wizards from all over the world said they had seen an old man with silver beard and hair and wearing shabby gray robes. He walked around with a stick on his back.

Some people saw him in the wizarding village, and he bought some candies; some saw him in the city, and Muggles gave some coins in front of him; some saw him in the Alps, walking alone on the ridge, not knowing where he was going. .

When Roger returned to England, he learned that Snape had actually used the Thestral to drag the huge oil painting to Travis Manor.

After hearing what Bubble said, Snape turned away without saying a word. Rogge sighed in his heart: "He is really, I will cry to death!"

The progress of the manor was much faster than I imagined, and it had been repaired when I came back from the United States. Relying on building materials from prostitutes for free, it only cost 300,000 galleons in the end.

For ordinary wizards, this is already a high cost. But for a pure-blood family, especially a sacred pure-blood like Travis, it can be said that saving money is the ultimate.

It was a rare occasion for Jessica to come back from London, and she had already communicated with Professor McGonagall.

"Roger, how did you promise me!" Jessica hugged Youmi and stared at him with bright eyes.

"Who said you can't go anywhere but England?"

"Mom, you can't blame me. It's obviously the fault of the Thunderbirds, so I went to Quidditch Swamp to practice flying broomsticks. Who would want to be attacked by them. Fortunately, your son is lucky enough to have nothing to do."

"Oh, you are right! Where is New York? You can't tell me that they abducted you there, right?"

"I was terrified when Snape sent me the message!"

"Ah! Teacher? What did he say?"

"He said you go to New York and you can't come back."

"..." Rogge had a dark look on his face. He said he wouldn't be able to come back. He obviously wasn't coming back for the time being!

"Didn't he tell you that there was Professor McGonagall?"

"Can I be in a hurry if I know! Neither you nor your dean is reliable. I ran to Hogwarts to find out what was going on." Jessica said, taking out the magic phone, and then Take out a mobile phone.

"I heard from Susan, what is this called 9800... I think Muggles can use it to communicate with each other. Can't you use alchemy to transform Muggle items?"

"Ah!" Rogge took it dully, seeing that his mother meant to let him use alchemy to transform a magic phone and contact him at any time in the future.

"I have to preview the textbooks for the new school year."

"Professor McGonagall told me that your homework is very good and you don't need to worry about the required courses."

"I have to modify our Polaroid so that it can take colorful photos."

"Don't worry, black and white magic polaroids are also very popular now."

"How about moving the books into the library first?"

"The bubbles have been taken care of, and the old houses over there will be razed tomorrow."

"The curse of the manor..."

"Sarah has already done it, and I have paid her the money. The forge is in the cave over there; Andrew told me that the pharmaceutical company you want to acquire will not be ready until September." Jessica told all the other things. , and asked him to modify his mobile phone so that he would not be able to find anyone again one day.

"How about playing auto-chess first?"

"Well... let's transform it together." Jessica hesitated, and she chose to want them all.

Under the loving care of his mother, Roger carried his eldest brother into the library. Heaven, earth, why can't he grow up quickly?

In the private library, Rogge was studying the Dragon Skin Scroll Book while dismantling the various communication tools he collected. There are not many communication tools in the entire magical world. Except for the common owls, most wizards will communicate through the Floo network.

Other communication devices include two-way mirrors and Gringotts typewriters. The former is like a video call and the latter is like an email. But it's hard to get, even Borgin and Rocopic can't get it.

In fact, making a magic phone call is not difficult. A few alchemical circles and magic runes composed of runes can make the call possible. What's really hard to do is avoid the effects of magic fluctuations.

Hogwarts is no different than other places. Young wizards practice spells almost every day. Coupled with the magic fluctuations in the castle itself, it is difficult to achieve voice communication.

"Let's chat by text first." Rogge thought of Hermione's magic coin, which was a one-way broadcast implemented by magic and could not be used for private chatting with each other.

He tidied up the workbench and carried the naughty Youmi out of the workshop.

The complete alchemy has four steps, absorption, black transformation, white transformation and red transformation. But that's used to make the Philosopher's Stone and the Potion of Immortality. Most alchemists spend their entire lives stuck in the second step, black transformation. The Philosopher's Stone pursued by the alchemist was created in the third step of white transmutation.

Rogge lit the magic flame and added basic gold, silver, mercury and sulfur into the crucible. Then, a special alchemical formation is drawn around the fire, corresponding to the stars.

As the alchemy circle emits light, the metal in the crucible begins to melt. Depending on the magic prop being created, other metals need to be added at this time. When they become molten, the surface of the molten liquid will appear black.

Rogge quickly poured it into the container to maintain its temperature and allow the metal inside to enter decay. While he was arranging the magic circle, he was inputting energy to keep it changing.

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